44, 48, 50 Draining Concern 2007 William A. Letendre From: William A3 Letendre SentzTue 9A1/2007 1230 PM To: emathiewgithortharnptoannahov Cc Subject: Pleasant St alley Attachments: Good Morning Ernie, 1 wanes tth bring to your attention a health hazard that exists in the alley that rims from Pleasant St to the Strong Lot The buildings that face Main St have their AC systems located on racks in this alley. The condensate drains from all these AC units dram into the alley. As a result there is always standing water in the alley and in the Strong lot as the water eventually makes its way to a catch basin in the parking lot The water nms thru the area where the trash compactors are prated making that area always wet I have had complaints of mosquitos in that area With the threat of West Nile and the request by the State to eliminate steady water as a bleeding ground there is a case for eliminating this water The building owners would have to install condensate pumps and pump the water to their drains thus eliminating the problem Thanks for your attention to this rennet Bill Letendre Parking Director httpJ/ 9/12/2007 BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS OFFICE OF THE 4RIE KARPARIS,R.N., MPH,CHAIR XANTHI SCRIMGEAUR JAY FLEITMAN,M.D. STAFF pest J.Mathieu,R.S.,M.S.,C.H.O. Director of Public Health Meczywor,R.S.,Sanitary Inspector is Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse October 12, 2007 Andrew and Joya Adams 222 River Road Deerfield, MA 01342 BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413158]-1214 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON F (413)587-121221 MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Mody Tushar 13 A Garden Drive Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Suher Properties LLC C/O HPMG P.O. Box 686 Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Concern of AC Units Condensation Draining in Alleyway at 44, 48, and 50 Main Street Dear M/M Adams, Mr. Tushar and Mr. Suher; Last month, at the request of Mr. Bill Letendre, Parking Director, I meet with him in the alleyway behind Main Street between Strong Avenue and Pleasant Street. We observed several drains from air condition units (AC) of approximately four parcels located on Main Street discharging the condensation form the AC units in the alleyway. The drainage from the drains was seen to be draining across the alleyway. onto the parking lot and under and along the dumpsters and recycling containers. This situation is of some concern to the both of us because of the following: 1.) The condensation contains bacteria and other organisms and is tracked into the buildings, some having kitchens, after employees empty the trash from the buildings or take a short break in the alleyway. 2.) The condensation gets onto cardboard and paper litter that is on the ground around the container storage area, making it wet it more difficult to pick up and dispose of. 3.) T he condensation pools in areas under the dumpsters, remains there long enough with the warm weather to be become stagnate and therefore creating a possible breeding area for mosquitoes. These are a few of our concems not to mention that the continuous presence of the water on the ground does not help the clean appearance of this area that our Merchants and the City strive to maintain. Mr. Letendre and 1 would like to meet with all of you on site in the alleyway behind the Florence Savings Bank, on Friday, October 19, 2007, at 9:15 a.m.,to discuss this situation and any possible ways to correct and eliminate this condition. PAGE 2 Please feel free call me at 413-587-1213 or on my cell phone at 413-563-6680 if you have any questions. If you are unable to personally attend this site meeting,please send a representative in your place. I have also attached a copy of an email sent to me be Mr. Letendre regarding this situation at hand. Thank you for your anticipated time and attention in this request. Sincerely, Ernest J. Mathieu, RS,MS, CHO Director of Public Health Cc: Bill Letendre, Parking Director bOMMERGIAL/INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RECORD OAHU PARCEL ID: 37A-141-001 50 MAIN ST PLOT: Living Units: 9 Class: C 031 Card # 1 of 1 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS Neighborhood 301.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: INCOME SURER PROPERTIES LTC LAND DATA -ASSESSMENT INFORMATION- TYPE HPMG TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE P 0 BOX 686 PRIME SITE 6000 25 525,000 PRIOR COST INCOME CURRENT NORTHAMPTON MA 01061 LAND 262,500#####Npppq 525,000 BLDG 1,355,200##kfNNNN 1,248,900 1,283,000 TOTAL 1,617,700 1,808,000 1,808,000 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 8502 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.138 TOTAL LAND VALUE: 525,000 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 54 DEED DATE: 20051101 20051101 LAND + BLD 2,550,000 N LAST UPDATE: % 20+07/ ATTACHED IMPROVEMENTS COST APPROACH DETAIL: TYPE M1 M2 M3 #UNITS LEVELS USE E WALL HEATING A/C AREA SF RATE RCN % GO RCNLD 8E6 1 B1 TO B1 84 HW/STEAM NONE 2060 30.51 62,860 .40 25,150 B1 TO 81 86 HW/STEAM NONE 3940 29.07 114,530 .40 45,810 01 TO 01 51 BRICK STONE IRK/STEAM CENTRAL 2060 101.18 208,420 .60 125,050 01 TO 01 31 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM CENTRAL 3940 80.15 315,810 .60 189,490 02 TO 02 82 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM NONE 4500 69.61 313,240 .35 109,640 02 TO 02 82 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM NONE 1500 70.11 105,170 .35 36,810 03 TO 03 81 BRICK STONE HU/E EAM NONE 6000 55.64 333,830 .35 116,840 BUILDING # 1 TOTAL UNADJ RCN 807,700 YEAR BUILT 1900 # ALITS 7 TOTAL UNADJ.RCNLD 999,120 QUALITY GRADE B GRADE FACTOR 1.26 # I UNITS 1 EFFICIENCIES RCNLD FACTOR 1.00 1-BEDROOMS 6 RCNLO 1,248,900 3-BEDROOMS 1 3-BEDROOMS OUTBUILDING/YARD ITEM DETAIL: DESCRIPTION WIDTH LENGIHE W YEAR BEART CAN. FUNC. % GD VALUE YS. NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE A0 k: n<:ns. OTHER IMPROV TOTAL OBY/YARD VALUE: INCOME APPROACH SUMMARY: TOTAL RENTABLE SQUARE FEET: INCOME ADJUSTMENT 70 INCOME INDICATED VALUE: COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PROWLR Y KLLU<U LAKU PARCEL. ID: 32A-142-001 48 MAIN ST PLOT: Living Units: 0 Class: C 326 Card # 1 of 1 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS Neighborhood 301.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: INCOME MODY TUSHAR LAND DATA -ASSESSMENT INFORMATION- 13A GARDEN DR TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND 3V0 OO PRIME SITE 2000 C PRIOR COST INCOME CURRENT ELMJOOD PARK NJ 07407 LAND 1]],500x######### 340,000 BLDG 586,7001 k#NpN#N#N#BNN#S 655,600 655,]00 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 4648 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.046 TOTAL LAND VALUE: 340,000 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 247 DEED DATE: 19890401 LAND + BLD 406,000 0 LAST UPDATE: % 20+07/ ATTACHED IMPROVEMENTS COST APPROACH DETAIL: TYPE M1 M2 M3 #UNITS LEVELS USE E WALL HEATING A/C AREA SF RATE RCN % GD RCNLD 5E1 20 1 1 B1 TO B1 84 NONE NONE 1100 27.45 30,200 .35 10,570 S52 7500 1 1 01 TO 01 31 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM NONE 1875 89.51 167,830 .60 100,690 02 TO 02 31 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM NONE 1275 84.92 108,270 .60 64,960 03 TO 03 82 BRICK STONE NW/STEAM NONE 500 86.00 43,000 .20 8,600 03 TO 03 84 BRICK STONE HW/STEAM NONE 500 50.44 25,220 .10 2,520 81 TO B1 31 NONE NONE NONE 53.91 41,780 .50 20,900 TO NONE NONE BUILDING # 1 YEAR BUILT 1900 TOTAL UNADJ RCN 231,280 N UNITS TOTAL UNADJ.RCNLD 297 790 QUALITY GRADE B- GRADE FACTOR 1.17 N IDENT UNITS 1 EFFICIENCIES FUNC/ECON FACTOR 1.05 25 N 1-BEDROOMS RCNLD 312,680 N9 2-BEDROOMS 3-BEDROOMS OUTBUILDING/YARD ITEM DETAIL: DESCRIPTION WIDTH LENGTH QUAN. YEAR PHYS. FUNC. % GD VALUE OR SIZE BUILT COND. UTIL. NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE OTHER IMPROV TOTAL OBY/YARD VALUE: INCOME APPROACH SUMMARY: TOTAL RENTABLE SQUARE FEET: 40 'M"""' INCOME ADJUSTMENT 70 INCOME INDICATED VALUE: COMMERCIA'./INDUSTRIAL PNUPLR v ht U<U LAKU PARCEL ID: 32A-262-001 44 MAIN ST PLOT: Living Units: 0 Class: C 325 Card # 1 of 1 CURRENT OWNER/ADDRESS Neighborhood 301.00 FINAL VALUE FLAG: INCOME ADAMS ANDREW A & JOYA LAND DATA -ASSESSMENT INFORMATION- 222 RIVER RD TYPE SIZE INFLUENCE FACTORS LAND VALUE PRIME SIZE 947 -50 159,470 PRIOR COST INCOME CURRENT DEERFIELD MA 01342 LAND 84,900### ###### 159,470 BLDG 170,900##fi### Np 136,950 126,330 TOTAL 255,700 285,800 285,800 SALES INFORMATION DEED BOOK: 2398 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.022 TOTAL LAND VALUE: 159,470 DATE TYPE PRICE VALIDITY DEED PAGE: 124 DEED DATE: LAST UPDATE: % 2D+07/ ATTACHED IMPROVEMENTS COST APPROACH DETAIL: TYPE M1 M2 M3 #UNITS LEVELS USE E WALL HEATING A/C AREA SF RATE RCN M GD RCNLD 5F1 12 1 1 81 TO B1 86 HOT AIR NONE 864 30.49 26,350 .20 5,270 01 TO 01 31 BRICK STONE HOT AIR NONE 864 102.28 88,360 .40 35,350 02 TO 02 82 BRICK STONE 801 AIR NONE 864 105.30 90,970 .40 36,400 03 TO 03 82 BRICK STONE HOT AIR NONE 864 97.20 83,990 .35 29,390 TO NONE NONE TO NONE NONE TO NONE NONE TO NONE NONE BUILDING # 1 YEAR BUILT 1900 TOTAL UNADJ RCN 160,930 # UNITS TOTAL UNADJ.RCNLD 152,170 QUALITY GRADE B- GRADE FACTOR 1.17 N IDENT UNITS 1 EFFICIENCIES FUNC/ECON FACTOR 0.90 12 N l-BEDROOMS RCNLD 136,950 Nq 2-BEDROOMS 3-BEDROOMS OUTBUILDING/YARD ITEM DETAIL: 51 DESCRIPTION WIDTH LENGTH QUAN. YEAR PHNS. FUNC. % GD VALUE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE la OTHER IMPROV TOTAL OBY/YARD VALUE: INCOME APPROACH SUMMARY: TOTAL RENTABLE SQUARE FEET: 40 _,,a..�. INCOME ADJUSTMENT INCOME INDICATED VALUE: 3M —(c.r/ 3Z4- ZbZ 37A —143 3Z�1 - �NZ � / Zoning Districts CB Central Business GB General Business Nghway Busivecs Rtff Neighborhood Business PV Planed Village BP Business Park SI Special Industrial GI M RR SR URA URB URC General Industrial Medical Special Conservancy Rural Residential Suburban Residential Urban Residential A Urban Rerideofial B Urban Residential C Zoning C FFF Fl j-.I we 1 ws Zoning overt. other dunces Regulnnbnsfe ��m..May r