180 Complaints 1999 BO D OF HEAL CITY HALL COMF?L'ALNT RECORD OPY Date: �� frly Time: Map: a Parcel: / 3 Name of omplainant: Address: () ,c3 Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT:a.,_ ___,ie_ie-r-e- /. CSC / die_44___e__:., oege,a-f-(-,--(_-_, , 4•, , ,s_e_f_.e. tzg/e9cD ... ,/.,6e.a.,,f_e_,7 / , e_e_ ce--e-, _,,„,,, Location: Owner: /r 4 K T ' er'N yo4D/N6 s, Lp Address: 3 MAN//4rrACIV1t1.E KO 1TeI: pd,Cc,-/HS.E� N7 D/S 7 7 Taken by: ,(115 I Date of Inspection: v- -V ' I Time: 3:/sp 4 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: COIVFlpviED • • - /}SsozrcP P»pi-C Des 13E1114/4 sH0Aobv6 CENrrK, l $pEc ' 64-111ND NrrnlirovG CALOa£ siiE AND A1O.A/6 THt ENTIRE Eme. ,A(MEi'Y 8&144') 90i,opvc(5) ?/nEk c c�fZS vEg N05rNC Z4' APfe 9 i ( At6rrn t Oior ( %S Action Taken: 79.4-/ 4.0. S' 4'-Z/ "99 // Inspector Sign BOARD OF HEAL CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD PY Date:r' c . Time: ( P ) Map: I Parcel: Name of Complainant: a?7_ ,: f�,���� % /' Address: ` Tel: NATURE OF COMPLAINT: cia_.,7_, d .2 L ....e.,- ,..,,,,,,-(_--_.---(9 ,..."47// (k1etxi. ' i, 7 ., 1 Location: Owner: Address: I Tel: Taken by: IS Date of Inspection: J Time: --- .7E N "si c. � , INSPEC OR'S REPORT: 9 /9P)e q 9 Action Taken: D,gy,q•o- SffV7 z7-e/-99 1/r' Inspector Si. at re BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS YNTHIA DOURMASHKIN,R.N.,Chair ANNE BURES,M.D. tOSEMARIE KARPARIS,R.N., M.P.H. PETER J.McERLAIN, Health Agent (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1264 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 NOTICE TO ABATE A NUISANCE COPY DATE: April 21, 1999 ADDRESS Northampton Holdings, LP 3 Manhattanville Road Purchase, NY 01577 MAP: 18 PARCEL: 13 s Owner of the commercial property at 176 - 196 North King Street, Northampton, MA 1060, you are hereby notified to take action to remedy the conditions named below within EVEN DAYS of the service of this notice, according to Massachusetts General Laws, hapter 111, Sections 122 - 125: utside premises behind the former Caldor's store and the area along the entire back mbankment behind the commercial property strewn with accumulated litter and debris. years past, the larger businesses took responsibility for "Spring" cleanup of the outside rounds. However, these commercial outlets are no longer in business. Therefore, the onus F responsibility now falls upon the property owner. nmediately take action to get this area cleaned up in a timely and satisfactory fashion. hotos attached. you should have any questions regarding this abatement order, please contact me at the orthampton Board of Health office. (413-587 - 1217). at the expiration of time allowed these conditions have not been remedied, or are not in the rocess of being remedied, such further action will be taken as the law requires and a fine of 1000.00 for each offense may be charged. By order of the Northampton Board of Health ERTIFIED MAIL# Z 537 532 186 his abatem t order is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury. David E. ochan Sanitary Inspector Northampton Board of Health Back embankment—Right rear of property Along roadway—rear right side of property Behind Caldors—back left side embankment Behind Caldors—back left side embankment Back embankment—Right rear of property Caldors loading dock —left rear side of property Behind Caldors—near compactor Left side of Caldors—back left embankment