50 Soil Eval Form 2005 O. FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 1 of 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Northampton, Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal 'erformed by: Timothy E. Maginnis R,S. Date: Nov. 9, 2005 /itnessed by Ernie Mathieu, Director of Public Health :atom Address: 50 Old Wilson Rood - Northampton, MA. )t #: >w construction: Repair: YES 'fice Review Wished Soil Survey Available Owner's name: Joyce August Address: 50 Old Wilson Road Northampton, MA No Yes ar Published: 12/95 Publication Scale: 1/15 840 Soil Map Unit: GxE (Gloucester) ainage Class: Somewhat excessive Limitations: poor filter, severe :r£icial Geologic Report Available NO Yes >ar Published: Not referred to :ologic material: glacial till .ndform: Glaciated upland ( terrace ) ood Insurance Rate Map: )0ve 500 Year flood boundary No thin 500 year flood boundary No thin 100 year flood boundary /GE) Yes etland Area: >tional Wetland Inventory Map ( map unit T Not referred to etlands Conservancy Program Map ( map unit ) Publication Scale Yes )rrent Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month -December arge: Above Normal Normal ther References Reviewed: Soil Survey, Hampshire Co. Below Normal DEP approved form - 12/07/95 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 2 of 4 Location Address or Lot No. 50 Old Wilson Rd. - Northampton, MA. Deep Hole Number # 1 Date: 11/9/05 Time: 10:00 an Weather. Mild Location: ( identify on site plan) - see plan Land Use: Vacant Slope: 5X Surface Stones: None Vegetation grass Landform glacial terrace Position on Landscape ( sketch of the hack ) Distances from Open Water Body: < 100' Drainage Way: > 100'+ Possible Wet Area: < 100' Property line: 25' ± Drinking Water Well: >100' Other. ether- ?pith from ( Structure, -Face ( Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture Soil Color Sal Stones, Boulders, ( USDA ) rMunselU Mottling Consistency, ( X grove _ 6• Ap S / L 2.5 Y 3 / 3 Friable, fine roots dk. brown - 24'• B S / L 2.5 Y 5 / 4 N/A Friable, It. brawn 4•' - 108" 0 Sand 5Y 4/2 60•' 0 loose, moist, 10% gravel, stones Parent Material ( geologic ): Glacial till Indicates ESTIMATED Weeping from face: 60" SEASONAL P' 9 Depth to Bedrock: > 108" HIGHWATER v Depth to Groundwater: 108" Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater. 60" DEP approved fore - 12/07/95 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 2 of 4 Location Address or Lot No. 50 Old Wilson Rd. - Northampton, MA. Deep Hole Number k 2 Date: 11/9/05 Time: 11.00 am Weather. Mild Location: ( identify on site plan) Land Use: Vacant Vegetation: grass Landform: glacial terrace Position on Landscape ( sketch of the back ) — see plan Slope' 5% Surface Stones: None Distances Prom; Open Water Body: < 100' Drainage Way: > 100'+ Possible Wet Area: < 100' Property line: 25' ± Drinking Water Well: >100' Other; sloth from -Face ( inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture Sot Color ( USDA ) (MunseNU Soil Mottling Other- ( Structure, Stones, Boulders, Consistency, ( 7. gravel _ 8• Ap S / L 2.5 Y 3 / 3 Friable, fine roots dk. brown _ 24•• B S / L 2.5 Y 5 / 4 N/A Friable, R. brown C Sand 5Y 4/2 60" loose, moist, 4 = 10% gravel, stones Parent Material ( geologic ): Glacial till Weeping from face: G0" Depth to Bedrock: 108" Depth to Groundwater: 108" Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater; 60" Indicates ESTIMATED SEASONAL HIGHWATER O DEP approved form - 12/07/95 FORM 11 — SOIL EVALUATION FORM Page 3 of 4 Location Address or Lot No. 50 Old Wilson Rd. - Northampton, MA. Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method used: lepth observed standing in observation hole; 108" lepth weeping from side of observation hole: G0" lepth to soil mottle: N/A ;round water adjustment: 5 Feet ndex Well Number: Rending Date: Index well level adjustment factor Adjusted groundwater level: 5 feet (GO") lepth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material: oes at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material mist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed or the soli absorption system ? YES if not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material ? Certification certify that in November 1994 I have passed the soil evaluator examination r pproved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, ?xperience and expertise performed by me consistent with the required training described in 310 CMR 15.017 ignature Iroothy E. Maginnis R P approved form — 12/07/95 e 11 / 15 / 05 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. 50 Old Wilson Rd. — Northampton, MA. Northampton COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS PERC❑LATIIN TEST Dater November 9, 2005 Time: 10:00 AM Observation Hole # # 1 # 2 Depth of Perc: 48' 50' Start Pre-soak 10:30 AM 10:55 AM End Pre-soak 10:45 AM 11:15 AM Tine at 12' 10:45 AM 11:20 AM Tine at 9' 11:05 AM 11:50 AM Tine at 6' 11:42 AM 12:40 PM Time ( 9' - 6' 37 minutes 50 minutes Rate Min / Inch 12.33 mpi 16.67 mpi Site Passed n Site Failed ❑ 'rformed by: Timothy E. Maginnis R.S. tressed by Ernie Mathieu Director of Public Health DEP APPROVED FOR ton-1 Markers,Length=0 feet SOONWllson Raad- b2°18'07..5"N, 072*39'54.0"W 9: EASTHAMPTON 11/16/105 1 inch equals 2000 feet Location: 042° 18'02.1" N 072°39'49.0" W Caption: Septic system repair 50 Old Wilson Road For: Joyce August Copynglt(C)1997.Maptech,Inc.