Tree care concerns
September 1, 2016
Mr. Jonathan Wright
Wright Builders
48 Bates Avenue
Northampton, MA 01060
Dear Mr. Wright,
Thank you for your continued interest in C. L. Frank & Company.
C. L. Frank & Company was the first company in Massachusetts, the second company in the United States, and is the only company in the Pioneer Valley Accredited by the Tree Care Industry
Association (#MA-001).
As requested, I have evaluated your Tree Care concerns located at 121 Hinckley Street, Florence, MA, and have the following recommendations and proposal.
The 40” DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) Sugar Maple, near the southwest corner of the grounds was evaluated.
The tree has an unbalanced canopy, limited root space, evidence of stem decay and large dead wood in the canopy. Additionally, Sugar Maple is a species that struggles in conditions
such as yours.
I recommend the tree be carefully removed close to grade to eliminate the risk to the properties.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, additional Tree Care concerns, or if we can be of service.
Kevin Wedemeyer
ISA Certified Arborist # NE 1048A
TCIA Certified TreeCare Safety Professional # 00058
MASS Certified Arborist # 2288
C. L. Frank & Company is an Accredited BBB Member (