595 Emails 2007 Page 1 of 1 Ernie Mathieu From: Ernie Mathieu Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 1:47 PM To: 'Shauneen @gogginsrealestate.com': 'Shauneen @gogginsrealestate.com' Cc: Anthony Patillo Subject: 59 Sylvester Rd-Septic System Dr. Ms Shauneen Colcult, In review of the original application and septic system plan for the dwelling at 59 Sylvester Road, it appears the system was designed for a 3 bedroom dwelling with a garbage grinder(gg). The present system has a total leaching capacity of 495 gallons/person/day(gpd)(110gpd x 3 bdrms. + 165 for gg =495gpd). The system that was designed on the original plan is the system that was installed. If you wish to market the sale of this dwelling as a four bedroom dwelling here are the two options: 1). If the garbage grinder remains then the leaching field must be increased to account for the additional bedroom which is 110 gpd. Therefore, a revised septic system design must be drawn by a RE or an R.S. and submitted to this office showing the existing leach field and the addition to the leach field.The fee for submission of a new plan is$50.00. 2). If the garbage grinder is removed then the 4 bedrooms will total 440gpd and the system has a capacity of 495gpd, therefore, no addition to leach field will be required. However, it must be recorded in the deed of the property with the Registry of Deeds that use of a garbage grinder is prohibited in this dwelling and a copy must be filed with this office. Please call me at 413-587- 1213, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ernest Mathieu, Health Director Cc; Anthony Patillo, Bldg. Commissioner 3/30/2007 Ernie Mathieu From: Shauneen O'Donnell Kocot[shauneen @gogginsrealestate.com] Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 9:20 AM To: Ernie Mathieu Cc: shauneen @gogginsrealestate.com;Anthony Patillo Subject: Re: 59 Sylvester Rd- Septic System Thank you very much Ernie! Shauneen O'Donnell Kocot Goggins Real Estate Eight Main Street Florence, MA 01062 (413) 586-7000 ext. 27 > Dr. Ms Shauneen Colcult, >• In review of the original application and septic system plan for the > dwelling at 59 Sylvester Road, it appears the system was designed for > a > 3 bedroom dwelling with a garbage grinder (gg) . The present system has > a total leaching capacity of 495 gallons/person/day (gpd) (110gpd x 3 > bdrms. + 165 for gg =495gpd) . The system that was designed on the > original plan is the system that was installed. >• If you wish to market the sale of this dwelling as a four bedroom > dwelling here are the two options: >• 1) . If the garbage grinder remains then the leaching field must be > increased to account for the additional 4th bedroom which is 110 gpd. > Therefore, a revised septic system design must be drawn by a P.E or an > R.S. and submitted to this office showing the existing leach field and > the addition to the leach field. The fee for submission of a new plan > is $50.00. > 2) . If the garbage grinder is removed then the 4 bedrooms will total > 440gpd and the system has a capacity of 495gpd, therefore, no addition > to leach field will be required. However, it must be recorded in the > deed of the property with the Registry of Deeds that use of a garbage > grinder is prohibited in this dwelling and a copy must be filed with > this office. >• Please call me at 413-587- 1213, if you have any questions. >• Sincerely, >• Ernest Mathieu, Health Director