198 Application & Permit 2015 COMMONWEALTH Of MASSACHUSETTS /V Board of Health, d/477 Y»//0/CM )MA. CATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT o Construe f RepairC) Upgrade Abandon( ) -,Complete System ❑Individual Components FEE (!3D ti Sink se of Building g/c�'1/7//f-1 r in e /ioin e /5����G d ra elling-No.of Bedrooms VI✓ aer-Type of Building V '/ sign Flow (min.required) J/O k 4e gpd Calculated design flow T 90 Design flow provided �AO gpd m: Date 670Z/20 CC Number�offt sheets / Revision Date n le ,rA:Af c: s y5-n- / ' /✓'e5/4,c) %-V 2 /Ida r /rs/7/rsr/i scription of Soil(s) ett9c %�rrA N/S4 ` ,L/ 9& stye_kt/ /Vi2 ' II Evaluator Form No. // Name of Soil EvaluatorLc)J C5 ' L/� 'kte of Evaluation 3/i y/eoci coximeTf/ nSON J O Conott4 9/3 Sb3 X39 2// 3 297 97oe [ 8)r.0 Q00�s p Garbage Lot Size a. 5 75 ffe grinder '` ' (Sn%.f/6['C G%4/%% r 1'L' No.of persons V Showers (µCafeteria yy+/, her Fixtures /CC?l-L iq rn % 3SCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS re undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and rther es of to p ce e system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. gned Date OS spectious oration /240,ge ( 41,17//57-4 Oner's Name %ii /L/Z ,€ i/5i 74 77 lap/Parel# /9B ,vLVFsi224 uAnn + u Address (Cis 5 (C rhfl I Q U/2_ .ot# /U%nA/�/I/p O`) w,Y z% Tele hone� 9/9 -3b0 /S'7o astaller's Name Designer's Name JJ/LL,/' 44 V St/UJ1 tddress Address /e OtPOr toA,d 14445C z-A: -/L r 7-r- 'elephone# Telephone# j 4 rlf9 /3/ 7 se of Building g/c�'1/7//f-1 r in e /ioin e /5����G d ra elling-No.of Bedrooms VI✓ aer-Type of Building V '/ sign Flow (min.required) J/O k 4e gpd Calculated design flow T 90 Design flow provided �AO gpd m: Date 670Z/20 CC Number�offt sheets / Revision Date n le ,rA:Af c: s y5-n- / ' /✓'e5/4,c) %-V 2 /Ida r /rs/7/rsr/i scription of Soil(s) ett9c %�rrA N/S4 ` ,L/ 9& stye_kt/ /Vi2 ' II Evaluator Form No. // Name of Soil EvaluatorLc)J C5 ' L/� 'kte of Evaluation 3/i y/eoci coximeTf/ nSON J O Conott4 9/3 Sb3 X39 2// 3 297 97oe [ 8)r.0 Q00�s p Garbage Lot Size a. 5 75 ffe grinder '` ' (Sn%.f/6['C G%4/%% r 1'L' No.of persons V Showers (µCafeteria yy+/, her Fixtures /CC?l-L iq rn % 3SCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS re undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and rther es of to p ce e system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. gned Date OS spectious 7 FEE(//{57; 5 COMMONW£ALTII OF MASSACHUSETFEE(//{57; Board of Health, O IL/74 d , MA. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: U Individual Component(s) }l Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Dis osal System; Constructed ( ).Repaired y),Upgraded SO,Abandoned( ) / / at /12-7;c in cc J/ Pr- i. c� has been tolled in accordance with the prordsiops of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating application No. .;(o'4-' F . dated 4/ la 1/h . Approved Design Flow 'J(gpd) Installer 'OA/ i ,t, .1� 7�1fJ �tLi i f Inspector: Date: Designer: �'iinI /i (E ���- The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. /�'' No.;110 J FEE 1/7// COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Health,_ ,/ 7/Jt /r,/%%//A./ . AM. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Permission is hereby grante to; Construct( Repair Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal sys //cQj as described in the application at 1,i 7/Le° f,`/ /ALr! / -W5 6 ,dated 6;7 . Disposal System Construction Permit No. Provided: Construction shall be completed within tt/ree years of the date of this permit All local ggnditions must he in Form 1255 w..5/96 AM.Sulkin co.wrimeasnaA Date 47;7y7/9 Board of Health -A--- _