Facility Inspection 2015 Sheriff ROBERT J.GARVEY Deputy Superintendent PATRICK J.CATm.TANE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS c [RYYLW11C4E cSEtiAT (Uff icE PO.BOX 7000 NORTHAMPTON,MASSACHUSETTS 01061-7000 Ms.Kerry Wagner Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office Health&Human Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 180 Beaman Street West Boylston,MA 01583 Re: Hampshire County Jail& HOC Inspection May 28,2015 Attention:- Kerry Wagner Environmental Health Inspector,CSP,BEH July 21,2015 TELEPHONE (413)584-5911 FAX (413)584-2695 Dear Ms. Wagner The facility is in contact with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM). DCAMM is in contact with the current owner of the building for a resolution to the overall structural,safety and environmental conditions with the leased Modular Buildings. The Hampshire Sheriff s Office will continue in its efforts to remedy the long standing conditions with the Modular Housing Units,to the best of our abilities. Attached please find documentation for the corrective actions that have been taken. Sincerely yours, RIG:ct Enclosure obert J.Garvey Sheriff cc: Suzanne K.Condon,Associate Commissioner,Director,BEH Steven Hughes, Diredor.CSP,BEH Jay Youmans,Director of Govemment Affairs Marylou Sudders,Secretary,Executive Office of Health and Human Services Carol Higgins O'Brien,Commissioner,DOC Patrick Cahillane.Assistant Superintendent Captain Robert Hodgen,Compliance Officer Lieutenant David Murphy,EH5O Meredith O'Leary,RS,Health Director,Northampton Board of Health Clerk,Massachusetts House of Representatives Clerk,Massachusetts Senate Daniel Bennett,Secretary,EOPS MALE STAFF LOCKER ROOM 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Shower rusted Staff Gym No Violations Noted MEDICAL Medical Waste 105 CMR 480.500(A) Procedures; Records; Record-Keeping Log: Generator had no written procedures for maintaining compliance with 480.000 Written procedures generated for maintaining compliance 6/75 105 CMR 480.500(A)(3) Procedures; Records; Record-Keeping Log: Generator had no written documentation for blood bome pathogen training Written documentation produced and fled for pathogen training 6/15 105 CMR 480.500(B)(2)(A-D) Procedures; Records; Record-Keeping Log: Generator did not specify off-site treatment parameters, missing record keeping log Record keeping log updated specifying off site procedures 6/15 Staff Bathroom Shower Exam Rooms File Room Storage Room No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted SPECIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT A BLOCK Lower Shower No Violations Noted Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Floor paint damaged HSO has requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Building Storage Closet(lower) Storage Closet (upper) No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect—No longer in use 10/15 Cells 105 CMR 451.353 Interior Maintenance:Floor tiles missing in cell#JI and J6 451-15(I)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 2 of 14 ES D.BAKER overnor NJ E.POLITO nant Governor The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services Department of Public Health Bureau of Environmental Health Community Sanitation Program 180 Beaman Street, West Boylston, MA 01583 Phone: 508-792-7880 Fax: 508-792-7706 TTY: 508-835-9796 June 4,2015 )ert J. Garvey, Sheriff npshire County Jail and House of Correction Rocky Hill Road rthampton,MA 01060 Facility Inspection-Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction,Northampton MARYLOU SUDDERS Secretary MONICA BHAREL,MD,MP Commissioner Tel:617-624-6000 www.mass.govItlph ar Sheriff Garvey: tecordance with M.G.L.c. 111, §§ 5,20,and 21, as well as Massachusetts Department of Public Health(Department) gulations 105 CMR 451.000: Minimum Health and Sanitation Standards and Inspection Procedures for Correctional :ilities; 105 CMR 480.000: Storage and Disposal of Infectious or Physically Dangerous Medical or Biological Waste ate Sanitary Code,Chapter VIII); 105 CMR 590.000: Minimum Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments(State aitary Code Chapter X);the 1999 Food Code; 105 CMR 520.000 Labeling; and 105 CMR 205.000 Minimum Standards werning Medical Records and the Conduct of Physical Examinations in Correctional Facilities; I conducted an pection of the Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction on May 28, 2015 accompanied by Lieutenant David arphy, EHSO and Paul Halfmann, Community Sanitation Program.Violations noted during the inspection are listed low including 40 repeat violations: sALTH AND SAFETY VIOLATIONS indicates conditions documented on previous inspection reports) gTRANCE AREA ale Bathroom !male Bathroom OMPLIANCE HALL aff Break Room 114-204.112(A) taff Bathroom 1fFices No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Design and Construction, Functionality:No functioning thermometer in refrigerator Thermometer was behind items in refrigerator 6/15 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 51-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 1 of 14 Storage Closet No Violations Noted UNIT 3 Cells 105 CMR 451.103 Mattresses: Mattress damaged in cell#C21 Mattress replaced 105 CMR 451.353 6/15 Interior Maintenance: Baseboard damaged in cell#C15 RFS Submitted: Baseboard to be fixed/replaced 10/15 Lower Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned Storage Closet(lower) Storage Closet(upper) UNIT 4 Cells Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123* Lower Shower 05 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet UNIT 5 Cells 105 CMR 451.353 Lower Shower 105 CMR 451.123 No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect—No longer in use No Violations Noted Maintenance: Cove base cracked RFS Submitted: Cove base to be repaired Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Ventilation grille blocked in cell#C38 Grille blockage removed Maintenance: Mold observed on shower curtain Shower Curtain replaced Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Mold observed on shower curtain Shower curtain replaced Storage Closet 105 CMR 451.353 Interior Maintenance: Slop sink basin cracked RFS Submitted: Sink basin to be replaced 10/15 6/4/15 10/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/75 6/15 451-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 4 of 14 RFS Subnitted: Floor tiles to be replaced by the maintenance dept. 10/15 cer's Control Area CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Bathroom vent dusty Bathroom vent cleaned LOCK ver Shower CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged HSO has requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Building per Shower rage Closet(lower) (rage Closet (upper) lls )USE Unable to Inspect—In Use No Violations Noted Unable to Inspect- No longer in use No Violations Noted 6/4/15 10/15 Yicer's Control Area 5 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Bathroom floor dirty 6/4/15 Bathroom floor swept and mopped NIT 1 ells IS CMR 451.353 ower Shower )5 CMR 451.123 forage Closet )5 CMR 451.353 05 CMR 451.353 05 CMR 451.353 JNIT 2 :ells Interior Maintenance: Wall paint damaged in cell#C2 10/15 RFS Submitted: Wall to be painted Maintenance: Soap scum on shower curtain 6/15 Shower curtain replaced Interior Maintenance:Comer of ceiling vent damaged RFS Submitted: Ceiling vent to be replaced by the maintenance dept. 10/15 Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty 6/4/15 Ceiling vent cleaned of dust Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored in slop sink 6/4/15 Mop rung out and stored properly No Violations Noted Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Wall tiles damaged HSO has requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Buildinr 10/15 Page 3 of 14 351-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on floor in shower Shower floor cleaned Upper Shower 105 CMR 451.123* HSO has 105 CMR 451.123 HSO has 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Storage Closet 105 CMR 451353 MAIN KITCHEN Barrel Room FC 6-501.1 11(13) Staff Bathroom Pot Room FC 4-903.11(B)(1) Walk-in Cooler#2 & 3 Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged requested a DCAMMstudy for replacement of all showers Maintenance: Tiles damaged outside of shower requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers Maintenance: Floor dirty Shower floor cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned Interior Maintenance: Wall vent dusty Vent cleaned in Main Building in Main Buildinp Maintenance and Operations; Pest Control: Flies observed in barrel room Fly not observed at time of receipt of report. Barrel washer removed as a possible draw for the flies. No Violations Noted Protection of Clean Items, Storing: Pots not stored in the inverted position Items in question removed and rewashed during the time of DPH inspection. Inmate workers reminded of proper storage procedure. No Violations Noted Handwash Sink and 3-Bay Sink No Violations Noted Dishwashing Area Serving Line Dining Room Dry Storage Walk-in Freezer# I Deep Freezer#6 FC 4-501.11(A) No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 6/4/15 10/15 10/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/15 6/4/15 Maintenance and Operation, Equipment: Equipment not maintained in a state of good repair, ice build-up observed on walls and ceiling 451-15(1) Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 6 of 14 :MR 451.353 Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned of dust T6 er Shower CMR 451.123* HSO has CMR 451.123 ier Shower CMR 451.123 CMR 451.123 CMR 451.123 rage Closet No Violations Noted Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Building Maintenance: Floor dirty Shower floor cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on Shower walls cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on Shower floor cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on Shower curtain replaced Unable to Inspect- Locked Unable to Inspect—Locked Unable to Inspect—Locked FICER'S CONTRL AREA ff Bathroom 'IT 7 Its No Violations Noted walls in shower floor in shower shower curtain wer Shower 5 CMR 451.123* Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged 1150 has requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Building 5 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Mold observed on shower curtain Shower curtain replaced Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned leer Shower 5 CMR 451.123 5 CMR 451.123 VIT 8 _1Is Maintenance: Floor dirty Shower floor cleaned No Violations Noted ower Shower )5 CMR 451.123* Maintenance:Floor tiles damaged 1150 has requested a DCAMM study for replacement of all showers in Main Building )5 CMR 451.123* Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower walls cleaned 51-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 10/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/15 10/15 6/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 10/15 6/4/15 Page 5 of 14 Room #2 Room#3 105 CMR 451.353* Room #4 Room# 5 Room# 6 Room# 7 Room #R 105 CMR 451.141 Room#9 105 CMR 451.353 105 CMR 451.353 Room# 10 105 CMR 451.353* 105 CMR 451.350 SOUTH Bathroom 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Showers 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 Day Room 105 CMR 451.350 105 CMR 451.353 No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Screens: Screen damaged Interior Maintenance: Middle ceiling ventilation grille blocked Interior Maintenance: Far right ceiling ventilation grille rusted Interior Maintenance: Floor tiles damaged Structural Maintenance: Hole in wall Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: : Floor worn and no longer easily cleanable : Wall comer cracked at toilet# 1 : Hole in wall around flusher at toilet#4 : Hole in wall around flusher at toilet#3 Wall dirty at toilet#6 Mop hung over side of toilet stall Ceiling vent dusty Maintenance: Maintenance: plate Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Hole in floor in the plumbing chase behind shower wall Plumbing chase behind showers has rotted wall studs, floor joists, and sill Wallboard in plumbing chase behind showers has mold growth Wallboard in showers not moisture proof, walls bulging Ceiling vents rusted Ceiling vents dusty Shower walls damaged in shower#2 4 5 and 6 Soap scum on walls in shower# 1, 2, 4,5 6 7 and 9 Soap scum on floor in shower# 1, 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,and 9 Structural Maintenance:Floor damaged near water fountain Interior Maintenance: Metal panels around water fountain falling off Room# 1 451-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 8 of 14 mte Bathroom CMR 451.123 !mica)Storage UNDRY Freezer was identified by HSO Kitchen Staff as being deficient in January of 2015 with ice buildup. The HSO is currently requesting proposals for repair/replacement of Freezer. 10/15 Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling vent cleaned No Violations Noted No Violations Noted 6/4/15 )DULAR Hampshire Sheriff's Office has been in contact with and is working with the Department of Public Safety (DPS to Building Inspector) and the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance(DCAMM) on a resolution he overall structural,safety and environmental conditions with the leased Modular Buildings. atrol 4-602.12(B) Cleaning of Equipment and Utensils;Frequency: Interior of microwave oven dirty Microwave cleaned 6/4/15 If Bathroom )RTH throom 5 CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123 5 CMR 451.123 5 CMR 451.123 5 CMR 451.123 ility Sink 5 CMR 451.123* powers 5 CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123 5 CMR 451.123* CMR 451.123* 5 CMR 451.123* CMR 451.123 i5 CMR 451.123 ay Room IS CMR 451.353 oom# 1 No Violations Noted Maintenance: plate Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Plumbing chase behind toilets has rotted wall studs, floor joists and sill Hole in floor behind toilets# 1 & 2 covered with plywood Ceiling vents dusty Toilet#6 out-of-order Mop hung over side of toilet stall Counter tops dirty throughout sink area Floor dirty throughout bathroom Maintenance: Plywood covering hole in floor Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Maintenance: Floor cracked in shower# 2 Shower walls cracked in shower#3, 5, and 7 Shower walls cracked in shower#6 and 8 Wall board in shower#8 not properly secured Floor cracked at each shower divider's support beam Ceiling vents dusty Soap scum on walls in shower# 1-8 Soap scum on floor in shower# 1-8 Interior Maintenance: Chess table damaged No Violations Noted I1-15(1)-Hampshire_Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 7 of 14 Control UNFI 1 Cell Unable to Inspect- Locked No Violations Noted Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Wall tiles cracked HSO has requested a DCIMMstudy for replacement of all showers in Main Building Maintenance Closet UNIT 2 Cells Shower MAIN BUILDING GYM Inmate Bathroom Storage Closet 105 CMR 451.353 Workout Rooms Female Staff Locker Room Weight Room SALLYPORT/INTAKE Cells 105 CMR 451.353 Shower PROGRAMS HALLWAY Library No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Wet mop stored upside down against wall Mop rung out and stored correctly No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Floor dirty in cell 42 Cell#2 floor cleaned No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Wood Shop 451-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 10/15 6/4/15 6/4/75 Page 10 of 14 CMR 451.350 om# 2 CMR 451.353* CMR 451.353* om#3 i CMR 451.353* ; CMR 451.353* om#4 5 CMR 451.353* CMR 451.353* om#5 5 CMR 451.353* 5 CMR 451353 om#6 5 CMR 451.353* 5 CMR 451.141 ma om#8 5 CMR 451.353 iom#9 5 CMR 451.353 iom# 10 ,ntal rfices Structural Maintenance: Wall damaged near entrance Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Interior Maintenance: Ceiling vent rusted Wallboard divider broken Wallboard divider broken Hole in wall Ceiling vent dusty Wallboard divider broken Wallboard divider broken Ceiling vent rusted Interior Maintenance: Gap between wall and ceiling above window Screens: Screen did not fit in window properly No Violations Noted Interior Maintenance: Wallboard divider broken Interior Maintenance No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted ULINARY ARTS KITCHEN shwashing Arca aoler -eezer OWER LEVEL HOUSING ipply Closet aundry No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted i l-I SM-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 allboard divider broken Page 9 of 14 Shower 105 CMR 451.123 Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned C BLOCK Cells Shower D BLOCK Cells Shower E BLOCK Cells Shower 105 CMR 451.123 105 CMR 451.123 F BLOCK Cells Shower 105 CMR 451.123* 105 CMR 451.123* Weight Room 105 CMR 451.350 Laundry REGIONAL LOCKUP Entrance Bathroom 105 CMR 451.110(A) Main Desk No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on floors in shower Shower cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned 6/4/15 6/4/15 6/4/15 No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on floors in shower Shower cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned Structural Maintenance: Wall damaged near exit door RFS Submitted: wall to be repaired No Violations Noted 6/4/15 6/4/15 10/15 Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Hand wash Sink: No paper towels at hand wash sink Paper towels replenished at handwash sink 6/4/15 No Violations Noted 451-15(1)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 12 of M od Shop Bathroom CMR 451.124 alt Learning Center ff Bathroom CMR 451.123 nate Bathroom CMR 451.123 No Violations Noted Water Supply: Insufficient water supply in quantity and pressure at hand wash sink RFS Submitted: sink water pressure to be adjusted 7/15 No Violations Noted Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling Vent cleaned 6/4/15 Maintenance: Ceiling vent dusty Ceiling Vent cleaned 6/4/15 nate Bathroom(after Captain's Office) No Violations Noted rber Shop wining Room INIMUM HOUSING tin Utility Room tff Bathroom iy Room tchen BLOCK :lls tower i5 CMR 451.123• 15 CMR 451.123` BLOCK ells No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Maintenance: Soap scum on floors in shower Shower cleaned Maintenance: Soap scum on walls in shower Shower cleaned No Violations Noted 6/4/15 6/4/15 i1-15(1)-Hampshire Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 11 of 14 Keay Wagner Environmental Health Inspector, CSP, BEH cc: Suzanne K. Condon, Associate Commissioner, Director, BEH Steven Hughes, Director, CSP, BEH Jay Youmans, Director of Government Affairs Marylou Sudders, Secretary,Executive Office of Health and Human Services Carol Higgins O'Brien, Commissioner, DOC Patrick Cahillane, Assistant Superintendent Captain Robert Hodgen, Compliance Officer Lieutenant David Murphy, EHSO Merridith O'Leary, RS,Health Director,Northampton Board of Health Clerk, Massachusetts House of Representatives Clerk, Massachusetts Senate Daniel Bennett, Secretary, EOPS 451-15(I)-Hampshire-Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 14 of 14 ft Bathroom CMR 451.110(A) Hygiene Supplies at Toilet and Handwash Sink: No paper towels at handwash sink Paper towels replenished at handwash sink 6/4/15 ILOCK CMR 451.126 (LOCK CMR 451.353 CMR 451.124 3LOCK 3LOCK i CMR 451.124 ntrol Room ntrol Bathroom Water Supply: No hot water supplied to handwash sink in cell#2 and 3 RFS Submitted: Hot water temp to be adjusted to proper ratio 110-120 dek 7/15 Interior Maintenance: Floor dirty in cell# 1 and 4 Cell floors cleaned. 6/4/15 Water Supply: Insufficient water supply in quantity and pressure at handwash sink in cell #2 RFS Submitted:hand sink water to be adjusted to correct pressure 7/15 No Violations Noted Water Supply: Insufficient water supply in quantity and pressure at handwash sink in cell# 5 RFS Submitted:hand sink water to be adjusted to correct pressure 7/15 No Violations Noted No Violations Noted Iservations and Recommendations 1. The inmate population was 263 at the time of inspection. 2. There has been no improvement in the North Modular Showers since the Department's last inspection. The Department remains concerned with the compromised structural integrity that is putting the health and safety of the inmates at risk due to structural rot and exposure td mold. is facility does not comply with the Department's Regulations cited above. In accordance with 105 CMR 451.404, ease submit a plan of correction within 10 working days of receipt of this notice, indicating the specific corrective steps be taken, a timetable for such steps,and the date by which correction will be achieved.The plan should be signed by , Superintendent or Administrator and submitted to my attention,at the address listed above. 1 review the specific regulatory requirements please visit our website at www.mass.gov/dph/dcs and click on 'orrectional Facilities" (available in both PDF and RTF formats). review the Food Establishment regulations please visit the Food Protection website at www.mass.gov/dph/fpn and ck on"Food Protection Regulations".Then under"Retail"click"105 CMR 590.000-State Sanitary Code Chapter X— inimum Sanitation Standards for Food Establishments"and"1999 Food Code". t review the Labeling regulations please visit the Food Protection website at www mass eov/dnh/fPP and click on"Food otection Regulations".Then under"General Food Regulations"click"105 CMR 520.000: Labeling." ris inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. Sincerely, 1-15(1)-Hampshire Northampton-Report 6-4-15 Page 13 of 14