6 Complaint record 2011 Nood Pamela Schwartz[pschwartz77 @gmail.COm] Friday, December 23, 2011 10:14 AM Ben Wood ct: Fwd: Trash at Florence Road and Old Wilson Road n, see below - weird to have two of this nature in the last 2 days! I realize we're approaching holiday time already") but thanks for letting me know if/what can be done when you can. y Holidays! la --- Forwarded message : John Ciavarella/Caren Hyde<johnandcaren(aiverizon.net> Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 9:15 AM ;ct: Trash at Florence Road and Old Wilson Road schwartz77(fOnnail.com Ms.Schwartz, icing to ask your help in cleaning up(southeastern)corner of Florence Road and Old Wilson Road.Over the past several days, My windblown or discarded trash has been accumulating in this area off the side of the road. I hope that the property owner is aware of this before that location becomes a dumping ground. eciate anything you can do, and much thanks for your advocacy for the residents of Ward 4 this past year. Holidays to you and your family! -ds, Ciavarella Wilson Road BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date: I / i Time: I0 / j IGEO: Yes Type:dlu„4,J Name of Comp S Oi., ( 'a Address: Tel: riu3L q>- NATURE OF COMPLAINT: C r r cr CIIJ LA A.- Location: Owner: Address: Tel: Taken by: CI L_ I Date of Inspection: r' 7 INSPECTOR'S REPORT: Sum (�1.44r LI 44 s,'9.-Th Time: ,3: 3t,_ Total#of Inspections Date of Final Inspect' am m1 n YES I Orders Issued?:/t%U Notice of Compliance?: N` Inspector Signature O