Map 39 Lot1 Complaint Records & Notices to Abate BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JOHN T.JOYCE,Chairman ANNE BURES,M.D. CYNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N. 'ETER J.McERLAIN,Health Agent (413)566-6950 Ext 213 FAX(413)586-3726 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE DATE: 2/21/97 ADDRESS MAP: 39 Ns. Ann C. Reardon 141 Riverbank Rd. Northampton, MA 01060 PARCEL: 1 As owner of parcel #1, Map 39, Hockanum Road,(horse barn and paddock), you are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within lixty, (60). days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, hapter 111, Sections 122- 125: large volume, (approximately 30-40 cu/yds) of bedding and manure has been piled along 1e left property line adjacent to your horse barn on Hockanum Road, (Parcel #1, Map 39). tats iih. riditliiTe lease contact the Board of Health office with any questions concerning this matter. 'at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the rocess of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of 20.00 per day may be charged. :ERTIFIED MAIL# P 061 775 838 his a:4 -. en order r ed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. ,/• i Peter J. McErlain, Agent Northampton Board of Health c: Steve Ellis, Regional Engineer, Mass D.E.P. • OF NORTHAMPTON 4SSACHUSETTS SSESSORS PLAN BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: '43 'Time: 'Map: j5 9 'Parcel: / CC'� Name of Complainant yreuc Ci/I/S Address: 7 er P str/c'/• 'rel: e}r,_ Nature of Complaint _TWlia ra Aerdts fo5SP-C go N4.a-wu.1 4� Location: ii-s-c a acce-sL. gC. . Owner. C.C. ) a t n - Address: i U f 7 .-,^-cn_v-.-.✓4L degi 'Tel: Taken by: `% I Date of Inspection: 2/y//97 (Time: r./52'A INSPECTOR'S • � c,, /4-4-4c. / t d /� /' f T S Q Action Taken:' (a0 +cit& lo.A C:P/tiT • _ O Inspector BOARD OF HEALTH JOHN T.IOYCE Chairman PETER C.BENNY M.D. MICHAEL A PARSONS PETER I.MCERLAIN.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 010€ 14101 5866350 Ext.213 • ADDRESS: NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE Ms. Anne Reardon March 26, 1993 DATE: 141 Riverbank Road Northampton, MA 01060 MAP: 39 PARCEL: 1 As owner of lot #1, Map #39, 141 Hockanum Road- you are hereby notified to remedy the conditions named below within sixty (60) days of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts Genera7 Laws, Chapter 111 , Section 123: Very large accumulation of horse manure dumped at the left of your barn and adjacent to the property line. Clean up, remove, and properly dispose of accumulated manure. Prevent the accumulation of large quantities in the future by removing the manure on a monthly basis. If at the expiration of time allowed these been remedied, such further action will be quires and a fine of $20. 00 per day may be By Order CERTIFIED MAIL # P 749 251 167 PJMcE/cdh conditions have not taken as the law re- charged. of the Board of Health INSPECTOR Peter J. McErlain, Agent Northampton Board of Health Name of Complainant Address Nature of Complaint d'rt Location of Premises BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date AAA 06A-a-21 Tel • I 4 Owner Address Occupant n Taken by %/J Referred to I Date of inspection /oi�i/f �,p tme � 1 INSPECTOR'S REPORT v� r'7� /! VV V �, 1 Ah P - 2e4LA- 44139 fa ▪- 1 Action Taken Ja ten da. , aeltd G / I pecmr —Printed on Recycled Paper—