231 Application for Well Permit 2013 BOARD OF HEALTH City of Northampton APPLICATION FOR A WELL CONSTRUCTION rmit Number (TO BE ASSIGNED BY BOARD OF HEALTH) I4ee $50.00 placation must be accompanied by a scaled plot plan, produced by a civil engi er or registered an showing the minimum distances required in Title 5 of the State E • tal Code. For new ction, requiring a septic system, the septic system plan submitted for the property in compliance e 5 requirements will be acceptable if the proposed well location is included. [Lion is hereby made to construct( )or repair (C)a private well. s ame 1/4-/Q-1,crRt ess cc■cv Nln :ate, Zip Code a\ (3 Date (BSC- 35161 Telephone Number m of Proposed Well sent from address) Tax Map q Parcel ti k\tb\\\k tiller(submit evidence of valid state registration) ew construction: Septic system plan complies with Title 5: Septic system plan shows location of well: Conservation Commission Approval (SLaVallev( northamntonma.aov) yes (n O o ( ) n/a( yes ( no n/a( ) ew, repair or location to leach field, septk_tank oreify sewer: A scaled well construction plan has been submitted:yes ( )no ( ) n/a ( ) t4 6(C of Applicant e Mail Application to: tmpton Board of Health ain Street tmpton, MA 01060 ,_a,\_ ,� Date t CO FLETED BY BOARD OF HE L H 5 Permit expires on: issu d (date) w! 4.51d1 (One year from date of issuance)