185 (Haymarket Cafe) Inspection 2016!Main Street tampion,MA 01 080 City of Northampton Health Department Food Establishment Inspection Report Phone: (413)587-1215 Fax: (413)587-1221 ) DateRimeof Inspection Toe of Operation Type of Inspection OFOOd Service ORetail OResdeniial Kltchen OMobile OTempoary OCaterer ['Bed and Breakast ORoutine Oft-inspection OPre-operation 'O Suspect Illness ❑Geraal Complaint OHACCP OOthm ass Date/Tlme of Re-Inspection _ ' phone Risk Level , er HACCP Oyes ONo on in Charge(PIG) Name of Inspector • FOOD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT 1. Plc Assigned/Knowledgeable/Duties EMPLOYEE HEALTH 2.Reporting of Disease 3.Personnel with Infections Restricted/Excluded FOOD FROM APPROVED SOURCE 4.Food and Water from Approved Source 5.ReceSinglcondition 6.Tags/Records/Accuracy of Ingredient Statements 7. Conformance with Approved Procedures/ HACCP Plans PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION 8. Separation/Segregation/Protection 9. Food Contact Surfaces Cleaning and Sa 10.Handlwash FacNUes PERSONAL HYGIENE 11.ProperAdequate Handwashing 12.Good Hygiene Practices 13.Prevention of Contaminator from Hands PROTECTION FROM CHEMICALS 14.Approved Food Color or Addnives 15.Toxic Chemicals IN O OUT D N/A 0 N/0 0 IN O OUT 0 N/A 0 N/0 0 IN DI OUT D N/A 0 N/0 0 IN 0 IN 0 INC IN O OUT N/A 17 N/00 OUTO N/A0 N/0O OUT O N/A 0 N/0 0 OUT D WAD N/0 0 IN D OUT O WA O 119 IN 0, OUTO N/AO IN OUTD N/A0 IN D OUTO INC QUID IN OUTD N/A 0 N/A O N/A 0 N/0 0 N/0 0 N/0 D N/0 0 N/0 0 N/0 0 IN O. OUTO N/AD N/0O IN D OUT D N/A O N/0 0 Non Compliances/4h 0 Anti-Chokino 0 Tobacco O Allergen TIMEREMPERATURE CONTROLS 16.Cooking Temperatures 17.Reheating 18.Cooling 19.Hot and Cold Holding 20.Time as a Public Health Control INC. OUTO N/A0 N/O0 INC" OUTO N/A0 N/00 IN OUTO N/A El W00 IN OUT0 N/A0 N/O0 IN 0 OUT 0 N/A:0 N/0 0 REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATIONS(HSP), 21.Posting and Food Preparation forHSP IN0 OUTO N/AD N/00 Non-critical Items CONSUMER ADVISORY 22. Posting of Consumer Advisory IN❑ OUT D N/A 0 N/0 0 VIOLATIONS RELATED TO GOOD RETAIL PRACTICES 23.Management and Personnel N❑ OUT 0 N/A D 24.Food and Food Protection N C OUT 0 N/A 0 25.Equipment and Utensils ND-. OUT O N/AD 26.Water,Plumbing and Waste N❑ OUT O N/A 0 27.Physical Facility N d` OUT 0 N/A 0 28.Poisonous or Toxic Materials N-P,• OUT D N/AO 29.Other Retail Practice Items Ng OUT 0 N/A 0 Violations Related to Food Borne Illness Risk Factors Violations marked may pose an imminent health hazard and require immediate corrective action as etermined by the Board of Health Number of Violations Related to Food Borne Illness Risk Factors N/0 0 N/0 D WO 0 N/O 0 WO D N/0 0 N/0 0 Based on an inspection today,the Inspection Criteria checked indicate violated pvNions of 105 CMR 590.000/Fedeal Food Code(FC). Each violation has an explanation In the nary ve portion of the report THIS REPORT,V&EN SIGNED BY A BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBER OR R'S AGENT.SERVES AS OFFICIAL ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EALTX FAILURE TO COMP/Y MAY RESULT IN THE SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF YOUR F000 ESTABLISHMENT PERMR AND CES$ATN)N QF FOOD N ESTABLISHMENT OPERATIONS Violated Boarprovisions must be corrected by the scheduled date of the receipt of tecson. If aggrieved by Nis order,you have a rght to a hearing. Your to the Board of Health at the above address within 10 days of receipt of this other. request must be in writing and submitted Item N Code Reference C Cdticel Narrative WItems Checked Above Violation Corrected Date Verified inspector Sig.: Print Name: PIC Sp: Punt Name: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON EALTH DEPARTMENT Establishment Name: Ci- - K - Date: a /6J Page: of 2 Code DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION/PLAN OF CORRECTION Violation Date item* C.Critical Reference PLEASE PRINT Corrected Corrected Vented • pp / / s — r -.1 A El Lira ys� r 1L7_lli�"?l�:�i / n ��= Discussion with person in charge Corrective Action Required: k No ❑ Yes ❑ Voluntary Compliance ❑ Employee Restriction/Exclusion ��/�ir✓�1 l�S�ec O�>�IO��SS / ❑ Re-inspection Scheduled ❑ Emergency Suspension Re-Inspection Date: / ❑ Embargo ❑ Emergency Closure A IV