125 Complaint Record 1995 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMTON !HN T.JOYCE,Chairman •NE BIJRES, M.D. ICHAEL R.PARSONS :TER J.McERLAIN, Health Agent March 22, 1995 Gerald Ranney Douglas Ranney 125 Sylvester Road Northampton, MA 01060 Gentlemen: MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)386-6930 Ext.213 An inspection in response to a complaint revealed that a large quantity of Brush and wood waste has been dumped on your property on Sylvester Road (Assessor' s Map 28, lot 19) . This condition violates Mass. General Laws Chapter 111, Section 150A and, also, is a public Health nuisance. Under authority of Chapter 111, Sections 123 and 150A of the Mass. General Laws, you are hereby ordered to: 1. immediately cease the dumping, 2. clean up and properly dispose of the dumped materials within five (5) days of the receipt of this notice. NOTE: Any usable fuel wood should be separated from the wood waste and properly stacked for long term drying. Failure to correct the above named condition will result in legal action being taken against you. Please contact the Board of Health Office if you have any questions concerning this notice. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Peter J. cErlain, Agent Northampton Board of Health PJMcE/cdh CERTIFIED MAIL # Z 343 788 881 n ci BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL, COMPLAINT RE RD Date: 3//7 ITime:: j Ma 34 / p: Parcel: /r Name of Complainant J. , t U_J u-'tc , ( k- Address: � Te• eo/C/ Nature of Complaint: '_ p 6y Location: /3-4- -'L Owner. A / / s_ . 7 j �.. _ Address: f�)r Tel: � � Taken by: " 'Date of Inspection: 'Time: /G:/Sup.. / INSPECTOR'S�R�EP�O/RT:6_ , Q�( graftk -1,61126 Action Taken: Cenx7f" d - O r' � C".._ Inspector Signature O