48 Application for Disposal System Permit Important:When filing out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the return key. matt Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 1A Number DSO Fee DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health it they choose to do so. Before using the form, check with your local Board of Health to make sure that they will accept it. A. Facility Information Application is hereby made for a permit to:❑ Construct a new on-site sewage disposal system ❑ Repair or replace an existing on-site sewage disposal system ® Repair or replace an existing system component 1. Location of Facility: 48 Country Way Address or Lot p Florence City/Town 2. Owner Information Lisa Gibbs Name Address(if different from above) City/Town MA State 01062 Zip Code State Zip Code Telephone Number 3. Installer Information Tom Wanzcyk River Drive Excavating Name Name of Company Address Hadley MA City/Town State 413-584-1814 Telephone Number 01035 Zip Code 4. Designer Information Alan Weiss Cold Spring Environmental Consultants Inc. Name Name of Company 350 Old Enfield Road Address Belchertown MA 01007 City/Town State Zip Code 413-323-5957 Telephone Number tsforml a.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Constmdion Permit•Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 1A ;0/6-/3 Number $ /50 Fee A. Facility Information (continued) 5. Type of Building: ® Dwelling ❑ Garbage Grinder(check if present) Other: Type of Building 3 Bedroom Single Family Home ❑ Showers Specify other fixtures: 6. Design Flow: Calculated Daily Flow: 7. Plan: Number of showers Number of Persons Served ❑ Cafeteria ❑ Other fixtures 330+. Gallons per Day New 1500 gallon septic tank installed. Gallons 07.19.16 Date of Original 01 Number of Sheets Revision Date Septic Tank installation only due to corrosion of old 1000 gallon tank . Title of Plan 8. Description of Soil: 9. Nature of Repairs or Alterations(if applicable): New septic tank only as part of Title 5 inspection . 10. Date last inspected: Date t5formla.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 2 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form to 20/6-73 Number LSD Fee B. Agreement The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Health] 17e ro P Signature Application Approves'y NaMe Application Disapproved for the following reasons: INa '',h .' , rill+ Date D t5fornl a.doc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 3 of 3 " 06 re I I Itt t