29-544 (4) 41 INDIAN HILL BP-2016-1502 GIS#: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Map:Block:29-544 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Lot: -001 PERSONS CONTRACTING WITH UNREGISTERED CONTRACTORS Permit: Building DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THE GUARANTY FUND (MGL c.142A) Category: SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM BUILDING PERMIT Permit# BP-2016-1502 Project# JS-2016-002563 Est. Cost: $19000.00 Fee:$75.00 PERMISS" : V IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Const.Class: Contractor: License: Use Group: SOLARCITY CORP 108706 Lot Size(sq. ft.): 16857.72 Owner: GROSSO MICHAEL G&JULY SIEBECKER zoning: Applicant: SOLARCITY CORP AT: 41 INDIAN HII..L Applicant Address: Phone: Insurance: 604 SILVER ST (978) 215-2369 0 Liability AGAWAMMAO1001 ISSUED OPV:6/16/2016 0:00:00 TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING WORK:INSTALLATION OF ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM - 7.54 KW POST THIS CARD SO IT IS VISIBLE FROM THE STREET Inspector of Plumbing Inspector of Wiring I).P.W. Building inspector Underground: Service: 1.Icier: Footings: Rough: Rough: I k,use# Foundation: Driveway Final: Final: Final: / /47// � Rough Frame: 4'-r Gas: Fire Department Fireplace/Chimney: Rough: Oli: his:iu:tiou: f Final: Smoke: Final: `�)k/<'",77 THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED : ' " - E CITY OF NORTHAMPTON UPON VIOLATION OF ANY OF ITS RULES AND R,. - T.� -'! , 0....,:i3 ,4,4„L„„,„‘_. Certificate of Occupanc / Signa ure: FeeTvpe: Date Paid: Amount: Building 6/16/2016 0:00:00 75.1:. 212 Main Street. Phalle. ;.113)587-1240,Fax: (413)587-1272 Louis I I::.bro!ic —Building Commissioner File#13P-2016-1502 APPLICANT/CONTACT PERSON SOLARCITY CORP ADDRESS/PHONE 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM (978)215-2369 0 PROPERTY LOCATION 41 INDIAN HILL MAP 29 PARCEL 544 001 ZONE THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE ZONING FORM FILLED OUT Fee Paid Lk/ tt '77'j z174. Building Permit Filled out Fee Paid Typeof Construction: INSTALLATION OF ROOF MOUNTED PV SYSTEM-7.54 KW New Construction Non Structural interior renovations Addition to Existinn Accessory Structure Building Plans Included: Owner/Statement or License 108706 3 sets of Plans/Plot Plan THE FOLLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION BASED ON INFORMATION PRESENTED: proved Additional permits required(see below) PLANNING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER:* Intermediate Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan Major Project: Site Plan AND/OR Special Permit With Site Plan ZONING BOARD PERMIT REQUIRED UNDER: § Finding Special Permit Variance* Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval Board of Health Well Water Potability Board of Health Permit from Conservation Commission Permit from CB Architecture Committee Permit from Elm Street Commission _ Permit DPW Storm Water Management _ Demoliti o Delay e(—/‘-76 411".4 l. n= Offi al Date Note: Issuance of a Zoning permit does not relieve a applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from Board of Health,Conservation Commission,Department of public works and other applicable permit granting authorities. * Variances are granted only to those applicants who meet the strict standards of MGL 40A. Contact Office of Planning&Development for more information. ----i- —� m 'E® Deparent use only _._ , ---• ity if Northampton Status of Permit: ildi g Department Curb CubDriveway Permit ��i 4 2Q« 21 . Main Street SeweriSeptic Availability 00 100 Water/Well Availability OEProFsut bird3�NSPE a pton, MA 01060 Two Sets of Structural Plans NORTH• v.._ _- : °---i - 240 Fax 413-587-1272 PlotiSite Plans Other Specify APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT,ALTER, REPAIR,RENOVATE OR DEMOLISH A ONE OR TWO FAMILY DWELLING SECTION 1 -SITE INFORMATION This section to be completed by office 1.1 Property Address: 41 Indian Hill Map Lot U7it Zone Overlay District Elm St.District CB District SECTION 2 - PROPERTY OWNERSHIP/AUTHORIZED AGENT 2.1 Owner of Record: Michael Grosso 41 Indian Hill,Northampton MA 01062 Name(Print) Current Mailing Address: (413) 563-8211 Telephone Signature 2.2 Authorized Agent: SolarCity CorpNictoria Junck 604 Silver St Agawam MA 01001 Name fPrin` Current Mailing Address: ,��./1 ���I978-215-2367 ` natr illegie �alIP'' Telephone SECTION 3-ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Estimated Cost(Dollars)to be Official Use Only - completed by permit applicant 1. Building 6,000 (a) Building Permit Fee 2. Electrical 13,000 (b)Estimated Total Cost of Construction from (6) - 3. Plumbing Building Permit Fee 4. Mechanical (HVAC) _ C 7,z45. Fire Protection _ 6. Total=(1 +2+3+4+5) 19,000 Check Number 77 `J / � w" 7 This Section For Official Use Only Date Building Permit Number Issued: Signature: Building Commissionerllnspector of Buildings Date Section 4. ZONING AU Information Must Be Completed. Permit Can Be Denied Due To Incomplete Information Existing Proposed Required by Zoning This column to be filled in by Building Department Lot Size Frontage Setbacks Front Side L: R: L: R: Rear Building Height Bldg.Square Footage Open Space Footage % (Lot area minus bldg&paved parking) #of Parking Spaces Fill: (volume&Location) A. Has a Special Permit/Variance/Finding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document# B. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DONT KNOW YES IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? Needs to be obtained Obtained , Date Issued: C. Do any signs exist on the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: D. Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property ? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: E. Will the construction activity disturb(clearing, grading, excavation,or filling)over 1 acre or is it part of a common plan that will disturb over 1 acre? YES NO IF YES,then a Northampton Storm Water Management Permit from the DPW is required. r.... SECTION 5-DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK(check all applicable) New House Addition Replacement Windows Alteration(s) Roofing Or Doors Accessory Bldg. Demolition New Signs [ ] Decks [ ] Siding[ ] Other Brief Description of Proposed Work: Install solar electric panels to roof of existing home,to be interconnected with home's electrical system. Alteration of existing bedroom Yes No Adding new bedroom Yes No Attached Narrative Renovating unfinished basement Yes No Plans Attached Roll -Sheet 6a. If New house and or addition to existing housing, complete the following: a. Use of building : One Family Two Family Other b. Number of rooms in each family unit: Number of Bathrooms c. Is there a garage attached? d. Proposed Square footage of new construction. Dimensions e. Number of stories? f. Method of heating? Fireplaces or Woodstoves Number of each g. Energy Conservation Compliance. Masscheck Energy Compliance form attached? h. Type of construction i. Is construction within 100 ft.of wetlands? Yes No. Is construction within 100 yr. floodplain Yes No j. Depth of basement or cellar floor below finished grade k. Will building conform to the Building and Zoning regulations? Yes No. I. Septic Tank City Sewer Private well City water Supply SECTION 7a-OWNER AUTHORIZATION-TO BE COMPLETED WHEN OWNERS AGENT OR CONTRACTOR APPLIES FOR BUILDING PERMIT I Michael Grosso . as Owner of the subject property hereby authorize SOLARCITY to act on my behalf, in all matters relative to work authorized by this building permit application. 06/13/2016 Signature of Owner Date I, SOLARCITY CORPNICTORIA JUNCK , as Owner/Authorized Agent hereby declare that the statements and information on the foregoing application are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. SOLARCITY CORPNICTORIA JUN K Print Name /i%"%//a /`i/ 06/13/2016 Signaturtj�i'Went Date SECTION 8-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 8.1 Licensed Construction Supervisor: Not Applicable ❑ Name of License Holder:SOLARCITY/JEREMY GRAVES 108706 License Number 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM MA 01001 02/23/2019 Address Expiration Date aim 74-279-7650 • lure Telephone 9.Registered Home Improvement Contractor: Not Applicable ❑ SOLARCITY CORPNICTORIA JUNCK 168572 Company Name Registration Number 604 SILVER ST AGAWAM MA 61001 03/08/2017 Ad.ress Expiration Date Age.,..--4Z42/0207/� 978-215-2367 roc-- f Telephone SECTION 10-WORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE AFFIDAVIT(M.G.L.c. 152,§25C(6)) Workers Compensation Insurance affidavit must be completed and submitted with this application. Failure to provide this affidavit will result in the denial of the issuance of the building permit. Signed Affidavit Attached Yes 0 No ❑ 11. - Home Owner Exemption The current exemption for"homeowners"was extended to include Owner-occupied Dwellings of one(1) or two(2)families and to allow such homeowner to engage an individual for hire who does not possess a license.provided that the owner acts as supervisor.CMR 780, Sixth Edition Section Definition of Homeowner: Person(s)who own a parcel of land on which he/she resides or intends to reside,on which there is,or is intended to be,a one or two family dwelling,attached or detached structures accessory to such use and!or farm structures.A person who constructs more than one home in a two-year period shall not be considered a homeowner. Such"homeowner"shall submit to the Building Official,on a form acceptable to the Building Official,that he/she shall be responsible for all such work performed under the building permit. As acting Construction Supervisor your presence on the job site will be required from time to time,during and upon completion of the work for which this permit is issued. Also be advised that with reference to Chapter 152(Workers'Compensation) and Chapter 153(Liability of Employers to Employees for injuries not resulting in Death)of the Massachusetts General Laws Annotated,you may be liable for person(s) you hire to perform work for you under this permit. The undersigned"homeowner"certifies and assumes responsibility for compliance with the State Building Code,City of Northampton Ordinances,State and Local Zoning Laws and State of Massachusetts General Laws Annotated. Homeowner Signature The Connnaltwealtlt u/•Massachusetts. ' =,,,..=,—,__ Department u/Industrial Accidents I Ar = i, (Wee GJ•Iutreslifatious i 5 J 600 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111 'Imo" Itrit'tiufla/'s.g(Welia Workers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contt•actors/Electrkians/Plumbers Applicant Information Please Print Legibly Name (13usiltc s1Organiratiutsthxli►idual): SOLARCITY CORP. Address: 3055 CLEARVtEW WAY • City/Sheet;/Zip: SAN MATED, CA 94402 Phone 11: 888-•765-2489 . -— - Arc you ant:rnp►lovrr? Cheek the appropriate hon: Type of project(required): 1.0 1 am a employer with 5000 _ 4. 0 I am a general contractor and I 6. n Neu•construction employees(litll and/or part-time).* have hired the soh-vonilactors 2.❑ I urn a sole proprietor or partner- listed on the attached sheet. 1 7. 0 Remodeling ship and have no employees 'These sah-contraetors have 8. (] Demolition working Benne in any capacity. workers'cony. insurance. . q. n Building addition INu workers' comp.insurance 5. [1 We area cot pnratinn and its regiiircd.J officers have exen•ised their i0.❑Electrical repairs or additions 3.0 I tun a ht»UL'ownet dui lig all work right ot'cl e1nplion per M(ii. ILL Plumbing repairs or additions in)self. Ado workei- comp. c. t 52.001,),,and we have no 12.0 Roof t•epairs insurance required.i` employees. !NO workers' comp. ilisurlttxe required.J 13.LI Other -An!.applicant Ow direr,:hos 41 n,L1Lj arse III out the st•elit11t hc•Ant•htuchlp their aorl.ars-dlurpdis:aitttl Miry inhnlnatinn. i 141.11tmuciti ultu,telnllil this aa6imil ludic-ate they ate(haat all wak tined-Then hire nuterde cuiNt ic-lci:.must subanit a aewtllidat ii Iudiruint.suck '(uulratturs that cla•rl.ihis box Inu.I attat•Itt•Il an 1utuhiiimlaI 11110 SIklt\lilt;11re Innitt t11 the m lh•cotttt.utur.will lhcir utlrkrr.'rtatip.Indic+ inlrunu upon. I tart on employer that ix providing nv:rAer. 'compensation insurance far»r1'c'n7'pinl'res. Below is the polity mrd job site information. Insurance Company".inie: Crich Arher,ean , '1Swzcnce compo .j Policy 1t or Self-ins. I.it•. 19: Tv C- 01g2.0)-14 —O _ _ _. .-_. __._ ,expiration Date:J�"01'" 1(p Jot,Site Address:. _ _ 411 tt(��� /1.11.1 I ('it)•IState/Zile_Alok tin, ^'4 Attach a copy of the%%orke:Y' compensation policy declaration page'(showing the policy number and expiration batt'). Failure to secure coyc't71pc as required under Set:tinn '5A ol'MO. c. I52 can lead In the imposition 01 criminal penalties of line Lip to Si I.5011.011 and/or one-year imprisonment,as well as civil penalties in the limen ora S'i•O1'WORK ORDER and a line ot'up to$2.50.00 a day against tlw violater. Be advised than a c•npt of this sante/well met) he Ihrwaided to the Office al' hi vcsLigal huts of the 1)!A for insurance corer:►p,c t•et•ific::tlian. I do herdn'certify crueler the pain-.wu;I oetta/tir%urperjura•that thein/ornrution provided above is true owl correct. Sipy'Itattnt`:,-- /7-5,..44-442"._ ._,.-- 1-. C ...,. . .. I}tile: (l f/ic•ia1 axe only_ Bo1101 lt'riIe'in Mk urea,to in'completed hr eilr•(Jr tont'!gific'irrl. `+�- • - -« ('its or'I'owa: t'ermit/License it Issuing,1 uthoriI (circle orae): I. Board<4114111th 2. Building Department 3.('ilvil'oa•ti Clerk 4. Electrical inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector 6.Other Conine! I'ers:tut: _ R��^ fluent'1l: Ae a CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE r ATE; _ .f//` f r f f!I'I( f//!'r 1r// r ili• . t</r trif ,, 7'/, i ,. Office of-Consumer AIlairsland Business Regulation 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5170 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration • Registration: 168572 Type: Supplement Card SOLAR CITY CORPORATION Expiration: 318/2017 . JEREMY GRAVES 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO, CA 94402 Update Address and return card. Shirk reason for change. Address Renewal Employment Lost Card Office of Consumer Affairs&business ite&ulation License or registration valid for individul use only ,• HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return In: I_ Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation Registration: 168572 Type: lb Park Plaza-Suite 5179 Expiration: 3/812017 Supplement::ard Boston,MA 02!16 SOLAR CITY CCRNUF-tA I Ie IN JEREMY GRAVES • 24 ST MARTIN STREET BLD 2UNI .;.."1::....e..----,..-.5.1 . _. 1Ar2LBOROLIGH.MA 01752 l•ndcrsecretary f N6t valid without signature • r. '.lassac . ,.set:s :_, .trt - S Bo.4. .. ..i., •1 q �• ;.4, It• •s t -.a �• t ..t t, CS-108706 twill JEREMY GRAVES dit b 179 BRIGHAM STREET Marlborough MA 01752 9-2.— -& - 02/23/2019 . t r. � ; n�11(1 n1 'I1/('pptf,eq / (1/ < r.�,r'����ri����1� Office of Consumer Affairs'and Business Re ulation g 10 Park Plaza - Suite 5l70 Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Home Improvement Contractor Registration Registration: 168572 Type: Supplement Card Expiration: 3/8/2017 SOLAR CITY CORPORATION VICTORIA JUNCK 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY --- SAN MATEO, CA 94402 Update Address and return card.Mark reason for change. SCA r a 20M 05 rr _. Address —! Renewal 1 Employment - I Lost Card Offiee of Consumer Affairs&Business Regulation License or registration valid for individul use only ME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR before the expiration date. If found return to: Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation :'`Registration: 168572 Type: 10 Park Plaza-Suite 5170 Expiration:q : 3/8/2017 Supplement Card Boston,MA 02116 SOLAR CITY CORPORATION VICTORIA JUNCK 24 ST MARTIN STREET 8W 2UNI // /�IIAfkLBOROUGH,MA 01752 Undersecretary Not valid without azure DocuSign Envelope ID: BFAACEF1-E961-47ED-A509-E7AD4013EAB0 SolarCity PPA Customer fame and Address :s;a latior .o::a cr. C,;c Michael Grosso 41 Indian HL Lot 10 6/4/2016 41 Indian Hill Lot 10 Florence,MA 01062 Florence,MA 01062 Here are the key terms of your Power Purchase Agreement $0 13 • 70 20yrs System installation cost Electricity rain^gg"Wh Agreeme-*Tom^ rtika FSG lnilial he-s :n;:iai he The SolarCity Promise os •We guarantee that if you sell your Home,the buyer will qualify to assume your Agreement. __- _.__ ;?Nr •We warrant all of our roofing work. DS •We restore your roof at the end of the Agreement. C tttG •We warrant,insure,maintain and repair the System. __ __ Initial he-, •We fix or pay for any damage we may cause to your property. •We provide 24/7 web-enabled monitoring at no additional cost. •The rate you pay us will never increase by more than 2.90%per year. •The pricing in this Agreement is valid for 30 days after 6/4/2016. Your SolarCity Power Purchase Agreement Details Your Choices at the End of the Initial Options for System Purchase: Amount due at contract signing Term: •At certain times,as specified in $0 •SolarCity will remove the System at no the Agreement,you may Est.amount due at installation cost to you. purchase the System. $0 •You can upgrade to a new System with •These options apply during the 20 the latest solar technology under a new year term of our Agreement and Est.amount due at building inspection contract. not beyond that term. $0 •You may purchase the System from Est.first year production SolarCity for its fair market value as 5,877 kWh specified in the Agreement. •You may renew this Agreement for up to ten (10)years in two(2)five(5)year increments. 3055 Clearview Way, San Mateo, CA 94402 1888.765.2489 I solarcity.com 18927 Power Purchase Agreement,version 9.2.0,Marcn 22,2016 SAPC/SEFA Compliant Contractors L cense MA HIC 168E72/EL-1135MR ❑ 1:1Document generated on 6/4/2016 Copyright 2008-2015 SolarCity Corporation,All Rights Reserved t ' I_I• DocuSign Envelope ID:BFAACEF1-E961-47E0-A509-E7AD4013EA80 23. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL. I have read this Power Purchase Agreement and the Exhibits in YOU MAY CANCEL THIS CONTRACT AT ANY TIME PRIOR their entirety and I acknowledge that I have received a TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE complete copy of this Power Purchase Agreement. DATE YOU SIGN THIS CONTRACT. SEE EXHIBIT 1,THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF CANCELLATION FORM FOR AN Customer's Name:Michael Grosso EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT. ,ocus 24. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS TO CANCEL. k Signature: ��aduLaned t rO sO IN ADDITION TO ANY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE TO CANCEL " —9FBFFCFFFEAErd3D_ THIS PPA UNDER SECTION 23,YOU MAY ALSO CANCEL THIS PPA AT NO COST AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO Date: 6/4/2016 COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION ON YOUR HOME. 25. Pricing The pricing in this PPA is valid for 30 days after 6/4/2016. Customer's Name: If you don't sign this PPA and return it to us on or prior to 30 days after 6/4/2016,SolarCity reserves the right to reject this PPA unless you agree to our then current pricing. Signature Date: Power Purchase Agreement SolarCity approved Signature: Lyndon Rive, CEO Date: 6/4/2016 OWE' rttlOr.i • Version#58.7-TBD \ SoIarCity June 9, 2016 RE: CERTIFICATION LEITER Project/Job # 0102212 � Project Address: Grosso Residence -oft'�f"t 'i, 41 Indian Hill .43. JASON WILLIAM t Northampton, MA 01062 TOMAN AHJ Northampton 0 STRUCTURAL cn SC Office Springfield 9 No.51554 a Q Design Criteria: 9�cF S ONAL -Applicable Codes = MA Res.Code,8th Edition,ASCE 7-05,and 2005 NDS t• • 016 - Risk Category = II -Wind Speed = 90 mph, Exposure Category C -Ground Snow Load =40 psf - MP1: Roof DL = 10.5 psf, Roof LL/SL= 28 psf(Non-PV Areas), Roof LL/SL =28 psf(PV Areas) -MP2: Roof DL = 13.5 psf, Roof LL/SL= 26 psf(Non-PV Areas), Roof LL/SL = 14 psf(PV Areas) Note: Per IBC 1613.1; Seismic check is not required because Ss =0.22424 < 0.4g and Seismic Design Category(SDC) = B < D To Whom It May Concern, A jobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from SolarCity. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluation, I certify that the existing structure directly supporting the PV system is adequate to withstand all loading indicated in the design criteria above based on the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the referenced codes for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans/docs submitted for approval. Digitally signed by Jason Toman Date: 2016.06.09 20:59:40-07'00' 3OS�C?.r.ier,Waj Sari Matey d. >4402 cSO. =,R -'O2P. ,2221 102', arcAv.com Version#58.7-TBD = r SoIarCity HARDWARE DESIGN AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS RESULTS SUMMARY TABLES Landscape Hardware- Landscape Modules' Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR _ MP1 64" 29" 39" NA Staggered 40.8% MP2 i 64" 24" 39" NA Staggered 45.8% Portrait Hardware-Portrait Modules'Standoff Specifications Hardware X-X Spacing X-X Cantilever Y-Y Spacing Y-Y Cantilever Configuration Uplift DCR MP1 48 17 65" NA Staggered 50.9% MP2 48" 20" 65" NA Staggered 57.1% Structure Mounting Plane Framing Qualification Results Type Spacing Pitch Member Evaluation Results _ MP1 Stick Frame @ 16 in.O.C. _ 20° Member Analysis OK MP2 Finished Attic @ 16 in.O.C. 40° Member Impact Check OK I Refer to the submitted drawings for details of information collected during a site survey. All member analysis and/or evaluation is based on framing information gathered on site.The existing gravity and lateral load carrying members were evaluated in accordance with the IBC and the IEBC. 0 3055 Clearview Way ban Mateo.CA 94402 .(650)638 -1028 (888)SOL-CITY ,(650)638-1029 solarcity.com STRUCTURE ANALYSIS - LOADING SUMMARY AND MEMBER CHECK - MP1 r Member Properties Summary MP1 Horizontal Member Spans Rafter Properties Overhang 1.16 ft Actual W 1.50" Roof System Properties Span 1 11.6.4 ft Actual D 7.25" Number of Spans(w/o Overhang) 1 Span 2 _ Nominal Yes Roofing Material Comp Roof Span 3 A 10.88 in.^2 Re-Roof No Span 4 _ Sx 13.14 in.^3 Plywood Sheathing Yes Span 5 Ix 47.63 in.^4 - Board Sheathing None Total Rake Span 13.62 ft TL Defin Limit 120 Vaulted Ceiling No PV 1 Start 3.08 ft Wood Species j SPF Ceiling Finish 1/2"Gypsum Board PV 1 End 12.58 ft Wood Grade #2 Rafter Slope 20° _ PV 2 Start Fb 875 psi Rafter Spacing _ 16"O.C. PV 2 End F„ 135 psi Top Lat Bracing Full _ PV 3 Start E 1400000 psi Bot Lat Bracing At Supports PV 3 End E 510000 psi m;" Member Loading Summary Roof Pitch _ 5/12 Initial Pitch Adjust Non-PV Areas l PV Areas Roof Dead Load DL 10.5 psf x 1.06 11.2 psf 11.2 psf PV Dead Load - PV-DL 3.0 psf x 1.06 3.2 psf Roof Live Load RLL 20.0 psf x 0.98 _ 19.5 psf Live/Snow Load LL/SL1'2 40.0 psf x 0.7 I x 0.7 28.0 psf 28.0 psf Total Load (Governing LC) TL 39.2 psf 42.4 psf rotes: 1. ps=Cs-pf; Cs-roof, Cs-pv per ASCE 7[Figure 7-2] 2. pf=0.7(Ce)(Cr)(Is)p9; C=0.9,Ct=1.1,15=1.0 Member Design Summary (per NDS) Governing Load Comb CD CL CL(-) CF (;r D + S 1.15 1.00 0.49 1.2 1.15 Member Analysis Results Summary Governing Analysis Max Demand @ Location Capacity DCR Result Bending (+) Stress 1 852 ps 7.1 ft 1389 psi 0.61 Pass STRUCTURE ANALYSIS - LOADING SUMMARY AND MEMBER CHECK - MP2 Member Properties Summary MP2 Horizontal Member Spans _ Rafter Properties Overhang 1.16 ft Actual W 1.50" - Roof System Properties Span 1 13.00 ft _ Actual!) 7.25" Number of Spans(w/o Overhang) 1 Span 2 Nominal Yes Roofing Material _ Comp Roof Span 3 A 10.88 in.^2 Re-Roof _ No Span 4 S. 13.14 in.^3 Plywood Sheathing Yes Span 5 Ix 47.63 in.^4 Board Sheathing _ None Total Rake Span 18.48 ft _ TL Defl'n Limit 120 Vaulted Ceiling Yes PV 1 Start 1.00 ft _ Wood Species SPF _ Ceiling Finish _ 1/2"Gypsum Board PV 1 End 8.08 ft _ Wood Grade #2 Rafter Slope 40° PV 2 Start _ Fb 875 psi Rafter Spacing 16"O.C. ` PV 2 End F„ 135 psi Top Lat Bracing _ Full PV 3 Start __ _ E 1400000 psi Bot Lat Bracing Full PV 3 End ET1° 510000 psi Member Loading Summary Roof Pitch 10/12 Initial Pitch Adjust _ Non-PV Areas PV Areas Roof Dead Load DL 13.5 psf x 1.31 17.6 psf 17.6 psf PV Dead Load PV-DL 3.0 psf x 1.31 _ 3.9 psf Roof Live Load RLL 20.0 psf x 0.70 - 14.0 psf Live/Snow Load _ LL/S1.1,2 40.0 psf x 0.65 I x 0.35 26.0 psf 14.0 psf Total Load(Governing LC) TL 43.6 psf 35.5 psf Notes: 1. ps=Cs*pf;Cs-roof,Cs-pv per ASCE 7[Fgure 7-2] 2. pf=0.7(CO(CL)(Is)pc; Ce=0.9,Ct=1.1,I5=1.0 Member Design Summary (per NDS) Governing Load Comb CD CL(+) CL(-) CF Cr D + S 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.2 1.15 Member Analysis Results Summary Governing Analysis Pre-PV Demand Post-PV Demand Net Impact Result Gravity Loading Check 1.08 psi 988 :s. 0.39 Pass CALCULATION OF DESIGN WIND LOADS - MP1 Mounting Plane Information Roofing Material Comp Roof Roof Slope 20° Rafter Spacing i - 16"O.C. _ ) Framing Type/Direction Y-Y Rafters PV System Type SolarCity SleekMount'" Zep System Type ZS Comp Standoff(Attachment Hardware) Comp Mount SRV l Spanning Vents No L Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code ASCE 7-05 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind Speed V 90 mph Fig. 6-1 Exposure Category C Section Roof Style Gable Roof Fig.6-118/C/D-14-Ais Mean Roof Height h 25 ft Section 6.2 Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure K, 0.95 Table 6-3 Topographic Factor KA 1.00 Section 6.5.7 Wind Directionality Factor Ka 0.85 Table 6-4 Importance Factor I 1.0 Table 6-1 Velocity Pressure i qh qh = 0.00256(Kz)(Kzt)(Kd)(V^2)(I) - 16.7 psf Equation 6-15 _ Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Up) GCp(Up) -0.88 Fig.6-11B/C%D-14A/B Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Down) GCp(Down) , 0.45 Fig. 6-11B/C/D-14A/8 Design Wind Pressure p p = qh (GCp) Equation 6-22 Wind Pressure Up - Num -14.6 psf Wind Pressure Down p(.,,., 1.0.0 psf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 64" 39" Max Allowable Cantilever 1 Landscape + 24" j NA Standoff Confi.uration i Landsca.e Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load w-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -224 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 548 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 40.8% X-Direction I Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 65" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 17" NA Standoff Configuration Portrait Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 22 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual , -279 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 548 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 50.9% CALCULATION OF DESIGN WIND LOADS - MP2 Mounting Plane Information - __ Roofing Material 1 Comp Roof Roof Slope 40° Rafter Spacing 1 16"O.C. Framing Type/ Direction Y-Y Rafters PV System Type SolarCity SleekMount"' Zep System Type ZS Comp Standoff(Attachment Hardware) _ _ Comp Mount SRV Spanning Vents No Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code ASCE 7-05 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind Speed V 90 mph Fig. 6-1 Exposure Category C Section Roof Style Gable Roof Fig.6-11B/C/D-14A,B Mean Roof Height h 25 ft Section 6.2 'Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients W nd Pressure Exposure KZ 0.95 Table 6-3 Topographic Factor Krt 1.00 Section 6.5.7 Wind Directionality Factor KI 0.85 Table 6-4 Importance Factor . I 1.0 , Table 6-1 Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00255(Kz)(Kzt)(Kd) (V^2)(I) Equation 6-15 16.7 psf Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient(Up) GCp(Up) -0.95 Fig.6-11B/C/D-14A/B Ext.Pressure Coefficient(Down) GCp(Down) 0.88 Fig.6-116/C/D-14A/B Design Wind Pressure _ p p =qh (GCp) Equation 6-22 Wind Pressure Up P(uol -15.8 psf Wind Pressure Down _ Pcdowol 14.6 psf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction j Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 64" 39" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape + 24" NIA Standoff Configuration Landscape Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual I -251 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 548 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 45.8% X-Direction Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 65" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 20" NA Standoff Configuration Portrait Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 22 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -313 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 548 lbs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 57.1% ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES A AMPERE 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A AC ALTERNATING CURRENT UL—LISTED POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. CONC CONCRETE L. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING CITY OF NORTHAMPTON DC DIRECT CURRENT LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALLL EQUIPMENT IN EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WIN ART. 110.3. BUILDING EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING BUILDING DEPARTMENT EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 69017. These plans have been reviewed GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE GND GROUND MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY And approved. FIDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. I CURRENT C. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL til /O /1 • Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY KIN ART. 250.97, 250.92(8). Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER Date LBW KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR ade kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 0.31(E). MIN MINIMUM 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN Signature (N) NEW RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL UL LISTING. NTS NOT TO SCALE 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE OC ON CENTER UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE PL PROPERTY LINE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING P01 POINT OF INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. PV PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE SCH SCHEDULE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT op VOLTAGE o TAGE AT OPENPCIR POWER VICINITY MAP INDEX W WATT PV1 COVER SHEET 3R NEMA 3R, RAIN1GHT PV2 PROPERTY PLAN PV3 SITE PLAN • PV4 STRUCTURAL VIEWS LICENSE GENERAL NOTESPV5 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV6 THREE LINE DIAGRAM GEN #168572 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 8T1-1 EDITION Cutsheets Attached ELEC 1136 MR OF THE MA STATE BUILDING CODE. /0. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH i• THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE INCLUDING (CI MASSACHUSETTS AMENDMENTS. CV MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: AHJ: Northampton �c*' REV BY DATE COMMENTS man DAZE COMMENTS fl UTILITY: National Grid USA (Massachusetts Electric) ' Google -a CCONTAINED SATHE OTBE USED FOERMR .m NUMBER EJB-Q1QLZ12 00 MICHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE DESIGN: Ruiz \\` SoiarCity. CMTNNEO sxNO NOT BE E SO roE ENEHwy BENEFIT Of IT BENE EXCPT S&Man INC.. IZS s$IEY: �•.J Nm ETO OTHERS a aE OIMSDEINSCLCSED EN ENOLS a:w ZS Comp SRV3.5 viFlashing—Insert 41 INDIAN HILL 7.54 KW PV ARRAY hx o CAT ro , EXCEPT N THE RECIPIENT'S Min NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 24 St Marti,uN.,Guiding Z unit II THE SkE AN, USE Of x E ENEECCN wm SM sac .EQ USE T,1xW RESPECTIVE 29) TI21NA SOLAR # TSM-2609D05.18 r (650)cse-ioze n ( 638-1029 SMARMY EQUIPMENT, xMW1 THE xVIT1EN x1mlFR PACE NAME: SHEET: PER DAM Yoltawgq MA 017520) PERMISSION a sa.watt INC. Delta Solivio 6.6 TT COVER SHEETf Cms-24 '^.. xm PV 1 6 9 2016 ae a an • PROPERTY PLAN .4. F, Scale:VI = 20'•0'. p 20' 40' 4 r s CONFIDENTIAL-TINE INFORMATION HERON .w9"BFR J 8-0102212 00 PRONE OIER DESCRIPTION: Dock W BENEFIT O SHALL NYO NOTE BE USED FOR THE MICHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE Armando Ruiz �1' SolarCity. BENEFIT a ANYONE EXCEPT saLlltan wa, xuwmc SYSTEM 41 INDIAN HILL NOR 9IAJL IT BE DISCLOSED IN mote OR IN ZS Comp SRV3.5 w Flashing-Insert 7.54 KW PV ARRAY • •�A PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS xmulEs NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 ORGANIZATION,EXCEPT IN CONFECTION 111111 TIE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (29) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PD05.18 24 St. wan Orn., AAF9 2.wx n swarm EQUIPME• NT, WNWT T OUT THE IEN PACE NATE SH ET: REV: DATE: L (650)Mab1029en,MMA 017 X w1�1� 1928 PERMISSION a`<A Agan INC. Delta # Solivia 6.6 TL PROPERTY PLAN PV 2 6/9/2016 (886)-SOL-CITY(ess-2489) wn..iSordt com PITCH: 20 ARRAY PITCH:20 MK AZIMUTH:225 ARRAY AZIMUTH:225 MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories PITCH:40 ARRAY PITCH:40 MP2 AZIMUTH:45 ARRAY AZIMUTH:95 MATERIAL:Comp Shingle STORY: 2 Stories Front Of House B IIIIIAIIMIIIIIIIIMI��� , AC � _ © LEGEND zdv_ 111.1111.111M11.11111211 co 0 (E} UTILITY METER Et WARNING LABEL... 111.111. . _ INVERTERWARNING W/LINTEGRATEDABELS DC DISCO L--J & Ea DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS CC I Ac AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS ®�I7mpia! Q„� DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS (] DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS " C?) LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS f r moi JASONWILI.IAM t O DEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER A a TOMAN y Miro y STRUCTURAL m STANDOFF LOCATIONS No.51554 CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR 'Pex.9`gsr>:"49 45' -- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR essiouAL':Nc" — GATE/FENCE 1: M 016 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED 1i" Digitally signed by Jason Toman L t.'1 INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED 4 Date:2016.06.0921:00:09-07'00' SITE PLAN Scale: 1/8" = 1' 1p4• 0T 8' 16' ,z, ry 11u.. COMMEN - DIE INFORMATION HERON XXI NUMBER: JB-0102212 00 PREMISE OWED O[ Rak AEfl =�x1}r CONTNNEU 531N1 NOT BE USED FOR THEArmando Ruiz + MICHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE Olaf fit}/ NCRBENEFITSH OF ANYONE EXCEPT 664*CC INC., WRONG Comp ���` Nat SHALL IT BE CONDEED Ix*CC m IN ZS Comp SRY3.5 wFlashing--Insert 41 INDIAN HILL 7.54 KW PV ARRAY PARI m MOSS wi tic NCCInEl.rs , 1HE SALE MO USEEXCEPTCE N axNEcmN SAD NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 24 St Mo-+M Orhs Esm,3 z Mat If 1HE Rut uJ O USE T,THE RETtCPK (29) TRINA SOLAR TSM-260P605.18 SLEET: REA` DAR y,,xA mNisz SMARMY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT ME WRITTEN PAR NAME: T: (6.60)636-1026 F: (650)606-1029 PERMISSION 4F sawtan INC. Delta # Solivia 6.6 TL SITE PLAN PV 3 6/9/2016 (868)-sa.-an(ESS-240 ....rarmycom E9 COLLAR nE 7.: j, . zo„ — E) KNEEWALL /1 ® P11'-8" x • 1 -J (E) LBW co 1'- (A) SIDE VIEW OF MP1 NTS ` (E) Lew -.1 SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTS MP1 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER Y-SPACING 1-CANTILEVER NOTES \�J LANDSCAPE 64" 24" STAGGERED MP2 X-SPACING X-CANTILEVER vSPAONG V-CANTInLEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 64" 24" STAGGERED PORTRAIT 4$" 17" PORTRAIT 48" 20 RAFTER 2x8 @ 16" OC ROOF AZI 225 PITCH 20 STORIES: 2 RAFTER 2x8 @ 16"OC ROOF AZ' 45 PITCH 95 STORIES.2 C.J. 2x8 @16" OC ARRAY AZI 225 PITCH 20 ARRAY AZI 95 PITCH 90 ca 2x8 @16"OC comp Shingle Comp Shingle PV MODULE 5/16"x1.5" BOLT WITH 5/16" FLAT WASHER INSTALLATION ORDER ZEP LEVELING FOOT LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT essmasss _ HOLE. 7 ZEP MOUNTING BLOCK � � ." ATTACH FLASHING INSERT TO %/ nit -1q, x� (2) MOUNTING BLOCK AND ATTACH / ZEP FLASHING INSERT � � TO RAFTER USING LAG SCREW. / / JASON WIwAM t a��...�.-Matt �i�...�. 2 TOMAN 1 (E) COMP. SHINGLE yr"--` / o STRUCTURAL 4, INJECT SEALANT INTO FLASHING INSERT PORT, WHICH SPREADS No.51554 (E) ROOF DECKING (3) SEALANT EVENLY OVER THE °4 A?enisTe.494e 5/16" DIA STAINLESS ROOF PENETRATION. SSTonal€C' STEEL LAG SCREW LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT MODULES 1'. M• 016 EEL2EMBED, MIN) INSTALL LEVELING FOOT ON TOP (4) OF MOUNTING BLOCK & (E) RAFTER SECURELY FASTEN WITH BOLT. $1, STANDOFF Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' J3-0102212 00 PREF OWER: DESCRIPTION: DESIGN CONRCfxnu- INE T BE UANCM HEFENI JA"BM =e\1x CONTAINED SHALL NOECET SO FORME MICHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE Armando Ruiz SolarCity" NORBENEFITSHOE INTONE EXCEPT INNPRC1Y INC. MQ flIC S'SpFlk ".,3 l.y PAR SHALLITRE DISCLOSED MOLE OR IN ZS Comp SRV3.5 w Flashing-Insert 41 INDIAN HILL 7,54 KW PV ARRAY hx PART TO TI OTHERS CTS$I INE REOPIENIS NmulES: NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 TIE SAZE11NN,EXCEPT M CE RESPENON WIH INE SAIF AND USE OF ME RESPECn* (29) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-26OPDO5.18 zt r. urn DR.*,gh 2,Unit n SCWtCm EWFMENT, MT OUT THE*LIMN T' WEBER: PAGE WIC XET: FEM OAIE'. Marlborough.MA 650) x MarY INC. 1: (650)658-1028 E: (650)588-1029 PERMISSION OF r Delta # Solivia 6.6 TL - STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 4 6/9/2016 (858)-06-a1Y 765-2480) ....auany..am . UPLIFT CALCULATIONS SEE SEPARATE PACKET FOR STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS. CWFDExnAL- THE IIEaiNATOI ILW)N JOB NUMBER JB-0102212 00 MORSE 011 ET rcttaanox: DESIGN. `u CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR TIE \0, } BENEFIT a ANYCE EXCEPT sauaOTY WC., Wnfl SYSTEM: M AEL GROSSO Michael Grasso RESIDENCE Armando Ruiz of r`y Nat SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN%HOE OR IN ZS CompSRV3.5 w Hashing—Insert Insert ro t 1 l•r PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE REaRENrs 9— 41 INDIAN HILL 7.54 KW PV ARRAY �� CNDAXIUTW, EXCEPT N CONlEcna wTH umRE& NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTLE (29) TRINA SOLAR k TSM-260PD05.18 24 St.ueu an5 aueq 1Unit II SU AMITY EQUIPMENT. MTHWT THE WNITEN PAGE NN[ SRT: REV, DATE xsPoawSM1.W 01]5] PERMISSION Of sa watt INC. INWRRTER: T: (650)6x-1028 F: (650)ax-lona Delta # Salivia 6.6 TL UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV 5 6/9/2016 (888)-mL-aTr(IE5-2+89) .....aa,clro.com GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND (N) 98 GEC TO TWO (N) GROUND Panel Number:LC230EC Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 -(1)Delta N Sdivic 6.6 TL LABEL A -(29)1RINA SOLAR Y TSM-260P005.18 GEN 1168572 RODS AT PANEL `MTH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Meter Number:52 525 111 11e-In: Supply Side Connection Inverter;6600W, 240V, 97.5%, Zigbee, PLC, RGM PV Module; 260W, 236.9W PTC, 40MM, Black Frame, H3/4 ZEP, 1000V ELEC 1136 MR Underground Service Entrance INV 2 Voc: 38.2 Vpmox: 30.6 INV 31 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IWAPNER (E) 200A MAIN SERVICE PANEL MULTI-CONTACT Delta (E) 200A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER Inverter 1 IND Branch Socket (E) WIRING CURER-HAMMER I p CURER-HAMMER q A IR Disconnect Delta '. / 200A/2P 0 Disconnect I 0• 4/ Solivia 6.6 IL / MPI: 1x11 SID a7 Is „a. r — EGG / / 1 L��e laE Inial 1®__ 0c 1 Jc. I © nit • �• (E)LOADS ® _ __ - ■_EGO/ ___ o . ■ NM— MP2; 2x9 r ' V sec oc ll it �NrS�,�' I Vt � r r-__� ® _ wc_ r, I V _ N (I)C adult Kit; 3/P EMT i 0 0 1 E2cca -11 I - _ GES_r-4 TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE UIIUTY SERVICE II 11 PHOTO VOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED INTH RAPID SHUTDOWN Voc' = MAX wVOC AT MIN TEMP Copper ( p POI—(x)C5/BM1tl RB c —(I)Diconnec fi Ai2�2m2Nl dble,NEMA 3R AC o —(3)DSmaart RSS Rapid Shutdown.600V, 20k NEMA 4X, MC4 A —(1)MBrand, Socket;�C4 U.11o4nt Connector, Female Evade Male DC -(2 men//IPC 4/0-16 H1MAA -(i)CUIER- ER D0100ND -(I)MULE-CONTACT PV-A254 bsub6'on Recta Connector, Main 4/0-A Tap 6-14 Graund/Neutm' KW 6o-TWA General Duty(DB) I Brandi Hug MA U-Joint Connect% Male Male Female -(1)LIIsRRHAMeFKi aOMR( NJ 'SC SUPPLY SIDE CONNECTION. DISCONNECTING NC MEANS SHALL BE SUITABLE R Fuse R ndI (1)AWG 16, Solid Bare Copper AS SERVICE EWWMENT AND SHALL BE RAIED PER NEC. (2)LERRAZ SHAMIIUI i IR35R PV BACKFEED OCP -(I)Ground Rod; 5/9'x B'.Copper Fuse; 35k Z50V, Ilan RIO D (l Disconnect EDG221URB �(N) ARRAY GROUND PER 690.47(D). NOTE: PER EXCEPTION NO. 2, ADDITIONAL MaamnecC 60.1, zwvaa, Nan-Fudbi..NEMA 3R ELECTRODE MAY NOT BE REQUIRED DEPENDING ON LOCATION OF (E) ELECTRODE (1)AMC/4 MYM-2 Bbk _.. N Ground/Neutral�! 60-100A General Duty(�) n i Ore, 600V, Mak Voc* =499.53VDC Isc =9 ADC -(I CULLER HAMMER DGIO IIB • EETT l�(I)AWG�.TAN-3 Mack ET(z)AYIC 0, PV Mre,600V, Black CO] Vmp 275,4 VDC Isc =IB PDC E'T(l)AWG/6. PV ©ILaJ (I IANC 16. THMN-x, Red O gE(1)AV 18, PHM*-2.Red O�oF(I)ANG /10 t; 3/4". / 2 Grein EGC Vmp 2764 VDC Imp=17 ADC O 6F(I)AMG�, sola Bare Copper EGO VmP =336.6 VDC Imp=B.5 ADC I'll (1)MM 16. TTINN-2, *Be NEUTRAL vmv =2w VAC Imp-27.5 MC I:1(1)AMC #10.THIN-2. Mite NEUTRAL VmP =240 VAC Imp 27.5 MC LLLBkk'''TTTT-II (I)Cana t Kt 3/4 EMT FFTTII (1)Cma#E Kit 3/1" DAT -(1)AMG/6 Solid Bee Copper MC -{I)CmMit Kit; 3/C EM -0)AWG p, THYM-2, Rem ECL/EEC (1)Cmduit KN;,3/4'EMT (2 AVM i10PV Wire, Green Black CCD Voc' =499.53VDC Isc =9 ADC (4)AWG OE PV Ire, BOGY, r FO Voc' =408.71 VDC Isc =9 ADC -" ®�(1)ANC#10, 1H YM-2, Green EGC VmP =336.6 VDC Imp=8.5 ADC O�(1)AWG A9,Said Bare Cower EGC Vmp 275.4- VDC Imp-8.5 ADC i (1)Conduit Kit 3/4' [MT _ __ -__ e)Conduit Kit: 3/e PIT •CONLIOENPAL- THE INFMMAPMI HEREIN JOB NUMBER: JB-0102212 00 PIEM9 OWNER OESCNPnON: DESIGN NSA Coxmxm SHALL NOT BE Usm FOR 111E MICHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE Armando Ruiz s1,, arCity. BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SMARMY INC., MWNING ST1FM .'• NIR 91ALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN N11 OR IN ZS Comp SRV3.5 W Flashing-Insert 41 INDIAN HILL 7.54 KW PV ARRAY PART TO OTTERS OUTSIDE THE REgRENES NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 ORGANIZATION. DICEPT IN CMINECION MTN "OLES 24 St uatln GrM.Balding z unn n THE SATE AVD USE OF THE RESPEC1i F (29) IRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PD05.19 SMAROTY EMINENT. MIDGET THE MaTTEN PAGE NNE FLEE ND: GAIL I` (650)Marlborough, M(6500)639-10x9 PEMMs9a+ M saueax INC. Delta # Solivia 6.6 TL THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 6 6/9/2016 (888)-9Y-CITY(765-2489) mr.'Wardlycom CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 41 Indian Hill UTILITY •SER VICE :AC DISCONNECT L \ r I I AC DISCONNECT INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT rSOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY(S) I PHOTOVOLTAIC BACK-FID CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V J8-0102212-00 cal9DEX11u - ME INPOIWSD FOR 1W JOB nJx}R: JB-0102212 00 M CHAEL GROSSO Michael Grosso RESIDENCE POW Armando Ruiz ��L 5o1arCi}" BENEFIT SHALL xm BE USD FOR ME ='•L l•r RENAT a ANYONE EXCEPTEIN Matt INC., NCR SHALL O IT BE CONDRCM E WHOSE CR IN r�S CompMSRV3.5 wflashing-Insert 41 INDIAN HILL 7.54 KW PV ARRAY PART TO OTHERS adna ME REapoxrs aiGPNIZAnox, EXCEPT w caxccnax YAM McanEs NORTHAMPTON, MA 01062 24 SL Mom,DMA na,9 2.Mmi n TME SALE MD USE Or NE RESPECPW (29) TRINA SOLAR # TSM-260PD05.18 souRarr EQUIPMENT. %MOUT THE WIN Delta PAGE Mt SHEET: rue DAM r OS))83set11-1028 xl�)ex-iOzx PERMISSION Or sa.Nmn INC. Delta y Solivia 6.6 7L SITE PLAN PLACARD PV 8 6/9/2016 (8 )-sa-arr(xs24 ) wneteenoa^ VPARNING:PHOTOVOl7AIC PObVER SOURCE Label Location: Label Location: Label Location: (C)(CB) WARNING (AC)(P01) WARNING (DC) (INV) Per Code: Per Code: Per Code: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD E ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 690.31.G.3 NEC 690.17. DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS THE DC CONDUCTORS Or THISNEC 690.35(F) Label Location: TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE TO BE USED WHEN PHOTOVOLTAIC DC (DC) (INV) OAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED UNGROUNDED AND INVERTER IS IN THE OPEN POSITION MAY BE ENERGIZED DISCONNECT Per Code: UNGROUNDED NEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: Label Location: PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF (P01) NTE RCONNECTION Per Code: MAXIMUM POWER A (DC) (INV) WARNING. ELECTRIC SHOCK POINT CURRENT(Imp)_ Per Code: HAZARD. DO NOT TOUCH NEC 690.17.4; NEC 690.54 MAXIMUM POWER- V NEC 690.53 TERMINALS.TERMINALS ON PRINT VOLTAGE I Vnlp) BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE MAXIMUM SYSTEM MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN VOLTAGE(Voc) POSITION.FOR SERVICE SHORT-CIRCU( A DI`-ENERGIZE BOTH SOURCE CURRENT(Is:)� AND MAIN BREAKER PV POWER SOURCE MAXIMUM AG A OPERAI ING CURRENT MAXIMUM AC V Label Location: OPERATING VOLTAGE WARNING (DC)(INV) Per Code: ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD NEC 696.5(0) IF A GROUND FAULT IS INDICATED NORMALLY GROUNDED Label Location: CONDUCTORS MAY BE CAUTION (P01) UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED DUAL POWER SOURCE Per Code: SECOND SOURCE Is NEC 690.64.8.4 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM Label Location: WARNING (DC) (CB) ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Per Code: Label Location: DO NOT TOUCH TERMINALS NEC 690.17(4) CAUTION (D)(P01) TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND Per Code: LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM IN THE OPEN POSITION CIRCUIT IS BACKFED NEC 690.64.B.4 DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT Label Location: WARNING (P01) Per Code: INVERTER OUTPUT NEC 690.64.6.7 Label Location: CONNECTION PHOTOVOLTAIC AC (AC)(P01) DO NOT RELOCATE (AC): AC Disconnect Per Code: THIS OVERCURRLNT (C): Conduit DISCONNECT NEC 690.14.C.2 DEVICE (CB): Combiner Box (D): Distribution Panel (DC): DC Disconnect (IC): Interior Run Conduit Label Location: (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect MAXIMUM Ac A (AC)(P01) (LC): Load Center OPERATING CURRENT Per Code: rvlAx(Nlum nc (M): Utility Meter OPERATING VOLTAGE — V NEC 690.54 (P01):Point of Interconnection CCHNDENDAD- THE INFCPMMIICN HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR =O oeanlew way NE BENEFIT Cf ANYCHE EXCEPT SOUROTY INC.,NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED San 3055 Cleo,CA 06402 IN MHDIf OR IN PART 10 O1HER5 OUTSIDE THE REGIMENTS ORGANIL.MON, Label Set .�(U` r.(650}638.1015 F06s0)638-1079 EXCEPT IN CCNNECTON%UH THE SUE AND USE Or ME RESPECTIf I, Solal'City (808).S0l{m(?653989)www.wlartiry.mm SOARCIIY EQUIPMENT, MMHWT THE NAIrlEN PERMISDoN OF SMARMY INC. iTHE Trnamount MODULE rV:C'FiUL0Arne PC T SM-PD05 . 18 Mono Multi Solutions NIMENSIONS Or PES MODAL( Peak Power Wortsrw,IWpl 950 255 xeo 265 unit non 941 Ti1 ,..„„._ o s %l a-T3 TSE rnamount oso 330 630 8 W L Power Current "w0, am Asa 8.61 ' la Open Ciicuit Voltage v a(11 380 19. Sat dad 1.1 a, Sxort O scull OuneNlx(A) 5„ d95 s„ 9,10 15 Nt0DUIE 0"1521161 61 1' " .,m et" . na `l era,'_; 162 2 g r _A..,iwpli9o.=, Md alum Po.werr 186 19a PRI 60 CELL drop M,.-)A MULTICRYSTALLINE MODULE " ^- ----_^^'' Mammas PnWerageIV-L..1q 665 6u ee4 6w WITH TRINAMOUNT FRAME Poo,_°e „ m • o c n sly a•rz vat as.. ass / s INF x (A) zap 1 3 250-265W reoI yah ane POWER OUTPUT RANGE °m4°'°" MTuunw=hi o_ra SolarSolar coin c 154,156 mm lmoche.1 11 XFast and simple to install drop in mounting solution cal ono„soon 60nes len�11140 16.2% Module armoeeidmmm,6.95.a9 e.1 nmmo.i Q W.e kg 1.L1nc ase While 1013 manes]High Transmission Aa Coated Tempered class MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY Bacnxeel while Good aesthetics for residential applications Frame Bl o= +nosed Awmn+amnuar dam is 65 or IP enured Cables 200m d= yr wnmaom min. s=nort 1 . Ori.3� _._ xoommin2 inches1 t cuxvrsor ve.Ampha en POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE ram v MODULEirze0wr connoaar Fire rwe LIT 1703 Type zfor sdarcm Highly reliable due to stringent quality control ou _ _ r' r PALINGS MUM. i' • Valetet FA Nominal g Colla•ChIC) a ,e .o- c eC ocp memni sae DCIIECI p rameeoemdenra P. o.nv°C Voltage lwovoe32N on shoed are Coellcientmvap -oaasrc Moaoo,Fuse Rating isn owi p - N Certified to withstand challenging environmental P r^ _ i=mpe,mare caencienra Ss 0.a5%r°c pconditions ""•'" axnmcArron 10„or Prm c wonon ss p warranty ty jW rm• .• 25 r Powp,an.n , ' I JiF LINEAR PERFORMANCE WARRANTY `. `soLACING( „oN -- — 10 Year Product warlord),•2s Year Linea,Power Warranty modules e,h0.. epiee =r p rna Solar limited -- -- MWues per 40 mnloner;-I2e pieces 3 40c o al vola r sax : r aSolo(S l'n eonv 04 iiTrnasolar Trnasolar ° r a � o .w ,a s e 1-9 tit r wort . o ie w SIS 0 S Delta Solar Inverters Technical Data for SolarCity ,"."_ "'° . ., ::" 'wlw. .,^�nzra� , ,s: s600�x; Fs'rr�anasmr,,;�I.*tom 02Nomlnal Rol/Rae V Gwmn,Rom,=MI. V a pourer �VX .: T 4°2114WsJ ISO V ..016."A xm. "-MW. . e. OA/004.I.&es.r Rno.per Mm Decker DDI RA / *RA/DOW o STD N. parHwna.r ? Y s Max Blom.mlecepow OA MOWN 4E100 We vlwee oDwmcm6" II 4 ,i -� IA*nrM 1 2 �Ci Tool IRu C m. " S Nominal <�mine x pater R0000/ aao0W 5200 0/ OMR%I RICO 00 ` Valgrry apranuous 0. 3XI0W(9NOV ;p5Wfl1x3V IDW 24OVNV®RNVW®NOV 7e Wa210V '. {{{ h1v3' W`w"e 4AOR�n VI 1158 0208VI� xSOn®Raevr l91^®B%evl �lA®A6vr NmYwl mon 125A@ 240V 1511/49240 V V®2I8A4240V s ®NCV R317ACO 2,40V IAaIXS9reWV ONPAC ROA RM RW 40A <M Net*.wrwe8064 t { . W6Bb-60.5X2 r MAw^9bPawnor Mm 67 0 MORI - xpRtm-wnpar iw wma ROSIDIm II 6417*pew <6n Pots factor 4 ne.Ww w•w >ow Mut/able power gy IDIR OW-0Bfii mo noise ernbn weMN®im ECIFICA1 GENERAL 1w ee% OEC Waling BR6%02W/107WGROW OpNq�atwRtrrnryp. now-I6r1.25-oO mdrytt nn O122T ODD) • mWrlwwm iee DPWDPW -leS lm-Mt)) * 0-1WIt I Ma,' ' CI wlq 2000m2000mw au•evlevelOECX MECHANICAL DESIGN DE61CN S r'^ _- I BbiaW n°Y_Wa0 mml 195xt6A.fl61n1<B6a<e1nNBmm1 ABe16ea051n{no.a01+x18 mm) yV..,,.gj 4ff'k e43.011a llabkl /360164 CAI bp)vru CU+xlnn Dea Solar Inverters and Monitoring Residential Installations: AC r""tlb' `°"nc`�""ralr " eIa bC" Cegw'M Wiring G+9 nAe PWG 20-AWG6 based on 464..4**current vneleo-euml Transformerloss(TL): 3.0 kW, 3.8 kW, 5.2 kW, 6.6 kW, 7.6 kW DCm"ett= 2paws d4wm*mI" Icom.w. 4pa'Owing t.mini °"ra yea Eorypwwmre oom DC 6l mthe•wnmwrremmnntm caewnmmn intertoe now gyyW. at Eos 41,m LCD Features: DS STANDARDS II DIRECTIVES Wide operating voltage range_120—5h0Vawta ae «aor DON Nnvnu.wumuanmon owmm SW* ill.1741-2.CFA232 No.10701 Wide opeialing temperature range--13—158 F(-25—]Il"C) BW pato* MINE IsolationAbnpnleeDICANI rECA00b5,UR 1741 CRD High CFC efficiency:91.5% NARIalmidn0tt.uon DEE 1640,IEEE 16401 Integrated Arci(Arc Fault CI cult Interruption) EMC PM 16ARB S,CEE.DID AFC/ 641 IT(TypeII NE06002014 -NFMA 4 plus salt mist rename()protection IIp°meelwlwlWenpp Revenue o.*.M'wGm not X.yrwo,awe.cion Nnuexr.6EmComilsnrlare Convection cooling "'AQP"^ wndarttn *fico Dual MPPT(5.2kVV/6.6k W/ZfikW) -Lighter and smaller -a.ne�ne rune r"r.rrm. UL 1]41/I@EE 1547/GEC Listed/UL 169913/N EC 2011 690.11 Ira' 61 AELTn + 5 +I' n.� e�. Q �, DaAELT�I c Smarter. Greener. Together. -,SoIarCity Z pSotar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology "^SolarClty Zep SoLar Next-Level PV Mounting Technology illZ.S Comp Components for composition shingle roofs • ipt ; .... „rt.. ,. .: A14, liNtANattatO 40111. �41I ••,%e•,' Mounting Block Array Skirt Interlock .'�V ww: :`:,, Ped Na 8561633 Part dto UL 1608 or 500-0113 Part Na 850.1988 or 850-1613 .''._ 4 'S4`4„ GaleamuL2lo3 2703usteamuLListed to UL 2703 4464 41. e IF r •4441frifr 4,0 4, #464.47 ` Flashing Insert Grip Ground Zep V2 '::,`� Part No.850-1628 Part No.850-1606 or850-1421 Part No.850-1511 �� Listed to UL 2703 Listed to UL 2703 Galea to UL461 and UL 2703 Descriptionniiii I di re• Yfp®? • PV with 9lZepC for composition shingle roofs orlvn*`0� • Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Auto banding UL-listed hardware creates structural and electrical bond • ZS Comp has a UL 1703 Class"A'Fire Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturer certified as'Type 1.or Type 2' Captured Washer Lag End Cap DC Wire Clip /OUSTED Part No.8561631-001 Part No. Part No.850-1509 Specifications 850-1631-002 (L)850-1586 or 850-1460 Listed to UL 1565 Designed for pitched roofs 850-1631-003 (RI 850-1588 or 850-1467 850-1631-004Installs in portrait and landscape orientations ZS Comp supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 2703 Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and]10 standards ZS Comp grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and UL 467 erriS ZS Comp bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 Engineered for spans up to 72"and cantilevers up to 24 t Zep w re management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices Leveling Foot Part No.850-1397 zepsolar.com zepsolarcom Listed to UL 2703 This documanty by Zep Saar or abaus products Sa contained vcreate d um The endb„,dee emeniation Shipped M12er,bola r's products constitutes the sole spactfications referred to in the Waded productv hamend-user each product The anyentation xpresswarranty by SolarFred sole warranty for respoeach nsblefo verifying the susoty of Zep productsro use.Speafinon re for wb notice Patentsz corn solely responsible se shipped ua6 for with Zep Solar's pre cahchangenotice Pazetteets constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the tents and p drum oduct warranty The customer am N changeandApps spats verifying 5 5 5 ry zap prW S{rec subject towithout . . nJ6pp document tl 800-1839-001 Rev o Dam Iasi exported:Agit Ra.2016 11.22 AM Document II 8974839-01 Rev 0 Date) aai erlwneu April 242m611'22 AM