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14-20 Complaint Records & Orders to Correct
OPY Date: ,E;?...3/_rye Time: /0 :45 Map: I Parcel: Name of Complainant: Lx, i Address: Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 'Z Jl--t-/-2< 6.-2< az a>CA'.�'_.ZJ i / '✓1P.'-!t4 ALL-1110X, e; vn... Location: /4 _ .1 ■ ti",.."„i'4--- ao_c _ Owner: Address. ,Yi'/.reu- G/L,Ps..14-i Tel:25c - 44e. 424" k✓ �I Taken by: 3jJ h . "_ Date of Inspection: 2 -3/ - zo= c Time: /2-;95 6r' �` INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Co uG rq"IK.O • - Pec ar Pi IS VP ib Fa:NT r 3':_°sPn I LAU£O /ne.j6 7EJ✓/A A ec-tf6 OUT_., H&r i 04,r: aj- 'co,:+ ! //:ro'II) r-J6",g Tp/J 0.g nai PUolo ul lakes Action Taken: -. . „ngNi-+, .7/7 Inspector Signature OPY Date: 9-0'+'/- c"D ITime: Map: I Parcel: Name of Complainant: .,.,f c, L`w Lie K,Q H Address Tel:r, /S-WS .mot.... . r.;: : NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 3 barrel- D.e_bns_ yv_ci;,,t_ toes‘, . R - k-, _ „,,,vCnrtst DIl titi_l7 -I- Did nas h; Location: /1/-/(- /j1679/PNi% fv.E Owner A( - DA✓)D Ku Address: H adiw_y; j ' c\-etec Tel: r„6.3,y z cc1caC i- ICS , 72 M4,n -SF Taken by NF5P Date of Inspection: 'Time: INSPECTOR'S REPORT: 5-6-17 do ZOC D,gIMP to,ol,ln.., _.:.::"",r,,'':J Action Taken: / Inspector Signature s Date: !s-z2-za'O Time: I Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: gNo..ymcVS /,4416#'&orc Address: Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: - z Se mk rSts • 801-7"2-B,t s PRN Ci6 Oi/c5ov o.cf.) TWO e07s grey.✓FO vvv, r0✓ c As STcot&'rs RECU'T/oN - Location: ,tht:zD /14--175/69420 /96!SNV= Owner: Address: y/9`no4/(i P/lotxr/Es 73 n,9::JT TeI:ZSC-. yq2 emk go-,M9 ni era f Taken by: Date of Inspection: g - ez- zcn a I Time: /C'osam f2cn INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Ftceor - vcirn.. I-per,-). (N.I 95"e7 a'•*r,.-j(vo;r ;ruI ,: 4f% c > 70',PI) pl c;m/ =nr r� Pa..r Spay c^.> mots «os n Hrf - ec“.,,, v smr*,✓ ma:=z . ./nwr4- .,rr,.. ■r 0/L ••a=Y LVercR IN CO47+7 5'-zti-z#cr (/1-so114 eo ego /J6zeae7 vxoaui.riks Uiy,ni PhotoO*aen Action Taker: S Z (jQMUbzooc I 6 -47V-Ccn ' AMVA Cn„ er-fonvro rnK .-oez.- rscwr/ -L$Ya. c /&: 1c.. a 0 Inspector Signature Date: g-g-_ o 0 I Time: /(:sg o^'+ Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: Te,Aix pce et C77- Address: /k)6»MA/JC) %/1/.P4///E Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 6 BASS dF kEr 4 Nei" P/rtEO VP • Nor pitlerb uP /N 04, t Location: /4L ,y/G%IGA vp �JVENL'E (/a-ac. a� Owner: ,it' /ISO-fr.01/6 f KL%09E) cr-Mou Address. eel-)j Tel: 20L- 32142_ Taken by: Date of Inspection:b-8'a°` r4,t 7' Time: 3-�FSp/✓1 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: '"iN6°“'-` COAL rnf,q ErteeS ',Mo6 ao✓Ap - Sp c€ W/m crwncpeR7/ MavnatML.vr -- -e///GC ZnrcF clH2.E or- /r - -- t</S UNA✓✓hke cF Si7vir;/oA/ g-9. Lac')//tl.Sa".) «/Oi /ci/(4 e'TFD ! -zll &-. /6-200P (I0•3 •4m) ok Dig�„LPIrnIa„i Taken � . Action Taken: Fat Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEA CITY HALL COMPLAINT 0E00 PY Date: 3/q/99 !Time: am (/overt) IMen: ZSC IParcel: /g$ Name of Complainant:JO//j✓tinker/ Address: Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: 4ccvm ' 1- 3j, (FOR-: zinaNne) owFI>ONTCF8dap/emu _.• L(rT/S as -.. Iyo ovJ' RiCNN at D£BFIS Location: /y-2 a ///6/kANO JMl/a//6' Owner: e *Uy Hsu- TONG -'t Kv MEI-OP/N Address: 7 /mine iNeop 7befC$ ITe1:SWT sgia /JnoZCY, rp o/o3s- Taken by:6E,-- I Date of Inspection: g .g-. 9g ITIme: g,00pp INSPECTOR'S REPORT: REFUSE NAS enri REMeL' : EMPTY COA 4)4JCS bind /N FnoAvr S-/ 7(t are Action Taken: complHVPr" �j� i /mil//!� 1OIJSINO ©liven Inspector S'_. a re March 3. 19P°PY Mr. Peter McErlain Northampton Board of Health City Hall/Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Peter: Please check into a health situation at 14-20 Highland Avenue. For at least two months trash has built up in front of the building. What is difficult to understand is that trash is picked up in front of the building every Monday but no one takes the time or effort to pick up the trash. I have no knowledge of who owns the building but someone is responsible for keeping the yard free of trash. Everyone on the street tries to keep the yard and street clean and we would appreciate the same from the owners of this property. PROGRESSIVE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, INC. 33 Pray Street Amherst, MA 01002 413-549-2824 .s:%day, August 25, 1993 sn Gold, Mark Gonnglass Kearney, Will Rhodes iighland Avenue thampton, MA 01060 • Tenants '. n writing to you concerning the tact that you lied to the Northampton rd of Health on August 7.1 , ] 993 . As you well know we rented 16 Highland nue to you on May 1, 1993 as a three bedroom apartment . In fact all four is in the house are three bedrooms . I understand that you told the board health we rented the apartment to you as a five bedroom which you know is true . The lease is in the above _ensutu name and is rented for $600 . 00 month, if this unit was a five bedroom unit it would rent for between :30 . 00 to $1200 . 00 per month and I' m sure more people would be on the se . s letter is to inform you that if you have anyone living in the attic they t immediately vacate this area . The attic is for storage only as we told when we rented the unit to you . It is not only for your safety but for safety of all my tenants that you vacate this area immediately and use it y for storage. o we have tried several times to roach you on the telephone to make angement to show the unit to prospective tenants since you are vacating unit on or before August 31, 1993 . Starting Friday, August 27, 1993 ase expect us to show the unit every day at 1 30 p .m. until we have rented unit . When it is rent I will leave your - pv ��.: _� at at, rtment . tly, we have not received your August payment in the amount of $600 . 00 . s was due on the first . We will be at the house on Thursday, August 26th 10 : 00 to show one of the units . Please have someone at home so they can us this rent . cerely, orah Beaulieu perty Manager BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL .Tin C (PLAINT RECORD Cl/ Rvn ime Q9-`f"� /44m1 r ate 2/c/53. Name of Complainant IVVfl tS.0/�1sJp Address /!: r e ) Tel. �O 731 Nature of Complaint - �'A ' t Location of Premises Owner 7 Address if Sir "TONG Al: Occupant > mMAEt✓:roTC IOW r- (,nell/,mn 6/a3.5 Taken by �• n Referred to Date of inspection 1 tits 10 It Time S /•.j4/Ji4 INSPECTOR'S REPORT �S/ncf<t bA UR Nw /D H, I.JAe� 4un (� 3r-o PtDCA s>mflwra. •fle.J e krtF/) (2%fsr pte?<tu!<i ee.4ec4 [eC>; -ROUX.pruGr ntnee a%2 plcyrft f'ao*rr 8CPReVYI w( Peeuu6 Fhle,6 r rzyn.r i II r4us - f'.¢n) a . Ave HEATING. exl I a j'2ec • - Ae ✓rwr I-Z sc l 3.:r Wx& 6i F nee P •-INOm- r Action Taken parsS ('q)Mcle tlro w-o< 8erw^ rn ' . FO e.roLas /meP c.)t • CM''»44-KNr Pie ss ) •(l AfSf etmir+s t44tI iblJa pcorrvb re/(tr)Inspector r r:3Eed rap r1(Axui oartec (HSnv nn Ps ND/ItrANTc OArrs 120:)• OA AOP-r'S NrP 4,a47Wrarie Sr.r"-SCI oat rt-te 0491/9' e S FN- —Printed on RecycledI -Paver— W & -/1 - 93 I 4t/N ./vr. C/9C59s D OF HEALTH DYCE Chairman Tres, M.D. R.PARSONS AcERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 19191 566-6950 Ext.213 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 16 Highland Avenue, Northampton, DATE: August 11, 1993 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Hsu-Tung Ku c/o Progressive Property Management, Inc. 30 Boltwood Walk b Amherst, MA 01002 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Marc Ganzglass 16 Highland Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto � um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legate importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei pub ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traducciSn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument . To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel # : (413) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 16 Highland Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 25C parcel I8S . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within SEVEN DAYS of the receipt of this order: rLATION . VIOLATION . REMEDY entire 3rd floor area (3 rooms and hallway) does not meet Chapter II ring Code requirements and must therefore be deemed unfit for human '.tation. The following violations were noted at the time of inspection: 200 Both 3rd floor bedrooms lack heating facilities. .250 & 3rd floor bedrooms lack all ,351 required electrical outlets and ceiling light fixtures are not operational or legal . ,450 No second means of egress from the 3rd floor, as required. .500 & (1) 3rd floor ceiling at the .501 top of the stairwell with large hole; plaster falling. (2) All 3rd floor prime windows are ill-fitted and not weathertight. (3) 3rd floor rooms with wooden floor boards with large gaps between planks; not smooth and easily cleanable. (4) 3rd floor bedroom at top of stairs - Walls are rough and unfinished and ceiling is open; not weathertight. Supply approved heating to the 3rd floor rooms. Supply required electrical outlets and light fixtures to 3rd floor bedrooms . Electrical Inspector must be contacted to approve all work. Any second means of egress must be approved by the Building Inspector. (1) Repair hallway ceiling in an approved manner. (2) Repair/replace windows in an approved manner so as to be weathertight. (3) Repair 3rd floor flooring in an approved manner. (4) Finish walls and ceiling in an approved manner so as to be weathertight. (5) 3rd floor bedroom left with ceiling with peeling and flaking surfaces. 482 Smoke detectors at 2nd floor hallway and 3rd floor stairwell are not operational. 500 & Ist floor entry storm door with 501 lower pane missing. (5) Refinish all peeling and flaking surfaces in an approved manner. Provide operational smoke de- tectors for all dwelling levels. Replace missing pane for this storm door. diate action is required to correct all violations noted. Failure do ■ond, in writing, within seven days of receipt of this notice, to the 'd of Health, as to what action will be taken, will result in a followup condemning the 3rd floor area. If a follow letter is required, you be required to order all occupants out of this uninhabitable area. ou have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of th office. truly yours. '.d E. Kochan .tary Inspector :hampton Board of Health e inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties )erj ury. ."IFIED MAIL # P 749 251 447 Hsu-Tung Ku 7 Maplewood Terrace Hadley, MA 01035 Chief Lawrence Jones Northampton Fire Department Frank Sienkiewicz Building Inspector BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Zsc /Ss -J Date//-&9-74 Time B4°,3P! Name of Complainant Sea/94/ L4 Fd' j E Address Se"i',//9Sf/Q4 pa/ iWW Tel 58£/- Nature of Complaint TFASA ACWf4VIAS/Uf✓ - A[e ci4rN.e1LBGF 07/6/ma carP69,4r 7-/v-fZ A-0•7-01-enj Location of Premises /4'- at) ,//6ij/,9?9 ,we,{R/F (4e&n'tirJ Owner //se/-.rol&KU 7 r,Pn£waua Tex Address Meer/ MA olo3s I &corers)vS erovu ,xnanst,„Eht 'c • SO s envaoa C 9,-K Anmcnr,m+ O/0,14 ArN:9,C-Cent B£A,.w/c✓ Occupant Taken by c---� Referred to - Date of inspection 7/-e4-72 Time io;45al, INSPECTOR'S REPORT NO Whir,oN 'TIM!)smsPnracy - - L7YRis / /NO 5701771,6 N i,6 rger 40ThD,BC?AO?A ✓ic1VGS //-Zell-?2l n,:esa./-FOUwwep -5xr)sFACrnry 1/-e E-9 z{/0 iron/-FOem.N/v - Snrstw rot/ Action Taken F/LE co-ipel✓LT I //ous/Hr. —Printed on Recycled Paper— / BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD J Name of Complainant SGtSFN ZQA'yfT. Address Z5G /85 Date rat 9e-Time //_Cram 3o tvnsM'AGrdN AA In Tel 5 ?s 9t7 /bt is IO /snrn.0 /W ) Nature of Complaint Location of Premises /v -ZO ///6//GAr✓'A8r4 4146:0 Owner 8945,sc='rucy P/stweetYMAn/ALfmrsit-i c (NSO-ruwo ,k4 30 6arrwc.•r, eV/ye (en e/-cu/4i AV; Address AmHeasr,mn o/onz N nu: Drceslw 9uo%tO 4n.-a ru ego �"!2 Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT 7- -9z 144t'+‘ 414 a/oss Referred to SYJ-X10 Time /It'/✓6e/n ene_[F)PAS// e PKVAT ,N 4WD nm A' Ric YT Si Cr Cr Pr:crr3& ; /N<'ivv'S Cnnnti.,.M04 neri-mtas inn @ - x c• f-.Y•, • . wive /net¢.rFP('Cc/c. tette0 0°('7-a-w)/9:45-enr ) /Neer:O✓ Snnetee en.S ..rrPFenvf- Fr+eoeoranb-ie-9}(2.3s r+/.wtp PMTM e Plat", Action Taken �/7 Inspeeto 24 Mosysiivc —Printed on Recycled Paper- /7 type' le IORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: VH)OF HEALTH JOYCE.Chairman C.KENNY.M.D. EL K.PARSONS I.McERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (413)5666950 Ext.313 14 - 20 Highland Avenue, Northampton, MA 01060 DATE: July 21, 1992 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Hsu-Tung Ku 7 Maplewood Terrace Hadley MA 01035 COPIES OF REPORT TO: Susan LaForte 30 Washington Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto 6 um documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: Le suivante est un important document legal . Il pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme A: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei pub- ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traducci6n de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 14 - 20 Highland Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 25C parcel 185 .) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III, Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws, and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order: ULATION VIOLATION .600 - Excessive accumulation of junk . 602 and refuse in front yard and along right side of dwelling. (Includes bags of trash, barrels & shopping cart with trash/ mixed refuse. REMEDY Immediately take action to cleanup and remove all junk, demo. material, and mixed refuse. Contract with a private refuse removal firm to remove all accumulated trash from all tenants on a regular basis. (At least weekly) . E: On Friday afternoon (7/17/92) an inspection showed refuse accum. bags out front and in barrels and cart along the right side. On day morning (7/20/92) an inspection showed additional accum. of s in the front yard. On Monday afternoon (7/20/92) an inspection wed that only a few bags had been removed. The rest of the trash and use still remain. you have an questions regarding this abatement order contact the Board of lth offic y tru ours, etele id E. Kocha itary Inspector thampton Board of Health s inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties perjury. TIFIED MAIL A P 749 251 718 Progressive Property Management, Inc. ATTN: Deborah Beaulieu DASD OF HEALTH T.JOYCE Chairman S GUNNY..mn. GIRL S.PARSONS S L mwmuuti,Hayth A CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01080 OFFICE OF YSE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN S'TIMET 0101$ 4131 51$4850 Ea.210 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR HUMAN HABITATION AT: 18 Highland Avenue . Northampton MA 01060 DATE: November 9 . 1989 ORDER ADDRESSED TO: Mei Chin Ku c/o Progressive Property, Inc. 30 Boltwood Walk Amherst, MA 01002 COPIES OF REPORT TO Elizabeth Anthony 18 Highland Avenue Northampton, MA 01060 This is an important legal document. It may affect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: Isto 4 um documento legal muito importante que poder4 afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradqao deste documento de : Le suivante est un important document legal . I1 pourrait affecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti . Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una traduccidn de esta forma en: To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: Northampton Board of Health City Hall , 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel ..1: ( 413 ) 586-6950 x214 The Northampton Board of Health has inspected the premises at 18 Highland Avenue , Northampton (assessor's map 25C parcel 185 . ) , for compliance with Chapter II of The State Sanitary Code. This letter will certify that the inspections revealed violations listed below, which are serious enough as to endanger or materially impair the health, safety, and well-being of the occupants. Under authority of Chapter III , Section 127 of the Massachusetts General Laws , and Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code, you are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to correct the following violations within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS of the receipt of this order : ULATION VIOLATION .200 The following habitable rooms lack heating facilities which are capable of maintaining code heating requirements : LI. ( 1) Bedroom off living room ( 2) Middle bedroom off hall .351 , Living room ceiling light fix- ture ture is not operational; wall er switch for this light is damaged. . 500 & ,i Bedroom off living room: . 501 ' Window is not weathertight due to holes which were made along «7 bottom of the sash and window sill. REMEDY Owner must provide heating facilities in good operating order capable of heating all habitable rooms. Repair light fixture/switch. Repair window in a manner which will make it weather- tight. you should have any questions regarding this abatement order contact the rd of/Health office. ryrly yours jam. � id E. Koc itary Inspector thampton Board of Health Deborah Beaulieu TIFIED MAIL # P 890 362 433 S ,t naf/- CeS. ai/ 5NOU51dIJ� - (0,1dSf:z) h&(■a( I? No/Ora9C-a� olaadsul . r 9Vt bMa 03w1L-N-oa m1E1 OU3V � t) ('s -, 14141/11S •1/(r Lana can lea wroa' ,vMAnA fr.2)i—rassvursa Or, Amttox je/wagUfe*toe'w (oaTJyA-w s/nLNH en -.aS3SMAa *it Wee— 41 (is{ees.)'tira paeWryn/H9Y9J/-veXm la anoH e.et HLin Aee✓Iro-rUaa9r/tAnIto✓•osaaa Q1 Z110d)111 S.'1IO.L73dS[•II -- Wa od:b ama. 4B/2/!/ aonaadsmJoatte0 _ 01Paiu.Sa A9 mael. ]oednaa0 (/tSkt-tsz) (irtaarg aA) n>/ Ntr� 11744./ asaPPV Hbia Cal U 4G/ Us13N4441'a^tatt owent>og>£ nub() .7ttt JMwassi✓H✓.[L9d std S4' fl fojb 3Ab snvrry9/y o7-, sasnnaJJ)ovopeaO1 5/VOLLIMVA 1e004"7(7j SLO9ay 76067,0s N/1oaf 90.,yiv7 D 1amjdwoD Jo aline/4 3A40/4d 'A' 'PS '349 CM flS/M .8/ ssaiPPV /,N/f/1Nd H129 V2/9s memetdmo0 3o aweN b✓d army d //aWe0 58/ .7--N✓ all0D31I.1141V1dWOD 752 ddW riVVH AMID a f•q