105 complaint Records 1982, 1994, 1995 BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD, Date: 08-21-95 !Time: 1:40 P.M Map: Parcel: Name ofComplainant: Anonymous Neighbor Address: St. Michael's House - 3rd floor Tel: Nature of Complaint: Exteremely strong and offensive odor of urine and feces coming from Apartment 1322. So offensive she and other neighbor's are threatening to go to stay at hotels if not taken care of. . .says it has gone on too long. She has spoken to "Tracey" in the office at St. Michael's House (586-8896) about the problem. Tenant is a younger fellow in a wheelchair. LLocatiee:r on: st. Michael's House, Apt. 322 - third floor G /o Address: `r ITel: Taken by: cdh l Date of Inspection: PASl/1 S Time: 77 ..T cat, INSPECTOR'S REPORT:�4 �.__a_0�. mac...-_ f £vv �I�"A..G^"�e" lt,tfrri, " cipthut Nif'F"a'�''—f i1 Action Taken: Ave y e Ll, AA, e_Ati o..- 13'4 °-_ f Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date:in/y</ ITime: I Map: IParcel: Name of Complainant: 7/ Address dfht 9(krta r t ottc/ i ' '/ Tel: Nature <<:d - ,41a-1 Dec-re a1. of Complaint: enn„b177n tot/ -Ae- telei-PAp// �!Zs r/ aacy,z e..ue mod _2"6-y-4-tiff . u�G% ��, re- »'r '0 .jcor y oici�er-e-r- 77_ t �l V �«.. %l . it.2.3-sS s.X 3='1 LocaUon: , Q. 640.-1-4--r--"- Owner: A. p°"&c, jd_A4j• Address: ITel: / ` ', - Taken by: 'Date of Inspection: //-15 -$Y ITime: /0 Wge,L INSPECTOR'S REPORT: AZO 6)--d-fl 0.-19-.1,_ v-ft- ek-p ! 0u� m -,ej.c_ pttel .eg r r ,a C1-9--0 , I 9 s7 Or W-f£a --, ne-- ,/ f U Actkm Taken: F/11 rr.+r,h,v7 112;X<- Inspector Signature BOARD OF HEALTH CITY HALL COMPLAINT RECORD Date- 3/CA2-Tune Complainant - -(1744.ti Name of Address /54.-L84-4,,L---W cv-311.0 Tel Nature of plaint — r Location of Premises Owner _ Address — Occupant _ 4-4-41 Taken Referred to..— Date of inspection _ INSPECTOR'S Action Taken 4g—S Si4Lna14 Arit±"t14-d-t. v--44-r-aj". HOARD OF HEALTH N T. JOYCE,Chairman ER C. KENNY. M.D. HLEEN O'CONNELL. R.N. ER J. McERLAIN, Health Agent Michael's Project Appleton Corporation c/o Larry Tully 41 Chestnut Street Holyoke, MA 01040 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE C O P Y BOARD OF HEALTH August 3, 1982 Re: Mrs. Margaret DeCarolis 2nd floor, 105 N. Main Street Florence , MA 1m MAIN STREET 01060 14131 5866950 Eat. 213 Dear Mr. Tully: Please be advised that an inspection, this date, of the apartment of Mrs. Margaret DeCarolis, 105 N. Main Street , Florence, revealed the following violations of Chapter IT of the State Sanitary Code: 1. Lack of a handrail and/or protective railing on the rear stairway leading to the second floor apartment. 2. Lack of a continuously accessible second means of egress from the second floor apartment. 3. Lack of a door knob or other latch/lock mechanism on the "front door" of the apartment. In the opinion of the Northampton Board of Health, the conditions listed above render Mrs. DeCarolis' apartment substandard. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Board of Health Office. • Very truly yours , /r u t )/ie ` -7...K Peter J. McErlain Health Agent cc: Mrs. Margaret DeCarolis P .O. box 403, Florence Mayor David B. Musante PJPlc:mr CHAPTER II//'' STATE SANITARY CODE 1.. l ess 101 N VL'laµt -[0, Occupant's Name /'11M VPIQiL�A&.W `%%eratert+t'd of Occupants Apt. # # of Dwelling Units # of Stories of Structure -B (t) M # Habitable Rooms 6 Bedrooms Address of Owner Re¢ula ti on Violations water between 1200 & 140" .190 .150 A(1) Let and seat 1 basin .150 A(2) der or tub .150 A(3) Eicient cold water .350 A ar .500 Is .500 ling .500 r .500 ht .252 A tilation .280 A or B robing connection & drains .350 Kitchen 410.100 Regulation Violations then sink sufficient size .1(]0 A(1) me and oven .100 A(2) me for refrigerator .100 A(3) cutlets (electrical) .251 B electrical light fixture .251 A Is .500 'ling .500 ,or .500 ttilation (window) (mechanical) .251.6 Ld water (sufficient pressures) ,350 A t water .190 tdows .500 Drs .500 reens (door & window) .551 & .552 connection & drains .350 umbing Living Room Regulation Violations [lets (2 or one with light) .251 B .251 A ghting lls .500 iling .500 ..500 oor ndows .500 reens .551 (windows) - .480 E mks Pantry or Dining Room Regulation Violations (2 or one with light) .251 B itlets '. .251 A ghting .500 tlls ailing .500 Loor .500 Lndow .500 .551 :reens ticks _ .480 E Sleeping Room #1 .250 A cient natural lighting lets or 1 .251 A with 1 outlet .500 Regulation Violations .251 B Ong .500 Jwa ens .500 .500 .551 500 here adequate e for occupant? .400 Sleeping Room l62 .250 A icient natural lighting .251 B it lets or 1 .251 A .500 .500 .500 it with outlet s Ling lows ens r there adequate ce for occupant? .500 .551 .500 .400 Sleeping Room #3 Ificient natural lighting lut lets or .250 A .251 B Fht with outle Lis .251 A .500 L Jo nd ows reens .500 .500 .500 .551 Or there adequate ace for occupant? Common Area & Exit (Interior tterior area illuminated -ndows :reens JOYS ili alls loors tai s unman bathroom clea roperl Common Area & Exit (Exterior :himney 'orches ?oundation to irs .500 .400 253 A & B .500 ▪551 �. if Isar -' •f1117x1 .500 .500 .500 04 .151 .500 ,500 .501 emirs7t!t lni "„�7/�r�_, & rubbish Private wad „utters and do Roof Lead paint Ent r li_hts outs .600 .502 .253B General A services working and available 670 heating facilities in good Lir? .200 : 68: 68° 700 A & B water 120° to 1400 190 ilities vented 707 :e heater - proper 700 11 )orary wiring 756 :trical service adequate 955 '.cts and rodents 550 fling sanitary h07 & 452 Miscellaneous / r /Date next scheduled reinspection is: Date J440 Ctf, ° Title Time aolob CP•m7 a.m. p.m. Time Oa a aC.d.-r"20`.ems' Afire-ft 4 Y`� G - ,o_2 + 4 `1 "t- 6-0%7" _ 0_4 `( --ix ;-ru BOARD OF HEALTH N T. JOYCE,Chairman ER C. KENNY, M D. rHLEEN O'CONNELL, R.N. 'ER J. MCERLAIN. Health Agent August 5, 1982 Michael's Project Appleton Corporation c/o Larry Tully 41 Chestnut Street Holyoke, MA 01040 Dear Mr. Tully: CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Re: Mrs. Josephine Donnis 2nd floor, 15 Linden Street Northampton, MA 01060 Please be advised that an inspection, this date, of the Dennis , i5 Linden Street. Northampton, revealed the fol IL of the State Sanitary Code. 210 MAIN STREET 01060 .413) 5966950 Est. 213 apartment of Mrs . Josephin lowing violation of Chapter Lack of approved second means of egress from the second floor apartment. In the opinion of the Northampton Board of Health, the condition listed above renders Mrs. Dennis' apartment substandard. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Board office. Very truly yours , Peter J. McEr lain Health Agent PJMc:ec cc: Mrs. Josephine Donnis 15 Linden Street, Northampton, MA of Health ess CHAPTER II STATE SANITARY CODE Occupant's Name of Occupants Apt. if # of Dwelling Units li of Stories of Structure B F M # Habitable Rooms 'Lt'eft AlvL Address of Owner Jo Regulation 11 Bedrooms Violations narnrwum -........, between 120° & 140° . 150 water A(1) Let and seat .150 A(2) 1 raorn .150 A(3) j ir tub [ water .350 A \ - -- ficient cold .500 Or .500 -_ is ling .500 \ .500 r .252 A ht .280 A or B tilation & drains .350 mbing connection Kitchen 410.100 size Regulation Violations :chen sink sufficient .100 A(2) rve and oven for ghtor .100 A(3) refrigerator (electrical) B .251 B - )utlets ght fixture electrical rical l light a e .251 A \ .500 .500 iling ng .500 oor (window) (mechanical) .251.6 ntilation (sufficient A ld water pressures) .190 t water .500 -- ndows .500 ors (door & window) .551 & .552 reens & drains .350 umbing connection Room Regulation Violations Living (2 with light) .251 u itlets or one .251 A fighting .500 Ills .500 ailing .500 loot .500 creep .551 \ creeps .480 E ocks (windows) Dining Room Regulation Violations Pantry or th light) (2 with .251 B utlets or one .251 A ighting 'ails .500 --- .500 'l oor g .500 \ lndo .500 ;meow .551 screens empire 480 E . Sleeping Room Q1 icient natural 1i•htin ets or 1 h 1 outlet t t s Re_ulation Violations .250 A .251 B ows ens here adequate :e for occupant? Slee•in: Room #2 iicient natural li itlets or 1 ft with outle is lin or dows eens r there adequate ,ce for occupant? .500 .500 .500 .551 .500 Sleeping Room #3 :ficient natural li:htin )utlets or 1 >ht with outlet lls ili oor nd ows reens 0 .251 B .251 A there adequate ,ace for occupant? Common Area & Exit (Interior Iterior area illumina indows :reens DO eilin: ells loors tairwa s omnon bathroom clean operl .500 .500 .042 .151 Common Area & Exit (Exterior ;himne 'orches ?oundation Stairs ;arba:e & rubbish Private wa s rs and down s.outs 3utte Roof Lead paint Entr li:hts .253 B Violat ons genera• services working and available - -o 620 - heating facilities in good it? .200 68° and 64 200 A 8 A . water 120° to 140° 190 Aides vented 202 :e heater - proper 200 A ,orary wiring 256 :trical service adequate 255 acts and rodents 550 Lling sanitary 602 6 452 Miscellaneous 1s`l8� Date next scheduled reinspection is: Title 44--71 3D Time Date Time -7 j i iL`r a.m. p.m. w