172 Well Inspection Document 2004 our::L Yh�LLJtLLDHiL_:N,S 1602 234-:276 TO: 4542,= eaa•A4 •ty Box 1192 Smile Street, Belchenown,MA 01007 (413)-323-7134 P,3 Nude: Stephen Petegorsky Sample Date: Address: 134 North Street Report Date. Northampton,MA 01060 Collected By: Sample Location: Type Supply. Stephen Petegorsky Sample No.: /702 North Punts Road Lab IDe. Northampton,MA 01060 3-11-04 3-15-04 Ch. Wilde WI) Well AL 1481 M-02454 TESTED FOR RESULTS MAX.RECOMMENDED LEVELS Total Califon'Bacteria Absent Present or Absent Feral Conform Bacteria Abs.ftt Present or Absent Nitrite 0 1.0 mg/1 Nitrate 0.2 10.0 mg/1 PR 7.87 6.5-8.5 ABuliaity 66.0 No Limit Iron .07 .30 mg/I Manganese .02 .05 mg/I Copper 0 1.3 mg/I Sulfate 8.0 250 mg/1 Chloride 1.66 250 trtg/1 Hardness 60.0 No Limp Conductivity 152.1 No Limit Total Dissolved Solids 100.3 500 mg/I Turbidity 1.9 5 NTU Chlorine 0 No Limit Salon 6.70 No Limit morn ore huh tar Chow Woos MW above the aaplr was twee to be withb ataptebk do Stamm Oh otla mid on the above cal] Mole for D.1,:V. few!date Runs for the tureen Draha8 Water SnndaM& H then are sr veaukat on this report. laid PreMebu.S tR.aar plan sot esii P'PE OR PRINT ONLY :k 7:L EEkELLLRL_LING ,_..L-ac.4-1FIFE _: 4137T45:03 Massachusetts Depa.^.nent of Environmental Management Office of Vtaos Resources Well in 122529 NOTE- Will Completion Rayons must be Plea . tike r> zered well driller within.30 days of weD euroledon. ILLIDFsCOPV 1.WELL LOCATION I G (OPTIONAL nE LONGITUD E_. Annraaa at wall i Ms1on. North Farms Road,'72_ _ Prn,mry rw-nr Stephen Fetegorsky Subdivision Name: Ma!ing Andress: 134 North yygt CIy/Town Northampton ciry,Tcwr. Northampton, MA 0106C Assessors Map Assessors Lot a: .___ NOTE Assessors Map and 'Lot a mandatory It no street aodresa available Board of Hearth permit obtained: Yes ❑ Not Fes tired IIJ Permit Number _,Date Issued 2.WORK PERFORMED 3. PROPOSED USE 4. DRILLING METHOD 3 New Well ❑ Abandon 0 Deepen ❑ Recondidon Re lace O Otter C Domestic 0 I dgmtion ❑ Monitoring El f unite/Hit ❑ Industrial CI 0 Cable 0 Auer IC Aa Hammer Q Direct Push Mud natal- Other Si,. ':Y.$ Unconsdtlatec — ..Omer_____ rfnngrlida4M m� '_ .(11i}�a1jL V++eJlvw, i l9 t ..._,,. P" From 91) To(N) "one ty —+--i algr,tar w 'a 8 € H U, l 1 g a i DTer I'_— Rock Type 0 140 X X &1I11 140 445 X bedrock �./ x ..J. �rm5 r`4 jr 7.WELL CONSTRUCTION B.CASING Tot&Depth Drilled 445' From (a) To 11) Cash g Typo and M terisi Size O.D. (In) We Seal Type Date Drilling complete March 10, 2004 150' I. l b Steel 6" I Drive Shoe I l 9.SCREEN From(I) To(b) Blot Size Screen Trpe and Materiel Screen Diemeker NONE I 10.ALTER PACK J GROUT I ABANDONMENT MATERIAL 11. ADDITIONAL WELL INFORMATION Form(h) To Or) Material Descdptic n u Purpose Developed? 57 Yes 0 No F act Enhancement? ❑ Yes 23 No Method Disinfected? ® Yes '] No 12.WELL TEST DATA(PRODUCTION WELLS) - 18.STATIC WATER LEVEL.(ALL WELLS) Yreld Time Pumped Drawlown to Time Remarry to Date Method (GPM) (hrs&min) (Ft. E3S) hrs&min) IFt.8051 Date Measured Depth Below Ground Surface(FD) 3/10/04 blowtest 50 1 2h 30m ' 1011 Oh 2m 22 3/11/04 22.8 14.PERMANENT PUMP(IF AVAILABLE) 15.NAAIPJADDRSS OF PUMP INSTALLS TDN CCNPANt Pump DeacriptIOn L10P4FH-04 Eta-Rite 3 wire Hocepower 1+ Lynde We Drilling, Inc. Guilford Y1 Pump Intake Depth 295' (a) Nominal Pump Capacftz iD (gem) jislLhtR STAFF:115NY This veep wax dried andrer umndoned and r my supervision,according to applicable rules and regulatk s,and r a r rt is complete nd correct to the best of my knowi•oge. Dnlror GAry C. Lynde Supervising Dale Signature: Regiakation er15 19 I 11 1 Finn. Lynde.Well Drilling. Inc. pate ''//its fr Ric PenNtM (1 I5 i 8I 1 NOTE- Will Completion Rayons must be Plea . tike r> zered well driller within.30 days of weD euroledon. ILLIDFsCOPV