198 Letters 2015 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS:Joanne Levin, MD, Chair—Donna Salloom—Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD William Hargraves—Cynthia Suopis, PhD STAFF:Merridith O'Leary,RS, Director Daniel Wasiuk, Inspector Edmund Smith, Inspector—Lisa Steinboek RA',:Nurse s /geile ,r, Fe eat/ ant rr, AA D/060 ye gait), e 6716 515,ifil /or, / /7s? Z,E.7 4 A), / fig, /5 4,74O,or /S, Se/c ,5y,5/4/n /A Woe /4J Cot/ e CiT2i /� L :4;o7Oii//1?e / &c., C" 5/0 CMP /fg . ea. .5e C-0424.6 / me ,51011/0‘) Neel 4 5c(J5S r"ii 5 7frlot ,vceye /, 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph (413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 William J. 413-549-1817 Iliam J. Sieruta, P.E Depot Road verett.MA. 01054 : City of Northampton/Board of Health City Hall Annex/Main Street Northampton,MA. 01060 ly 3, 2015 ibject: As built inspection Mark Bashista 198 Sylvester Road Northampton, MA. 413-627-7244 Sieruta, P.E. An "as built" inspection was completed for the subject septic system. The system is in compliance with 10 CMR 15.0 and all local board of health regulations. If you have any questions or need any further :formation,please do not hesitate to contact me. 'ery truly yours. lottauvrr--9 4.464-5 e- Villiam J. Sieruta,P.E. 2c: Mark Bashista WJS:mbs Terms: Balance due upon receipt of invoice. Finance charge of 1.5%per month will accrue on unpaid balance over 30 days and attorney fees incurred for collections.