361 Site Reviews I PERCOLATION TESTIS) Time: Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc z Depth of Perc 7s .Start Pre-soak s L,+- Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak - End Pre-soak 1/- Time all-2; S Time at 12" Time ate:" c 1 / I .� Time at 9' Time ale' l . , J Time at 6' Time(9'-6") - Time(9'-6') // Rate Min./Inch I I. / Rate Min./Inch 3'minimum of I percolation test must be perfomied in both the primary area AND reserve area. • • ' ior • • ' - . " - • Performed b af,; r L_1ee.,p Performed b Witnessed by , 1n9 � / q Witnessed by Comments: • On-Site Review tionAddress or Lot Date Engineering Firm ,ntity on Site Plan Land Use Vegetation lyV__ n' Owner S-iP.rP c. t}) Address Weather ?pth from ice(Inches) Soil </ Time FNr Soil Mottling Engineer or Sanitarian pi �" ,_ ir" �t Slope% Surface Stones Landform on on Landscape /pen Water Body ossible Wet Area feet feet DIstanfes from: Drinking Water Well Drainage Way feet eet Property Line: Other fee fee p Hole#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA :pth from ce(Inches) ?pth from ice(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munsell) Soil Mottling Other (Structure.Stones, Boulders,Consistency.%Gravel) I - Ell-2 7 r " 1, ,7l It Material(geologic) l - _ - - r to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Weeping from Pit Face I _. it Material(geologic) Depth to Bedrock h to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Weeping from Pit Face [ _�1 <—s'-- Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water _, p Hole #: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA :pth from ce(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) i-- __-) �v Soil Color (Munsell) 1t Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders,Consistency, oh.Gravel) ' ___ It Material(geologic) Depth to Bed pelt r to groundwater. Standing Water in the Hole Weeping from Pit Face I _. Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: Time: Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 12" Time at 9' Time at 9° Time at 6' Time at 6' Time(9"-6°) Time(9"-6") Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Performed by Witnessed by Comments: IPerformed by I Witnessed by I /4 n - Title 5 - Site Review Address or Lot ft C r Owner 5 !p� —,, -t i Time f Owner's Address _ 3 & I I (l/ / ' oi g --5-// ' from Soil Har¢on Weather - Phone ti Use Soil Texture (USDA) di %Slope Surface Stones L I l) `∎:' 1O id /y V station ,,,r ,._ .0 Start Time CI/30 4-- idform mon Landscape(sketch rater Body on the bark) feet Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time feet Property Line feet e Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet 41 I Weeping from N Fare DEEP ole#: *MINIMUM OF —0-4- ca-- DEEP e#: I — I 'MINIMUM OF OBSERVATION TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT Sod Color (Munsell) HOLE LOG* EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL Soil Mottling AREA from Soil Har¢on Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders.Constency,%Gravel) MI ewes) Sun Horton Soil Texture (USDA) " I C12 �i L 50-144 S L I l) `∎:' 1O 1> ) c7' C /y 3 I Dephto Bedrada I I Standing Water m the Hole I Depth to Bedrock I Weeping from Pit Face - ater Seasonal HO Ground Water Mabial(geologic) Standing Water in the Hole 41 I Weeping from N Fare I /r/O /.I K' anti.'to groundwater. Estnated Seasonal High Ground Water T 2) ,. DEEP ole#: *MINIMUM OF OBSERVATION TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT Soil Color (Munsell) HOLE LOG* EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL Sol Molding AREA Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders,Consistehcy,%Gravel) from Soil Har¢on Sot Texture (USDA) Indies) 117 "qto) I Dephto Bedrada I I Standing Water m the Hole I Weeping from Pit Face - ater Seasonal HO Ground Water / 1 :s PERCOLATION TESTIS) Time: Time: — Observation Hole #1 Observation Hole V 51 #2 Depth of Perc ��.,,pp /,f Depth of Perc Jw! d Start Pre-soak 1 f 9 Start Pre-soak 1 ,k� End Pre-soak L End Pre-soak 3 Time atric I/ ; I r Time at 12" D d Time at •' /) 3 i Time at 9" Time at 6" p 5 1 Time at 6" Time(9"—6") /Uj z Time(9"-6^) Rate Min./Inch Rate Min./Inch 'minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the prima area AND reserve area. • • • • Performed b Witnessed by Performed by Witnessed by Comments: dress or lot N NORTHAMPTON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5 - Site Review Time Owner's Address Owner Weather Phone Use form ta Slope Surface Stones station landscape(sketch on the ter Body Wet Area feet fee Distances Drinking Water Well Drainage Way Stet Time Stop Time 30 4- feet Property Line feet Other feet fee L V Soil Horizon y DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* 'MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Soil Texture Sod Color (USDA) (Munsete )C„j_. I (SWdure,Stones,Boulders,Consistency,%Grovel) afria (geobgic) I Ph to gmun&Rater. Sanding Wader in the Hole Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water LI Deppto Bedrock Weeping from Pd Face Ill le#: DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA om aches) dTe are (USDA) l) Mo Other (SW Wre,Stones,Boulders.GorStency %Gravel) t Matta!(geoldgk) I Depth to groundwater Standing Water in the Estimated Seasonal Hqh Ground Water Depth Bedrak I weeping from Pit Face K�o2 !IC7a iitii, ,v rhz , e otr. :) IMEMMINEENWRIMI PERCOLATION TEST(S) Time: Time: — Observation Hole Observation Hole #2 Depth of Perc 56 ,i Depth of Perc Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak ! ®illiall Ende at 12' II :3 Y Time at 12' ® Time at 9' � Time Time at 6' iii Time(S'-6') �� i G Time (9'-6 ) ® M Rate Min/Inch —�.....•.uue Performed b Witnessed by ® Performed b Witnessed by Comments: ■ TON BOARD of HEALTH- Title 5- Site Review dress or Lot# I7D��� r r a Owner 9 ///,,, ��� I�� ' Time a owners Address -� N..� , L , r, ,, r' / -.).2247. �.. , • Sod Tetbre (USDA) Weather Phone# I Use NJ"5'S ,f,,j,- 7.Slope Surface Stones i form 51 LII2 V station Start Time on Landscape(sketch en the back) Distances Drinking Water Well Stop Time ; 6 feet Property Line feet ter Body feet Wet Area I feet Drainage Way feet Other feet M bbl iidwalex.I Water In the Hde Estimated SeasaW High time eff. �2— dies) Sod Horton DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MHRMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sol Tarim Sal Color (USDA) (Mosel)) Sd (Seucire,Stones.Bouloess Conaatency,%Gravel) ply (q is) I pth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Depth to Bedmd I Weepbg from Pe Face DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* #. I •MINIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Soi HOrimn Sod Tetbre (USDA) Soi Color )Mundt) Sal Mottling Otlier (Structure,Stones,Beuldere.Cons. Gravel) es) ) A i'A i / 51 LII2 ) 5 p ti DapN b Bedrock I M bbl iidwalex.I Water In the Hde L, Wee::i:from Pit Face I /t0_0 Estimated SeasaW High time eff. �2— dies) Sod Horton DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG* *MHRMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Sol Tarim Sal Color (USDA) (Mosel)) Sd (Seucire,Stones.Bouloess Conaatency,%Gravel) ply (q is) I pth to groundwater. Standing Water in the Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water Depth to Bedmd I Weepbg from Pe Face