31 Complaint Record 1992 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date"Y Time Name of Complainant _ I)I ()f -f-r111. 0 7//1 Gj W-E./�t-P-livt//�-D ;_. t�iia—d . 2 Tel � �1 Ac[.IEress �� 'IKEA- Nature of Complain /j y/ tJ-Z-AP 1, �dv�a �//-/c�C�, �t//-rye' Location of Premises ti5/ ((( (--124R- t- Owner Address Occupant Taken by Referred to Date of inspection i-A-s , Time /O✓S irn INSPECTOR'S REPORT ----0-O ... rt.- ` `'I«-- J2- o... Cie-, ii t lest_ Action Taken nsnEctor II( Ham, c CV RU67Z —Printed on Recycled Paper— r 1