207 Soil Eval Forms 2002/03 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 of 3 Lard +o +Inc nor+t,, of Location Address or Lot No. Z07 Cylvesle/ Road On-site Review Deep Hole Number I P" / Date: M•EcH Location (identify on site plan) Land Use ✓-(c Jo( Slope Vegetation CTrasseS , P'.,<. Og k Landform 01-0{wy5L.- PI^`^ Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body 200 t feet Possible Wet Area 2430+ feet Drinking Water Well 2m+ feet 2-DJ 14°7- Time: 9 o (%) Z-3 Surface Stones Weather 5;70 w, 30s Mah/ 43‘)(de es Drainage way 2DO+ feet Property Line -1 Be let feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth(torn Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munselg Soil Mottling Other (Structure,Stones, Boulders, Consistency. % Gravel) 0 - 7 " A 45L IOYR3/1 Mont. TriAW< <r....-.b qkrH6i- 7' 1Z " -8/'W SL IoY25/� N PAC triable , to- 20/ frcaveI 2Z - 120 " C 9 5 I oYA5/3 NJ nit �oo5er 5rn9(e y ra in So yo yr. v<I� co Lb l. S C - ....... M.... a uric ca. ucnInuw AT ivtHY PH87155115UIPO5AL AHLA - Parent Material (geologic) OO+wcs S L Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: Estimated Seasonal High Grouts Water: 120 1/ 1 DepthtoBedrock 30 AC- Weeping from Pit Face: Norte None.. DEP APPROVED FORM. (2107/95 MILLTDWN BNVBtONIMATAL CONSULT! P. O.BOB 226 NORTH HATFIELD,MA 01066 (413)347-5464 No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Date: Commonwealth of Massachusetts �o✓#%a Mp�„ , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal Performed By: /V lnn,,k 1 "°'"'P50„ Witnessed By: Pt ice- Mc Fro Date: //4,-41 tan - Lenten wales w, Pro.eriy -f+. 44e. nn,d-h of 207 Sy/Vs$+er Road Vasty Construction ERepair ❑ D•"a+,Wx. Mark LA ✓4 (ley Wet.and ^J Tekgent1 Z07 Sylve$4ar /[°9Q I Florence Al 0106z 586 - 3779 Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Year Published Drainage Class Yes LO 1951 Publication Scale I : 15846 FeeeerveLt___ Soil Limitations Pee' F- I4P-✓ Surficial Geologic Report Available: No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published __,.._.:..._ Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑Yes ❑ Within 500 year flood boundary No 0-Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No 'Yes ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Publication Scale Soil Map Unit G- Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month ✓=e6 . 2002... . .... Range :Above Normal ❑Normal 0 Below Normal Q" Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FORM.12/07/9 HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P. 0. BOX 226 NORTH HATFIELD, MA 01066 (413)247—5464 FORD? 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORD Page 2 of Land 4-o +l+c rear+k of Location Address or Lot No. Z07 SyIJesicr Rood On-site Review Deep Hole Number 11 "3 Date: M•rck 20,1(02 Time: 1D:10 Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Feld Slope (%) Z-3 Vegetation Grasses , Pne , Oa Ic Landform .04 {wAS‘.-... Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body 20°1 Possible Wet Area 2°04 Drinking Water Well 200+ feet feet feet Surface Stones Drainage way 2°D + feet Property Line To&rat feet Other Weather Sow, 30s Met Ai -Bat)la.,5 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Tenure (USDA( Soil Color (Munich) Soil Morning Other (Structure.Stones,Boulders, Consistency, % Gravel) 0 -7 u A cSL 101R 3/1 Nenc TriA6le cr.....-.L ,4br164- 7-21 II BW Si_ IoYAS//o fJone trfo6le., W- Zo/ yravcl 21-120 l 9 5 IoYAS/3 Nipple loose, Siny(e grain So% yravel, COLLteS f bo..(deri --- .1.n15rnlslnc r tin 1.(111114 A I k Clty YMDYU$EU DISPOSALAREA - Parent Material Ige logic) O V+was k Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole' Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 120rr-le DE?APPROVED FOMat- t2107/55 I\lonc DepthtoBedrock: Weeping horn Pit Face: None t.I6ne MILLTDWN ENVLRONNZNTAL CONSULT, P. O.POE 226 NORTH HATFIELD,NA 01066 013)247-5464 FORM I • SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 2 of 3 Land +G 44c nar+h 6T Location Address or Loc No. 207 SyWestet_Reod On-site Review 2- Date: 1\14"gI W)1101-W)1101- Time: Deep Hole Number I�r tf�" Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Fie I d - Slope MI Vegetation G-raSS" , P;nc 0g k Lendform . O� w4$ Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body 200 t feet Possible Wet Area 7-004- feet Drinking Water Well 4004- feet Depth from Soil Horizon Surlsce (Inches) ,; 4b 2-3 Surface Stones Drainage way 290T feet Property Line r Br-flit feet Other Weather Sow, 30s. nnr -Boy fiche r5 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Soil(USDA) (Munsell) Soil Monling 5L SL IO TR3/2 Nonc Other (Structure.Stones. % Boulders. Consistency, Gravel) 'Fr Cyvr.+6 ,gbrs. 64- 04.54 Nonc -Pria6le , w . ZOY 5eon I -- --- .—.r-II. s-- - -- .e • •- . -:—i . • . • • - - A ,n i W s L Depthto&6rock: 1` 1 Depth OGro fldW ogid ••! Weeping horn Pit Face: we Nonc D th Gr ndwater Standing Water in the Hole: �� Estimated Seasonal High Ground Waters i /+ PEP APPROVED FORM•11/07/fl MILLTOWN SNVMozasrNTAL CONSULTING P. 0.10X 226 NORTH HA SPLlLD,MA 01066 (413)24T•5464 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TES Location Address or Lot No. LZo- S° lve` er RA of i ve 5}e,� ($oqd COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS No'f1'ampia•■ , Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: .r,'acck 20, 2.002- Time:, Observation Hole # Depth of Perc P- 1 P- 2- P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak Time at 12" Time at 9" Time at 6" 40" 4Z " 40" 4 1" 45 " 43 " 9: 37 9.55 10: 21 10:32 I I :04 9:52 to:lo 1036 1o;47 II , lq 11 :26 9;52 1040 10 ;36 10 :47 11 : 19 II ;26 9;57 1013 ID :40 1o; 50 11;23 1110 Time (9"-6") lo ;o( long 10:4.4 10 ;54 II 27 11 :35 Rate Min./Inch 4- mod £ t-1J ( MINI 4MW 9-Mw S MW < Z < 1 Z < Z < Z < Z Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed " Site Failed ❑ Performed By: Nark I 'lDmps-oh Witnessed By: Pe far I " ,CErla�� Comments• . IRecon,,.,.rd 4-Lc ._ y;€ °C ,n k DEP APPROVED FORM-I2/O7N5 HILLTOWN EN[TOIOSE TAL CONSUL: P 0.BOX 126 NORTH HATFIELD,MA 01066 (413)147-5464 Location Address or Lot No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Land -fn nor+ts of 207 Sylvastt RA. Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches 120+ [Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches [Depth to soil mottles f2-°-r,. inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level .... Adjustment factor . Adjusted ground water level De th of Natural) Occurrin Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? *5 If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification I certify that on 4-29-97 (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Npartment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me is consisten t 7 t with the required training, expertise and experience described in Signature DEP APPROVED FORM-12/01/95 Date 3-20-02- HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P. 0.BOR 226 NORTH HATFIELD,HA 01066 (413)247-5464 • Mey... L(r.��.v41lley Sy1Ves4cv- k'044) Flefence. On-Site Review On-Site Review Deep Hole Number <V- I Date: May f Zoo3 Time Z:00 Deep Hole Number 1 V-Z Date:Mar S,ldoj Time Z: 45 Weather 1-le ay 70° Weather Location (idengy on site plan) Location (identify on site plan) Land Use Field Slope (%) z -3 Land Use ri o l d Slope(%) ■ -Z- Surface Stone Milt..Y B...t4a s Surface Stone Maw./ Bo„tde.-s Vegetation: Vegetation: lNki+c rim<-, Maple Pir,e_ vv)aple 9vasse3 Landform: Landform: C tjc L, PIa4", au+wa.t, Pi4:,,. Position on Landscape(sketch on back) Position on Landscape(sketch on back) Distances from: Distances from: Open Water Body ZZ IO' feet Drainageway OD . feet Open Water Body 220 feet Drainageway I oo+ feet Possible Wet Ares Zto' feet Property Liner 8.$4 feet Possible Wet Ares Z10 feet Property Line 50± feet Drinking Water Well 1503- feet Other Drinking Water Well 1500 feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG depth From soli horizon soil teethes soil odor soil n,onung other depth Iron, soil horizon soil Sure soil color sa mottling an„ surface CJSDA) Penn.O (structure.stones,boulders) P os ace (USDA) Worn** I (structure,Pones,boulders (inches) Consistence %graver Gashes) ) 04 A A r+ FmPeuiwv % PSL !Glitz/a_ None laes<er.....ls D -S" A �'SL I6I11.3/Z Norte toosc,c-r)mb c, - 13 Bw 1,5 loK5/4 None faille., SoxJr..IC1 S -IC $v+ L S toy&SA i Norte rr able, "� q So%3 t..v.l 13- 132" Cam' 9S Iou4/3 Nent Isosa,s: k It- (3 C- 9 S loyg /3 None- Oe$f s ny y 9kyrA;n 507. cobbles + 50%yravcl, eewl e(r ,K cebL tat .b..,ld..s Parent Material (geologic) 0E4-4--/As 1, Parent Material (geologic) Ott}e.asill Depth to Bedrock Wont Depth to Bedrock tJonc Depth to Groundwater: Depth to Groundwater : Standing Water in the Hole Nor... Standing Water in the Hole Nowt Weeping from Pit Face rV fang_ Weeping from Pit Face Non. Estimated Seasonal High Water 132."' Estimated Seasonal High Water 138"1 L TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P. 0. BOX 226 WORTH HATFIELD, MA 01066 (413)247—6464 No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 1 of 3 Date: Commonwealth of Massachusetts , Massachusetts Soil uitabili�Assessment or On-site Sewa; e Dissosal /h nmPSO n Date: 5/5/03 . .. Performed By: ac. Witnessed By: - Pe ley M c Erie C? I°°•°"Add"' '°'• NeNei., /d/ arlj4,enf ao 207 S/vaic✓ oa 4 o.°,.x.... Megan Va AdsU..,N 2o7 Sy/v.-lie, Road ibren[e. AM OIb62 566- 3779 TRW.:r ew construction E?Repair ❑ Office Review r-t/ Published Soil Survey Available: No l� Yes / : (59 i-D Year Published 198 I -. Publication Scale Drainage Class Fxleuty ly Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No EY Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landfortn Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑Yes Within 500 year flood boundary No @Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No ❑Yes Wetland Area: unit) National Wetland Inventory Map (map Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal ❑Normal Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: Gx 3 (id0desae.-) Soil Map Unit fil nr 2003. DEP APPROVED FORM 12107195 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION its �o+ AJjc,a„+ +o Location Address or Lot No. 20-7 Sy/vas-rer Bad COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS , Massachusetts Percolation Test' Date: May 5- 2003 Time:, Observation Hole # P-I P- 2 Depth of Perc 3Z " 34" Start Pre-soak 2 : 7.0 Z ; 22 End Pre-soak 2 ; 32 (• C.II-s) 1 :35 (Z4a.(Lod Time at 12" 2 '.32 2 :35 Time at 9" Z :33 2 : 37 Time at 6" 2 : 35 Z ; 4o Time (9"-6") 2 mu-) 3 ^n (ti Rate Min./Inch .< 2- MINAeJ I MAN ii IJ Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed [a Site Failed ❑ Performed By 11a. k Witnessed By Ped r M Erb,;„ Comments: DEP APPRO Vm PORM•12/01/95 HILL TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSU, P. O. BOX 226 NORTH HATFIELD MA 01066 (413)247- 5464 FORM 11 - SOIL LVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 NawLol t4Ijn:id TD za7 S//yes er And Location Address or Lot No. Florence, MA Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑_, Depth observed standing in observation hole l��, Depth weeping from side of observation hole (� Depth to soil mottles )38» inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Reading Date Index Well Number Adjustment factor De inches /3S+ inches Index well level Adjusted ground water level th of Natural) Occurrin Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring observed throughout the area proposed for the If not what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material exist in yeareas soil absorption system? pervious material? Certification I certify that on `}-29-97 (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination was performed r the y me consistent with then Protection and that the above training, expertise and experience was performed by described in 310 CMR 15.017. S Date 5- 4003 Signature """ DEP APPROVED COEN. WOVE HILLTOWN ENVIRONIOINT LL CONSULTING P. 0. BOX 226 NORTH HATFIELD,MA 01066 (4131 247 5464