31A-331 (7) City of Northampton Mail-97 Vernon St- Bercume Builders Inc. haps 'imailcooglecom'maihu0/?ui=2&ik-392 I Iafc3d&view=pt&se... Cify of 319 , .33( Ir16; J "Northampton Charles Miller<cmiller@northamptonma.gov> 97 Vernon St - Bercume Builders Inc. 1 message Bercume Builders <bercumebuildersllc@gmail.com> Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 8:27 PM To: Nhamp insp Chuck Miller Asst ccmiller@northamptonma.gov> Cc: N Hemp Sunny S <drshuks@yahoo.com>, Cmisch@northamptonma.gov, mehammed@gmail.com Hi Chuck, I'm emailing you in regards to the home I'm building at 97 Vernon St on a lot in between Mehammed Mack's and Julie Hook's properties. I want to respond to Mehammed's email he sent you on Aug. 30th. 1 -I never asked Mehammed or his partner if I could move and raise his fence. I suggested it would be a good idea to remove approximately the last six sections of fence (that go into his backyard). If he removed these sections, I told him that I would level his backyard to be more level with my lot. at my expense with the extra fill I have. He didn't want to remove the fence and it was done. I just offered to do this for his benefit solely. 2 - I asked him if he needed extra top soil for his own use which I could bucket over on his property free of charge. He said he would let me know. He called me an hour later and said if I stripped the top soil off his backyard, spread out my top soil then put his top soil back on then he would take the top soil I was offering him. He only wanted it under these conditions so no top soil was put on his property. 3 -I instructed all of the guys working on the job not to start until 7. 4 -The people buying the home informed me that their friends were taking a look at the property on the Sunday Mehammed says work was started too early. They were their around 730—740 AM and told the buyers no one was working. 5- No one has chipped his driveway or sidewalk. 6- I never lost my temper. I've been extremely nice to all the neighbors. Most of who enjoy watching the home being constructed. Mehammed has been saying things that are completely untrue. He complains to my buyers and is now contacting city officals. I don't know what his goal is but I am building this home as a custom for buyers who are very excited about moving in and visit the building site often. This sale closes in December so the construction going on now won't last much longer since the home will be completely finished by the end of November/beginning of December. I oft 9/7/20169:01 AM