408 Title 5 Application/Permits 2012, 2005, 1974, Conservation Commission Permit, Trench Permit, L0+ Ad ;A _+ 4. • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 4D Nair scorns leek ��.I Bureau of Resource Protection—Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number (\`■a Form 12 Percolation Test A- Facility Information 1. Facility Information Neat 4egt) Owner Name (('' ((��� 4 DPt N1o(11n Ya.v.,..t Icoao Map/Lot Street Address Nt A D 1 D(o Z City State Zip Code Percolation Test- Date: 512.-4/oc Observation Hole # _F I P Z - Depth Of Perc 42" 39 " Start Pre-soak 9:z5 I0 End Pre-soak 9 : 56 Time at12" 9 :56 Timeat9" lo: l2 0•,30 Timeat6" 10;35 10:9-7 Time (9"-6") 2-3 M is 9 MbJ Rate— Min/Inch 3 hele1 trJ Minimum of 1 Percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passed [ "Site Failed U Performed By: \lark psor HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING n ,1 P. O. BOX 226 ff Witnessed By: Yrrt 354 Ma tletn NORTH HATFIELD, MA 01066 (413) 247-5464 Comments: ----- DEP Form 12 Percolation Test• Page 1 of 1 L°+ Adj....a- -1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 4ot) Nom-I, F-.-.s Rood Bureau of Resource Protection -Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number . c\ Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of two hol es required at every proposed disposal area) Deep OhservationH&!e: Date: 5,Z1 ,O` i 3� C:ood S:: /-- Time- Weamer: y t Deep Hole Number a Location (Identify on Plan ): 2. Land Use: Woods Surface Stones: Man Slope % : Vegetation:p ( ) _S Ve elation: Pir`e �:.cL (e.g.woodland, agricultural field,vacant lot,etc "Bev Ilan, Landformy. -1.1 I R;a3° Position on landscape: 3. Distances from: Open Water Body ?bat ft. Drainage Way too-t- ft. Possible Wet Area IoD+ ft Property Line So ft. Drinking Water Well 150 ft Other ft. 4. Parent Matenal: Gla.;.1 T I I Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes ❑ No g If Yes: Disturbed Soil❑ Fill MaterialD Impervious Layer(s)❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes 0" No ❑ If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit 94" Depth Standing Water in Hole lob Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 38 Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments Depth Soil Soil Matrix: (mottles) o by Volume (In.) Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence Layer (USDA) (Munsell) &Stones (Moist) Other 0 -6 A st, IDYR3i't- Ious_g- cru...L 1, -10" 3,9 SL- Z.SY s/4 ...>uurQt .-R-oLit Ie-112 C/ Slr 2.5 S 361 I°nz4/e y 5)3 z.SY �/I S% I 07 51/4 w.afsig“ able. Additional Notes DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page 3 of 4 L6+ Ad;ar....+ -6 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 400 Nor+l, fw.ms Rid Bureau of Resource Protection-Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation L 7- 1. Method used: ❑ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. B. ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole A. B. Ly Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. 34 " B. 3£3 " ❑ Groundwater adjustment(USGS methodology) A. B. 2. Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1 Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturallyy occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes IJ No❑ b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary. lb'' Lower boundary: f D B" F. Certification I certify that I have passed the soil evaluator examination' approved by the Department of Environmental Protection and that the above analysis was performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. ra I /• ,- . 71.t. 24 2005 Signa •redSOil Evaluator Date ./ HILL TOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P.O.BOX 116 Mark Thompson April 29, 1997 NORTH HATFIELD,MA 01066 Typed or Printed Name of Soil Evaluator Date of Soil Evaluator Exam ` (I1JJ 14]-Sd64 &Ynes+ Mt+hia.. Nor'i-h a.n .bn < + 1 Name of Board of Health Witness Board of Health J DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal • Page 4 of 4 • Le-(- Aolyn“.r.- 4-b Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection 4-0o 'No I oao( Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal IA. Facility Information I I Owner Name- N¢' I 1-1oe+5-leas HILLTOWN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P. O. BOX 226 Street Address 406 NorFk Fr...s Roe.0l Map/Lot'. NORTH HATFIELD, MA 01066 r (413)247—5464 City: Y Ior cpc.L State: MPt Zip Code' 01062_ B. Site Information 1. (Check one) New Construction Ly Upgrade ❑ Repair ❑ 2. Published Soil Survey available? Yes fal No ❑ If yes: I`MI I ; 1 5040 �f c.3 Paxf0h {� Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Soil Name Soil limitations Peres CIow Iy 3. Surficial Geological Report available? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes: Year Published Publication Scale Map Unit Geologic Material Landform 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map: Above the 500 year flood boundary? Yes No ❑ Within the 100 year flood boundary? Yes ❑ No [V Within the 500 year flood boundary? Yes ❑ No 171 Within a Velocity Zone? Yes ❑ No ❑ 5. Wetland Area. National Wetland Inventory Map Map Unit Name Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map Unit ,Nammee 6. Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) c/05 Range. Above Normal l� Normal ❑ Below Normal ❑ Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed: DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal • Page 1 of 4 • • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Nor4A- Ewms Rol. (vorA-llamp}ov. 0 Bureau of Resource Protection —Wastewater Permitting Program Site Address or Map/Lot Number Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal C. On-Site Review (minimum of Iwo holes required at every proposed disposalarea) Deep Observation Hole: Date: 5/24/os Time: lo;oo Weather: CLudy 5oi 1. Deep Hole Number I Location (Identify on Plan): 2. Land Use: Wood 5 Surface Stones: Many Slope(%u): G Vegetation: P;4i (e.g.woodland agricultural field,vacant lot,etc Landfonn: 'III R;d9 a Position on landscape: 3. Distances from: Open Water Body zoo ft. Drainage Way IUD+ ft. Possible Wet Area IOD r ft. Property Line 75 ft. Drinking Water Well I Co ft. Other_ft. 4. Parent Material: 6loo;ct Unsuitable Materials Present: Yes❑ No❑ If Yes: Disturbed Soil❑ Fill MaterialD Impervious Layer(s)❑ Weathered/Fractured Rock ❑ Bedrock ❑ 5. Groundwater Observed: Yes ❑ No EY If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit _ Depth Standing Water in Hole Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 36 Redoximorphic Features Coarse Fragments Depth Soil Soil Matrix: (mottles) %by Volume Horizon/ Soil Texture Color-Moist Depth Color Percent Gravel Cobbles Soil Structure Soil Consistence (In.) Layer (USDA) (Munsell) &Stones (Moist) Other D -7" k SI... Ion 3/z— No>< <......6 7-16" 3 6L Z.5y51+ {.;e,Lt. ...^.ae'nre. co•4-s 16 - 1 ' IDVCa/b SL 2 .5Y 5�5 36" 2 .Sy VI 57. lo% S% -ce,AL1,- w.afs.ae. Additional Notes DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal •Page 3 of 4 rXn TO• ac. .. jar •`a Y e. • • • ; sir t . i h i c < } J + rte':• at2p b • • J � w . - rat - . i': •I rs ti�x #� e x k. y 5' �ry{' 4 't`y3W, • •� yy 't "LT�r J Y� U V • ,.. _ ,.. ' -er'-•":4C-3.Y.. '`... ■' . 1, ..... ,. ...+ ...., ' 7 71e •- :,71: IcrII!.:.‘;•e. : ?ti:14::•1 : 7 ” .. ,,lit r.4. . -I' .7:1t :- - , . , • " i ••• ‘ 7• • 17•4:';c:• 4f2te• • I 7 7 7 7 7. • 1 • ! ..': ‘..:; •:!• • • , • :4 11 . . .• • , •.• :, 0 • .- . 7 7 11 f • • ••-• 74:-•• 4‘...• - , •• . • .:.... . 1 . •,•a-. 1 ,,. .„ , t.f. ' .. t. :IN ," .1. : ,•••• • _ . • • • -• ' 11 . . • .41:: • 7 •••'.-••. •X:: •.4 "‘-21' $;Pjew' ,'' '• . ,s.......”*.m. ,.: ‘. ;.:_,Itm :-..". - IR .• • 121, 7 , •: • • • ' • , •ii,': :'•?:. ... .i .., . 1' I./ . .. -7•: •"7.91.V:of kr,1. • • :. ': „I, . , 1 . - „,::•„•, : , . . . . . . • • :1.--: .• - . litiO:..:-'' in:. , :-, • • .., • • ..• za, . • t. rif''' r.' '• Il -, 4;.: , • ,,.. 11 17 7 ..,:- 177“ ,.• I . • -:7. :' • • t;•'77•4 li:d:' 2 .3. 7r • I27:7i 1, • : 14 7 7::1-'77• , . . .. ,. •:1,1„ ..;• ..,, Z•r,Cg.12 i'll,.S ,.., -. . 7 . :t. Tt•;:(4::• •: . , -, : 1 L'• ' : .'. . it. •.':. ' - ' a" --.1,: '''. '"7:• -4.:\ 4., "2 •:••".' 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I ( 4 Yy,. .+Ati'.Y, t' T 4 r �i.V; -a M1n • -.' \,• l • 5 5 v' Y' .•:1 XTTr. • 1 • • .�`r 1. .+ • tt` p . .� r • •a .SL i=�T:!wA.y4 l Y yS x e..S• A '. • ° a$ .47... ../.471;•• 't ' I . .�. 4 k IS t .a fi ., P'L y. / }. _ tT N t lc/sQ4 l 4.. Adjustmentfactor Ad]usten grOUna waterlevel Depth of Naturally Occurine Pervious Material Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? If yes what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? If not,what is the depth of naturally occurring pervious material? Deep Hole Number: Location(identify on site plan): Land Use/Vegetation:Lawn/grass Landform: Position of Landscape: Distance front Open Water Body Possible Wet Area Drinking Water Well Date: On-Site Review Time: Weather:Cool&Overcast Slope(%): Feet Feet Feet Drainageway Property Line Other Surface Stones: none T.P.# 1-1 Feet Feet Feet DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG Depth from Surface (Inches) Soil Horizon Soil Texture (USDA) Soil Color (Mansell) Soil Mottling Other(Structure,Stones,Boulders, Consistency, %Gravel) 6_6/ .t 9,-Zii abg6 /V�_ W II 12e Ufax C, A 1 sal,—— 5c LS 05 Np4 . 7.5y �Z talr5/q N. Parent Material(geologic) D_p e th to Groundwater: Standing Water in the Hole: Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water: > Depth.to Bedrock: > Weeping from Pit Face: BOARD OF HEALTH MEMBERS JAY FLEITMAN,M.D.,ACTING CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,M.D. DONNA C.SALLOOM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH XANTHI SCRIMGEOUR,MHEd,CHES, BOARD OF HEALTH CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 Site Suitability for On-Site Sewage Disposal Project Number: Performed by:M 4r M SOU Health Inspector: • Site Address crag New Construction 0 Date: f Equipment T.P.a 1-1 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Client Name&Address /AV fl01-454 ,�/ v08 ,U. .ins 7J Flo aSel p.14. ed f(;Ale.-krcies fen- P!u reveal Office Review Published Soil Survey Available: No 0 Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit Drainage Class Soil Limitations Surficial Geologic Report Available: No 0 Yes ❑ Year Published Publication Scale Geologic Material(Map Unit) Landform Flood Insurance Rate Map: Above 500 year flood boundary❑ Within 500 year flood boundary ❑ Within 100 year flood boundary ❑ Wetland Area: National Wetland Invetory Map(Map Unit) Wetlands Conservacy Program Map(Map Unit) Current Water Resource Conditions(USGS): Month Range: Above Normal O Normal O Other References Reviewed: Below Normal ❑ I I I Perc 1-1 Time _________ Measurement Time Measurement Begin Saturation q:40 r-1 fj r/ Begin Saturation {i 1 SGT End Saturation ti 6 rj End Saturation (&*My' 9"depth Measurement .i 101006/r4 9„depth Measurement i 6119 #,A1 6"depth Measurement l0:0164441 6"depth Measurement - .. . - --i-6.::.&l ate+ Elapsed Time 9"to6" 3• d Irj Elapsed Time 9„m6„ .3 pt1� � Percolation Rate <2 nun.Pm Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: ercolanon Kate: Bottom of Percolation Test Hole: —Determination for Seasonal I i it W Method Used Depth observed standing on observation hole> ❑ Depth to soil mottles inches Index Well Number ❑ Depth weeping from side of observation hole inches ❑ Ground water adjustment inches. Reading Date Index well level yoi A biztpu / 14415,4,1 Checklist for Septic System Plan Review / B' Application page attached to plan p-'PE or RS stamp, date,signature OR-P/2 <Variances to property line setback distance must have Surveyor stamp E- Legal boundaries noted {7/5 /Z / IFi Easements notedot /f) - Pi Dwellings and buildings existing or proposed noted V Location of driveway or parking areas,other impervious areas 8 /Losation and dimensions of reserve area(new construction only) /@ System design calculations Q"Garbage grinder,yes or no B"/Benchmark not disturbed during construction within 75ft of facility • North arrow R Contours Wi/ueep hole location(s)and data !Y rc hole location(s)and data 1ations Names of approving authority and soil evaluator ❑ Location of water supplies, public and private o Within 400ft of system in case of surface water and gravel-packed public water supply o Within 250ft of system in case of tubular public water supply o Within SOOft of system in case of private wells(50ft from tank) lY Well statement, if applicable- C}'Jpcation of any surface waters, rivers,vegetated wetlands £Vj,tCation of water lines and other subsurface utilities Q/_pbserrved and adjusted groundwater elevations in vicinity of system ❑' f(ofile of system 2/Le us plan to show location of facility, including nearest street p//tv�terials of construction and specs for system 71 aS baffle Pj6in center line of tank Se-washed stone - - ---hedule 40 PVC for trafficked areas, house to tank Sy stances noted from house to tank, etc. E sing is proposed,design and specs of dosing system _ N �. When alternative technology is required,complete Ian and ecs indu ng hydraulic profile DBrenches preferred over beds (,,St poyancy calculations for tanks or components partly below groundwater level JG7 ' slope outside of mound,toe ending 5ft from property line ❑_' Local upgrade requests on the plan,all variances 6�Lo upgrade forms attached to the application �o.,r std e ucA 1e .recw_c1 SO ' or 9K5� Cis .F.jC`a doWn "rd . S nGH ttes BOARD OF HEALTH DONNA C.SALLOOM,CHAIR SUZANNE SMITH,MD. JOANNE LEVIN,M.D. Benjamin Wood,MPH,Director Javede Mir,MPH.Health Inspector Petiole Abbott RN,Public Health Nurse Heather McBride,Clerk CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS 01060 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH (413)587-1214 FAX(413)587-1221 212 MAIN STREET NORTHAMPTON,MA 01060 Onsite Septic System Construction Permit: Conservation Commission Review NOTE:As of 1/1/11, Septic System Permits will not be issued by the Northampton Board of Health until we receive this form signed by the Northampton Conservation Commission Staff Member. The Conservation Commission can be reached by contacting: 0 Sarah LaValley,Conservation,Preservation and Land Use Planner SLaVa Ilev @northa mptonma.Rov Office of Planning&Development 210 Main Street, Rm. 11,City Hall Northampton, MA 01060 Property Owner �"�//et Engineer: AzA /�prrp50t% Cji Cof1e atioommissr Conservation, Preservation and Land Use Planner Date: I [Mk- mow k ri\ra vwr ou>QA, but hj additkhittP distunbctroz Address: /6//t% 1+1.5 fait Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of 0 Septic System Installation Checklist 1.//s,� B. Application Checklist (cont.) 2. Construction Inspection a) Building Sewer(310 CMR 15 222) Approved N/A Problem All waste pipes tied into building sewer Basement check LJ / ❑ ❑ Schedule 40 PVC 4'or cast iron Verify by reading pipe [� ❑ ❑ Minimum slope of 0.01-0.02 Visual fV ❑ ❑ Pipe laid in continuous straight line Visual ,.� ❑ ❑ Pipe laid on compact, firm base Visual L(,V ❑ ❑ Cleanouts precede all changes in Verify by visual/tape ❑ ❑ ❑ alignment/grade Cleanout provided every 100 ft. Verify by visual/tape ❑ ❑ ❑ Back-till material clean Visual ❑ ❑ b) Septic Tank(310 CMR 15 223) App roved N/A Problem Tank is set level with 6°stone under Check with level ❑ ❑ (15.228) ��,,//++ Tank is required size/loading per plan Verify with plan ,6G ❑ ❑ Inlet and outlet are at proper location Verify with plan IV' ❑ ❑ (15227) � //�� Tank is water tight(15.226) Test ,l�Y ❑ ❑ Outlet tees extend 6' above flow line Verify by visual/tape a#7. ❑ ❑ Approved filter device placed at outlet DEP list [2� ❑ ❑ Gas baffle installed at outlet tee Visual ,L.�,Y/ ❑ ❑ Inlet and outlet tees on center line Visual Q ❑ ❑ Tank is backfilled with acceptable material Visual L1l' ❑ ❑ Notes: O!"- ev- cie4 Septic System Installation Checklist 11-09.doc•date Form Name•Page 2 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Septic System Installation Checklist B. Application Checklist(cont.) c) Distribution Box(310 CMR 15.232) All outlet pipes at same elevation per plan Inlet tee min. 1°over outlet Number of outlets D box set on level base Top of D box 36" max depth D box is water-tight D box has a minimum of 2"thick wall and IT inside dimension d) Pump Chamber(310 CMR 15231) Tank is set level Proper volume is provided Float elevations set per plan Min. 2"delivery line to D box Number of pumps: Specified pump provided or designers approval for equal pump Correct pump sequence Covers set to grade Electrical permit provided 6"of stone beneath chamber Chamber is water-tight Min. 91 cover provided Correct loading provided per plan Notes: Check by adding water Number of laterals Visual and wltape Visual Visual and w/tape Add water Visual and w/level Check plan and tank Measure w/tape Visual Visual Test Visual Visual on tank Approved per plan are- L1I/ Approved N/A Problem ❑ ❑ N/A Problem ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Septic System Installation Checklist 11-09.doc•date Form Name•Page 3 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts -p' _ City/Town of fl Septic System Installation Checklist B. Application Checklist front.) e) Leaching Facility(310 CMR 15.240) Approved N/A Problem No frozen material used including back fill Visual No clay, tailings or stones larger than 6°for cover material Soil at bottom/sides of excavation matches info on deep holes ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ [a ❑ ❑ All impervious layers removed Visual ❑ ❑ No remaining A/9 horizons Visual ❑/ ❑ ❑ Groundwater conditions match plan and Visual/check plan ❑ ❑ deep holes ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ /IS ❑ ❑ Pipe slope equal to 0.005. peck�1V3 • —?//////e. ❑ ❑ Leach area per design(15.241) t1J/ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ,I_V ❑ ❑ Back fill material is acceptable �.t-A ly ❑ ❑ Vented if under impervious cover per plan (15.241) Vent is protected from precipitation and animal entry Cover of a minimum of 9°over each area Excavation is level and at required dep Removal of 5 ft material and replacement eck plan (if in fill) eck plan Final contours correct per plan Check with plan ❑ CI/ ❑ Surface/subsurface drainage away from r, / ❑ ❑ each area 4JV/ Final grade and side slopes are stable (y ❑ ❑ Distribution lines are capped, vented, or rid" ❑ ❑ connected together —/ Impermeable barrier(15.255[2]) L✓ ❑ ❑ Retaining wall inspected by PE Retaining wall is water-proofed Retaining wall/barrier is at correct depth/height Septic System Installation Checklist I1-09.doc•data 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Form Name•Page 4 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts icesCity/Town of ti Septic System Installation Checklist B. Application Checklist(cont) f) Leaching trenches(310 CMR 15.251) Number of trenches: Depth of trenches: Width of trenches: Trench spacing per plan Stone is double-was 15.247) g) Leaching fields (310 CMR 15.242) Length of field: Width of field: Min. of 2 distribution lines Separation distance conforms to plan Stone is double-washed[3/4"to 1%1(15.247) h) Leaching Pits(310 CMR 15.253) Number of pits: Depth of pits: Stone is double-washed[3/4'to 1%1(1E247) Each pit has min. 1 20"access cover Piping network and configuration of pits/chambers per plan i) Tight Tank(310 CMR 15.260) Approved N/A Problem n/ �/ ❑ (/ Lh ❑ / ❑ ❑ IV ❑ ❑ ; ❑ ❑ LcY ❑ ❑ V ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Tank is set level with 6°stone under Visual and with level ❑ O.F' p Tank is proper size per plan Visual with plan ❑ ❑ ❑ Pumping contract has been provided ❑ ❑ ❑ Covers to grade Visual ❑ ❑ ❑ AN alarm set at 3/5 tank capacity Check floats by raising ❑ ❑ ❑ AN alarm test on separate circuit Set off alarm ❑ El ❑ Septic System Installation Checklist 11-09.1oc•data Form Name•Page 5 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Septic System Installation Checklist B. Application Checklist (cont.) j) Certificate of Compliance(310 CMR 15.021) As Built Plan Submitted Signed by Installer Signed by Designer Certificate of Compliance Issued Notes: Date Date Date Date Fr- G-475- 4 — .00 SIP d el_Lz.✓S Septic System Installation Checklist 11-09.doc•date Form Name•Page 6 of 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts c< City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 1A Number $ Fee A. Facility Information (continued) 5. Type of Building: ® Dwelling Other: Type of Building C Showers Specify other fixtures: 6. Design Flow'. Calculated Daily Flow: 7. Plan: 1 Number of Sheets Sewage Disposal System Upgrade Title of Plan 8. Description of Soil: See Form 11 9. Nature of Repairs or Alterations(if applicable): replace entire system per approved design 10. Date last inspected: C Garbage Grinder(check if present) C Cafeteria 518 Gallons per Day 440 Galion Nov. 10, 2012 Date of Original Revision Date Date Number of Persons Served ❑ Other fixtures t5forml Adam 06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permrt•Page 2 of 3 Important: When filling out forms on the computer,use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not 1. Location of Facility- use the return key 408 North Farms Road Address or Lot Florence City/Town Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form 1A d /5 tuber $ /oa DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health it they choose to do so. Before using the form, check with your local Board of Health to make sure that they will accept it A. Facility Information Application is hereby made for a perm 2. Owner Information Neil Homstead Name Address(if different from above) City/Town o:❑ Construct a new on-site sewage disposal system Repair or replace an existing on-site sewage disposal system ❑ Repair or replace an existing system component MA State State 413-320-3728 Telephone Number 3- Installer Information Name Name of Company I 81R rDSt Address /JL Tfi-A*( p r Ai City/Town 4. Designer Information Mark Thompson Name P. O. Box 314 Address Chesterfield C,ly/Town t5formta.doc•06/03 01062 Zip Code Zip Code tat pfo6U State Zip Code Z7 ( Telephone Number Hilitown Environmental Name of Company MA State (413) 296-4499 Telephone Number 01012 Zip Code Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Page 1 of 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Application for Disposal System Construction Permit Form IA /0/02- /6-- Number $ ao B. Agreement The undersigned agrees to ensure the construction and maintenance of the aforedescribed on-site sewage disposal system in accordance with the provisions of Title 5 of the Environmental Code and not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by this Board of Healt...��_ Signature Date �Appjication Approved By: �� � ��' Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons- 21 ii%r". • jl `!EALi p t5forml a cloc•06/03 Application for Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 3 of 3 Important: When filling out forms on the computer,use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the return key Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Disposal System Construction Permit Form 2A 019/.?-/S Number DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health.Other forms may be used, but the intonation must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this for, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use t5form2a doc•06/03 Permission is hereby granted to: t Name �9y /BC.S Address Name of Company ?fc..rv.(1�nl o r0 6 0 1 State Zip Code City/Town to perform the following work on an on-site sewage disposal system: ❑ Construction ® Repair or replacement ❑ Repair or replacement of system components 408 North Farms Road Facility Address Florence MA City/Town State Neil Homstead 413-320-3728 Owner Telephone Number 01062 Zip Code The work to be performed is further described in the Application for Disposal System Construction Permit. The applicant recognizes his/her duty to comply with Title 5 and the following local provisions or special conditions: All construction must a completed within three years of the ate low. �-, P Ye /42_ Approved by Date T4 . 41/ -2 Title 212 I• UIi. =• •,r HEALTH 01 060 Disposal System Construction Permit•Page 1 of 1 Important: When filling out forms on the computer.use only the tab key to move your cursor-do not use the return key. Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Certificate of Compliance Form 3 DEP has provided this form for use by local Boards of Health.Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as that provided here. Before using this for, check with the local Board of Health to determine the form they use t5form3 doc•06103 This is to Certify that the following work on an On-Site Sewage Disposal System ❑ Construction of a new system Z Repair or replacement of an existing system ❑ Repair or replacement of an existing system component Has been done in accordance with Title 5 and the Disposal System Construction Permit(DSCP): DSCP Number DSCP Date Neil Homstead Facility Ovmer 408 North Farms Road Steel Address a Lot g Florece MA 01062 Ctty/Tovm State Zip Code Designer Information: Mark Thompson Milltown Environmental Name, ,e y °�� Name of company " Signature Date Installer Info ation: Neme a / e/ Name of Company fVtoN/ Signature Date Use system is coP ��on co pliance with the provisions set forth below: The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed ass�aa guarantee th t the system will function as desi j. eel/ Approving Authority is 6 Po/a? Signature Date Certificate of Compliance•Page 1 of CHECK OR FILL IN W HERN:A1'YL1LAELL No..45y THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Nil OF HEALTH (t O F ." Appliratiun fur'tiupunul urke'Tuntitrurtiuu lirrntit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair (L an Inc:nuttul Sewage Disposal Fee,,_'i l i/ System t: nrs LaaApq-"` or Lot No. Address Iuesaler Ad' Type of Building Size Lot Sq. feet Dwelling—No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) Other—Type of Building No. of person- Showers ( ) --. Cafeteria ( ) Other fixtures Design Flow galiens per person per day. Total daily now galIon,_ Septic Tank—Liquid capacity gallons Length Width Diameter Depth Trench—No. Width Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching are-l vl- ft Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by Date Test Pit No. I minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Description of Soil Nature of Repairs or Alterltions—. nswer when appli ble -%f,� �h- fte4valL- LL__ /jai I '°2 tectra 14.40, Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article NI of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Si k 't� Application Approved By use Application Disapproved for the following reasons' 6' Permit No._ -� / Date Issued._ .6? - _/_99.74' Date e THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS FEE BOARD OF HEALTH 1 pplirtttinn fur fliapnsttl ilinrkn nnztrurti n f rrntit Application is hereby made for a Permit to Construct ( ) or Repair ( ) an lndit idual Sewage Disposal System ;t: - f .-� —s C Location Address or Lot No. Owner Address A ▪ — _ . ... .. installer Addrcss Z Type of Building Size Lot Sq. feet Dwelling-No. of Bedrooms Expansion Attic ( ) Garbage Grinder ( ) et yOther—Type of Building No. of person: Showers ( ) — Cafeteria ( ) L E Other fixtures Design Flow gallons per person per day. Total daily flow gallon.. 4 Septic 'rank—Liquid capacity gallons Length Width Diameter Depth a ts Disposal Trench—No Width Total Length Total leaching area sq. ft. z Seepage Pit No Diameter Depth below inlet Total leaching are- l_ ft. Other Distribution box ( ) Dosing tank ( ) Percolation Test Results Performed by Date aTest Pit No. I minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water Test Pit No. 2 minutes per inch Depth of Test Pit Depth to ground water z D Description of Soil 4 3 �+ --s J Nature of Repairs or AlterationL;>nswer when aappicAble_,-4y t ! -C" " - `i24a∎ r at:k'-_ t /a.-+/ it i, it.," / Agreement: The undersigned agrees to install the aforedescribed Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of Article XI of the State Sanitary Code— The undersigned further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the board of health. Sigtie,d „r I Date Application Approved By Date Application Disapproved for the following reasons' Date Permit No._i^ Issued Daft by THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Qtrrtifiratr of (finmplittnrr THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That the Individual Sewage Disposal System constructed or Repaired n:.tancr at has heen installed in accordance with the provisions of :Article XI of The State Sanitary Code as described in the application for Disposal Works Construction Permit No dated THE ISSUANCE OF THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A GUARANTEE THAT THE SYSTEM WILL FUNCTION SATISFACTORY. DATE Inspector // NO.... Permission to Construct at No THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH OF Biopnottl.-Worko atnnotrurtion /remit is hereby granted_/_ /- or-Repair ( -an Individual Sewage Disposal System t street as shown on the application for Disposal Works Construction Perm itNo DATE FORM 1255 Hoes & WARREN. INc PUBLISHERS FEE.-01- ' Dated—f , I of Health No. NS 27 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH P '�«�2 / own OF Nor4-4 wniphh pl. deh APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT :perndc ( 1 Abandon ( ) - I e mphne S Ster ❑Indiddual Components .Appucatmn u[era .,., ,,,,,,, ,, _. Qg cr-��s Frm s ? L / ei � ovnf 44 �%<C170�'ISJ✓ °(�C p 4o Wor/it >arms Rd. for¢nce PA O104.2 _ t�.�.o" AJII{5,, S94"VYJD � id.Pnomn+ 1II I N I ran meN ' )LU V,rvl. Line -w In.110 .N( „n. Po.&ox.314 Chen A `,e!d AIA- o1o(2 ,o-,., 296- 44-99 •��°•. lcltphn0C• TCICph lC♦ Type of Building: S) F (C mily Dweflit'., 3 Dwelling—No,of Bedrooms Other—Type of Building Other fixtures Design Flow (min.required) 4-9S_gpd Calculated design flow 495 epd Design flow provided 499 gpd Man: Date C/23 05 / Number 'sheets 1 Revision Date 'Mlle Se way_ I (3�OSaf i yr ee 4� Description of Soil(s) Sec Co i ( F nt (. r rose, l( Soil Evaluator Form No. Name of Soil Evaluator_AIL.-ln^firon Date of Evaluation 5124105 DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS No.of persons Lot Size Sq.feet Garbage Grinder (...-1 Showers ( ). Cafeteria ( ) The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of TITU 5 and further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Board , .,Signed ad Inspections FORM 1 - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 N �. ,!h!J "d� THE COMIMONWEALTH,OF MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF HEALTH Jvwn OF r' VOri a eh dons APPLICATION FOR DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT I Abandon [ ) - L4(�mpletc Scstem Individual Components C avuct (tii Repair f ) 1, Abandon f ) — rFE (J0 -!11) fi 41-1/4//r) AppiIcat.( t P cant ,. /'� j �.�� .dr�/�o. !L f' rvn (tom°c( (/ 1vvltt �'Io is sower 1I,LCA onoJtJd-t c 9 C IOC 1 �,+d, e,„�1 k-, <e kill i, i.,. Add GIhl2 — a.,raR.o- ��. t-i.t no,..' i--� r1 ! . ..SEtty cl1.c'„-/gI o ' r'0 %ox 314 �l.ca crt,eTr( /"(4 mnan...>„m, /god. sews, ra'rnowv r.arn,.,,= S i.. / Type of Building: � -� - �, Dwelling—No.of Bedrooms Other— Type of Building Other fixtures Design Flow(min required) 4 Plan: Date ! /:3/MS Title . w avr jQ(7.%fl fi ov e 3 No.of persons Lot Size Sq.feet Garbage Grinder ( ( ). Cafeteria ( ) Description of Soil(s) Soil Evaluator Form gpd Calculated design flow i9 ow 4/S epd Design flow provided 4 gpd Number otshects I Revision Date {en, elyt� Fi i :e • I C,=. I- �,, ; I No. Name of Soil Evaluator to I Acr Date of Evaluation DESCRIPTION OF REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS /2±/hS The undersigned agrees to install the above described Individual Sewage Disposal System in accordance with the provisions of MU 5 and further agrees not to place the system in operation until a Certificate of Compliance has been issued by the Boar - th. s 7 , t i� Date Inspections_ FORM 1 - APPLICATION FOR DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 t f, Of `5>THfit sn ev No.ri ,j �'.� THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Ai briLIsomytati BOARD OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ❑ Individual Component(s) �]l.omplete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewn e Disposal System:Constructed( ).Repaired( ).Upgraded ( ).Abandoned( ) jr, V _ �/ ised FEEII )b,O) at has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as-built j Approved Design Flow Q %'/ (gpd) plans relating to application No ^n —s dated ( >-� Installer / = Ls—d`" /'l;" S'..'` / -I Designee f `avf - / +A-f. r, Inspector �t� -✓�.-i( - Date ''r,I( 7/ 'i The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function os designed. FORM 3 - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 bze No. THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Fry Nod-}-kna,p{-o.v BOARD OF HEALTH g'�74 //dill f"r/1/;. DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Upgrade Abandon an individual sewage Permission is hereby granted to C'/nst�ct ( t/J Repair (, ) pg ( ) ( ) disposal system at 7/ Ato I-1.^.y . r J01-i.— _� as described ,J �/ //I5 in the application for Disposal System Construction Permit No. �/) is —� / .dated « Provided: Construction shall be completed within three years of the date of this permit. All local conditions must be met. Date ,, ' O Board of Health •) .Li p.N I H " l FORK - DSCP DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96 FORM t2551REV 5/96} IINW t Hopes&WARREN PUBLISHERS - BOSTON