46 Soil Eval Form 1999 •UKJI I I - SOIL I \ Al Al OR I.OR\I Paec I of 3 No. Dale: 5-4 -9 q Commonwealth of Massachusetts NO PriAMe i�N , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Disposal Performed By: '�'.�,c" A.7; U\9..A Cs—) k3*%`S Date: ,j C - ?g. Witntsaed By: 17C=9,_ )-i2Al -CStlV"j 5ov EElGki PAC POLLIS - ' h QE L6 to Solt-OSolt-OE-217-5�, .- Lit la ScSoL-14gq`�(��a� Rl� Iew construction Q�Repair ❑ w P � ' �' CL fart C17 Boo/ Once Review 7 Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes • Year Published In/ Publication Scale 11' / 7° 076 S it Map Uni Drainage Class Mad."' / OA/ Soil Limitations sl VR°e1��^-oD�Aj Surficial Geologic Report Available:'No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published Geologic Material (Map Unit) Land form Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑YYe/es D� IJ Within 500 year flood boundary No Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No ❑Yes ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Publication Scale Curreer Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal ❑Normal ❑Belc Normal LJ Other References Reviewed: DES y'YkOvtn oa.1 07:9$ Deep Hole Number 41 Location (identlly on site plan) Land Use V AC-RN Vegetation _.G(ZSS Land form Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distance: from: r Open Water Body 7/Od feet Possible Wet Area < /eo feet Drinking Water Well A)lp feet Date. tUKII It - BULL t■ ALUAIUR FOF Fag( On-site Review 5"-&—q9 rime: Slope %) Rv� 5-7 Surface Stones Drainage way 72o0 feet Property Line /J. feet Other Weather eLn1/4.. DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG 0e0m (torn Surface son moon San Tenure pncnev IUSDAI • 0 — / 2" A /. 12 - 24 B ! Son Cab, IMunselll Sad Morteng tAix Q611 0 .� c0/+2,56 Srt.litsgV , J'YR t`OyR 1„ Otha ISvucture.Scan,. ewkers, Canssiener. % Graves lccX€_ — S0-ok v la+a Parent Material (geologic) 5.Pa,-)`1-" pepth to Groundwater: Depth to Bedrock: /O< Standing Water in the Hole: NC eeping from Pit face: )W J-E Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water:JVGeUC rul< 1 11 • Duu- Ltru.4A1UK ru. Pag On-site Review Deep.Hole Number ° Date: s-(.p-gy Time: FM Weather CLc.= e Location (identify on site plan) Land Use UC/�CA� I Slope l%1 C9e Surface Stones NatS Vegetation _6',o_- Landform Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: • / . Open Water Body -710c) feet Drainage way 'ZD feet Possible Wet Area't oo I feet Property Line 2 ) —feet Drinking Water Well ill/itor feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Deotn from$wbc• I $011 Horan Poems) Sari Texture IU$DAl • 5041 Calor I $01 Movenp .[Munson) On. IStructura. Stones. Boo k.rs. Consistency. % Onvei' - ter A ( 5/t a-.24- )- a 5/L .x a� n. -�;y C FGPcSE 4431 &Of /6yR ' +$. �odse Q `r-/G NAP. (asp a_bio 2,S y 4/3 /JIB k St �Jocis-r ` Parent Material (geologic] SA..L Depth to Bedrock:'d\k�,,er Depth to Groundwater Standing Water in the Hole: ij0'L'4"—Weeping from Pit Face:Ai-A-'-- Estimated Seasonal Hrgn Ground Water: /UOVG Location Address or Lot No. FORM I t - SOII. LA MA A IOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole ,N1 /°' inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole N` inches ❑ Depth to soil mottles ti/fr inches ❑ Ground water adjustment ._ . ..... feet Index Well Number Adjustment factor Reading Date Index well level Adjusted ground water level . Depth of Naturally Occurrina Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in a I areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification a I certify that on /l (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Dep rtment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature �� {r_�4- -pate St)0—` 7 OEP APPROVED FORM. 12/07/95