256 Septic Inspection 2002 OFFICIAL INSPECTION SUBSURFACE Property Addresr DEC - 5 2E:^`? NOr*NdUION BOND OF 11BAUH UNTARY ASSESSMENTS STEM FORM Owner's Name: BARRY LUSTIG'_� .. Owner's Adds.":_JANA, Date of Inspection: 1211:m2 Name of Inspector:. Company Name Mailing Address: P.O. Tdephoae Number. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify the:nave peepnslli is true accurate and complete, experience in the inspector pursuant '. Impe¢tt The system within 30 dayeof the inspector. should be sent to the Notes and Comments and that the information reported below wasperfo®ed based on my training and I ant a DM approved system 'Approving Aothmity Nadi arDPP) aOO argrater. -The original a�rloority ' This report only describes does not address condition of we at that time.This inaction —..4N COO gosofma Page,2 of I I Property Address:. Owner:. . Date d Inspection S.nax : Cheek System tam: 1/ I have $1 310 OAR 15.304 wet. ia310 4 13.303 Comments: N.. I 14.e.': 1 Sf' '..el l B. System Condielonally:Rims: _ One or more system components system,uponcompkdonotthp sr4ion need to be replaced or repaired.The OHS will pass. Answer yes,no or not The 8:1000tl exhibits mbstendat replaced with a •A metal septic indicating that the tank is If soot determiner please explain. or not)is Wu gaily unsound, will pass inspection if the adpiog tank is ifa Certificate ofCompliance ND explain: _ Observation of obstructe*$ ($) BOIS OMAN: NI)explain: The sy if digdngko box due to broken or kupedion if(with:approval of ),The system will pan ND explain:... Page 3 of 11 ProParil Wale: Owner.LUSTIG r_ Date of Lupeetioa:_12/02/02 C. !Nether EvWd sb3erpine 4Ytis Conditions eat whidtte ate flnthm. failing to pitted public health,&Any.or the 1. System will pus system is nel _ Cesspool or Cesspool or The sr0sth tos .. °"`". , 's mO SAS is within 100 feet of a suffice wa _ Thesyatm huaaaptinNnkadd SAS . - - I of public water supply. _ The system has a septic talc and SAS and .50.Set of a private water supply well. The system hasaol !cta*ipd . wd- y' '100 feat but SO feet ermore from aprivate water apply wells.,Method . T i d rs',-,^ ,4"1,14,:t4 wig 31 "£ tav-n r rP air a9 wee nqb auttanop of ggaH�pawgoqtamuoa �.. �.`.`. tom?';,?+.+^ •r':� M� oit pagspwp to lend tu0W0 amhgataiga NIJOv' art „.,-:�., Y . p rSulu.ata pu:-auia : 9taga�tgi1 �� `. tatpo allalld llatin aaps0.4 .10P-A`. t A4 z — 'pare6 t� 1/ — . .�r — -togemis f..w. o.`" ..—�� ' hml : bg m E•�` .. . ,. .� � a ,t A-• .•,S, y1Nta0A • M aaltos 114114 •a ZO/!_oaI aan2Odw1JO Oita � Y3> —ours al--:ammo ' `' —cantssaviS rig •a�PPV[laada�d Jo V°91€1 Page 5of11 Propertyk Date of 7eepee1ent Cheek if the folkwi6p= ' . "" `.. fo eftba.8oikwing: Yee No ✓ - Pumping information was provided by Were any of the System components - Has the system remivad normal ✓ Haw iargs what,Ofwwppcbs _ Were ahnk +Rtharf ✓ — wama¢ril µg" ✓_ Wa the aiotpr61a0 sG were all system Z. Woods baffles or tees,matauel�, Board of Health two weeks period y eras pan of this inspection not available note as NIA) otthetank inspected for the condition of the sludge and depth of scum with Want=al*pow The size and laeetlojla Yes no _ Existing on the site has been determined based on: eppineimation of distance is unacceptableY • Page 6 of II Property Address: Owner. Date silupp RESIDENTIAL Number of bedrooms(deo* DESIGN fow tuS 0104041t kS Number ofautat residents: .j. m):. Does residence have a garbage grinder(yea a Is laundry on at amte Seasonal use:(yaea. Watts meter loadings,. Sump Pump(yes or no):J Last date of ocaoey ): S25_ required] TYPI Daeiw*1 Earia ot�e Grease trap Nor a nitary Water meta madiPr Last date ofc _.. OTHER(deaaihe): Pumping Records Source of. Was syeters Pumpedee If yes,volume pumped:• Reason for pumping;. ... An OF SYSTEM 4_kink Inni‘ OvergowcasaPPal -Privy:,_. Shand eql lI rI 6' t : tC1.1:1 •wrir"3444;4141tr ilsaasmined? PLAN &O.H. fro aMtmct(to be obtained age]of 11 OFFICIAL. Property Addres Owner: Lingle Date nspethen:_ BUILDING SBWB*(loclaton Depth Comments(m SEPTC TANK:—( ?a Depth below wade: Material await _odta(eetd^) If tank is metal tiet rNmenuimc:10'9 Shades depth MANX**Ca 041140* Scum tAaekaieaor Y Distance from top or RiSta ace from bottom How were dimension!.. Commenta(on pumping. related to outlet lees (yes or oo): (amp a ropy ofeatitkate) condition.structural integrity,liquid levels as KRUASEIRAP: Death below Wadi Material of c . :_ (explain): Dimensions: Scum thinks .,..,.; Distance ige 13,of I1 -reperq MOWS Chimer: LVSTWG_ Date eflpedeo:__.1bOt1>12 :..; -o splan) TIGHT orHOFBHlG'T —(t+l . ;+ xr Depth grade: s ,. _other(eaplain) Materiel of construction: concrete ° �a< Dimensions: C' '— —Woo Design Flow: Alarm present s or no): Alarm level. m in working o (yes or o0) Date of last pumping._-- Comments(condition of alarm and Boat matches,etc.): DISTRIBUTION"HORN ,.brp' umtb°. Depth of liquid level above Coed gat"ifboxit into or out of box,etc)• of solids carryover.any evidence of l dune 'x'e �riR N ✓xk f� 'c11$1 vy?�' r`Y` °l :AAPId • , pvtQ , aaC' •edpunN cgs=tosderosl 4-woassza (.gdstn.s ^ t kr • rah a 6 ti ,, __ x— g a: rudest 144. .sys� x—; :(sys);calms Noltanosav uos 004nbals. .„ :wpslh.Ia st•Q Dusty! =woo ramanola $ .1t13.6 d [4 r � h. to , Y '2.4. ;i, .yy�� Ra g'k S 't- - -v•-•:... lf €. .... xxg b f :- ) : 1r R is ,.. f .v 'F`� E• 3 4 r ;' ?t■il=' • c '...4-.:- a - v e § c% lit'':.; SL t . ' zez P`?.'r 9 r., �i.. x f'P. R a' x yto nNemPae „ ga i- , =:r; salMa Q p Wd "� 'r ATE EXAM tope Surface water Check cellar Shallow wells Estimated depth to ground water SE.' feet used to detem ins the i spar elevation: gleam indicate(check)all methods plan reviewed: _ Obtained from q 6d BAS) =_Ogierved she( Checked with kmel i4 Checked AcceSS � You moat*oaths bow 0+00 0+20 04-to 1+20 1+40 1+60 A 1+80 shawl l on Pin via.assured � y ei THM TIM - tv of - 412' / ynpya n Pia rhea.mu 3 Leachng Trenches (upper one shwn) I - 410' y ; )5' Log X 2' Wide X 1' Below Inlet $ 130.5' of 4' Pipe Between Septic Tank and D-Box _ qpg• S' Plpe S=2% Existing Ground Line 4 s=rr. M / 2' of va z• 0+00 0«26 / —rwx --_-s one - 406' Hort.{/ , 407.5' 406.9F' _ 0+365 ---T ,66.)13 J 1+17 4' Perforated Pipe y Sep sta. 405.17' 1 5=0.5% 3 '^ 1+96 404' Tank 1L 3/4'-t 1/2' 1+96 ' .•.•....Hi/ 1+19 N2 4053p- 405.31' Washed Stone 1+96 tN OF 1+21 402' Y"' q• 403.93' ,ci0I0 4'''' i i 403.93 pre 'a o ¢ c: 1 Water Table oa RS. at 399.93' 0•3 3 w r F A' :''9sik • *' Construction Notes 1. Septic tank should be Inspected R20' R10' A CIO' L20' Lao' L40' SPECIFICATIONS and pumped anuolly. 408' ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION MUST BE 2. Inlet and outlet tees must Existing Ground IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMONWEALTH OF extend 14' and 24' below the flow >2' Line MASSACHUSETTS DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL line respectively, PROTECTION STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE 3. Topsoil and subsoil must be 2' T- TITLE 5. removed to a distance of 10' I Calculations around system 13.6' i 404' For a 5' 4 For a 5 bedroom house with a garbage PROFILE 4, grinder a capacity of 825 h gal a G. T Designed ATI SYLVESTER RD. Mi RiHAMPTON MA 6' Slope CalMatiwn 402' 3 Leaching trenches 75'L X 2'W X 1' Slope X 150 = Distance below inlet (effective depth). Hp FNbz Enterprises, Inc For.Kevin Oita 4' 1/12.5 X 150 = 12' 8 min/Inch with a percolation rate to of 69 Pelham Rd. xaCar Plm NA 01039 B nm/Inch with a sidewall and bottom Amherst MA 01002 400' loading factor of 125 and 0.63 gal/sq.ft. (413) 2566-6000 respectively. SCALE' NOk 1'N0D' Water Table Slderal•6 sidesOS'X19L25 gal/sq.ft. = 5625 gal 0ra BP P. Poioc •OR 1•H3.0• 39E' Hottom'3 bottons()5'X2').63 gal/sq.ft. 283.5 gat FyER 3 d 3 Total' 846 gal. 20 April. 1990 1 4 Property Line IP Found Pil110' 73' r NOTES Existing I L TBM IS TOP OF WELLC420') TBM I 50, HWSE i 15W 1, Septic Tank 200' OFOTHERLEACLH AREA AT I + / THE TIME OF SURVEY. I / / I IP Found 126, 'f!'s.. -r 1 f I 6. I I jt a,. I })�/ I j LEGEND 170'\7•b/1k4 1 ,t \4' jaj, OPT PERCOLATION GEN TEST Li 11 I tl/+ 11 Alt DEEP TEST PIT A i \ I + Distribution Box /SO k4f„ �� CONTOUR S ! 1 ! ! I fr - 1 1 1 I I q Y � - 1 ! 1 I 1 j I 3 Leaching Trenches i 1O4 R'' 1 1 r 1 1 1 ea ! 1 1 I 1 I ! 75' Long x 2' Wide X 1' Helow inlet % + II 1 4' Separation Between Trenches '^.,,• *•..•'• 1 f 1 1 �;e 1 1 1 1 / / ++II 1 I 7 r / / *Pj± / 1 1111 / M(i� !1 7 Reserve DETAIL OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM 11 1 11 111 r �1 + ATi SYLVESTER RD., NORTHAMPTON, MA CU o c o In nut RRRRPFa¢ we FORS KEVIN OTTO + 69 PELHNI RR 2 CIDER MILL RD. a a a a ANeMST M. M042. HHYDENVILLE, MA 01039 d13 3256-003:1 DRAWN BY P. RQUS SCALD CAP 19 IPR33951) PAGE t IT 3 1 1 P • 384.03' 25925' I I o en 0 19543' 1.0T 1 I co co I 8.97 ACRES t ca (390,733 SOFT.) 3044, v, w o t- rn LOCUS OF DETAIL PAGE 2 °o W ui > n J y ,a',t �OG`'. 1004.65'04.65' ° n z •'SA Plan aDJ' c•n• •- Alta o the ' F I q l:.dsn^ o°lcww subject to the follow •• LOCUS OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IIIEMZU liMaintal s ct as