37 Apt A. 1985 k-/J' co )fi;ton treWeil Ke(--' eY - .• ; 0.::• . ez if- ru-opune..?..ri-e; - -7 - ieSX€ Mae 17.1/.;.45 --/k. • • - •eareictinze. 90 . -re ye .:9;e:e ••• • • • -,•-• • ‘.• wen • t -5 - • •• =I.= , , •-• •-• - • .• • - ••■ •-• • -- - . . . am pleased to inform YOU-.that:- bUSidess-has been•Certified.1-i.6 stticinate.in the Massachusetts bridal. Business Purchasing.15iogilM.t;..?You will ,i=7:•;;;,..; • I e listed in the Directory of .Oertified •Bidderaused by .Purchilding-agents . . . . . lisProgram. • You also will be -receiving information abdUt dtlite:tentradti.MC±-;- rocedures and this•Program Periodically. in the .futui-i;Y:::::: -75# • . = •7.e: - Tun application responses indicated that your businees.ii;Either: I, 1-7::..t•.; tnoiitymowned, woman-Owned, or both, Therefore, you may be iligiAle-for. t -- her programs of interest to you. For that:reason; I have given your dame:td..;--.7,f.C;: .,;;.:•••.. .•.. State Office of Minority tusin-e61:AgeiitSlice Mi with information about iheir.sel-Viees and programi:,:if-. theYraid Lready • • • " • •• • • - .eathe foel free-.to contact the. Small Business kssislaitcg. 131Visida a-t !7-4005 If.you have any questions or need assistance:: • • . • - :, , ••- • • • •• • . • •• . •• . rector; Small Business Purchasing PiagraM ./sa •.. • • • • • ■ -2 • .•.. .• - . S.LTONStAULBLDC..-4.:..P.b.so :...1 OF STAV-5 ' : MYFITM STREET 456 AI kEil STIlEET 100 OAM9RICICE-STREtT" 1,101/12.cEXIT IINGFIELD.MA 01029 . 'WORCESTER.MA 01000 -LOWELL.MA 01054 .. 7 805 ITC.N.MA 0:1102 us Walker Jr., Ph.D. MPH Commiaiossr (Orecufiao, ©f p San goadment5igta Sig Adi/tood2.ead g zi genie to a,, irarea rz, 905 Youth Jrrree4 anzaka,A r[tm, 02180 September_11, 1985 To Whom It May Concern: The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program in conjunction with the Housing Allowance Program has employed Mr.. James Carroll to remove lead paint from several Springfield dwelling units. Our Crisis Intervention Deleading program has very stringent requirements , which Contractors must comply with. Mr. Carroll has proven to be a capable and cooperative individual who is able to perform deleading in a timely and professional manner. . I would encourage other individuals or agencies to utilize Mr. Carrolkrs services as a deleading contractor. If I may lbe of further assistance do not_ hesitate to contact me at (617) 522-3700 x 178'. Sin _Pa 1 Hunter MCH Lead Paint Coordinator