1999 Y a I Page No. 0,002/28/97 r 1812 PAINT t ROY 7/MA g MotOd Site Street 98 SMOG SIEEI Mailing Address 98 SPR116 STEEL 24 7L4ie, VS% s of Hazardous Waste in Nxthaaptm Mail City or Tom 999 VS06s lip Cade Nave 0/0(ue( 01060 01060 ao --FORA NOTES -P0E MOVE®MIER DE. A UNY --ALFOC D IOIORNS,IM. 33 ERIN WARE 5T. IROCOCE1 30 161111 NAME STREET 220 KI16 STREET 220 KING STREET 263 KEG SHEET 263 KBE SKEET 236 MERE STREET 236 ALLEM STREET FLOM GWEN !OOH EN 413.584.83%✓ 41}584.6120>6h 413.884.3710/ 413.044471 / 01060 413.584.6768 iv- --Mtar IMER:1E t SOLT 3c 1NDts7E'/4L Dh' P.0.61R 718 --RIT01 COLISS OWE 21 MUST WELT 21 LW STREET ./ttU33 PLASTICS 070'AVY,IIC. 40 MIN STREET, FLAME 40 MIN STREET - ARC CARE 320 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 320 RIVflSICE DRIVE --RAY STATE W4NME COMPANY 76 II01ETRIAL DANE 76 IWIS1RIf.DRIVE - EN311 CHIROPRACTOR ASSOC J234 S1 ET 30 --OFA.91I0 ELELTRIC CARE CO. 120 RIVER ROAD, LEDS 120 RIPER ROAD -BILL'S N00 SERVICE Siq --,5-SPREE Srial (LEEDS/ 95 SPRING STREET •n -gAFY'S SERVICE LENTEN 32 WACONILLE ROAD ILFII61 - t I-WITHER FWTI YOIl1AC 200 169I11 KBE STREET -C L FRYK t Miff 50 COLE AVERS 32 W+YrEN71l1E ROAD 200 ICON MC STREET 50 CAERE A64AE NERVEPTIN NORDWPIEN FUME NOA0WP101 & !ERMINE LEEDS LEEDS 01060 01060 5/06A 0/667x 01060 01060 01053 01053 I di 413.585.3003✓ 413.586.0100/ 413.586.2520✓ 413.5844098✓ 413.584.1631 413.5844862✓ 413.584.6053✓ 413.584.4214 01053 01060 01060 413.584.6401✓ 413.584.3883✓ 413.584.9417✓ -aIMPPACIIC ASSOCIATE =CITY 6 IOROWPIOI,OR1 FCITY O'IU I»wmIN,FIE OEPI. -CITY E 40AIIIPTUI,4RI P -CMACCUI ENO -CRIVENRIIIE CONY JAIL 4, coma CREPT SIOIESW,E OPIAlIW%PTBEFA WP101 @PETITIN TUT% - COREY OICK1601 NSPITAL aatET101 TEE SERYIIE --0R601RO rAR6,IIC.Lt2036N -DAVA NI@OTIVE 241 KIPS STREET 241 KING STREET 16R01YPIEN 01060 413.586-4400.- 125 LOCUST STREET 60 WEaIIC SIPET IMMO RYE 45 IIOETRIt ORIVE 205 ROCKY HILL ROAD 25 WET SHAT RRJIE 5, NT.TR4 MAD 8 PEAR sum 30 LOCUST 248 HATFIELD STREET 134 KING SHEET 968 EIDE ROAD 125 LOCUST 51REFT COY WEL, 210 MIN STREET 210 MIN SOEEET,CITY PALL EMMEN N70MYP101 IORIWYPTON N0 Et{•,Amt4 205 RICKY HILL RNO FA-0 . "-DISTRICT 2, 811 PCXR ST. 16RHWPTON DISTRICT 12 RFNE,10.KI16 ST. 16RHNMPT01 8 PEAR STREET IORII1Pf01 30 LW STREET 248 HATFIELD STREET 777 MOW STREET 968 WIPE ICAO 01060 413.532.1570 01060 413.934.7165y✓ 01060 413.596.69 vm6o 6Y1.-89`.6•0! Of PI,2 413.584.5911✓ 01060 413.584.2323%246 010604197 413484.1611%43 01060 413.584.496. 01060 413.562.2000✓ 01060 413.584.9104✓ 02021 III-586 2221 01060 413.58E-7250✓ - DR.ALN BRYOI,0O PC - OR.BI&C MIN -DR.DR'ID R15SITER 1II,00 PC -DR.EDWA3 J.IELDI,JR OR.TWKIS P.MILLFTTE -DR.JNFS CLAMP( - DR.Jk1RRY TWIT - DR.J%FPH FECONIK - DR.LIIOA RIEALI - DR.MIDYEL J.0'BRIEN,D% DR.SNOER J.FYSTEN 51 LOT STREET 8 YArtOCE0 SHOPS 241 KIPS STREET 264 ELM SHEET 264 ELI STREET 63 PROSPECT STREET 16 CODER SIRtf 264 EII STREET 51 LU7JSf STREET 41 LOOJST SIRtf 12 CENTER STREET 51 LW STREET 8 IWPIE100D 943PS 241 KIM SIRtf 264 ELM STREET 264 E111 Wittr 63 PROSPECT STEEP 16 COMER SHEET 264 GEM STREET 51 402167 STEET 41 MUST STREET 12 CENTER STREET 16801M ROW 01060 NDRTPAPER 01060 IORITIN'P104 01060 IOTIV P101 01060 «0WPT0I 01060 IGAWMPT01 01060 16RNYYPIQ4 01060 I010WlPTON 01060 IORTIWPTO4 01060 REDWING 01060 PORTNVPr01 01060 413.584-3741✓ 113.584.0900.✓ 413-SE-2151w 413.584-1331✓ 413.504.2902✓ 413.584.5199 413.584-3721/ 413.5E-0555/ 413.58%8455✓ 413.586-0716•/ 413.5%-4510✓ �3w ) .'"; N ' z9C 1'LiJis '1" 5L ! _ o1ZO)J fli 3 VC Nrn�V SiI till-V85.0) 09010 NllAMONN MILS OHl ZIZ - 11X15 301 Aci 'm fl1%S OhfU 86rnd- 6801-9135-clt 09010 10110111108 131115 NSI MN 691 131115 N3 H101N 691 w1171119117-illkIJ ZUZ-IBS-EIt YC`70/0 3201311 131115 18111101 BCZ 1311110131 MI5 XMC1011 BEZ NI 9333103 004921 — ::.- 3333. /'89It-/BS-E9 09010 IOIAMN01 to 9031 SZ OtO8 ROM SZ _.. 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' ,..: . . 9IL0-I9S•Clt 09010 M IIWIIN01 13305 Rill & 13311$ MIN U Wd331 S,31/g3- . .-. _ I 0061.185.111 09010 )11LW1ION 13315 NOM& }$ a' 3o 5 Ill X315111d INI10080- /'000•98S-01 09010 KIld1HI101 1330591E 1K 1331S 9111 11Z -92:1:rVi I a O'oIa+ud'M8 ^Zll1-1136•Ell 09010 1111.41M11101 MKS NM 6E 131I15 NM 6C IMMIX!! v5O11'NF- d001I1 a003 d31 0ro1 m X17 11111 55aJPR1 80111111 W.% a1!S auuN 001dmpgl u1 a1s lj S fWa1H 30 53058 161&/Z0 . Z '111 afire Page Nn. 3 02/25/97 Nam Site Street Nailing Address 0506 s of Hazardom Baste io Mrthagton Nail City or Tow Tip Code a40H MK:301N 9OP -RICK'S NRO REPAIR -RJMO'S 10102 VAS - PlRI MATED PAR MMIR -9aVE1"S GAM 36 911114 STREET 442 ON STREET 504 Et611111PEN ROAD 3 MGM CART 435 IOKTN Kit STREET 36 911111 STREET 442 FLM STREET 504 EA50171701 Im10 3 BAEICTER COAT 43510801 KIIO SHEET 01060 01060 01060 01060 01060 413.5964535" 41340643531/ 413.5864453✓ 413.504.7381✓ 43.504.1113✓ <gANES NMI MATS _ - 9]10-0 STORES IIC. 111881 At/MOTIVE ROME PAWN -901110 SAN WORT 911111 W.I& - - 9111H OILER Prs MA.M SERVICE -.elm WHEW S3Om 85 EASICPIOI ROAD 366 KINO STREET 222 ION KIN',STREET 3 IDE CffiIT. 241 KITE STREET 126 lESi s'Nti 69 PARADISE A1A0 DD 1O3/3T STREET P.O. 97I 233 366 KOS STREET 22210801 KITS SHEET 3 OJE STIWT 241 KIM STREET 126 1ST Silo-1T 69 PAR10IE 9110 60 LOCUST STREET FlmDEE LI/044. IOAIFWPTOI 01060 KIRn m'1al it 1227 01060 NITIMIN 1ORINVPIOI 01060 M0RTIWPTOI 01061 IOR0W1PION 01060 ILRHPNPTOI 01060 413.554. 12/ 413-9344336 L.,' 413.5514304 -13.5314850 113.5545249✓ 413.554.2700✓ 413.554.2700✓ 413.5864970✓ -SPEEDY. MEREST WJIO REPAIR -Pet, 1.11A E. rock OS STOP l 90P 8707 rtiONIAR REM.C.GM r z TEIP-P60 MEND 0E IRE 0/6WXTIOT D3RP. - 605 CIS I( 1 8570 605 C ES 700004 Rat 4Kd "1 kxicis n)t S{, N" At tj 2%1OO11IX STREET,FLOOCE 296 NOOIUEK S11EETADROCE 260 KING STREET 1335 IW&X SHEET 59 SERVim EATER 59 SERVICE CRIER 200 IIOOSTRIAI DRIVE 200 IICUSTRIN_CAPE ONO READ %5 EAST MIN STREET NIRIWMPTEN 01060 IUROWPTON 01060 PORHWPTON 0/O64, KNOCK 02169 IORONIPTDII 01060 113111 PTOT 01060 cue (L 06450 4134054992✓ 413.586.5640✓ 413.584.1790✓ 413.5544200✓ 413-584-5072 43.581.3165✓ 413.5624711✓ 111111 TUNERS DC. -008 cabma R1 -US. P.A. MCI CHM "4‘49.10 ROTOABPAIS,DC. 211 8081H STOUT 837 FORE RN FEW 9 HEEDS) 216 KIIO SHEET 211 ICON STREET 837 FLC RO10 9�+i NJ779110 ✓, LEED5 216 KM SHEET IdIIYinti 01060 101IIIPIOI 0/0%,2 IO8IHWPIOi [7/053 IRA0WPIO1 01060 4!}554.14!1✓ 413406.2487 413-W-4040,33 ✓ 413.504.7303✓ -IOASIE OD ®4 -NOTRE OR CORMITIOI 376 EA50YWPI111 6000 3070 MC SHEET 376 E760WPIOT Rye 300A KIIC SHEET unarm 01060 mROWPTOT 01060 413.5%-1610, 413.564.3500✓ -BILLING KO STRIP 90P 42 WU STREET ROOM ,TNCEE 110E WOE fl 'PQ!ADO ASO 42 NMI STREET '20$1A00 AVEIRE ROEHE 0/e6,3 413.556.3430✓ IORINA'PIO1 0/0‘7. 413.560.1466✓ Lti it & Body I Street rton, MA 01062 itomotive Center Street )ton, MA 01060 tors, Inc. sant Street )ton, MA 01060 ■rliss Cleaners t Street Eton, MA 01060 Machine Co. Trial Drive oton, MA 01060 D Service ig Street IA 01053 Avenue pton, MA 01060 orthampton WWTP im Road )f Mass. Highway Dept. :h King Street ipton, MA 01060 Agway 263 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Yankee Plastics Co., Inc. 40 Main Street Florence, MA 01062 Benoit Chiropractic 30 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Bouley's Service Center 32 Haydenville Road Leeds, MA 01053 City of Northampton D.P.W. 125 Locust St. Coca Cola Company 45 Industrial Drive Northampton, MA 01060 Competition Motors 8 Pearl Street Northampton, MA 01060 f r17rL y OWCAA ABBA Motors 30 North Maple Street Florence, MA 01062 esructiL Jx.e'k t75 23igu11A i / Amherst Woodworking 30 Industrial Drive Northampton, MA 01060 ARC Garage 320 Riverside Drive Florence, MA 01062 Berkshire Electric Cable Co. 120 River Road Leeds, MA 01053 Burke-Whitaker Pontiac 200 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Chiropractic Associates 241 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 City of Northampton Fire Dept. 60 Masonic Street Hamp. Co. House of Correction 205 Rocky Hill Road Florence, MA 01062 Cooley Dickinson Hospital 30 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 ee Service sld Street iton, MA 01060 Rossiter, III Street rton, MA 01060 s Clayton ect Street Dton, MA 01060 Rigali .t Street pton, MA 01060 ias Atkinson Street pton, MA 01060 exaco 'Street pton, MA 01060 Mobil, Co. Aaple Streets MA 01062 ire Eye & Ear Assoc. st Street ipton, MA 01060 Dr. Alan Branch 51 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Edward Welch, Jr. 264 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Jeffrey Traft 16 Center Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Michael J. O'Brien 41 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Patricia Bonner 241 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Firestone Tires 327 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Florence Service, Inc. 6-8 Main Street Florence, MA 01062 Greg's Auto Repair 376 Easthampton Road Northampton, MA 01060 Hampshire Orthopedics 6 Hatfield Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dana Automotive 968 Bridge Road Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Bruce Tuton 8 Maplewood Shops Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Francis P. Millette 264 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Joseph Zgrodnik 264 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. Sandler J. Fasten 12 Center Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dr. William Parisien 64 Gothic Street Northampton, MA 01060 Florence Cleaners 29 North Maple Street Florence, MA 01062 Florence Towing & Auto Repair 22 Main Street Florence, MA 01062 Hampshire County Transit Inc. 54 Industrial Drive Northampton, MA 01060 Hebert Painting & Paperhanging 176 Acrebrook Drive Florence, MA 01062 Auto Salvage, Inc. om Road don, MA 01060 Iomotive 3mpton Road )ton, MA 01060 norial Park i Main Street MA 01062 :ctric Co. ienville Road iA 01053 land Air Connection Road, P.O. Box 1043 pton, MA 01060 pton Bicycle sant Street pton, MA 01060 pton Health Center Street , MA 01062 Al Oil Co. > Road pton, MA 01060 uto Supply Co., Inc. on Drive pton, MA 01060 Motor Works thampton Road ipton, MA 01060 Jeff Tripp Equipment 113 Hawley Street Northampton, MA 01060 King Auto Body 141 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Magnat Machinery, Inc. 30 North Maple Street Florence, MA 01062 Metrix Auto, Inc. 31 Chapel Street Northampton, MA 01060 North King Animal Clinic 436 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton Chiropractic Office 8 Maplewood Shops Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton Tire Service 182 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Perstorp Compounds, Inc. 238 Nonotuck Street Florence, MA 01062 Ralph's Blacksmith Shop 36 Smith Street Northampton, MA 01060 Ryan's Imported Car Repair 3 Brewster Court Northampton, MA 01060 Jiffy Lube Hamp Plaza, North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Lathrop Home 215 South Street Northampton, MA 01060 Main Street Cleaners 193 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Midas Muffler 143 King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton Auto Service 310 Damon Road Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton Ford 55 Damon Road Northampton, MA 01060 Norton Corporation 175 Industrial Drive Northampton, MA 01060 Phaneuf Construction 169 North Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Rick's Auto Repair 442 Elm Street Northampton, MA 01060 Sankey's Garage 435 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 zi> ,uto Parts Serv-U Stores, Inc. 283 366 King Street MA 01062 Northampton, MA 01060 am Import Smith College Street 126 West Street >ton, MA 01060 Northampton, MA 01060 cational School Special Interest Auto Repair t Street 605 Coles Meadow Road Northampton, MA 01060 Russ Baca Automotive 222 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 Smith College Health Center 69 Paradise Road Northampton, MA 01060 Pro Lube 480 Pleasant Street Northampton, MA 01060 . — PMC Super Stop & Shop Northampton Rental Center )tuck Street 1385 Hancock Street 59 Service Center MA 01062 Quincy, MA 02169 Northampton, MA 01060 Company stria) Drive Eton, MA 01060 aners, Inc. h Street pton, MA 01060 Lane Construction Co. 965 East Main Street Meriden, CT 06450 Twin Construction 837 Florence Road Florence, MA 01062 Town Line Garage 776 North King Street Northampton, MA 01060 V.A. Medical Center 421 North Main Street Leeds, A 01053 otorsports, Inc. Wayside Auto Body Whiting Oil Corp. Street 376 Easthampton Road 300A King Street pton, MA 01060 Northampton, MA 01060 Northampton, MA 01060 Williams Pro Strip Shop 42 Maple Street Florence, MA 01062 Yankee Hill Machine 28 Ladd Avenue Florence, MA 01062 3OARD OF HEALTH YCE,Chairman ES.M.D. )OURMASHKIN.R N. cERLAIN,Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Trch 4, 1999 tar Northampton Very Small Quantity Generator of Hazardous Waste: OPPORTUNITY TO DISPOSE OF HAZARDOUS WASTE 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)586-6950 Ext.213 ' Saturday, April 10th, Northampton is sponsoring a household hazardous waste collection for residents. We have arranged with the hazardous waste hauler, SafetyKleen, to accept Iste from VSQG's on the same day. You will be required to bring your waste to the Smith aational &Agricultural School on Route 9, between 8 and 9 a.m., and make payment directly SafetyKleen. Because the City will have already paid SafetyKleen's transportation costs on it day, you should be able to enjoy a lower disposal c st for your waste. order to participate in this opportunity to save money and properly dispose of your hazardous Iste, you must contact SafetyKleen no later than Friday, April 2nd, and preregister. When you ntact SefetyKleen you will need to make the following arrangements: time to come to Smith rational with your waste, cost and form of payment, and other particulars. You will be Iponsible for the full disposal cost directly to SafetyKleen, and you will still be the generator of waste. The City will not be responsible for disposal costs. No small quantity generator Iste will be accepted during the household hazardous waste collection (9 a.m. - noon). preregister, contact Brenda Leonardo, SafetyKleen, 221 Sutton Street, North Andover, MA 845. Phone (978) 683-1002. r more information, contact the Northampton Board of Health at 587 1214. hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity, and at the same time save money. tcef�ly. nn Rubinstein lid Waste Coordinator Jcdh NNSQG BOARD OF HEALTH 3YCE.Chairman RES.M D. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSTjIQ'ES 01060 7 'm:8:1: E HOUSEH9 ij)C ROUS WASTE dcERLA1N.Hea Agent WILL BE APRIL 10, 9 a.m. - noon, Smith Vocational High School. PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. No fees. 15 gallon per household maximum. Oil IS BEING ACCEPTED. NOT counted as part of 15 gallons 210 MAIN STREET 01060 MI 3)586-6950 Ext.213 • THE PAINT/MERCURY-BEARING WASTE RECYCLING DAYS WILL BE THE 3RD SATURDAY OF APRIL - OCTOBER, 9a.m to Noon, Landfill. FEE for Paint recycling. NO FEE for mercury- bearing waste recycling, EXCEPT FOR BUSINESSES. FEE for residents: $1/gallon of paint or paint- related material. LATEX PAINT NOT ACCEPTED. BUSINESSES SHOULD MAKE SEPARATE APPOINTMENT WITH LYNN AND SPEAK TO HER ABOUT PRICING. i NORTHAMPTON OUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SATURDAY, APRIL 10 9:00 a.m. to Noon Smith Vocational School, Rte 9 Advance Reservations Are Required Space Is Limited CALL Northampton Board of Health 587 - 1214 15 Gallon Limit per Household rn3 Waste Oil PLEASE BRING: FROM THE BACKYARD FROM THE GARAGE FROM THE HOUSE FROM THE WORKBENCH Antifreeze Brake Fluid Engine Degreaser Carburetor Cleaner Creosote Gasoline Kerosene Oil Based Paint Solvents Paint Thinner Used Oil Fluorescent Ught Bulbs Drain Cleaners Furniture Polish Metal Polish Moth Balls Art&Craft Supplies Upholstery Cleaners Photo Chemicals Floor Cleaners Spot Remover Button Batteries Rechargeable Batteries Pesticides Insect Sprays Rodent Killers Muriatic Acid No-Pest Strips Chlordane Rust Inhibitors Wood Preservatives Wood Strippers Wood Stains Paint Thinner Lead Paint Oil Based Paint Solvents Degreasers Sealants PLEASE DO NOT BRING: Water Reactive materials Pathological Waste Radioactive Waste Latex Paint Asbestos(Contact Board of Health for Information) Medicines Tires(Can bring to Landfill) Commercial Wastes Industrial Wastes Explosives(Including fireworks and ammunition) Smoke Detectors Gas Cylinders DEA Regulated Materials Unknown Materials Empty Containers Car Batteries(Take to DPW) Alkaline Household Batteries HOARD OF HEALTH OYCE.Chairman 'RES.M.D t DOURMASHKIN,R.N. McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NORTHAMPTON HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 9 a.m. to Noon smith Vocational and Agricultural High School, Rte. 9 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (013)586-6950 Ext.213 'RE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED!!! Contact the Board of Health between March I and ■pril 3 to pre-register. 587-1214. Reservations are taken on a first come-first served basis. here are a limited number of slots, due to budget limitations. Pre-register early to ensure ccess. 'here is a fifteen(15) gallon per household limit. Waste oil may also be brought in and is JOT counted as part of the 15 gallons. 'he following materials are NOT accepted at the Collection: glass and window cleaners oven cleaner cosmetics nail polish detergents air fresheners/deodorizers borax/boric acid fertilizer without pesticide automobile batteries alkaline batteries ammonia based cleaners car waxes/polishes caulking/spackle/joint compound • products with no hazardous constituents unknown products that require off—site testing radioactive materials (including smoke detectors) explosives of any type (including ammunition) medical waste(biological and pharmaceutical) latex driveway sealer aerosol cans, except those containing pesticides, paint,adhesives,or disinfectants car batteries abrasive cleaners asphalt and roofing tar • two part glues water based glues and adhesives • pcb's (transformers) asbestos latex paint gas cylinders. OR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE BOARD OF HEALTH,587-1214.