710 Title 5 Application/Permits, Soil Survey 1997, Well Documents 1997 FORM 11 - SOIL EVALCAIUR FUR\I Page 1 of 3 No. 4 I � \ Date: 6,-Pit-77 Commonwealth of\Rlassachusetts AJokilikMplarJ , Massachusetts Soil Suitability Assessment for On-siteSewage Disposal Performed By: %7M S , I IUA1t.S Date: (o-i 2- 97 Witnessed By: PereR M RL& ) - /+erve.T rl ha-&J) —on„m..,- LOT -. No271f FARMS RoAA New construction L!1 Repair ❑ aavess and L.;b Ro/3ERT 13 ATE 5 cos S - &F(i C-D-Q LN NGY+ntRws( DEv W ✓1 5aY- 7 Y37 Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No ❑ Yes Year Published 14 8 I... . . Publication Scale is 15840. Soil Map Unit cu C Drainage Class 4./0-2- DRAiA1EQSoil Limitations MVP& Mjt S(-cp , 5EE)2/6E- Surficial Geologic Report Available:No ❑ Yes ❑ Year Published - Publication Scale- Geologic Material (Map Unit) Landform- betiri"> Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No Yes ❑� Within 500 year flood boundary No LJYes ❑ Within 100.year flood boundary No SC/es ❑ Wetland Area: - National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): Month Range :Above Normal ❑Normal ❑Belc'v Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: DEP APPROVED FORM•12,07/95 Orr-sire Review Deep Hole Number . /. Date: (�—/ 2-qq Time. Q.�00 /t,4} "Weather Location )identify on site plan) Land Use 6pc.AuD fc4t3I Slope l%) ° .5/t Surface Stones S°.LIE Vegetation OAK.-._Cut-Jilt Prub — /3r P.c,N As;}_. Landform TU Rt06-E Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: / Open Water Body /° d feet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Area± /50/ feet Property Line .jr WO 'feet Drinking Water Well N/p feet Other r 3ocid {R..,,.t,) P4 p • DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG C CAR rage cooL Depth horn Surlace (Inches) Son Houcon Spa Testure IU50A) Sod Color .IMunselll Son Monhng a - 9 r,- (20 , ay C L0gM Sraa.ay LOAM LrLU y • 5A. o /u R. 3lµ 16Yrz 4/6 N/A N/A DIMv ISvueture. Stones, aoNdere. Conuuency. % Gravel'. Rcc75 - 5ToLc S �R A(3LE FR-1 Pied*/ / .e 5 id (stave Parent Material (geologic) GLACIAL TU., - Depth to Bedrock: µ/A pawn to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole N/A WeePinq from Pit face: ATi Estimated Seasonal H,gn Ground Water: A//A • On-site Review Page 2 Deep Hole Numbers... Date: (o'!Z- 47 Time: Q • Location (identify on site plan) ? 30 p Weather C�t:y1h/�0/ Lend Use LP LAwP Fr✓e51 Slope (%) ` .5 yh Surface Stones So,anb Vegetation QAC._- 1.4-°}f,7L PI 1 - R'iat - AS y_ Landform %ILL QIOGE Position on landscape (sketch on the back) Distances from: / Open Water Body )/00 feet Drainage way feet Possible Wet Arent /SO y feet Property Line?.(oO' feet Drinking Water Well N/A feet Other Y 3o0 fp &M imp DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth nom Swing I Sod Horizon (Inched 5c1 ienwa Sol Color IUSOAI ,IMuneee) • Sod Mottling- Qtr 0 9r1- 3411 3 '- 12011 4 A SAwO/ 1.60“44 t3 sa.,7y t Loion Other (Structure. Stones. Booklets. Consauncy. % Grove ' s y 3/9 I N/,q I FUT — /to siA (0w4pr 1.0� y sy 4/ NJA 5 PIA, SiL.T7 cc/0 AV0L Parent Materiel (geologic' GLIALCIAL. '11 LL Depth to Groundwater: Standing Water NIA star in the Hole: Depth to Bedrock Weeping from Pit Face: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: FORM 11 - 5011. LVALCAl Olt FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. icrnii - NoR j) FItg.M5 RD — /yjo Aires;,, A Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole /4/ inches ❑ Depth weeping from sid ❑ Depth to soil mottles N f of observation hole A) H inches A inches ❑ Ground water adjustment ._ feet Index Well Number Adjustment factor Reading Date Index well level Adjusted ground water level tfO•E O/35t-RVEP Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption-system? e.2 If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Certification a certify that on !I RV' (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the Dep rtment of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. Signature % Date 6-1µ--q17 DEP APPROVED FORM•12/07/95 FORM 12 - PERCOLATION TEST COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ldoRTNAmp-70 /, Massachusetts Percolation Test Date: ,TUNE Ili 199 (7 Time: q t:"A" Observation Hole # -0 I Depth of Perc i1 rr 53 Start Pre-soak End Pre-soak 9; is AA q 3a-AlM1 Time at 12" _I -I � t SA-„vi 9� 3a ANA Time at 9" t P-ia ALAA YI44- AM Time at 6" ,1 : kAiki (0: a1 Afrk Time 19"-6") 12r pjP 5 19Wtiu.i)T65 Rate Min./Inch 4- MPS S.6 L APL Site Passed lJ Site Failed ❑ Performed By: T VI lb Witnessed By: (i)€a2 , C�L - j — %fegc 66-B11/4.7— Comments: ',MN VW'uo18uiuum) pvoj 119DN NOILIVI\po3 Ab1SJY03 UM67911/3 1431/ I JD?' 'i_taw og/rr/b ,ooc=„7 :3rdos rugd £'ossa%' • ' ca»h C.0 15e. h JOQ J€0a9Nfo i1'° :a»ooSdbti. ,r g..1.1147 "3 1d3DOB C ,4 pa2Jar 'ozpbssrid' 'ttidizerry h. /padoud • , i \ • 1 an 00.E o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • \ 3ai8 N \ � ,a,oi C? \ t1. ° J o v rot..... -. - - (\ NM / \ _ 92'OBSh'b'iT7iM G J " - jH 185 ^ ) • i 1 NolI6007 'Cn?lddy ii a ,r Lmf ,II/4 .al C 1 .'.,.i -- -.... rowdu PEICOCATION Tar _ - .._,EOMMONW F attranfAB"SACNWth-S . . .. .MassKm.em _ I/ lime as• Mnmh ilWritel - . . MOW urb ea.mn teiu must M i«ramed b both u.. _ a�.w...AND Site Passed Ss.Fas 0 Perlanertf By: Wmwsed Br Comments: pounces.Rae.wens - _.e.. G . . . _... • • a4;th." On-site Review lion Address or Lot! 1 W 1-a-4 -C 1---7, 1 _]4-k 0 Hole Number [ 1 Date 1,2 1 1l— [(/ 1 1 Time 1 IHi NJ 1 Weather 1 C-ed-er___ Dcation(identify on site plan) Land Use L hi 71) �}-rA---- 1 Slope(%) 1 1 Surface stones 1 Vegetation )---.„_.--A--./ Landform 1117 on on Landscape(sketch on the back) 1 Distances from: en Water Body %/To feel ()Uniting Water Wei feet Property Line feet ssible Wet Area 71 in; feet Drainage Way feet Other feel DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Hole!: ) • DIVIUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA db tom (Inoas) Soi Malmn- Sol Texture NSDA) Sot CCW (A el) Sol Mdam Other (Shinn sbnes.Balers.Canssbny%Greg 1117 c ` "�;-.._7 lc L/h YI, qi l -- fr �. . v I l- ent Marta loecb* 1 mo••' .... I Depth b BNmok -t.J._�_. Depth',groundwater.Stincrirg WaWb to Hde na-rti- 1 Yam Ware 1 it Es&mtd Seasonal Kgb Gras Water 1. Hole Pik mm is(Indies) (l Sot DEEP-OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' MINIMUM 0 TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA SolTesbae"',. Sol 0* (USDA) pAmo) Soi Mo16G Ober (Stodge,Sbnes.Badders.Cois'stency.%Gravel) ertMabtt Esfiiakad Seasonal/fish G.nS Water HOWARD LABORATORIES, INC 750 North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 MA Lab LiC# M-00851 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Lyzed For:Robert Bates :ess: 68 Shelfield Lane Florence, MA 01060 a phone: (413) 584 8439 Sample #4862 Sample Location:710 North Farms Road Northampton, MA 01060 Sampled By: HENSHAW WELL DRILLING Date Sampled: 10/14/97 Date Received:1O/14/97 Parameter Results Limits Comments Total Coliform Bacteria 0 colonies/100mt 0 colony/tooml OK pH 7 .98 pH Units 6.5-8.5 pN Units OK Manganese * 0.76 ma 0.05 mg/t Hardness 94.0 mg/l No Standard <50 soft, >100 hard Conductivity 0. 27 m5/cm No Standard Chloride 89. 2 ma nowt OK Iron * 2 .39 mg/t 0.3mg/t Sodium 9.0 mg/t 28mg/L OK Nitrate 0. 1 ma 7Omg/t OK Nitrite 0.001 mg/t l mg/t OK Color * 78 Ptco Color Units 15 Pt Co Color Units Turbidity * 13 . 1 Nru 5 NTU ommendations: Iron, manganese, color and turbidity are normally elevated newly drilled wells. Use water for 30 days then retest the parameters that e elevated levels. s sample does meet acceptable standards of potability for public water plies except for the parameters marked with an asterisk (*) , however, re are no state or federal standards for individual use of well water. lyst: JB oked By: Jonathan S. Be, • ,A I6 1s.` Laboratory Superviq or /4 Date: 10/14/97 ' Department of Envirgnmental Management/Division of Water Resources WELL COMPLETION REPORT Board of Health -may permit obtained: yes WELL USE Domestic[p Public❑ Industrial❑ Monitoring Other_ Method drilled Date Date tlrill ed_ CASING Type l I Length tt Dla(I.D)�_in. Length into bedrock ---___ h. Protective well seal: Grout ❑ Others STATIC WATER LEVEL(all wells) Static water level below land surface_ ft WELL TEST(production wells) WELL DATA Total well depth Depth to bedrock `]r n, Water-bearing rock/unconsolidated material: Description rT _ Water-bearing zones: 1)From ICC .- 2) Fram TO—�� 9 3) From mem •(mi.�c mcmm N T E W of (cite) intersect w/Ch_j_141_114. Drawdown L RO ry otter pumping hr. <-r; How measured L ,. G min. at fir gpm Recovery ft. alter hr. min. Driller Firm Address 7 ( CItYROwn��_ Supervising Driller Reg.# BOARD OF HEALTH COPY COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Board of Heath, HORN MA. TION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT to Conaruct(4epair( 1 Upgrade( ) Abandon( 1 - O Complete System J Individual Components Location NORM'tM FF,zfiyj go Owner's Name goea r /O47 C1 Map/Parcel# ld....-P,Ab£ '- 2o3`}-/i3. i b — /IN— Address GV SNEFf/ELQQ Lot# r 7l�nit/E TeIcphoneV4/) 5CgLj - 0731 Installer's Name avvi5i 6 Designer's Name T tiTidy m/i6 Address /1NNts��t�,,,,RntS Address 96 mo -funfG Ro— W'� Telephone# _ Telephone# @-v ) 527 -524/ ype of Building 5/Moir rPfella y welling-No.of Bedrooms 2 Lot Size f4'-1 ¢ft Garbage grinder(.r ¢her-Type of Building No.of persons 6 Showers 6 r 1.i= ( ) !they Fixtures esign Flow(min.required) -a 3Q gpd Calculated design Fl 41(i ow }/ Design Flow provided 6p13 '3 gp Ian: Date AS -as- 9y (tle PLAN ap 02(oos61O 5005 a aP/4 ewa& I/ /OSL. S�/51 E)Yl J esciption of Soil(sO L o- i "3 8 S Z. 10 L 4 C /LL• S ail Evaluator Form Na Name of Soil Evaluator p Rlla asf Mk/&3 Date of Evaluation Number of sheets / Revision Date ESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS he undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITLE 5 and ether agrees to not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board of Health. !gncd Date tspccuons iTOMMONWLAI.TA OF MASSACII[JSEITS FEE Bond of Health, MA. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Iescription of Work: J Individual Component(s) J Complete System lie undersigned hereby ccrde) that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed ( ),Repaired ( ),Upgraded O.Abandoned ( ) as been iusmlled in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built plans relating to pplication No _ dared Approved Design Flow (gpd) nstallcr tesignen Inspector: Date: he issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. C J 1 t/.v�7 FEE � _ COMMONWEALTH OI'F MASSACIIUSLTTS y�� Board of Health, /i/1,y t f 'etsYa )jr"ALA. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT u35' 5 3 N •0 ej G. ,il) in 0 L 0 ? ( � 0 . os: o �tb�Tl is hereby me ro; Construct( Repair( ) Upgrade( ) Abandon( ) an individual sewage disposal system M. �( O y O W(}r o -as de c)ibed in the application for In saal stem Construction Permit No. �—f %,dated /I/)o/_ � 5rwitkof Construction shall be completed within three scars of the date of this welmt All local condm9m»st be met. d as mlzss rt€a sass aysri�i co.Bolton ton Date /'%/ /�oard of Health �