3 Complaint Documents 2010 17f C\v 'c, ortrymrrApno cpr,! Q, f" tv 31 . e -"wirp , inp.,i¢�, as p, MD1-I99 — L Fs )� I" 5A�7 tea, nth y�gcc�� Yv M‘^m "\\j ' 'UI 1 ) IN no `1bl _ N c5 ett yp tat r moue -,7- &I IS Jo oadsu air :9/ n 1 N° q411,riG :4BNaf, � : . 'p,5 e -j,1 Ii v e � \I W s..J _�} • 1 TMh S ,p��1) ,w 7 U,� / 15��nai C . pCI/tt -9 ��Mm .laoaaa�S,a 10 p dSN1Pi7"YS cw', "' :emu :uonoedsl i jo amp ❑a 5 I n to 7 ,I,yprThO , , :dogs NI, e"mo) YINa t e NHO o3iy p .yao�ad ___ _ _ sseuwp,e tuaulald op 0 e 0 , /t :a,. Ott>t ; IIj.∎ 1311 ibl4Rif,i fy"t1 I1I61i IU 1 1 jwith�l` le . ir7 , Ti, 7r , . < �a November 12, 2010 Dawn Allen 3 North Main St, Apt 303 Northampton, MA 01062 ServiceNet, Inc. 129 King St. Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Ms. Allen (occupant) and ServiceNet (tenant) In accordance with, MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. At the request of the Northampton Fire Department a "plain view' inspection was conducted at 3 North Main St, Apt. 303 a property owned by you, by Ben Wood on 11/12/10. The Following Violations were noted: Code Number Violation Date of Correction Comments 410.602: Maintenance of Dwelling unit is in an unsanitary and unsafe condition Means of egress are obstructed November 17, 2010 Remove trash and other material so that means of egress are not obstructed. Areas Free from Garbage and Rubbish 410.450: Means of Egress The Northampton Board of Health is acting under the authority of MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL LAWS, 105 CMR 410.000: State Sanitary Code Chapter II: Minimum Standards for Human Habitation. You are hereby ordered to make a good faith effort to comply with the formal order issued to you above within the time frame listed. Failure to do so could result in legal action taken against you to pursue compliance with this order. Failure to comply with any order issued pursuant to the provisions of 105 CMR 410.000-shall upon conviction be fined not less than $10 or more than $500. Each day's failure to comply shall constitute separate violations. Please be advised that if you are aggrieved with this order you have the right to request a hearing. You must submit a written petition requesting a hearing within seven (7) days from the day the order was served BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF Benjamin Wood,MPH Director of Public Health :la Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse Javeria Mir,Health Inspector Heather McBride,Clerk Serv,w LAG, 1aq k,v,' sm. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE Mor+ ono 40 v. vvt4 01060 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 COMPLIANCE WITH ORDERS aar Seru'o (96- )q46: Prick 01oa.ker t \\ \\2,110 an initial Housing Inspection was made at property located at S N, flit S-I-.1rtorvuL. Cute 41303> owned or operated by you. Dlations were observed and an enforcement letter with rrection orders was mailed to you on It l I a \ \ final re-inspection was conducted on I violations noted in the onitrs k GrKc,F „(n.kJ it! i [io Iforcement letter were found to be corrected and therefore, please note that you have complied with of the correction orders issued in the inspection report. lis letter was signed under the pains and penalties of perjury. If you have any questions regarding is matter, please contact me at my office. ncerely, :n Wo•:r Director of Public Health BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. STAFF Benjamin Wood,MPH Director of Public Health is Abbott,R.N.,Public Health Nurse mee Petrosky,Health Inspector Heather McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 ORDER TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE STATE SANITARY CODE "MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR HUMAN HABITATION" AT: 3 NORTH MAIN ST, APT 303. NORTHAMPTON, MA This is an important legal document. It may effect your rights. You may obtain a translation of this form at: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Isto � urn documento legal muito importante que podera afectar os seus direitos. Podem adquirir uma tradgao deste documento de: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Le suivante est un important document legal. II pourrait effecter vos droits. Vous pouvez obtenir une traduction de cette forme a: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Questo a un documento legale importante. Potrebbe avere effectto sui suoi diritti. Lei puo ottenere una traduzione di questo modulo a: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma Este es un documento legal importante. Puede que afecte sus direchos. Ud. Puede adquirir una tradccien de esta forma en: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma To jest wazne legalny dokument. To moze miec wplyw na twoje uprawnienia. Mozesz uzyskac tlumaczenie teo dokumentu w ofisie: 212 Main St, Northampton Ma NORTHAMPTON BOARD OF HEALTH City Hall, 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 Tel #: (413) 587- 1214 Sincerely, This inspection report is signed and certified under the pains and penalties of perjury Ben Wood Health Director 212 Main St Northampton Ma, 01060 413-587-1214 7 gist_ en,j_ _ 110 C,so r. ( CD(-c) 1 Wood m; Andy Meeker [ameeker2l @gmail.com] t; Friday, November 12, 2010 2:37 PM Ben Wood ■]ect; Go West apt 303 Ben, ase send the letter regarding the cleaning of this apartment to Shannon Madigan at 129 g St. Northampton, MA 01060. ServiceNet Inc. will be listed as the tenant. Please call me h any questions at 413-537-6017. nks, ry Meeker • - 't44114-w 4 . 1/4 SI wire /lig is '7 -Amik a . , e ttt. . , , P .;140') 4 - / JT 77%2 -At- ' r r • Ili, ,. at a ililk , l 1 ill Ailliel‘pr 1.11111- •.• Nis - • 7,1 / Cl ./(•', ;•• •