421 Tighe and Bonde Contigency Plan LEtter Tighe&Bond Consulting En ginsers Environmental Specia'ists N467-1-70(1151) November 26, 2001 Ms. Mary Clare Higgins, Mayor Northampton Town Hall 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Re: Response Action Outcome Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center 421 North Main Street, Leeds, MA Release Tracking No.: 1-14130 Dear Ms. Higgins: In accordance with the Public Notification Procedures of the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 31C CMR 40.1403, we are hereby notifying you of submittal to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of an Immediate Response Action (IRA) Completion Report and Response Actior Outcome(RAO)for the above-referenced site. A release tracking number of 1-14130 was issued for the site following the suspected"threat of release"of gasoline from a 500 gallon underground storage tank(UST). On July 25, 2001, the tank alarm indicated that gasoline had penetrated the interstitial space between the. inner and outer walls of the UST. On October 19,2001, the UST was removed and no evidence of a release to the surrounding soil was identified. Consequently, the site is being closed under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan(MCP). The IRA Completion Report and RAO Statement is available for public review and copying at the Western Regional office of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) at 436 Dwight Street in Springfield, Massachusetts. Public file review sessions are held every Wednesday. For more information about file review, please call the DEP at(413)784-1100. If you have any questions or comments relative to this correspondence, please feel free to contact Nancy Milkey or the undersigned at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, TIGHE& BOND, INC. v�Johnson, .E., LSP Vide President cc: ampumaim Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection J:UW0467\LTRUZAOPUBNOLTRDOC Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, ]1L4 01085-5308 Tel. 413-562-1600 Fax. 413-562 531 7 (Mama!panted on recycled paper