828 Title 5 Tight Tank Request Documents, Business zoning documents REPORT
Subject: Proposed Tight Tank Installation
828 North King Street
Northampton, Mass. 01060
Date: February 22, 1992
Prepared: James A. Gracia, PE
Existing Conditions:
The existing structure is a 600 SF house trailer sitting on a full foundation and has
been unoccupied for approximately 11 years. The dwelling is served by a septic system
of unknown capacity and/or condition, which is located in front of the building. It is also
served by the Northampton municipal water system. The dwelling is located on a lot of
approximately 0.3 acres. The Northampton municipal sewer system ends several
thousand feet south of this site, therefore, is not available for connection.
Soil Investigations:
A number of deephole observation pits were dug in an attempt to locate a suitable
area to construct a replacement leach system. The soil logs of these pits are listed on the
attached sheet. The underlying soil on this lot, as identified by the SCS Soil Survey,
consists of Scitico silt loam which is characterized as having poor to very poor
permeability and shallow water table. It is not suited to septic system absorption fields.
The four (4) deepholes confirmed this soil classification. No percolation tests were
attempted since it was obvious that a percolation rate could not be obtained which would
meet Title 5. Since the lot is also very small, there would be insufficient room to
construct a leach system designed based on a percolation rate in excess of 30 minutes per
inch. The extreme rear of the lot is bordered by a massive rock outcropping which
extends in excess of 20 feet vertically. The existence of this rock and the proximity of the
existing houses on either side of the subject dwelling eliminates the option of locating a
replacement leach system on abutting property utilizing an easement.
James A. Gracia, PE
99 Glendale street
Easthampton, Mass. 01027
Page 2
Proposed Use or Property:
Mr. Battey wishes to convert this dwelling into a "take out" luncheonette. The site
is zoned for business use. There will be no seating capacity with the exception of a few
picnic tables on the front lawn area. There will be no public restrooms. The business
will operate only 6 to 8 hours per day beginning at lunchtime. There will be only two
employees during the noontime rush (11/2 hours) and one (1) employee for the remainder
of the day. The food offered will be the typical "take out" fare of hot dogs, hamburgers,
fries, and soda, therefore, a relatively small amount of water use is anticipated. Other
than cooking utensils and a small number of pots and pans, there will be no dishes to
wash. The only other sewage flow would be generated by the employees' use of the rest
Proposed Sewage Disposal System:
Since there is no feasible alternative available for a subsurface sewage leaching
system on this site, Mr. Battey proposes to install a "tight tank" system which would
service his proposed "take out stand. He has operated a similar business at another
location and has closely monitored its water usage. Such usage was well below the
estimated daily water consumption figure used in the sewage flow calculations for this
proposed "tight tank" installation (see Drawing #92-004).
The proposed system would consist of a 2,000 gallon precast concrete tank with all
outlets plugged. The tank would be sealed to insure 't was watertight and waterproof.
An alarm shall be installed and set to indicate when the tank reaches 3/5ths capacity. A
cast iron manhole cover shall be installed at grade over the center access cover of the
tank for future pumping. Any remnants of the existing septic system which are disturbed
shall be removed and properly disposed. Any septage remaining in the existing septic
system shall be pumped and disposed at the Northampton WWTF.
For design purposes, the sewage flow for the proposed usage of this building has
been estimated at 100 gallons per day, which would provide a total of 20 days storage
(minimum 5 days required by DEP regulations). It is anticipated that the actual storage
time shall be significantly longer than 20 days, based on the prior experience of Mr.
Battey at his previous location.
The "tight tank" shall be pumped by Greg's Septic Tank Cleaning Service in
Sunderland and its contents disposed at the Northampton Wastewater Treatment Facility.
James A. Gracia, PE
99 Glendale Street
Easthampton, Mass. 01027
Page 3
There are no feasible locations available to replace the existing subsurface sewage
disposal system. The use of a "tight tank" in this particular situation would be a
reasonable alternative for sewage disposal since the sewage flows would be relatively
small and the costs for regular pumping would be an affordable expense for this business
venture. The "tight tank" shall be located in front of the building in a public area,
therefore, it is very unlikely that it would be allowed to overflow within view of potential
customers. Eventually, the city shall be forced to extend the municipal sewer to this end
of North King Street, since the most of the soils in this vicinity are not conducive to
septic leaching systems and many of the existing residences and businesses presently
experience sewage disposal difficulties. When this sewer is eventually installed, this "tight
tank" can easily be eliminated and tied into the new sewer.
James A. Gracia, PE
99 Glendale Street
Easthampton, Mass. 01027
Location: 828 North King Street, Northampton
Date(s) : Nov. 26, 1991 (TP #1) , Feb. 7, 1992 (TP #2, 3, & 4)
Witness: Peter McErlain
No Percolation Tests Attempted
Top Soil 0 - 8"
Sub-soil 8" - 18"
Sandy Clay 18" - 102"
Groundwater @ 64"
Top Soil 0 - 6"
Sub-soil 6" - 18"
Clay Till 18" - 102"
Groundwater @ 24"
James A. Gracia, PE
99 Gkndak Shea, Easthampton, MI 01027
Top Soil 0 - 6"
Sub-soil 6" - 18"
Clay Till 18" - 60"
Groundwater @ 24"
Ledge @ 60"
Top Soil 0 - 6"
Sub-soil 6" - 18"
Clay Till 18" - 120"
Groundwater @ 24"
HN T.JOYCE.Chairman
TER 1.McERLAIN,Health Agent
March 3, 1992
Mr. Larry Galanka
Division of Water Pollution Control
Department of Environmental Quality Control
436 Dwight Street
Springfield, MA 01103
Dear Mr. Galanka:
14181 586-6950 Ext.218
In accordance with Section 18.1 of 310 CMR 15.10, Title V, the Northampton
Board of Health has approved, subject to D.E.P. review, an application from
Mr. Mark Battey for a permit to install and utilize a tight tank at 828 North
King Street, Northampton, at the site of a proposed take-out restaurant.
As is indicated in the attached engineering report and plan prepared by James
A. Gracia, P.E. , the existing soil conditions do not support the installation
of a replacement sub-surface disposal system. The Board of Health approved
the design flow, system design (2,000 gallon capacity) , pump out schedule, and
septage disposal plan.
The Northampton Board of Health has agreed to the following long term monitoring
1. the tight tank will be pumped on a regular basis (every 20 days to start)
by Greg' s System Tank Cleaning Service,
2. the septage will be disposed of at the Northampton Waste Water Treatment
3. the Board of Health will make periodic inspections of the site at
828 North King Street to insure that no overflow of the system has
In addition, the Board of Health will require the septic pumper/company to
submit receipts for each pumpout and each disposal at the Waste Water Treatment
The Board of Health will also make separate periodic inspections of the food
service operation at 828 North King Street, and will also monitor the operation
of the facility at that time.
The use of the building will be limited to "take-out" food service operations.
Any change in the use will be subject to the Board of Health review to insure
that the holding tank capacity is not exceeded.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Board of Health
Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Peter J. McErlain
Health Agent
Mark Battey
James Gracia, P.E.
Building Inspector Frank Sienkiewicz
iN T.JOYCE.Chairm®
FEB J.McERLAIN.Health Agent
March 3, 1992
Mr. Mark Battey
24 Audubon Road
Leeds, MA 01053
Dear Mr. Battey:
(413)5866950 Ext.213
The Board of Health has approved your application for a permit to construct
and utilize a tight tank at 828 North King Street, Northampton.
The approval is subject to review by the Department of Environmental Protection
Regional Engineer. In addition, this approval is granted upon the following
1. the tight tank system must be installed by a licensed septic system
2. the installation must be made according to the approved plans, and be
verified in writing by the design engineer,
3. once installed, the tight tank must be pumped regularly (every 20 days
to start) by a licensed sewage pumper,
4. receipts for tank pump out and for septage Disposal at the Waste Water
Treatment Plant must be submitted to the Board of Health office monthly,
5. the use of the tight tank will be limited to "take-out" food service
operations only. Any future change in use of the building at 828 North
King Street must be submitted to the Board of Health for review prior
to occupancy. A copy of this approval letter is being sent to the
City Building Inspector.
The sewage works construction permit will be issued upon receipt of written
authorization from D.E.P.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the Board of
Health office.
Very truly yours, o
Peter J. McErlain
Health Agent
cc: D.E.P.
Building Inspector Frank Sienkiewicz
James Gracia, P.E.
Boa ad or
Mark Battey
540 Coles Meadow Road
Northampton, MA 01060
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April 10, 1992
Northampton-DWPC-Title 5
Tight Tank-Battey
Transmittal #31001
Project 192-046
The Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Water Pollution Control
has received a plan of sewage disposal designed by James Gracia, P.E. of
Easthampton titled:
Proposed Tight Tank
Mark Battey
828 North Ring Street
Northampton, MA
Date: 2-18-92
The plan proposes to collect 100 gallons per day of commercial waste from a
takeout restaurant in a 2,000 gallon concrete holding tank equipped with an alarm
device. The water tight tank will be periodically pumped by Greg's Septic Tank
Cleaning Service of Sunderland, MA and the contents will be disposed at the
Northampton Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Northampton Board of Health has
agreed to monitor the operation and maintenance of this tight tank by making
periodic and routine inspections.
The Department hereby approves of this plan subject to the following provisions:
1) That a Disposal works Construction Permit be obtained from the
Northampton Board of Health prior to the start of construction.
2) That no changes be made in the approved plan without the prior written
approval of the Department.
3) That the designing engineer certify in writing to the Northampton Board
of Health with a copy to this office that the system has been constructed
in accordance with the approved plan prior to the system being used.
4) Upon availability of a sewerage system, connection shall be made within
30 days and the tight tank system shall be abandoned.
5) That a notice be placed with the deed and recorded in the appropriate
Registry of Deeds indicating that the property is served by a tight tank
system. A copy of the notice to the deed must be submitted to the
Department within thirty days of the date of this letter or the approval
will no longer be valid.
Board of Health April 10, 1992
Failure of the owner of the tight tank to keep it from overflowing and properly
maintained will constitute grounds for revocation of approval for the use of this
system. Approval will be limited to the existing use and any change of use or
ownership will require a new approval but may not require new plans.
Enclosed is a copy of the stamped approved plan for your files. A second copy
of the stamped approved plan is being sent to the Northampton Board of Health.
An additional stamp approved copy is being returned to the designing engineer so
that it may be kept on site and used for construction purposes.
If there are any questions pertaining to this matter please contact this office.
JVeryy ttrruully yo
Dl�aVid E
Acting Regiona Engineer
Bureau of Resource Protection
cc: Bryant Firmin, DWPC/Boston
Joyce Duggan, DEP/WERO
James Gracia, P.E., 99 Glendale Street, Easthampton, MA 01027
Northampton Board of Health, City Hall, Northampton, MA 01060
Board of Health
City of Northampton
Main Street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060
July 5, 2002
Subj: Variance from the new construction 50% larger leaching area
My name is William Gruber and I am a prospective buyer of a house
trailer located at 828 North King Street. I plan to remove the
trailer and replace it with a single family home of approximately
the same size. Presently there is not enough room to increase the
leaching area by 50%. I am requesting a variance from the new
construction rule. I would like to request a variance at the
July A9, 2002 meeting
Thank you,
William Gruber
Site Plan Attached
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