Lots 2&3 Water Analysis and Soil Survey Report Fax Jun 17 04 08■ 18p Howard Laboratories Jun 1/ '04 15:2! P.02 418 247 8588 62 Main SVeet-Hatfield,MA D1036 Tel. (413) 247-5533 Fax(413) 247-9599 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Henshaw's Well Drilling Client:31m Lawrence Test Requests: basic h20 package Parameter Total Conform Bacteria Color Iron Manganese Nitrate Nitrite PH Sodium Conductivity widity Turbidity n Hardness Recommendations: Results 0 colonies/100m1 28 PtC°Color Units 0.60 mg/I 0.011 mg/I 0.1 mg/I 0.005 mg/1 7.68 pH Units 4 mg/I 0.13 m5/km 72 NTU 10.8 mg/1 42 mg/I Sample Location: 6686 North Puma Rd. Northampton,MA 01060 Sampled try: HWD Date Sampled: 5/26/04 Date Received: 5/26/04 Limits 0 colonies!looms 15 PtCo Color Units 0.3 mg/i 0.05 mg/I 10 mo/I 1 mg/1 6.5-as Ph Unas 28 mall No Standard S NTU 250 mg/I No Standard Comments OK OK OK OK OK OK No Standerd • OK <50 soft '100 hard This sample most acceptable standards of potability for the parameters tested except for those marked with an asterisk(a).Plena see attached sheets. Analyst: JF Date: 5/27/04 Checked Dy:SL 11524-HWD p- 1 DEC-0E-2042 14:36 From:HARRIS & GRAY 413 628 4775 DEC-0-2004 14:27 FROM:MJRTHIAMPTON BOARD OF 413 5871221 To:413 5871221 P.2 70:9114138284775 p.1 My 0/ listaaatase, "itadottaideitetra 212 7444 Sheet Wig. 711.4 0/060 7d. 473-587-1214 Sax 413-587-1221 Title V Certification of Compliance TO BE FILLED ED OUT BY THE SYSTEM INSTALLER INSTALLER SIGN-OFF Pursuant to 310.04R 15.00 of din Slate Environmental Coda Tide V,Mloinewn Requirements for the Sub,w ce Disposal of Sanitary Scwgge,Section 15.021(3),the hailer of system Is required to sip this font sea condidon for issuance of a Hoard of Health Confirms ofGenplbnoe for the Guile erode system. This is to card 'nt the opsite sewage dlspoaal sygrandrt/ d as: sep-�' mime 46-amber onl(�IIIN_ View COnitruction y repair(exieting system) on (1-0A-A 4 DYVCP number Eli—111 mere lance with 310 CMR 15.00, end all local requirements.Any shaming to the hemp reflected on n asbuih plan that hes been submitted to the Board of Health. (sine,Ciry,end Zip C 0 MOT :Tide ton sense din iecir et the Meal t%p sly.pre or Implied as te the Mnaional or battvily ofthe on-airs 1 Went with all .. iambic re n and repletion ae nil No. Commonwealth of Massachusetts poRThlAm Pro Al Massachusetts Site Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disvosal Owe 06/7/0 Performed By: 41 g#hpuj So ko Witnessed By: 1'e+er McSrlain Certification Number. 1 Location Address or Los No. LOT � Z rORME?L)/ RECORDED As Aoi tt h NORr4 FARms RDJ MoiCIW"P/°" Owner's Name.Address and Tel.a 15 EWA' H=ArEY 197 NoPTN MAPLE STRa6' Ajai »1Pmt% MA 01060 (4o3)-534- I S71 New Constructions$ Repair o Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: Year Published 1951 Drainage Class 9 R, Surficial Geologic Report Available: Year Published Geologic Material (Map Unit) No ❑ Yes ' Publication Scale II 15540 Soil Map Unit 1 B,5,a,0,13 Soil Limitations Severe: Lvtfness , Verts sL6L4LY No `(1 Yes ❑ Publication Scale Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary No ❑ Yes If Within 500 year flood boundary No id Yes ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary No '( Yes ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map (map unit) Wetlands Conservancy Program Map (map unit) Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS): I99(2 Month Tuly Range: Above Normal Normal ❑ Below Normal ❑ Other References Reviewed: U S G S- To?n%CoPh(w ( oar ssadoc 2 On-Site Review Deep Hole Number ) -I Date (r 1 Z(o 1416 Time p f - 34 Weather$on y .7 S Location (identify on site plan) SSE sKCTUt Land Use Gunoi ANbS Slope (%) 5°/n Surface stones NONE- Vegetation HARD/so6-r 60 r S Landform flocdiu6 TspRA/k) Position on landscape (sketch on the bads) Distances from: Open Water Body 7/(Yb feet Drainageway 7/Oa feet Possible Wet Area >//v() feet Property Line 2 r feet Drinking Water Well 7/5b feet Other DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (inches) Sail Horizon Sod Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Munson) Sod Mottling Other (Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency, %Gravel) G _ 5.11 7 11 2 /I Zqll — V/ k'/ /22 / A �w B/ Sav9/ loam C` �y m /77,5) SFwD vg LSAn,P Course SA AJfl /0'/g3/4 IOW �1i /DVR513 /0%/r'5// iovg W/ /DONE rl/ONE 57 SyR1/4 /0 yrt 16l/R 5°/ v /4 /3(6 Frz9 e_ AIAZ'u E, /E NE ^/ Ar�E /nAS5luc Fro gr_?; Loose / FIRM l MAssI)L- CWAV9-Ly MASSIIre C Go B,txCC1 SUVA"Q1A0t_ Parent Material (geologic) Pros/co; I pufwar k, Depth to Groundwater. ssadoc Standing Water in the Hole: VOA/(- Weeping from Pit Face: /J%A/= Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water. S% / 3 On-Site Review Deep Hole Number / - Date 6125/96 Time H) 30 Weather SO nn/ 70 Location (identity on site plan) Land Use /uOObLAA)bs Slope (%) S% Surface stones aW Vegetation HARD/ sot'" WDQOS Landform DRUrnLt KJ Position on landscape (sketch on the bade) Distances from: Open Water Body 7(D0 feet Drainageway 7100 feet Possible Wet Area 7100 feet Property Line '72-0 feet Drinking Water Well 7100 feet Other DF.FP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (inches) Soil Horizon Sod Texaae (USDA) Sail Color (Mensal') Sod Matting Other (Stromlo),Stones. Boulders. Consistency.%Gravel) O — 6 I/ il — 2Z 2211 52 Sq — /29 /' A Bcp �C C S,tty I04 in � r,�� oa -5, 4Q Sl I,^rn 16 VIC 2/Z 10 Y1( 3/3 1bY2312 !o ms/I 5% ea^ 5)(R1& LC Mai SSiDG/ F--RA P.,_ mAsslvz, fR/A3L Fete/ P n�/ 10 % AV£LL/ rrlA9Lt MAsst/E/ Parent Material (geologic) Depth to Groundwater. ssadoc ?ro41 Duns wash q d Standing Water in the Hole: /(2 Weeping from Pa Face: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water. 29" Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches X Depth to soil mottles 7-4 inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Adjustment Factor Adjusted Ground Water Level Index Well Level 4 Percolation Test Date: 61Z6,/9(0 Time: 9 /7 Observation Hole # I - I I — 2 Depth of Perc 75n 75" Start Pre-Soak 9 . 18 /0 3I End Pre-Soak 9 , 33 10 4C Time at 12- 9 33 10 44, Time at 9' 9' . 38 10' 59 Time at 6' 9 43 II g3 Time (9' — 6-) S 29 Rate MinJlnch 5/3 h1n1in . S mir/n Site Suitability Assessment Additional Testing Need d: � Performed 8 ��// k �^ Site Passed hf Site Failed a Perfc y Witnessed By: \ Certification Number: Comments: RECamtuD RennoV/AJ4 B/c LAYER Vito2 T O Sy3TEAI i cr A“t. i iohi. FootiD in) NOL$ (- 2 . ,aA4DC FORM 11 - SOIL EVALUATOR FORM Page 3 of 3 Location Address or Lot No. FOR"SRL.y 7 gt01gQ ( As car 4- rth FARmg RAC AkArAAmarbtl Determination for Seasonal High Water Table Method Used: ❑ Depth observed standing in observation hole inches ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches Q Depth to soil mottles ...., inches ❑ Ground water adjustment feet Index Well Number Reading Date Index well level Adjustment factor Adjusted ground water level Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring observed throughout the area proposed for the If not, what is the depth of naturally occurring Certification pervious material exist in all areas soil absorption system? YES pervious material? I certify that on 69 2.(9 9(D (date) I have passed the soil evaluator examination approved by the De‘:, ent of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. pp yy� /� Signature rlY �rce•le Date 61Z(0I 9 Lo DEP APPROVED FORM•17.107t95 Alma Huntley Jr. & Assocs. Inc. Surveyors - Engineers - Landscape Architects 30 Industrial Drive NORTHAMPTON, MA 01061 (413) 584-7444 D 96, - /3/ -for kevin SHEET NO MSS CALCULATED BY CHECXED BY SCALE N7 S. OF DATE DATE F LOT4 I TEST PIT2 Z • PLKCZ LOT /1 ® -r I LS7-PIT1 C FAIL 1 rOu NORTH FARMS � D UP 39 /90 UP 35 /91 NO IL LDT NAPERS cHoWNAI<r= (-1f17FkPT GRAVEL ACCESS Almer Huntley Jr. & Assocs. Inc. Surveyors - Engineers - Landscape Architects 30 Industrial Drive NORTHAMPTON, MA 01061 (413) 584-7444 JOB q 151 for Key n SHEET HO CALCULATED BY M SS CHECKED BY SCALE V T.S . OF DATE DATE A PPROX, SOUTHI 5IbE Almer Huntley Jr. & Assocs. Inc. Surveyors - Engineers • Landscape Architects 30 Industrial Drive NORTHAMPTON, MA 01061 (413) 584-7444 JOB 90 - 131 for ileum- Na-Fey SHEET NO OF n/i3/9(o DATE CALCULATED BY MSS CHECKED BY SCALE /✓.Y S. DATE t NGRTH 51 PN 5TL PEKE 2 l..DT (o PE/CC E_ VE.C I d DOTS LOTS N m CTUMTKY ARYKOX. SOUTfj PER G I juk. LOT Lo 99 9 (73r ATTIOX WES-r FL- TRIPLE 'PAIk1T MARKS ON 7REE ON SOUTH WEST PROI RTY L IN£ LHOYE Lo` UUMBERS SMUNN ARP CORRFAIT DEEP SOIL. LOGS OWNER KARF'N LAAM► FFLE DATE MAY7) 1986 F. q LOCATION NORTH FARMS ROAD OBSERVER NORTHAMPTON, MA.3 TOPSOIL SUBSOIL (SANDY Solt 0 -12" 12 24" 4Yo" 24-'1 /IS Fl t Ias of H PETFI McFRi AIN T► LL WITH COBBLES ) STONES FIRM TO COMPAcl GROUND WATER WATER (NON E)OXI DES GROUND WATER Av6. 5i Z 0 _ 12 TOPSOIL SUBSOIL (SANDY) 0 LOAMY COMPACT 247- h-) TILL SOME co8BLE STONES GROUND WATER WATFR (NON E) NO OXIDES PROMINENT GROUND WATER PERCOLATIONN RATE AT 4Z: 2.0.1. min./inch I e PLAN SHOWING SEWAGE DISPOSAL d,pp In I. I o� ,H 'fa 4.> I I r{cY • lO�� F• �PpECV .a: f■ 628 ''..k .K *..` • • • • h • 0 Li N Walt /00 I 0.90X I R.M. NAIL IN L' MAPLE I I I / i l ite. I I 92'9o' 8G' Ltt- 144 I9B• AREA Of COMBINED LOTS: S9, FIS SQ. FT. NOTE ' No oTMER WCLLs WITHIN Zoo' or LEACH Mn. 3 LEACH TRENCHES for To LEACH 7o' x 2' x 3.5' RESERVE BcrwEEN TRENCHES c FOR: GORDON t ANDREA SWIFT Si WARNER ST. NORTHAMPTON, MA OIO6o SITE: LOTS 2+3 No. fMRms RD. NORTHAMPTON, MASS, APPRO c/MA7E fat une • /as eetier C J 0 de 0 0 B F ILI O5 SEPTEMBER IS, 19843 SCALE: I" ' • 'io' CROSS— SECTION OF SEPTIC SYSTE M FoR: GORDON + ANDREA SWIFT SITE: NORTH FARMS RDy NORTHAMPTON BY: FREDERICK F/L105 SEPTEMBER 1984, SCALE: HoRIZ. : 1" = ID' VERT. i" • 3' 0 o at loo' ELEVATION 3 LEACH TRENCHES 70' x 2 x 3.5' E yam -G11�f �r- 24' 24' r, 1 LJ to 4 I I L1 S'1AT o•s0 s s.6 o' E1" 10 11 .45 p.OJN EVE DISTANCE CALCULATIONS DISTANCC c SLOPG E 150 SLOPE a 6.4740 : 0.16 DISTANCE= 0.16 X ISO' VI we say in all our reports : prospective buyers of property should always taste the well water and make any and all other observations about the ,sell, water , l_ncatons , etc. to their complete satisfaction. . .before buying. HOWARD RESEARCH LABORATORIES HARLAN A. HOWARD. M.S. MMMMMM •MIERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY •MISICAN Su•u M ASSOC. •MEMICAN ASSOC. CLINICAL CHEMISTS Gordon and Andrea dwift 84 `darner St. Northampton, Na. 01060 Hear iNr. and sirs. Swift: The water sample which you bror=ht here 750 NORTH SLCASAMT STREET . AAAAA CAL/SETTS 01001 i(arch 16, 1987 Larch 11, 1987 has been analyzed bacteriologically according to the Official American Public Health Standard Methods. Results of tests indicate WATER ANALYSIS REPORT good bacteriological quality. As tested, this water sample would be considered 0 Coll type bacteria in 100m1 of yo 0 Coli required in 1U0m1 of water Chemical Tests: pk was 6.8 wh which is 7 Total -gar• es Hard water starts at 120 .arts. suitable * ater sample. good drinking cuality. fine bein; just a little on the acid side of neutra host desired range is 6.5 to 7.5 was 100 parts per million which is a common amount here for drinking purposes . To iron was 0.5parts per million which is the csual amount. The ideal amount is 0.3p- ts per million or less : howevere, few well waters are chat low in iron for our area. wo harm to health. a'ossibly a very slight stain or tLste. .perhaps not. Total Manganese was the usualtrace t slightly more). No itiird, to heals h Total malt was :i0 parts per million which is within real . alle_ Icrr '_ing water limits. 1, is would t an to about 24 or less milligrams per lifer - 4 Total Nitrates was a very good 2 parts per million which is the amount we find in the batter well -waters. had it been 10 parts or more , it . oull have been of potential danger to pregnant women and/or in tents. it problem here. Total Nitrites as just a trace. Color was normal. Turbidity will be ;',pod v,Thar, the yell .. =..s Ied ou t in good sha e. This is common on a new well. Very truly yours , in short, a pleas' s, set of tests _ _s_ulus. 'he only point of inter. L .., _ is the salt. �f you plan to build a new home, ask your fevorite experienced and knowledgeable plumbtq if he would use n ..tic insihrmr of copper pipe. If he sayscopper, make certain is is the very best Harlan A. Howard, B.S. , M.S. ,ads of copper and will hove the new lea'' rrec joint Director of Laboratories co-,pot if you have questions , ;lease phone me our convents r_ _. : ample marked as being from yell at Hor. Harqm rrr in Northampton 1 .ter ,erf c Laboratories Certified`by Mass . Dept. oef rublic Health ---- Medicare No. 22-8026 Thankyou for the opportunity to be of service. :'aid by .heck ..o. 2644. rSample# 9122A HOWARD LABORATORIES OF NEW ENGLAND, INC. 750.North Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002 Phone: (413) 549-8260 Fax: (413) 549-1850 MA Lab License: M-00851 JAN 2 9 2002 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT Analyzed For: Wright Builders - _ .Address: 48 Bates St. Northampton, MA 01;060- Telephone: Sample Location: Lot 1, Off North Farms Rd Northampton,MA Sampled By: HWD Date Sampled: 1/18/02 Date Received: 1/18/02 PARAMETER RESULTS LIMITS COMMENTS Total Coliform Bacteria 0 colonies/ioomi 0 Colones/ Looms OK pH 6.79 pH Uoio 6.5-8n pH limes OK Manganese 0.018 mw: a 05 mnl OK Hardness 64 ma'l No Standard <30 SOFT >100 HARD Conductivity 0.19 ms:cm No Standard No Standard Chloride 48.0 ma/ zo mvl OK Iron 0.08 men o 3 m_n OK Sodium 4 man ,8 maili OK Nitrate 1.9 mwl to ma/ OK Nitrite 0.004 maa I mot OK Color 6 PtCO Color Units t> PtCo Color Units OK Turbidity 1.04 NTT: NTT:s NT OK Recommendations: This sample meets acceptable standards of potability for the parameters tested. Analys - BA Checked By: Jonathan S. Begg Laboratory Supervisor Date: 1:'_2/02