74 Bills Fie Edit Took Help Bill header ct Fields Name OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA I Master Location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY ----- Account#4450018100 ms Hist xnalties /Commit ' Detail Charge Read Date 003 ;02/18/201 100 02/18/2015 400 02/18/2015 9 i Bill it 543639 Bill date 03/25/2015 Mail date 03/25/2015 From 11/08/2014 To 03/16/2015 Projected penalties If paid after due date Penalty amt/percent Total due after due date 05385429 R Curr Read 457000 A Amounts 04/24/2015 Total charges .00 Past due Interest due 11772 Tax levy/lien amt Paid amount Total due now 116.74 .00 .98 .00 .00 117.72 900 50.22 64.77 f Fields Master ns Hist nalties /Commit Bill header Name OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA Bill # 533836 Location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY Bill date 12/10/2014 Account» 4450018100 Mail date 12/10/2014 From 08/22/2014 To 11/07/2014 Detail Charge Read Date Meter Number R Curr Read Curr Usage Charge Amt 100 11/13/2014 05385429 400 11/13/2014 A 456100 Projected penalties Amounts If paid after due date 01/09/2015 Total charges 192.66 Penalty amt/percent .00 Past due 00 Interest due .00 Total due after due date .00 Tax levy/lien amt .00 Paid amount 192.66 Total due now .00 1100 61.38 129.53 le Edit fools Help Fields Haste, is Hist ._.._......._ allies Commit Bill header Name OKOROANVANWU UZODINMA Bill# 522118 location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY Bill date 09/05/2014 Account»4450018100 Mail date 09/05/2014 From 05/21/2014 To 08/15/2014 Detail Charge Read Date Meter Number 100 08/05/2014 05385429 R Curr Read 455000 Curr Usage Projected penalties Amounts If paid after due date 10/06/2014 Total charges 12.91 Penalty amt/Percent .00 Past due .00 Interest due .00 Total due after due date .00 Tax levy/lien amt .00 Paid amount 12.91 Total due now .00 Charge Amt 200 11.16 final Bill Inquiry- Munis[City of Northampton] le- Edit Tools Help Fields Master • is Hist raltles Commit Bill header Name OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA Bill# 543639 Location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY Bill date 03/25/2015 Accounta 4450018100 Mail date 03/25/2015 From 11/08/2014 To 03/16/2015 Detail Charge Read Date Meter Number 100 02/18/2015 05385429 400 02/18/2015 R Cue Read A A 457000 Curr Usage Projected penalties Amounts If paid after due date 04/24/2015 Total charges 116.74 Penalty amt/percent .00 Past due .00 Interest due .98 Total due after due date 117.72 Tax leay/lien amt .00 Paid amount .00 Total due now 117.72 Charge Amt 900 50.22 64.77 final Bill Inquiry-Munis[City of Northampton] art Ak e' Edit Tools Help Bill header Fields Name OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA Bill ft 533836 Master location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY Bill date 12/10/2014 Account»4450018100 Mail date 12/10/2014 is Hist From 08/22/2014 To 11/07/2014 taffies Commit Detail Charge Read Date Meter Number 2014 100 11/13/2014 05385429 400 11/13/2014 R Curr A A ad Curr Usage 456100 Projected penalties Amounts If paid after due date 01/09/2015 Total charges 192.66 Penalty amt/percent .00 Past due .00 Interest due .00 Total due after due date .00 Tax levy/lien amt .00 Paid amount 192.66 Total due now .00 Charge Amt 1100 61.38 129.53 1.75 inai Bill Inquiry- Munis[Ci le Edit tools Help Fields Master is Hist ialties Commit of Northampton] Bill header Name OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA Bill S 522118 Location 74 SOVEREIGN WAY Bill date 09/05/2014 Accounts 4450018100 Mall date 09/05/2014 From 05/21/2014 To 08/15/2014 Detail Charge 003 08{05/2014 100 Read Date Meter Number R Curr Read Curr Usage Charge Amt 08/05/2014 05385429 A 455000 Projected penalties Amounts If paid after due date 10/06/2014 Total charges 12.91 Penalty amt/percent .00 Past due .00 Interest due .00 Total due after due date 00 Tax levy/lien amt .00 Paid amount 12.91 Total due now .00 200 11.16 X Detach and return the above portion with your payment Y Make Checks Payable and Mail to: WATER & SEWER BILL g City of Northampton y�' Office of the Tax Collector Customer Copy i , Nor Main Street, Room 305 :4 - Northampton, MA 01060-3191 Keep this portion for your records PH'. 587-1293 Customer Location 1 OKOROANYANWU UZODINMA 74 SOVEREIGN WAY ' • ACcoum Number Parcel Number ' -BilPNOmber Bill Data Due Date 4450018100 036292001 322747 03/01/2010 04/01/2010 Present Read `Present Meter : Previous Meter' Description ' Data PreviousRead Dam Reading Reatlinp. Usage Charge METER(1") 02/04/2010 11/06/2009 0 , 0 0 1.75 WATER 02/04/2010 11/0612009 432100 !I 0/ 430900 1200 50.40 , 14%per annum accrue on overdue payments Past Due ' I Imireit-' "''Cifrient Due . Amount Due Interest at the rate P U d P Y until payment is mace.See reverse side for important information. ,00 .00 52,15 $52.15 WATER IS PRECIOUS PLEASE CONSERVE WATER RATE$4.20 PER 100 CUBIC FEET 100 CU.FT.=748 GALLONS ' SEWER RATE$4.40 PER 100 CUBIC FEET Rate is per 100 cubic feel BYPASSING YOUR WATER METER IS A CRIME.THE NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WILL PROSECUTE THE CRIME TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW Make Checks Payable to; CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Consumption billed in hundreds of cubic Remit To: OFFICE OF THE TAX COLLECTOR feet Non-receipt of issued bill not deemed CITY OF NORTHAMPTON excuse for failure to pay. Property owner 212 MAIN STREET,ROOM 305 responsible for protection of meter from loss NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060-3191 and from hot water, freezing or other For all Correspondence or in person: CIty or Northampton damage. Any person other than an • 125 Locust Street employee of this Water Company who turns Northampton,MA 01060 water off or on at a main or pipe belonging to Office Hours. 8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM Monday through Friday the City, without permission, shall be punished in accordance with Chapter 165, Phones: Collector:413-567-1293 Section 11, General Laws of the Billing: 413-587-15(0 EXT.4304 OR 4305 Commonwealth.