Compaint Records Geo Tracking #: Entered By:Lam, 4/4,5 i K Date Entered: g/ 3ODYART SUISANCE ;MORE FOOD ODOR WATE FOOD ILLNESS PESTS SEWER HOARDING HOUSING POOLS NAIL SALONS SEPTIC OTHER COMPLAINTA-NT'S INFORMATION: /A e,,/ h/Ce,y Call Taker Initials: Date of Complaint: X/ .3 / /6 Implainant's Name: :cupant's Name: omplaint Location: ATURE OF OMPLAINT: IJ SJScLEJ < Rot)/e5/6: ri // {/ S��cAOo/- /�//ih/e sni&l/ S/Prnn , fYtJ/v( frocess,1 th_„) - s Telephone# (1/43)CCre- g5.37 X/O/ Tel ;;ephonne ( ) _ le _ Animals: Y/N Child Under 6: Y/N OWNER'S INFORMATION: wner's Name: roperty Mgr./ and Lord: rspection cheduled on: omplaint Infounded: londitions mind: /k 35/-k 'Telephone # Address. l%/7✓P P ( ) - Address: Alternate# ( olecitri OA/ Ocir Corn it/4/ 72- rli,t/ A aa ) oL-er /e�.q,,v s,n // ,�� se, /rim 114”- 72/no .CTION TAKEN: / /3 / /6 Date/Time of Inspection .23;/ 41 Entered By: Date Entered: Geo Tracking #: y� DYART FOOD FOOD ILLNESS HOUSING NAIL SALONS ISANCE ODOR PESTS POOLS SEPTIC OKE WATER/SEWER HOARDING OTHER COMPLAINTANT'S INFORMATION: Call Taker Initials: Date of Complaint: / / rplainant's Name: C5 ,u-e \ `lf\x4,`,‘ upant s Name: nplaint Location: TURE OF MPLAINT: Ov iI.\<\ Telephone# ( ) Telephone#( ) Animals: YIN Child Under 6: Y/N VNER'S INFORMATION: _ \� 0. mer's Name: Ad ess: Telephone#( )_ perty Mgr./ Address: Alternate# ( ) ad Lord: ;pection heduled on: rplaint 'founded: mditions Fund: CTION TAKEN: ignature of Inspecting Officer Date/Time of Inspection -4,10/firgin _fir 52,m lei wo/ 2/10 0 1 CA_