Commanded to Testify 2013 A RUE Eoc o PY EPU SH I F 40p.. 1,303 Subpoena Duces Tecum THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Hampshire, ss : To: Edmund Smith, Health Inspector City Hall Northampton MA 01060 YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to appear and testify before the Superior Court held at Northampton on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. and from day to day thereafter, until the action hereinafter named is heard by said Court . You shall give evidence of what you know relating to the case of Fondakowski v. Bowditch, Hampshire Super. 11 013 . The matters on which examination will take place are : 1 . The operation and maintenance of the property at 129 Pleasant Street , Northampton MA; and 2 . The conformity of such property to the State Sanitary Code, and communications with respect to such property to the State Sanitary Code . You shall bring with you copies of the documents listed in the annex hereto marked "A" . HEREOF FAIL NOT, as you will answer your default under the pains and penalties in the law in that behalf made and provided. This Subpoena Duces Tecum was issued at the request of the Plaintiff Mitchell J. Fondakowski . Dated at Northampton this October 29, 2013 . Stephen R. aplan Notary Public 90 Fox Farms Road Florence Massachusetts 01062 (413) 584-8966 My Commission Expires August 25, 2017 . "A" List of Documents Requested in Subpoena Duces Tecum: 1 . All communications from or on behalf of the Northampton Board of Health to Acheson Company, LLC or Dean Acheson or Bowditch, LLC or William H. McLoughlin of Conway MA or to John Pitzi of Northampton or to John T. Czepiel of Northampton or to Mitchell J. Fondakowski of Northampton or to John Pitzi or to the tenants at 129 Pleasant Street, Northampton, having to do with the property at 129 Pleasant Street, Northampton.