Florence Casket Compant Complaint 2016 ci7-201'?-6(006,3 teed E CB ISL./ p T r ?OD SDOD ILLNESS SIOGSING NAIL SALONS ODOR. PESTS ?pnin SEPTIC s ATER SEWER HOARDING OTHER 't:PL.a1NTA NT'S ENFORMA T EON: Call Taker Lnit?alC:CQII- Date of Complaint:c 2_:2I(p ndll-5 Neme: P6M ,k)e l (6 n A piaizt Location: Telephone =14RC 2- I$4$ Telephone c / AinCri'i /C4ris(\ �+-. Animals: i N Child Under 6: I N N4 - RFOF 4_1cvenC IT: ea See- 4.erop -�1Y/— AJ et/t_.:_:L eser AMe V(aaJh npen , c.1 C. Cl OWNER'S INFORMATION: Owner's Name: 'ropert Mgr Lard Lord: Inspection Scheduled on: i-,nnplaint .mounded: ,md;tions Hound: Address: Telephone= Address: Alternate`- ACTION TAKEN: f Inspecting Officer Date'Time of Inspection iptember 16, 2016 tm Welland North Main Street orence, MA 01062 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT E: Letter of Concern orence Casket Company Bardwell Street orence, MA 01062 ear Ms.Welland; Public Health Ulrecmr—Merridith O'Leary RS Municipal Building—212 Main Street—Northampton, 414 01060 Phone(413)587-1215—Rae(4131587-1221 http://www.northamptonma.gov/245/Ilealth Public Health Prevent.Promote.Protect. lave received your e-mail regarding your concern for the odors emitting from the Florence Casket )mpany. We appreciate your reaching out to the Health Department and would like to respond to this quiry. istorically there have been numerous complaints regarding the odors emanating from the Florence asket Company. The Northampton Board of Health and designees have included various agencies to isist with the determination to the short and long term health risks as well as air quality. he Northampton Health Department conducts ongoing data to ensure that there are no changes to this Latter. Enclosed you will find the memorandum from the Board of Health to Mayor Narkewicz .garding this for your review. you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at molearv@)northamptonma.gov (413) 587-1214. espectfully: [erridith O'Leary, R.S. irector City of Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street,Northampton,MA 01060 Ph(413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221 CITY of NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS: Donna Salloom, Chair Joanne Levin, MD_Suzanne Smith, MPH, MD- William Hargraves-Cynthia 5uopis, PhD STAFF Merridith O'Leary, 25, Director—Daniel Wasiuk Inspector-Edmund Smith,Inspector-Jennifer Brown,RN,Nurse MEMORANDUM DATE: June 12,2013 TO:Mayor Narkewicz FROM:Board of Health RE: Florence Casket Company Historically,the Northampton Board of Health has received periodic complaints during the spring and summer months related to odors emitted from the Florence Casket Company. During the time frame of March 1,2010 and May 31,2013 the Health Department received a total of 13 complaints from 6 different individuals. Throughout that period,the Northampton Board of Health and Health Department designees have thoroughly and exhaustively worked with the Florence Casket Company, federal and state agencies,and third party industrial hygienists to assure that there are no short term or long term health risks associated with the chemicals and their permissible use. Observational data(community complaints,Health Department staff observations)and reports from agencies including the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Health (DEP),OSHA,Environmental Compliance Services,and the Office of Technical Assistance (OTA,a sister agency to the MA DEP) have all been reviewed by the Board of Health. It has been determined that,at present,no evidence exists to support a finding that the chemicals Florence Casket Company use are responsible for health related problems in the community. Over the past three years,The Florence Casket Company has voluntarily made many changes to their equipment,chemicals,spraying process,and best management practices to address the community's complaints;they have worked closely with the Northampton Board of Health and other air quality agencies to seek solutions to help minimize the intermittent odor. The Northampton Board of Health does not dispute that odors emanate intermittently from this business; however,the Board does not find the odors to be an actionable nuisance or health hazard at this time. The Health Department will continue to monitor all odor complaints,review chemical usage reports and perform an annual inspection of Florence Casket Company. If there any questions,please do not hesitate to contact meat molearv@northamptonma.eov or(413) 581-1214. cc: City Solicitor 212 Main Street, Northampton,MA 01060 Ph(413)587-1214 Fax(413)587-1221