50 Complaint Record 1993 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Name of Complainant r Address ,40Fnv.0 5-11-/ Nature of Complaint Location Owner Address Occupant Taken by Date of inspection INSPECTOR'S REPORT Date Time 0,01/Y1fAl71ij 3 istrAAA s �/ /-2/c -40t4k S w avD 5$ hte,c S-i- c air NA( Action Taken Referred to Oc/C TimeTim%'r-i 4A/ 0v 40 sAk÷c bat 3Y,72, . {t "^re..,_ e-12-4-7 X WS/AG C.9 MK —Printed n Recycled Paper- mi 6Y-cU ,2rDUCH _,- c— j rsc\ 0 R°amery���`' 4 Dunn icri )2_ci_J\ , k-och d.5,,, - x_ Co c V 7 ct_ u tact \\Q_)_.H o ����6ck n -3-- CS-s-a°-- (\.---)L c3t11/4--z lWC 0 k b ti CA_93\ S ^ e� 1R ca v ( „_6____ crn a R tt> C,o.Ac onto c� - �e-e-L,_ , Cs,cc\A"oS t 0- cami' , w cs l-re1\_ Seed *0 Sce� v� y-Om cbno \ e \) D ‘ pc -) Cv\avn Pn V' B -- -D--�W n OLW L_ orc- t (--)bvc.ccoi l S --rn1K_E_)_n C Q a (stm R_ v7kc1/4c hV-( gyp Th"-W CSR C\ 6 Q Le_%_ on rco W �Q coI e ja_ t 34 Main St., 2nd floor Amherst, MA 01002 (413) 256-0622