336 Applications & Permits THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Pas tOt.0 .` 1ppliration for Dinpn,ittl iflurks Cnnnstrurtinn 1rrmit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: Lri1' Cy/Ye-54X :RA— S.144..., / Losat -pdd ss L eP s moo' wa<! N ' I-urMs^dd Installer Size L i 4C Type of Building Size Lot....arb y.......nder . feet Dwelling-No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder V ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow Sr gallons per person per day. Total daily flow gallons. Septic Tank—Liquid capacity/SCQgallons Length Width Diameter Depth Disposal Trench—No. I Width ? r Total Length 39 r Total leaching area_3_.V/ sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank pp� /+ �,/ Percolation Test Results Performed by Itimejt. �_- 5,.. Date....z.... .-D...i Test Pit No. I 7 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit._.6 D th to ground water.... Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch DD7eepthofof Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil (°N 5o Soz 7 Q ,ai —f y%.r2C2 Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has bee ssu d by the board of health. igaed /, q/'- —t 7A Vir Application Approved By - a� ` to Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Permit No (7— Date Issued �+YI° Date by at I has been install in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5�ttof TTyy}}1//�� State Sanitary Code a desc ' in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No .!'�a� dated i,-el%.S THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRU AS A GUA SYSTEM WILL FUN IQN SATISFACTORY. 6a THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF hlrrtifirate of TomoHance THIS IS ILA TIF}Y,rTha the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( or Repaired ( ) Installer DATE No 'Ai Inspector THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Pas - fliapaattl rhnrkn Olnnstrurtiun rrmit Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) or Repair ( _ ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Dated I CA DATE FORM 1255 A. M. SULNIN, INC., BOSTON Board f H alth THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH City OF Northampton FEE A.pplirntinn fur ilis}iusttt 3flnrks Oiunstrurtiun hermit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( X) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at: Sylvester Road Location-Address Stephen F. Vanasse Bob Wade Owner 374 Slyvester'ttbaia North Farms Rd'& P' Installer Address Type of Building 3 Size Lot 8. 64 Acrd_ i. M Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder (X ) Other—Type of Building No. of persons Showers ( ) -- Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow 55 gallons per person per day. Total daily fjow 330 tigaalIons Soptic Tank—Liquid capacity 1500 gallons Length 10 . 5'Width 5' 6 Diameter Depth .53 � Disposal Trench—No. 1 Width 8 ' Total Length.....39'..__- Total leaching area 349 sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching area sq. ft. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by_2haimer...Ensineering Corp. Date. 6, 1985 Test Pit No. I 4 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit 61 Depth to 'rest Pit No. 2 minute s per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to 3" Top..Soil Description of Soil 6" Sub. Soil 42" Medium._S.and and Gravel 2.1" Silt Till Nature of Repairs or Alterations—Answer when applicable Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code--- The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Signed Application Approved By Application Disapproved for the following seasons: Date Date Date Permit No Issued Date by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Tertifirate IIf fltampiianre TLIIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed ( ) or Repaired ( ) Installer at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the applico.i"n for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Inspector No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Uispnattl rr; arks hlnnstrurtinn hermit FEE Permission is hereby granted to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an Individual Sewage Disposal System at No Street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No Dated Board of Health DATE