249 (Viva Pasta) Comaplint Record 2011 BOARD OF HEALTH-1 CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date:1/7/7J I Time: z/Vrryi Map: Parcel: Name of Complainant: jettioA J, Address: Tel:Al NATURE OF COMPLAINT: / 0-r.54.-- /r "" Co.✓"X ' ^IJV�i.✓ / 00 I lol% 62,4/C7 l�.C,� ,rOp t efc p' ti/ Opsk /14,L/4, mtc1, ,e5 iti Z<seMe, are c,- C'o cJP v, //c-:_i 4 oN Location: i/✓A /-7-es X /u 7 Owner: 2,�//7,/�,,, 1• Address: � // Tel: �y7 i/1--(4. /1//1--(/1--(4. /1/, 5 reei/ Taken by:/%Gl/ Date of Inspection: ////S // Time: /.3634,1,7 � / _ INSPECTOR'S REP% T: /6 o/ B,ds oise/ddd toe/ //41/ `9 G/ew�'^'� f/oceII/PS C.Xin4.05 /0005 or Or ,v. Z.;-/ O 50, /00 V/C/C4_/41./C o // 62/5 7 /4. /4115' `Xe s% /rn�G.4.,u°S . Dig,,.Pho,o.■T,le. eMCkBox YES Actio aken: /(/Gi✓e )aniel Wasiuk :rom: Ben Wood tent: Friday, April 08, 2011 5:12 PM -o; Javeria Mir; Daniel Wasiuk tubject: FW: Fresh Pasta code violations. When was their last inspection? :rom: Yosef Sahler [mailto:yysahler @gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 4:39 PM re: Javeria Mir Cc: Ben Wood Subject: Fresh Pasta code violations. ATTENTION: This notice is confidential and anonymous. It may not be shared, copied, or reproduced in any way unless permission is obtained from me (Yosef Sahler) and signed. IF YOU CAN NOT ABIDE PLEASE DO NOT READ FURTHER AND DELETE THIS MESSAGE. Hello, I recently was applying for a job at the Viva Fresh Pasta restaurant on the corner of State St. and Rt. 9. On the day I began the hood over the range was not working, and the back door was being left open to aid ventilation. When the hood repair person came, he refused to work on it because it was so dirty and. That evening, I and all the other back-of-the-house staff began cleaning. No utensils,utilities or equipment were covered or moved prior to the cleaning, and there were long sticky strands of grease and dust falling all over the food service equipment. The second issue is that there are two pasta making machines in the basement storage area of the operation. They are kept behind a locked door, and are only used during off hours because they are not allowed to be used at all. There is not sink or cleaning capacity in that room in the basement. I am told that the owner/manager has been warned not to use the pasta machines in that room because it is a code violation, and their way of getting away with it is to simply produce the pasta while the restaurant is closed. Please keep in mind that this restaurant is specifically targeting families and caters to high-risk populations. Their lack of cleanliness and the constant cross contamination will kill someone eventually if this is not stopped. Thank You for keeping Northampton safe, Yosef Sahler ORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH MUNICIPAL BUILDING 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 (413)687 1214 FAX 013)567-1221 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION FORM .BLISHMENT RESS ER'S NA ON et- 771/9 IN CHARGE i T FOP B T FOODICE/BARY RETAIL L FOOD SERVICE CATERER RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN fiED BREAKFAST F. MOBILE ILE FOOD SERVICE TEMPORARY FOOD PURPO ROUTINE RE-INSPECT COMPLAIN LLNESS APPROVAL HAOCP OTHER d on an inspection today,the items checkad below indicate the ' fated previsions of 105 CNIR 590.000,State Sanitary Code for Food Establishments,a d adopted FEDERAL FOOD CODE. Each item umbc followed by the applicable section of the Code. Thi report. as saris notice of riolat d •amns and official notice to correct said violations. Failure to comply with any time limits for correction ma molt in SUSPENSION r REVOCATION e FOOD SERVICE LICENSE and CESSATION of your FOOD OPERATIONS The permit holder is hereby notified ofhisficr RIGHT to a HEARING re the Board of Health.which must be requested,in writing,within ten days of this notice. FOOD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT PROTECTION FROM CHEMICALS VIOLATIONS RELATED TO 1000 RETA PRAM ICES;Blue Gems, NC Ass/good/Knowledgeable Yon-optical,lama EMPLOYEE HEALTH iepo,nng of Diseases by Food Employee&PIC nel with Infections ReebictedIEJNuded Noncritical Tema FOOD FROM APPROVED SOURCE Food and Water from Approved Source-., Receiving I Condtbon Ta0URecAMa I Ingredient r w Statement Conformance w./Approved PraceduresiHACC Monttltica items . FOOD FROM APPROVED SOURCE te.Approved Food or Out 19.Toxic Chemicals. 20.Non-critical Items NC Mir MI/ NC �.^ NC TIMEITEMPERATUR NTROLS 21.Cooking Temperatures. 22.Reheating of Potentially Hazardous Foods zs.Cooling of Potentially Hazardous Foods._ 24.Hot&Cold Holding of PHFa 25.Tomes As a Public Health Control 26.Noncritical Items . REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATIONS tHSP1 RI.PoSGng and Food Preparation for HSP 28. Mica!Items. Separation l Segregation l Protection Food Contact Surfaces-Cleaning&Sanitizing Proper Adequate Ha dweahhg Procedures Good Personal Hygienic Practices Prevention of Contamination from Hands.. Handwasmng Facilities-Capacity&Location. Nanerloal Name.. 31.Manaw,ment and Personnel 32.Food and Food Protection 33.Equipment and Utensils 34.Water,Plumbing and Waste 35.Physical Facility. 30.Poisonous or Toxic Materials 37,Other Retell Practice Items. 38.Caterer;Mobile Food Operation 39.Residential Kitchen;Bed&Breakfast 40.Ant-Choking. 41.Tobacco Sales Vhalation 42.Licensing&Enforcement Requirements CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUIRED CONSUMER ADVISORY POSTING rig of Consumer Adviewies Cdboat Consumer Items Voluntary Compliance Re-Insp%Lml scheduled Embargo VoluntaryDisposal Employee ReztrictianIEaclusiOn Emergency Suspension Emergency Closure umoer of V;oroted Prot ieions Rem Foedborne l iar asses lokdod bon RILL Factor i Pod Dome, ro� /. IA 74— �til c ewe lme otOwu;Opener,or Pennin Charge Page 1 of Swears oftr peammor BmN of Heater Rgeesenuvve