101 Soil Eval Form 1998 No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORI Page 1 or Date: <511$1- _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts k-K5)TT lafi"'PtC3/ ! Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-site Sewage Dispouti h Performed By: Witnessed By: Imon AYp1 or tat Ric New Construction 0 Repair ❑ Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Drainage Class Soil Limitations Date: (a/fl/g8. o .,....J eM Hufchinvo • ."" 5FhLYv' C4inSt Tt"bm t A JCA 141 CL/PriP to ith4 o/O,,,U 586-t-[‘:,(03 A 1s Soil Map Unit Surtiicial Geologic Report Available: No 0 Yes ❑ Year Published -- Publication Scale Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform _. Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑Yes ❑ Within 500 year flood boundary No ❑Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No ❑Yes ❑ Wetland Ara: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month Range Above Normal ❑Normal ❑Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FORM. I2l07r5 kJ FORM 11 • SOIL EVALUATOR FORA. Page 2of ; Location Address or Lot No Par.); h Jj, Rd. 1Onj-site Review I Deep Hole Number A,I. Date:. oJf(/90 Time:. �1!Yf Weather b Location (identify on site plan) 5-e-k. 111JJ1 Land Use _ q� d Slope (%) a-5 Surface Stones ty-Car- Vegetation ,. .c JJ'Q Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body >1CU feet Possible Wet Area F IOC feet Drinking Water Well}/90 feet Drainage way > SO feet Property Line >a0 feet Parent Materiel(geologic) peoth to Groundwater: Standin RI Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 3(7" 50 " lac ; \\ DaptMaBSdrocTi.9c)/ 7' /0 " g Water in the Holey y' LI /r /o(J ii Weeping from Pit Face:C-10a J 4. DEP APPROVED FOMI-11/07115 DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG. Depth from Surface(Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA( Soil Color lMurrasil Soil Mottling Other (Structure.Stones.Boulders,Consistency. % OreS) o' \w" 16"-30" 30„_ 95;, O' \U" --- 14"-asr' 08"-6v" 66„/a” A ?) C -Pi 6 C, Ca SZ. L 5 L 5L 3C. 51_ 5 L rove143 iba.elib /Dyectla wyR 43 /0yl2YJ3 Jovv/a 7sykt n &tso ao4G ioVis/8 M xs14-- n-ti)L2 ao%Ray 7.S6 1'q 6� as was V tcp lL swb ,(. - s --- -- - atbsot L �� r.,+ • MIMaSI WI Or, unite terns Mme r...nw.., Parent Materiel(geologic) peoth to Groundwater: Standin RI Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: 3(7" 50 " lac ; \\ DaptMaBSdrocTi.9c)/ 7' /0 " g Water in the Holey y' LI /r /o(J ii Weeping from Pit Face:C-10a J 4. DEP APPROVED FOMI-11/07115 Location Address or Lot No. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FOP Page 3 o Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑ Depth weeping from sid, of opservation hole inches epth to soil-mottlea ?T.inches - - --- Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor _ Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all area observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? ; RCl If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious materiel? Certification I certify that on (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examinatio approved by the epartment of Environmental Protection and that the above anelysi was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experienc described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature.... Date 6 / DEP APPROVED FORM- I1I47195 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TES' K � Rd Location Address or Lot No. O� luJ a 9 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Iw rl ' apny Massachusetts Percolation Test. Date: 67///969 Time:. la/MS Observation Hole # P l '> - g Depth of Pere 38 /l 3 A,, " Start Pre-soak l 1 j /_ )a-'la End Pre-soak /./ 3v/i )/O3 Time at 12" / -‘ 3.),S---- /110 Timeat9" / : SO )' AO Time at 6" a: 22 / ;3 y Time (9"-6") 32- / i Rate Min./inch // S' Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. M Site Passed �' Site Failed ❑ Performed By: Witnessed By: Comments: _. Ai) Yfl fA\ftYm POT APPROVED FORM-ILCYaS Soil Evaluator; Michael Unripe SYSTEM PROFILE v.t.s, serves Witless: Peat McErlaa -...r au Date: love 11.1999 ...i.,.o.._..j + • # ...o.-w. �. y 1 Hwe Name:IA mwv.lcm.n F i__ _ > ENVIRONMENTAL Lasts a,. ,L mm ; `m,,, e _ ;: _ ulyyl 'lyrrYrrrr, DESIGN,INC.us= Axle warn .x,.e. 6\` w e.,J l 1„' . 3`%'y ""' ep�, room r asvialu.aw a%Intl _ y 101 OLD FERRY ROAD 13 —30 — T —5 y _ _ NORTNAMPIVN,MA 01060 lag Hate N.m TM 6entlar l050 tint ` •. •. PHONE (413)59$.520 �int" PAIL(413))590501 44,2V A IL lOYPAR XS 71,07 CI IL IOWA MO 107-101" C2 IL M eas tram.Sm.a m m#wieTes a> SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM .®Niwu-1 mw Lot B,Pack Hill Roed CONRTROCCION NOTES NONamptan,MA 01060 O ape ameweuukw,mmwtaamn waaxaee t'DT 4'!NC IATIOAL&I•401,•CC.CadillOWS•rtni am MI m MOMS Chriemplter&Kevin Hutchins 0▪AVID t a� �'°�avYSUMn NoMemptm,MA 01060 446 Bridge Road u w• ,eimal,n s..e cu7 0 Womamwy wmiwam r smuaei OAS.an,aum.. .1,a�3 lenvawavic..,aKAT-ICAlv�D 413-5864663 ®• 7•110011201113 A I!a Omit ale TS IT Ito flT CT T NI t HELD 10.)5190 a.41117 uemMO MR 9.) nauMOMaNM= HELD OR NUR W• Jammer ms•uonm mania Im Inn muvwmw DESIGNER ML aaaan®.,a°�amm—•01-1-10tInxuamoui CHECKER HE �Illl4M IIIPKIIMED AM}Amami apnea SEM=Ill WM M1.10 WO,=MOM 7{10112e. a 110 DESIGN REFERENCES MAT 24 MAD TOWS.MOM LOW AI0 arrtante UM roma , it,WATER AufltY WI TOMIOCATIID AT WIT VI Mil ANY MAC OEM mot SITE SIGN E a.am.mu.a..i..a.ama,awama....a.mesa® in _—.a wrw.1a:'aoM ,e.ewri IT __ lm BENCHMARK O Ns his-team etas oe ' LEGEND SCAnyris"1:717 Ew'wm_ Or 5f".32 I nmwsm OWL)CONTOUR — wxaaa e SaL N .Maas a Peall APPROVALS&REVISIONS `l, 110 aromR.4 a•448 am . ,. . w e.,�e _.... ,a-eiw w / Desiptaily w/ 50% -640 @9 men. 1 nese nee Pee mrwean.maDal.awm1 PARK HILL ROAD IS efaalwmPm A,m.m.le-laoss.n ew. .ma Neiteal TAP-(Cls2 Soa 1]M k.R e 0.160Pe26.R-706 0N 121j OTNEE LAID OF IAJPESTMELIT PAETAJEE IAJC -- APPEOYED BY AJOETNAMPTOA/ PIAA/LIAL6 BORED OAl2 MAY 9,1990. AIM!34 -41'E_ 233 10 41Co1o5 TOTAL &AO Oa' 44,56' (147J 7035=131V 122.94' 5666-34'-4i"W 379.84' TOTAL ` g -L PARK HILL LOAD , A 66' WIDE CITY WAY EDGE PAYE — EDGE PAVE - /no, e PCCCGCNPF . ,SEE DEED TO I REPORT THAT THIS PLAN AND