29 Septic Inspection 2004 tkGEO PAUL CELLUCCI 3uvernor JANE SWIFT Lieutenant Governor COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS / EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFT: IRS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ONE TCI: TER STIF E:T, BOSTON, MA 02106 G17-202,5500 ,SUBSURFACE SEWAG Property Address: 3-9 Sq L✓HN L/ ,IJd/c?pNr�,b7F7tN , Cy A- Owner:AC,4 1-0 t e;C Date of Inspection: s9/ L` Name of Inspector:(Please Print) I am a DEP approved syst n_pee`�, Company Name: le t 'r >s ' Mailing Address: .).9S riTuPtvrfe Telephone Number: it S'4L 3t2L ' CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify that)have personally inspected uur st below is true,accurate and complete as el the and experience in the proper function a,d man, . . yPasses _ ConwUonally Past,.:. _ Needs Further Ev.'.aaho Fats Inspectors Signature: DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PAR1 A L'CRTIFICATION Name ofOwneS ju ____ Address of cant to Section 15.340 of Title 5(310 CMR 15.00 /rriyuae, s✓ia- nsposat system at this address and tImt the Imo maispection. The inspection was performed base ounce of on-site sewage disposal systems. The syst. me Local Approving Auttmnty � P / The System Inspector shall submit a`fo1.f of the, DEP)within thirty(30)days of completai a hue ins, gad or greater,the inspector and the syr,em on... Department of Environmental Protection. The r.. If applicable,and the approving authority NOTES MO COMMENTS Date _.J/T BOLL DURAND Secretary LAUREN A LISS Commuslonm i.ss Iron report to the Aparovins Authority(Board.,'" suei. If the system ism shared system or has Ju.i a submit the report to the appropriate region:.. d should be sent to the system owner and cops:, 5y6 vt OKC2) GG t;17: &F ii -c%T7r /1/ : TIIh udvrm,t,on if”amble m.! A_ ;n/A9�.- oh or uw of 10,000 a of ti o the ouyer, SUBSURFACE SEV.ACE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A C LI<TIFICATION(continued) Property Address: lS 5y4iffis any Owner I:$* A' Fin Date of Inspsobon: 3)z` o9 INSPECTION SUMMARY: (:heck A, B, C, A.7CM PASSES: I have not found any lnformao..n wbiu J.cates that any of the failure conditions described n exist. Anyfallure criteria not evaluat, d re indicated below. COMMENTS: B. STEM CONDITIONALLY PASSE} or more system compon. its as ruedmthe"Conditional Pass"sect on need to Oy d. The system,upon r..mple:. .1 the replacement or repair,as approved by b... rep pass. Indicate yes,no or no tennlned(Y,N,or hl explain why not. The septic kls mnnl,un. of a Cerbdcat I C...conch. years prior to the .te of b4 structurally unsoun.{ system will pass Inspect w approved by the Bo..,d of H Sewage backup or Li eako..t broken or obstrucmd piper pass inspection if(with app broke ct p. o,stribuI The system r system wit revised 9/2/98 dire.,pump.. ass ins,,ection. broken p. o,structh 0 CMH 15.303 cod m if Henan,will describe basis of determination in a nstances. II" .. deter}aned", toe owner or operator has pr 'tied the system In:.■.• ._.Jr will a copy .cached)indicating that r tank was installed with.) ienty(20) .pection;or the septic k,whether or not metal,.s cr.eked, ..,,stantial infiltration exfltration,or tank failure is e m. Inent. The um existing septic nk is replaced win a complyin0:epic tank as static -ter level observed in the distribution L..x s due to due to a broke ettled or uneven distribution bee I e system will of the Board of H'. th). 4 are replaced removed Lux a levelled or replaced note than four times a year due to broken or obstruc,e. pipe(.} The .with approval of the Board of Health)'. ,,l are replaced removed SUBSURFACE SEW DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A C: n•IFICATION(continued) Property Address: d9 SJrLUAN L" ->?f 44 -10 Ll Owner. et 017,n,04. Data of Inspection: 3L o y- - C. FURTHER EVALUATION IS REQUIhi 0 BY t BOARD OF HEALTH. Conditions ex which require!urine r, lion by the Board of Health in order to determin: fsllins Wprotee •public he.ilth,sat..). and the environment. 1) SYSTEM WILL PAS�NLESS uOARD( r HEALTH DETERMINES IN ACCORDANCE WIT 31C. (1)(b)THAT THE SYSI•FrM IS NOT FUN( I I ONING IN A MANNER WHICH WILL PROTE THE( AND SAFETY AND THE NVIR 3NMEN. Cesspool or privy Cesspool or privy thin 5o Uiin b.. cet of surface water • t of a bordering vegetated wells or a salt marsh 2) SYSTEM WILL FAIL UNLESS It c BOA. THAT THE SYSTEM IS FUNCTLJNING AND THE ENVIRONMENT: 3) The system has a See:re tai surface water supply.,r The system has a set tano water supply well. The system has a water supply w The system h a set tic tan, OTHER or more fro •privav wale( volatile or nlc come present of•mmonlr nitro°.. data ne distance. revised 9/2/98 Or . A ANNE it me system is Cs.R 15.303 UI.LIC HEALTH H(AND PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER,IF r.r.Cy DETERMINES HAT PROTECTS THE PUBLIC HEALTH.•N.1 SAFLTY .,oil absorption io a surface ware soil absorption Syst tern(SAS)and the SAS is with,, I J feet of pply. and the SAS Is within a Zml. • .t a public soil absorption system -•b the SAS is within 50 (. a private soil absorption system and •SAS is less than 10(1•et but DO feet .reply well.unless a well water an sis for collform boom ria and ..ales that the welt is free from poll un from that la<.Lily and the 'd nitrate nitrogen is equal to or less • an 5 ppm. Mete )d used to proxlmation not valid). SUBSURFACE SEV. 'Ce DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART A , I IFICATION(continued) Property Address: a4 SYtarri- r7N-r1/41Viary Owner ✓ Data of inspection: . 3)-2.410 D. SYSTEM FAILS: You must indicate either'Yes'or"No" to earl I have determined that one or more c. The basis for this determination is Id. what will be necessary to con a ct the Yes N Backup of sewage i to facie *spool. Da ergo or ponds.,I cleft or clo••ed SAS or c. sspou. Static hoot evel in we dist cesspool. Liquid depth in cast col is Required pumping !ore Number of times pumped ✓✓✓_ My portion of the S ,I y=c Any portion of•c . .m cool cc water supply. Myporti of a cos.cool of ortion of a ce.-pool m following: following failure conditions exist as described In 3':0:,MR 15.303. ed below. The Board of Health should be contacte c determine system component due to an over -.ded or clogs d AS or m,the surface of we gr` . d or surface waters due h. .,n overloaded .n box above • ❑et invert due to an overloaded m clogged SAS or My portion of a ces.rool 0, supply well with no.. cept- attach copy of well....ter al nitrogen and nitrate mitroge E. LARGE SYSTEM FAILS: you .tldicate either"Yes"or'No' meat following criteria apply tr large.t The syste significant thr conditions twist: ryes a facility v. ill a m to public he tan ark. Yes NO the system i low invert or available volume is less thorn lc day flow. n the last year NOT due to eloyged or obstruc m .pipe(:). ystem,cesspool or privy is below the high grnm.d. *ter elevation. wI •m 100 feet of a surface water supply or trawl ry to a surface within a Zo I of a public well. within 50 feet of a wale water supply well, less than 100 feet but g *ter than 50 feetfro,n a,.rivate water nur quality analysis. If the w: has been analyzed tc sae acceptable, for conform bacteria,volatile o chic compounm... nmonia ne following: ms in addition to the criteria above: now of 10 000 gpd or gr rr((Large System)ana mo .ystem is a -my and theenwr rat because one or more of tin Io lowing the syste within.00 fei. th ystem is locals.I In am apped Zone II of a public drinking water supply tr ibutary to a s• ce drinking water supply sensitive area(Interim head Protection Area PA)or I oopply well) The or or operator of any such sys., she ,-y ads the system in accordance with 310 consult the local regional office of the.,cpartm : isr further information. revised 9/2/9E Please SUBSURFACE SEV, DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART B CHECKLIST property Adores: a syWHr" Ln- Owner. Data of Inspection: 3/Lb/r�y. Check H the following have been done: Yes/ No Pumping Information was pr. None of the system c.ampani receiving normal floc. rates the system recently. as pa. As built plans have b. en obt. The facility or dwelte ,was. The system does not cce Iv. The site was inspect a for s. All system eomponer..s,eu. The septic tank man les w, for condition of bank or It depth of scum. The size and locatiol..,f the Existing information or e._ Determined in the E. .1(if ar. t distance is unaccep. .ole) The facility owner(a...,occ, proper maintenance al Sub: revised 9/2/9F /VU4rwf-ls fe70 . .Late either'Yes'or"No'as to each of the following: d by the owner,occupant,or Board of Health, nave been pumped for at least two weeks and the sys •m has been {I that period. Large volumes of water have not been ntroduced into ties inspection. 1 and examined. Note if they are not available with NIA ted for signs of sewage back-up. .,andary ar industrial waste flow. he Soil Absorption System,have been located u. U. •site. acvered,opened,and the interior of the septic tat ia._as Inspected ateriel of construction,dimensions,depth of liquid.d) .ih of:Judge. .bsorption System on the site has b en determined Iab ed on Plan al B.0-H. he failure criteria related to Part C Is at issue,apnrolh nation of .. If din erent from owner)were provided with inbn I.al on on the .,: Disposal Systems. Su3SURF SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C STEM INFORMATION Property Address: a4 Sytv/b l.a.. Owner. Date of Inspection: 3 I a . I o ', RRE$IDEMILL@H EYI11iL' / l Design flow:_g.p.d.lbedrood�9 7 Number of bedrooms(design):% N...nberr Rooms tactual). 7 Total DESIGN flow Number of current residents n=1 Garbage grinder(yes or no):ye-3 Laundry(separate system) (yes or no. NDit .=pars to inspection required Laundry system Inspected (yes or no) Seasonal use(yes or no):/ O Water meter readings,if available(last no ye. s,rge(god): - > "• , IC= Sump Pump(yes or no):y0 Last date of occupancy. 571k, C e 'J(" LOW CONDITIONS Type of as Design now: Basis of design Sow Grease trap present:(yes or no)_ Industrial Waste Holding Tank present ,es or Non-sanitary waste discharged to the t Water meter readings,if available' Last date of occupancy: OTHER:(De •e) Lastd - of occupancy:_ • ■yel, .: HAL INFORMATION PUMPING RECORDS and source of inf. matio. System pumped as part of ins echor, .., no) If yes,volume pumped:_ gapc. Reason for pumping:, pE11p SYSTEM ✓✓_ Septic tank:distribution bosh i abao. ,ystcni Single cesspool Overflow cesspool Privy Shared system(yes or no) lit es,alt. , elous inspection records,if any) SA Technology etc.Attach co v of up Ate operation and maintenance cony act Tight Tank Copy of O. P Apt. Other /y APPROXIMATE AGE of all components sate in d(if known)and source of IntonnaLan. rr L'n,s Sewage odors detected when arriving :the s. es or not 1/l) revised 9/2/9E Property Address: Owner: Date of Inspection: BUILDING SEWER: (Locate on site plan) ,e Depth below grade:« Material of construction:_oast Iron 'i 0 PVC SUBSURFACE SEW,6[DISPOSAL SYS1 -M INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTC M INFORMATION(C Mimed) 3� Syt-u LA 3h`/o�> Omer(explain) Distance frgm private water supply well or acetic t.ue Diameter Y. Yrt Comments:(condition of)oin venting.aviden • ot. leakage,etc.) 0 ClieWc-71 em Co- SEPTIC TANK:_ (locate on site plan) I Depth below grader Material of construction:_concrete_metal—J + glass _POlycth _ogler(explain) D tank is metal,list age Is age confirmed ft) Dimensions /20" t x 65.1'' < 5`.° Sludge depth: /'r Distance from top�Aludge to bottom of outlet t Scum thickness: Distance from top of scum to top of oum■tee or Distance from bottom of scum to bottom uf�ou�tle' to How dimensions were determined: the ate of Comuh nee (YrsINO) 00 baffle:�_ te7 ,4u or bathe / Comments (recom ndation for pumping.condition of init: .. i outlet tees or 'ties,depth of liquid level In relation to outlet Invert, structure tegrity,evidence of leakage etc.) GREASE TRAP:_ (locate on site plan) Depth below grade:_ Material of construction:_cones _n etal_ F....-glass _POlyey.bo other(explain) Dimensions: \ Scum thickness:_ Distance from top of scum to top of outlet tee or t::my. Distance from bottom of scum to bottom of-Maki 0 •off le __ Date of last pumping: Comments: (recommendation for pu structural integrity og,oonditm of inlet ,nU outlet tees o' b s,depth of liquid level in relation to outlet invert, nee ofleakagt etc.) revise,: 9/2/9E St dSURi SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued; ProPart Address: g9 . vt-C'r r-d/. Owner. uf[6 De t- uc tt- Date at Inapacbon: 3 r `A,/ del.T/.yrv[,r- X)4i TIGHT OR HOLDING TANK:__(Tank .ust b. yed prior to,or at time ot,inspection) (locate on site plan) Depthbcbw grade:_ Material Of Bon:_concrete_ ..ietal_ ,glass__Polyethylene � expla�n) Dimensions: �> Capacity: gallons Design flow: gallons/day Alarm present_ Alarm level: Alarm In working• , Date of previous pumping: Comments: (condition of inlet tee,con. •n ofalan and II. to hes.etc.) DISTRIBUTION BOX:_ (locate on site plan) Depth of liquid Nivel above outlet inven 0 Comments: (note B level and distribution Is equal.t de net PUMP CHAMBER:_ �(�iclU'ona Ian) Pumps In working FH4), Manna In working order(Yes or No)_ Comments: (note condition of pump chambe revised 9/2/98 carryover,evidence of,eakagt into or out w Lox etc.) on ot, ,.and ap uurtenances,etc.) SUUSURF: Property Address: 02 9 .Sy(tv&. ^A` Owner 31 / 5/ Dab of Inspection: 2L O SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM(SAS):_ Decals on site plan,If possible;sswveb. n not, It not located,explain: Type leaching pits,number_ leaching chambers,number:_ leaching galleries,number:_ leaching trenches,number.let 07 leaching fields,number,dimen overflow cesspool,number:_, Alternative system: Name of Technology: Comments: (note condition of soil,signs of hydraulic allure. CESSPOOLS:_ (locate on site plan) Number and configuration: Depth-top of liquid to Inlet invert_ Depth of solids layer Depth of scum layer: Dimensions of cesspool: Materials of construction: Indication of groundwater: Inflow(cesspool must be Pump a as p Comments: (note condition of soil,signs of hydraulic ether PRIVY:_ (locate on site plan) Materials of construoti Depth of solids: Comments: (nob condition soil,signs of hydraulic :allure, revised 9/2/92 seWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C .YSTEM INFORMATION(continued) Noc nRsZYT%z+� J,location may be approximated Ly non-intrusive mi (nods) of pending,damp soil,conution of .ugetation,ate of pommng,condition of vetelabQn. etc.) Dxnensia.s. of ponding,condition of vegetation etc.) SUSSUR Y.SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) Property Address: 02 7 J yL.%r nJ L, �._-. ,kJbt.i%-)An PIZ/V Owner 434irw sOISF- Id W/' 7/t7.,+rµ ' Data of In•paatian: 3/ /G SKETCH OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL 5YS i Irlo Wd tin to at least two per nianen locate all walla within 100'(Locate ence landmarks or benchmarks public water supply comes into house) SLtSURF. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION FORM PART C SYSTEM INFORMATION(continued) Property Address: a9 .1 yt u/id-, lent Owner. 441,4 3/Data of Inspection: 2& U > NRCS Report name Soil Type_ Typical depth to groundwater. USGS Oats website visited Observation Wells checked Groundwater depth: Shallow. _Moderate Deep SITE EXAM Slope Surface water Check Cellar Shallow wells Estimated Depth to Groundwater J F ct Pkase Waste all the methods used to .e term. „n Groundwater Elevation. Obtained from Design Plana on rt. .,rd Observed Site(Abutting property :bxer. miss.basemen!sump etc ) _Oefannined from local condition Checked with local Board of heal(.. Checked FEMA Maps _Checked pumping records _Checked local excavators,Install. Used USGS Data Describe low you established the Nigh mourn. r Elevation.(MD be complet St=d /1//ne l) C ./7 U 7]W/ revised 9/2/98