180 Service Dog Complaint orthampton Mail.-Walmart animals in store complaint https:/mail.google.com,'mailu.i O.i?ui=2&ik=9954d8032f&v'iew'=pt&... Walmart animals in store complaint 2 messages Ed Smith<esmith@northamptonma.gov> To:strancelyevi11 @hotmail.com Cc:Merridith O'Leary<moleary@norhamptonma.gcv> Ed Smith<esmith@northamptonma.gore> Wed,Oct 30,2013 at 11:34 AM Dear Ms.Rogers was forwarded your complaint and an writing to tell you what we can and can't do. I'll try to address your comments- -Walmart may well have a policy about what to do if patrons complain about animals in the store-I'll see if filing a complaint is the only recourse. Calling us is always an option,out we may only be able to tell you about the Americans with Disabilities Act -you make a gooc point about carts not get ng cleaned after an animal has been sitting in it. I'll lock further into this. -As health officers we are cautioned to be very careful in our questions when investigating these complaints and nterviewing the owners o'the animals. Questioning the owners about whether they are cisabled and what the disability is are violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act. We can ask if the animal is a service ar.mal and little else. -Service animals must be under the direct or verbal control of the owner and can be askec to leave by management if not under control I'll go check in with the WalMart manager cn duty and I can give them some recent info from the state about service animals. P ease write back if you nave questions- sincerely Ed Smith Edmund Smith Health Inspector Northampton Health Department 212 Main Street,Northampton MA 01060 (413)537-1339 Regular Schedule:Monday&Wednesday 8-4 30;Thursday 8-12 noon. Merridith O'Leary<moleary@rorhamptonma.gov> Thu.Oct 31,2013 at 12:18 PM To:Ed Smith<esmith @northamptonma gov> Ec...sorry,I did not see this before wrote the last email about responcing to the corrola.ntant. M GOOD JOBIlI'II Merridith A.O'Leary.R.S. Public Health Director City of Northampton ph (413)587-1214 fax(413)587-1221 f /ikr u.on Fun bw+k IM,hh D pw.rn,.•nr ti,rmc, /Quoted red kidder; (Quoted text hicden] (City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one of the specific statutory exemptions.) (City of Northampton E-mail is a public record except when it falls under one cf the specific statutory exemptions.; 11/7/2013 1:13 PM NI Y-6 • D(-7-7-„r -1',"- L' cam / X','-'s7° 27 IVS 4-7-r7f7i4X . 7 - J. ir-i;T4(49'; A07-022-of-- ,9,-y4r2e2 .z_02./e40/Q h` Q2 (NO c)N 0$1 1 � f