310 Checklist 2014 PROJECT NO.:
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Sheet 1 of 13
_egal boundaries denoted[310 CMR I5.220(4)(a)]
-Street, Lot,tax parcel number and lot number noted on plan [310
2MR 15.220(4)(u)]
locus Provided [310 CMR 15.2204(0]
Man proper scale? (1"=40' for plot plans, 1"=20' or fewer for
:omponents) [310 CMR 15.220(4)]
Easements shown [310 CMR 15.220(4)(b)]
System located totally on lot served [310 CMR 15.405(1)(a)for
tpgrades]- if not, a variance is required [310 CMR 15.412(4)]
55 V
Eocation of impervious surfaces (driveways, parking areas etc.)
310 CMR 15.220(4)(d)]
Eocation all buildings existing and proposed 310 CMR
Eocation and dimensions of system components aneeer0r
treas. [310 CMR 15.220(4)(e)] ".0••‘•ti
System Calculations [310 CMR 15.220(4)(1)]
daily flow
septic tank capacity (required and provided)
soil absorption system(required and provided)
whether system designed for garbage grinder
/J� v
Qorth arrow [310 CMR 15.220(4)(g)]
3xisting and proposed contours [310 CMR 15.220(4)(g)]
Eocation and log of deep observation holes (existing grade el. on
Each test) [310 CMR 15.220(4)(h)]
games of soil evaluator and BOH representative [310 CMR
[5.220(4)(h) and(0]
Eocation and date of percolation tests(performed at proper
devotion?) [310 CMR 15.220(4)(1)]
'ercolation test results match loading rate? [310 CMR 15.242]
llertification statement by Soil Evaluator [310 CMR 15.220(4)(j)]
Observed and Adjusted groundwater(method for adjustment
Oven or indicated) [310 CMR 15.103(3) and 310 CMR
Sheet 1 of 13
ocation of every water supply,public and private, [310 CMR
if surface water supplies and gravel packed public water supply
within 250 feet of the proposed system location in the case
if tubular public water supply wells
���p PI
within 150 feet of the proposed system location in the case
if private water supply wells
-ocation of all surface waters and wetlands located up to 100 ft.
reyond setbacks listed in 310 CMR 15.211 and any catch basins
ocated within 50 ft. [310 CMR 15.220(4)(1)]
Water lines and other subsurface utilities located [310 CMR
[5.220(4)(m)] (if water line cross see 310 CMR 15.211(1)[1])
?rofile of system showing invert elevations of all system
;omponents and the bottom of the SAS [310 CMR15.220(4)(o)]
Stamp of designer [310 CMR 15.2200)and 310 CMR 15220(2)]
Stamp of Registered Land Surveyor(required if construction
activities within 5 ft. of lot line) [310 CMR 15.220(3)]
rest Holes adequate(two in each of the primary and reserve
mless trenches as permitted in 310 CMR 15.102(2) or as
approved for an upgrade under LUA at 310 CMR 15.405(1)(k)]
rest hole adequate to demonstrate four feet of suitable material?
310 CMR 15.103(4)]
rest Holes adequate to confirm adequate groundwater separation?
-310 CMR 15.103(3)]
3enchmark within 50-75' of system [310 CMR 15.220(4)(q)]
Materials specifications noted? [various sections of 310 CMR
System components not> 36" deep (unless Local Upgrade
9pproval or LUA requested) [310 CMR 15.4050(b)]
411 system components marked with magnetic tape 15.221(12)
Sheet 2 of 13
Sheet 3 of 13
Size OK? [310 CMR 15 223(1)]
nlet tee located ten inches below flow line [310 CMR 15.227(6)]
)utlet tee 14" or 14" + 5" per foot for increase ft depth [310 CMR
)utlet tee with gas baffle or approved filter [310 CMR 15.227(4)]
Qote regarding installation on stable compacted base [310 CMR
Separation between inlet and outlet tees(no less than liquid
lepth) [310 CMR 15.227(2)]
nlet/Outlet elevations at least 12" above high groundwater
except as described 310 CMR 15.227(5)) or permitted for
rpgrades under LUA [310 CMR 15.405(1)(k)]
vlinimum cover 9" (Tanks buried more than 9" must have risers
m all openings and on the d-box) [310 CMR 15.2228(1)and 310
:MR 15.232(3)(f)]
Chive access covers (inlet and outlet must be 20" or greater)-
piddle access at least 8" (by 7/07) [310 CMR 15.228(2)]
access to within 6 " of grade - one port for systems<1000gpd,
wo for systems>1000 gpd [310 CMR 15.228(2)]
411 at-grade covers secured to unauthorized access? [310 CMR
> 10 ft from building foundation [310 CMR 15.211(1)]
3uoyancy calculation Required/Done [310 CMR 15.221(8)]
1-20 Where appropriate? [310 CMR 15.226(3)]
Setbacks from resources [310 CMR 15.211]
2equired when other than single-family dwelling or flow>1000
;pd [310 CMR 15 223(1)(b)]
?irst compartment 200%daily flow; Second compartment 100%
hilly flow [310 CMR 15.224(2) and(3)]
'U" pipe through or over baffle, outlet of each compartment with
as baffle or approved filter [310 CMR 15.224(4)]
Sheet 3 of 13
i :I R' I G ,N/A
,ocated at least ten feet from any water line? [310 CMR
)isposal piping at least 18" below water line (when water and
ewer cross, see 310 CMR 15.211(1)[1])
:leanouts required/provided ? [310 CMR 15.222(8)]
Phrust blocks specified in force mains?310 CMR 15.221(6)(c)]
;lope of sewer line not less than 0.01 (1/8"/ft) 0.02 preferable
310 CMR 15.222(6)]
'roper pitch on all runs?(.005 within gravity-distributed trenches
and beds) [310 CMR 15.251(9) and 310 CMR 15.252(2)(c)]
Siphon problem/(leachfield below pump chamber)
3ndcaps or vent manifold specified?
Size and orientation of discharge holes specified? (not smaller
han 3/8" not larger than 5/8") [310 CMR 15.251(8)and 310
:MR 15.252(2)(h)]
vlaterials specified (310 CMR 15.251(5) specifies various pipe
ypes allowed)
;table compacted base [310 CMR 15.221(2)and 310 CMR
Splash plate or baffle tee required on inlet/provided? (when
xessure sewer to d-box or steep pitch of gravity sewer) [310
:MR 15.323(3)(a)]
3iser if deeper than 9" [310 CMR 15.232(3)(0]
aside minimum dimension 12" [310 CMR 15.232(2)(6)]
Vlinimum sump 6" [310 CMR15.232(3)(e)]
Watertight cover if<2000gpd); waterproof manhole if>2000gpd
310 CMR 15.232(3)(d)]
rapacity (emergency storage above working=design flow)? [310
:MR 231(2)]
Proper setbacks [310 CMR 15.211 (same as septic tanks)]
Watertight 20-in minium access manhole at least 20" MUST BE
TO GRADE[310 CMR 15.231(5)] ',
Service components accessible (not too deep with piping,
lisconnects accessible)
Alarm floats - alarm on circuit separate from pumps specified?
Exceeds two units must have two pumps operating in lead-lag
mode. [310 CMR 15.231(6)and(8)]
Stable Compacted Base [310 CMR 15.221(2)]
Buoyancy calculations needed ? Provided? [310 CMR 15.221(8)]
Sheet 4 of 13
)osing chamber capacity(required and provided), pump curves
urd specifications, number of dosing cycles and depth per cycle?
310 CMR 15.220(4)(r)]
;ffiuent tee filter provided? [310 CMR 15.231(10)]
Sheet 5 of 13
'!•f-a ft ` # 7'` .. �aaa .S(SASSyG RAL
;alculations correct?
4 feet of naturally occurring material demonstrated? [310 CMR
tequired separation to groundwater? [310 CMR 15.212)]
kggregate specified as double washed [310 CMR 15.247(2)]
>ystem Venting required/provided? (system under driveway or
,36" deep) [310 CMR 15.241]
nspection ports specified and within 3"final grade? [310 CMR
3reakout requirements met? (No violation of breakout elevation
vithin 15 ft of SAS unless barrier) [310 CMR 15.211(1)[4] and
3uidance Document]
Ty 4,9*1445.2-43
:lumbers and Gal. in trench configuration supplied with inlet
;very 20 ft. [310 CMR 15.253(6)]
Each structure with one inspection manhole (if>2000 gpd must
re to grade) [310 CMR 15.253(2)]
kggregate 1' minimum- 4' maximum. [310 CMR 15.253(1)(b)]
1' sidewall credit maximum [310 CMR 15 253(1)(a)]
n bed configuration, inlet every 40 sq. ft. [310 CMR 15.253(6)]
CRENtf '
Width 2' minimum 3' maximum [310 CMR 15.251(1)(b)]
100 feet- maximum length [310 CMR 15.251(1)(a)]
Minimum separation 2x effective depth or width whichever
4reater(3x if reserve between trenches) [310 CMR 251(1)(d)]
Situated along contours [310 CMR 15.251(2)]
3reakout OK? [310 CMR 15211(1)[4] and Guidance Document]
�'g ix
ninimum 2 distribution lines [310 CMR 15.252(2)(a)]
Maximum separation between lines 6' [310 CM RI5.252(2)(d)]
Maximum separation between lines and outside of bed 4' [310
:MR 15.252(2)(e)]
kggregate depth below discharge pipes 6" minimum, 12"
maximum. [310 CMR 15.252(2)(g)]
Separation between beds 10' minimum. [310 CMR 15.252(2)(1)]
Bottom area used in calculations only [310 CMR 15.252(2)0)]
Sheet 6 of 13
!I. ' :l;.:i' e • <et 'a r �; N/k„ OIL
'ressure Dosed System ? Provided pump and piping
alculations as required [310 CMR 15.220(4)(r)]
groundwater Separation Per 310 CMR 15.240(12)does the
roundwater separation take into account mounding.
'ressure dosing required on all systems>2000gpd or alternative
systems under remedial approval [310 CMR 15.254(2)and PA
temedial Use Approvals]
f used in gravelless system - make sure jet is directed as not to
scour soil interface [Guidance Document]
nspections once per year(systems<2000 gpd) or quarterly
>2000gpd)good to note on plan [310 CMR 15.254(2)(d)]
:onstruction in fill - Did the plan specify that the fill shall meet
he specification of 310 CMR 15.255(3)?
mpervious barrier and/or retaining wall ? [Guidance Document]
Impervious barrier installation must be supervised by
lesigner [310 CMR 15.255(2)(b)]
Retaining wall must be designed by Registered Professional
3ngineer [310 CMR 15.255(2)(a)]
Side slope not exceed 3:1 ? [310 CMR 15.255(2)]
Breakout requirements met? [310 CMR 15.252(2)and
iiuidance Document]
At least 5 fr. from impervious barrier to edge of SAS (10 ft.
recommended) [310 CMR 15.255 (2)(e)]
Check DEP Approval letters for credits and design conditions
If used with pressure dosing do not allow pressure discharge
o scour soil interface
Was DEP Approval Letter provided and/or have you
reviewed the letter for conditions?
Is the technology being properly applied and does it meet all
DEP Approval Conditions?
Is there a note on the plan regarding the requirement for
perpetual maintenance agreement?
Any alarms involved on separate circuits
Did the applicant submit an operation and maintenance
Are the variances listed on the plan ? [310 CMR 15.220
RLS Stamp necessary on plan if a component is within five
feet of property line [310 CMR 15.412(4)]
Sheet 7 of 13
New construction or increased flow proposed- [Refer to 310
:MR 15.414]
Address Sheet 8 of 13
s the system in a Designated Nitrogen Sensitive Area(Zone II for
public supply well)? [310 CMR 15.214, 310 CMR 15.215 and
i10 CMR 15.216 - also refer to Policy regarding upgrades of such
ixisting systems]
s the system proposed on the same lot as served by private well ?
310 CMR 15.214(2)]
are the nitrogen loads proposed in compliance? [310 CMR
?umping to septic tank 9 [ 310 CMR 15.229]
;hared System [310 CMR 15.290]
4ddress Sheet 9 of 13