95 Soil Eval Form 2005 3. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page ! of 3 Date: Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal r i m m e d B y 40/901 S;492-efr7/ lizyfriCe ,y Date: IS/75— itnessed By: ---a.--/€14427-7??.,zzw-1,2 a.a.xY • ion Stenz .95" _,Tiives 4 neeme NO2 4,-.7,0 tasti ConstructOn 0 Repair 0 0—I Na 4/-)/cc- nrn to--, ?r c5/cti-e>-- /, A/02)1,1/21-rifi fflcSmvi a:dished Soil Survey Available: No El Yes a"--- ear Published Publication Scale ainage Class Soil Limitations irficial Geologic Report Available: No 0 'Yes ear Published -- cologic Material (Map Unit) inclform Publication Scale Y/a3t Soil Map Unit ood Insurance Rate Map: bove 500 year flood boundary No 0Th rithin 500 year4lood boundary No EN; 0 "thin 100 year flood boundary No Ell; 0 retland Area ational Wetland Inventory Map(map unit) retlands Consavancy Prop= Map(map unit) urrent Water Resource Con9ions(USGS): Month ange :Above Normal Normal 0Below Normal ther References Reviewed: DC AITROVICO FORM•MOOS Percolation 015/7a-PS .3sa _ 4'°8 feat No. ( leading Time saturatiiyyon( 15 min) 0,/f/ %R S z/3 - , ce6 Strri 'ere Rate ;o .5 1/ :round Elev. ! Iepth of Hole ,? 2 Teat Test No. Rending Dine Saturation ( 15 min) 131 /0 (1. Pere . Rate, Ground Blev. Depth of Role Cc4/55I5cJlce yy� ��. D/P ep Teat Plt/s 'set Pit /� �-/ f{i 4 L.—._ Teat Pit ;e th Soil Description Depth —e • ton e_mo"t l 0—/O 9r dte gY,^wtf,SCE r 1-49 d-/„7n Gtcn// Y9 acted rt Min/inch Soil Description ;roundwater Depth tt//%Elev. ;edrook Depth Elev. ;round Elev. p/ iu/T ;.0.S. Soil Descriptionfr Groundwater Depth. Bedrock Depth I /crcJ/n�°1G Ground Elev. ` -�/ Seasonal High .Water Table?/' ti° 60d" Elev. Elev. tench Hark: Elev. Description 'AMHENTS : Pu c / (late : Client : 44//y/or- 40 L CO is 4 7725 ✓ 1 Engineer: to ni Witness: / /x7.7-)71/F4[.1 Location of Pere : reyd/14 y 424)4( D,E FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST ocation Address or Lot No. 9S c ////,ES/`ZA-Le COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Nth/A- "k._, Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: 41/41.4 Observation Hole # rt/`/ Depth of Perc 6_,,, // Start Pre-soak 99 y End Pre-soak 3s0 -_ 4108 Time at 12" !/[pry W/1/ WD Time at 9" 4/0 Timeat6" it / a. O 0 /-/ time (9"-6") Z-/ o 3 , 6 Rate Min./Inch 6-2 O C//1-5S C 5o/L (cc ".Se%cra '/o V Ito/, • Minimum o percolation test must be per armed in both the primary area AND reserve area. its Passed erformed By: Vitnessed By: Iommenta• S Site Failed ❑ P-M7 3io cititt./s7-2/ Ai✓llmh/ 4,1/2-v77/ y'.E £ t 1/6‘..& 4T in/47x1/ 4Azt.� 111 bQ APPaoVi FORM-i21715 nation Address or Lot NO. . , (%).. - " y On-site Review /�/ / 0r 5-)07 oep Hole Number ._. O t l .— ikne //9/ j�O , W5 i _ an M _— C-00C 0C *tenon(Identify an on.Olan r /PG " lnnp / Ory n G p ((( land use ' / slope %1 Unlace stones .nd We_i. "• 1 slap.Ixt.. , surlsa sto • ' ornl /T(s.T _ . vxeu don / n441/41 esalnlon _ ! G ej l/ �. . - . Unarm Or J ne i)Q S f Ferro" °Son on landscape(sketch on the bed) j • , Mahlon on landscape HkHGex the bvH / tL .news.horn: / Distances Open'Water sady/''nn�� feet Unitas wW ='a•` Open Water Body Lr lest- Dtetxyi w _. lest Passible Wet Arsel -1x1. Prep.ny ux'._� bal Possible WeTAre�G0 : Ibt Property Line. -..__ lxt , Drinking Water Wall— lest Other DrinkinY W•tp WON _ / et Othw .:_-_�_: / /6A C /242/0/ �— I . . 0 . pEEW 08SEpVATION HOLE LOG' ,• DEEP.QSEBVATION I10LE LOGI ' B• oew One, a.IMob aJ Varlet Sall Taxon macaw aaa screw C..w..a.t py..e M1pn IN Mwnm IN leilue Soli GW ' •ea avlwalNJ.e1. IOWA WMa•N Mn.tll laa"nn.'a'wla.drvM an=tt..4 WapAll rM4eW 22nd Iaewuw mina.RM„y C..n..V.Y. -/o '✓ °' 6'it .. .1,440/0 /' Conelo �. 66 Cop es C, ' jo0 /� i° 4�G C / 3 i:cw i gar lso c4Er m cpJ 'ri s t i-c--P rxwaq o /C / .le cv •wwuw aaa IU. F Al kWRY OPOb O � d/(/1+� ......., tawpd elontl/'Iv// "tee 0./k/./.r , , ��fl�//i�y•newwYtvena J �% ii s Ws.* P Sn anal, ' voter ywtedn�HwaVe LarbgWwea.Nel. �ib'y WMN"meanlM1a.z ///C,�' Pre. .Mw.1.1 aWt1 W1tIbNlYw Wwea Sown.Iris ow+wwn, Sind 4.w tarn amw widen - ~ e> E iwr Ae/G r-k! Yd o y /�° • eW urx.xxe.r;wren .meow.oars , • Location Address or Lot No. yj FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page-3 of 3 cJ/L c•cef tnz9 /VP iCflr 71 ' 2 M Determination for Seasonal High. Water Table Method Used: pth observed standing in observation hole Li P : •th weeping from side of observation hole Depth to soil mottles inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Adjustment factor inches inches . iztr ID cc - iPC Reading Date Index well level Adjusted ground water level Death of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all. araas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on - J 9 (date) i -ve passed a soil evaluator examination approved by the epa mentof Enviro %ental rot titan and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with)t� rep ired raining, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15. 17 Signature ate 11/03- ars.u'rxev®IepM-itnrnf