595 Applications & Permits THE GOMMON`NEALTH OF M SS^LTH S EA T .. BOARD OF H 7in OF_NQRTHAMF A.pplictttion for Disposal Thor ks &Instrnc#inn Permit or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal pplitation is hereby made for a Permit to Const.uc ( ) ( . a at: oca'on -Nddces Installer / Address i8() . .._............._..............._........ ... U -- -- Address ._._._. /, 3-. -..S4. feet Size Lot___.----- ✓)4ES Garbage Grinder ansion Attic ( )Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) �7 ._......._. _ - �yp 1..}._'_..7.. .__..gallons. .. Total daily flow -- Diameter Depth-- --- Diameter Width___ - - Total leaching area- - �' ft. Length sq. ft. ow inlet . �� Total leaching area $�PDate- .-.. '/�/ .. Depth to ground water-/✓ M ' Depth to ground water_fl Bxp • of Bunging No. of Bedrooms Lr o. of perso Dwelling— - - __. Other—Type of Building __. Other fixtures aliens per person per da ign Flow---------------------------------------- - - Length i -- allons gt po Tank—Liquid capacity-LS._- Total'\o - Width - - Diameter-- --- Depth bel posal Trench- - page str Ntio x -( Dosing tank ) -_... tier Distribution box ( ) Performed inc Depth of Tes rc 1 tton Test Results � er inch o a minutes p of Test Test Pit No. 1 es per inch Depth oil... ..__Sea) .___. ._.. minutes i Test Pit \0 2. __.__.-- escription of 5 --- Answer when applicable....... -- - - ..._. Repairs or Alterations .. ........................................... ._.. - Qature of Rep ................... - - --- _. ......................... - Sewage Disposal System in system with th Agreement: The mid- igned further agrees not to place undersigned agrees it install the tary Code The mid igned further j of the State Sanitary Code— ,oar of hlt the provisions ut of TITLE Compliance has been issued by t operation until a Certificate of amp �•igni ..4"/ / dna h. o _Y cl _ /7 ..._. � ate / Approved By. —.. ---- Applicatio.. APP ._...._. ._____.___ roved (or the fol owing +easans:. Application Disapp .-„-,_-.. ...... ._____._..__.... .......... _ __..... Issued.-...._..._.._{Dam _..... Permit No..-.....'.._ THE COMMONWEALTH FF HEALTH MASSACHUSETTS BOARD RD ._._...._.. Ct°rioFNoR>"NaMpT .__ .____ - - rani# Application for l3isposal rc larks &instruction Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or J •rat at: ............_- ....._.....—or Lot e%... ti - T L t Add - �� ---- 21;..1..r Size Lot. . . ... ...__.._......,...-- 'm.t,n`r Garbage Grinder rinder(feet �e of Building __.._.__Expansion Attic ( ) age Gri der ( ) Dwelling—No. of Bedingms__.....-.----..".... - No. of persons..................... Showers ( ............... e of Building .-_.__.__.._..._ _ y./ ._gallons. t Other fixtures --- Depth_..--- - gallons per person per day. Total daily ow.77(.4 ..... .. _._ ._ ci._.- sq.ft. sign Fiore--.._-_._ o.-capacity 5 Width Length...... . Width. ..._._Total leaching area...._........__ expos e Pit N Liquid tap ' ispage Trench—No..-._..._ Width...._._... Total Length _ eepage Pit No.__._.-.--.-_ Diameter....___.___. Defrrrpth below +det..._.d-� Total leaching Seaa................. l'��....... p Dosing tank 1�.:.) Date.- they Distribution box ( ) t/[fL._..-- water_.---P Performed u es per inch D. %.1-. . . Depth to ground ��-/U e ercolast Test Results minutes er inch Depth of Test it..�-I.y. ound water..!-!2- - Test Pit No. l.-.a:'-"' per to Test Pit No. 2__...._._._mtnutes p inch Depth of Test +t-� -----""". Depth Jeunpnon of Soil............... Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when.applicable ............. _ ...................................... ..-.._....__...___._.__.._.- .._______._..__.- � e Disposal System in accordance with Agreement: // system in The undersigned agrees to install the aforedesaibed hnedtnder6gn d further agrees not to place the sy Issued by the-Iioard,of heglth. _, . �. the provisions operation until of TITLE 5 of the State e haSanitary Code issued / �; operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been . ............ ... _.......__.__ Date! _ _+ 'Signed_........._......_.... mt. Application Approved By._......_.....__......._.__. . .........- Applitation Disapproved for the following reasons: .__._.__._.. - .."..'...."..._.-_..- f - Issued.._..............Date Permit No...........___=- THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH C,I oFNORTHAMPION ltT)i erlifirate of (ltontpliatut THIS IS TO -- Y, hat the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed (X) or Repaired ( ) •------------------------ ------- --- --'- i-44b t mcadidemacerca:m------- ran been installed in accordance with t provisions of TITLE 5 f he State Sanitary Code's de sc bed in the )lication for Disposal Works Construction Pennit No e..* ' dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE NSTRUED AS A GUARANT AT THE f STE TEM WILL F7CTIO7riT/BFACTORY. N --------------------- — ..............................._ Inspector........... ......... .. ..............................._............ THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH WY 0FINORTHANAP10,•N Fa—....:..2........._. Disposal n grits glonstrtulaut Derotit Permissionis hereby granted................i.................,..............................................................................................---- r.o Construct (,` ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Seviage Disposal System It No.................f....... ' , • . Street , as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No.................... Dated.......................................... Board of Health DATE.......................... ................................................. FORM 125 5 A. M. SULIKIN. INC.. BOSTON