322 Violations & Emails DARD OF HEALTH I T.JOYCE.Chairman 3i C.BENNY.M.D. iAEL A PARSONS 11 j.McERLAIN.Health Agent August 8 , 1986 Carl B . Amo , Sr. 322 Old Springfield Road Northampton , MA 01060 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 (4131 586-6950 Ext.213 Dear Mr. Amo : An inspection by representatives of the Northampton Board of Health on August 5 , 1986 of your property at 322 Old Springfield Road , (Assessors' Map 45 , Lot 40 ) Northampton , revealed the following: 1 . an old trailer lacking a water supply and functional toilet facilities was being used as a dwelling, 2 . a small shack (approximately 10' x 12' ) lacking a water supply and toilet facilities was being used as a dwelling, 3 . a dilapidated outhouse , improperly located and maintained , was being used by the residents of property as a toilet , 4 . there was an accumulation of rubbish , junk vehicles , trash and garbage scattered about the property. These conditions are violations of Chapter II of the State Sanitary Code ( 103 CMR 410 .00) and Title 5 of the State Environmental Code (310 CMR 15 . 00) and also constitute a public health nuisance . Under authority of Chapter 21A , Section 13 , Chapter 111 , Sections 123 and 127A of the Massachusetts General Laws , you are hereby ordered to abate the nuisance and correct the violations as outlined below , within seven (7 ) days of the receipt of this notice . You are further ordered to: 1 . immediately provide an approved portable toilet for the temporary use of the residents , 2 . cease the use of the dilapidated outhouse , 3 . clean up and properly dispose of at the sanitary landfill the accumulated human waste beneath the outhouse , 4 . provide an approved water supply and plumbing system for all dwellings on the property , 5 . provide an approved sewage disposal system on the property , '.ar1 8: Amp, August 8 , 1986 Page 2 6 . clean up and properly dispose of the junk vehicles , and accumulated trash , rubbish and garbage . ?lease be advised that the Board of Health is considering the 2ondemnation of the property and will declare the trailer and shack _nfit for human habitation , should you fail to correct the above listed violations in the time specified . You have a right to a hearing regarding this order provided that a written request for such a hearing is filed in the Board of Health Office within seven (7 ) days of the receipt of this notice . Please note that you must obtain permits from the Plumbing Inspector and Board of Health before any plumbing or sewage disposal work is done on your property . If you have any questions concerning this matter , please contact the Board of Health Office . Very truly yours , y{ P e t e r 4494e e Health Agent PJMc/ec Certified mail #P159 837 055 cc : Northampton Building Inspector Northampton Police Department Board of Health Members City Solicitors' Office Delivered by Received by Date Time J 6 7-04T /-7-e.11,- 44:. : , ,, 1 2F6 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I SQ_,p+ember 2, IQ8 Dear (rr _ Mc &rIc.in9 _,n reards t our lelfer , we plan on COrrectInc) +he problems on our Proper as soon as possible , hue +0 -1-he severe lood oc 1954, all o P our Iiv'ing Pacilih es were wiped out We__ had +0 Sip usmni Our wafer pomp because 4 bacferia problewis 1ka+ The 4\locd caused . (..e)e kaulcd w0.+er in -ircrr 4--ke b lt)e- have been +eyn5 is recuper e -row -I-1-;15 -Plood „ b;f tnancic j lir has -1tAen lcnSP,r +than .ey_pected . Our kn+en+(ors arc tU puf it r_ pluv✓lbtnG p sisfew■ , wa+er supply , aid CA_ se age dis awl sys--ew1 • the i-rask , dunk vehicles , o.nd ScaitereLl rubb sc-7 wtl be cleaned up . LDe are akCn5 -PCAr more -hme 4u Clear up 4ese problem . LU also Intend -to a,p-pli -1r + e proper perrni+3 be-Pc;rc arVO pluvnbin55 or Secoage dkpcsa.P work H bcpun . liP uyu could rely and tell us bout) rrveb 0- an €d--er,%cr +ha+ Lsou will allow -tcr us to rec %f'j +-C.,ese problerr,S i r1- would be cjrea 1 apprectoJed- ThcLv-kk v,ou , SnCere csf H Ftmo �a ndLI . Old 5prtncyFtel.rl (a d. 1\6:4a0e4vr , . MA . Clot-10 • OF HEALTH )YCE.Chairman A.PARSONS ecEHLA1N.Health Agent CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 Carl Moo Old Sprtng` r id Road Northampton , M 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 210 MAIN STREET 01060 1413)5965950 Ext.213 ember 29 , 1980 Dear Hr Arno the t .tar Health to ou , .,t d on your In August of 1P - = e install era ' t , ': order is attache at The pri tip t ,zt� ed and has 1h. proper L: t•_e_ wsey let t attached ; . _ remained vacant until . ec. of 'rd S r n '" 1d Rd. .,� 1989 , an i r ' : act; On November represent - •. .assessors Map 3o Lo1, kd b a rep, Board of Health revealed the following : 1 . Several trailer , boats and ..b placed cn this property . re trailer tieing o:'cuPieu as : dwelling . One or '_ There is a large accumulation of garbage and rubbish on the ground adjacent to the trailers . that , date , neither an approved septic system ern nods indicate tttat , so u have been installed on your pr- pem y . an approved water supply have These conditions are violations of Chapter iI of the property . _ 1, Title 5 the State State eita Code t 31 c-rt and and _ constitute a Environmental cod= , 3�t bLL r IG , pubic health nuisance . of Chapter r - , Section 13 and Chapter ill , Under a 123 & General Laws you are ' 4 of the Massachusetts Section ordered& se violations as outlined below hereby oxaered to correct _. within 7 days of the receiut. of this notice : ave. been You must : � . immediately clean up and properly dispose of the accumulated garbage and rusoish . 9 , Install an approv ed subsurface sewage disposal system on your property . 3 . Provide an approved water supply for your property . d . Provide refuse storage containers and make arrangements for the regular weekly disposal of refuse . page Prior to the installation of a septic system and well you must ation contact the Northampton Building Inspection and Conservation Commission to obtain the necessary permits . c: !iealLh s considering the Please be advised d that the Board - _ are the trailerls ) unfit for condemnation of your property and will <,° unflt £ human habitat lion Should you fail io correct the above listed violations in the time specified_ L order provided that You have a right, to a such ag regarding In the Board of r such a he rin - a written request for Health office within seien notice . Please note that you must obtain permits from the Board of Health and the Plumbing Inspector before any plumbing or sewage disposal work is started on your property. If you have any questions concerning this not+ please contact the Northampton Board of Health office . Very truly yours , Peter J . _4cErlain Health Agent PJ1/np CC : Northampton Building Inspectors CC: Northampton Conservation Commission Certified Mail -P890362436 T2k 7 , I , ),—) ) 54 4 Li MA OIUbG ,Ecc.rk\tnELn 1 -1: 1 H GiOCC !L4- 3' 32-2- Gad S�r•n��izld Rc( - S{S+zrn , •�; e� -vf V'1ro5}C Jy i"klm. .� Gfz �\ rLC;255 ¥ llcf r of �v e ajr- 32 2 r‘n•6 Izld kd v�.:kh� 5 :r_a��� r•:� (t (S G�z- f✓lnc,it rgCi I .. • L .-)PLe,n u,�l z ‘led , i w o k In3-4cllcfion cj IclHo . r.k {or •Pjf ;N) 4tros S‘ncet ncei e4 Oka Ies 4rn3 MEMORANDUM 0: Joe Cook, Contract Manager Law Department 'ROM: Peter J. McErlain, Agent Board of Health WBJECT: Request for Dismissal of Complaint )ATE: July 2 , 1990 BOARD OF HEALTH 210 Main Street - City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 An inspection, this date, of property at 322 Old Springfield Road ( owned by Carl Amo) revealed that the nuisance condition has been abated and an approved sewage disposal system has been installed in accordance with Board of Health order dated November 29, 1989 . The Board of Health, therefore, requests that the complaint against Carl Amo be dismissed. (Court Case #173/90 scheduled for July 5 , 1990 . ) When construction is complete, the plumbing will be connected to the new septic system. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. NOTE: Copy of complaint is attached. PJMcE/cdh Peter J . McErlain, Health Agent —Printed on Recycled Paper- CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS CITY HALL 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 LAW DEPARTMENT (413) 586-6950, ext. 245 FAX: (413)586-3726 July 3 , 1990 Kr. Ned Farrell District Attorney' s Office Court Square Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 City Solicitor Kathleen G. Fallon, Esq. Assistant City Solicitor Joe NI. Cook, Esq. Contract Administrator Dear Mr. Farrell: Attached please find an entry of Nolle Prosequi in the case of Carl Amo. Mr. Amo has corrected to the City's satisfaction the problem which gave rise to the City's complaint. I was told by the secretary in your office that you would be handling district court trials on July 5, the day Mr. Amo is scheduled for trial. I may be unable to attend. I would greatly appreciate it if you could facilitate the entry of the nolle prosequi. Peter McErlaine of the City's Health Office will be there if you or the judge have any questions. If you have any questions or difficulties concerning this request please contact my office at 586-6950, x246, as soon as possible. Thank you very much. Sincerely. oe M. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DISTRICT COURT DEPARTMENT OMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS v. ARL AMO, Defendant 9045 CR 692 Entry of Nolle Prosequi The Commonwealth enters a nolle prosequi of the pending tharges in the above captioned case. The Defendant, Carl Amo, has corrected the violations of the zealth and environmental regulations which gave rise to the charges. Further prosecution would not be in the interest of the Commonwealth. M. Cook ecial Prosecutor CHAIN OP bUSTODY RECORD Tighe & Bond, Inc. Consulting Engineers Environmental Laboratory Westfield, Mass. 01085 Job II/Project Manager-. '//°'��6 -47-- 57 ),---, I Client: �oi L2 1<",(_tJ-� C,-� `� �bl,i�71i��J ,� _ _ Collectors Signature: yy (^L—,'Date Time Collected No. of Number)) Collected Collected By Comp Grab Containers Sample Identification/Remarks UtR RE91QUIs1V B : (SIGNATURE) DATE: TIME RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE: TIME REMARKS K� I v/ P L0,� t ,( ,.-e I. RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) . RECEIVED BY: (SIGNATURE) DATE: TIME REMARKS RELINQUISHED BY: (SIGNATURE) DA E: ITIME RECEIVED BY: (SJG ATURE) DATE: TIME REMARKS mo (/,:+/ivy c ;/.4.:c=c -/? 3c.) v / 'io METHOD OF SHIPMENT: L .ORATORY: [// 'n GHE PONDCONSULTING ENGINEERS ENVIRONMENTAL SPEC/AL/STS TIGHE & BOND LABORATORY Mass. Certificate C 8212 Conn. Certificate No. Ph-0494 Bacteriology Laboratory Report on Water CHOICE MODULAR HOMES Attn: CHARLES AMO 123 HAWLEY STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 John W. Powers David G. Healey Thomas C.Couture Ronald A.Michalski Michael R.Parsons Philip W.Sheridan Dennis H. Bianchi James S.O'Reilly Omer H.Dumais,Jr. Mark J. Hoey David M.Lenart John R.Stothoff Emeriti Edward J. Bayon George H. McDonnell Date : 06/04/90 Order No. : 9006005-01A Job No. : 40090-4-50 Report No. : Sample Source : LOT #40-OLD SPRFLD RD,NTON Collection date & time : 06/01/90 12 :30:00 Collector : CLIENT Total Coliform/100 mL : This sample DOES meet public drinking water bacteriological standards at this time. ?rving Government & Industry Since 1911 Kathleen E Simmons PhD Laboratory Director Westfield Executive Park 53 Southampton Road Westfield, MA 01085 TEL. 413-562-1600 FAX. 413-562-5317 City of Northampton, Massachusetts Office of Planning and Development City Hall • 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 • (413)586-6950 • Community and Economic Development •Conservation • Historic Preservation • Planning Board •Zoning Board of Appeals • Northampton Parking Commission TO: Peter McErlain, Frank Sienkiewicz FROM: Wayne Feiden W- RE: Charles Amo's 332 Old Springfield Road property DATE: August 31, 1990 The Northampton Conservation Commission held a site visit yesterday on Mr. Amo's property at 332 Old Springfield Road in response for his request for a Certificate of Compliance and a Notice of Intent he filed for wetland permits. There appears to be some activity which may be in violation of regulations enforced by your departments. Please consider this a formal request to investigate the site and take any appropriate actions. 1. An airstream travel trailer has been brought onto the site relatively recently (within the last year) . This trailer is being lived in, apparently on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, without being hooked up to a septic system. It is my understanding that there is no occupancy permit for the trailer and, according to Bruce Palmer, when he was building inspector, a trailer will not be granted an occupancy permit in the floodplain. 2 . There is a lot of debris on the site, including an old bus and shed, which may contain health hazards. The bus is being stored in the floodplain on a permanent basis but is not anchored to prevent floatation or collapse, in accordance with the current building code. If you have any questions, please contact me. cc: Charles Amo Northampton Conservation Commission