31A-331 (6) City of Northampton Mail -97 Vernon St- Bercume Builders Inc. https://mail.google.cam/mail/u/0f?ui=2&ik=39211afs3d&view=pt&se_.
Mehammed has had so many issues in only the FIRST week of me being at Vernon Street. The buyers told me
has complained to them numerous times through email and in person. I am concerned that he is going to
negatively effect my contract and relationship with them and affect my reputation as a builder, I've been in the
business for 30 years and whenever there is a problem I address it immediately. The home will be fully built
soon so Mehammed won't have anything to worry about,
I can be contacted anytime through email or at 413-374-5050.
Thank you,
Rona Bercume
(413) 374-5050
bercumebuilders djcharter.net
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