Lot 6 Compliance Certificationn 2004 FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: _Individual Component(s) X Complete System The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: Constructed X Repaired Upgraded_ Abandoned by: Sam Browning at: Lot# 6 - North Farms Road - Florence Massachusetts *** This system has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00(TitleS) and the approved design plan / as-built plans relating to the application No dated: September 28, 2004 Approved Design Flow: 21 Infiltrators 495 GPD Installer: Sam Brow _ 1- r3: an•e Rd. - Northfield MA .= rmow.-- Designe Inspector: Timot Date: November 6, SANIT APB% The issuance of this permit shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will function as designed. 2 r ' 9 , C HD131 oy „310c N»7 0l Q L y oc i 0 C'. Cn C{� 9 , of k_,,, 5 T1 ]d I•k1L7:LO COG? 07 'e-°N 8£6686b£Th '17V X7d 9HI;f3-I6LL df 9NiNfiLtid2 lJli5 bIOGd � Existing well cticp 7 Existing 3 bedroo house \ 0 0 • 3 Infiltrator Trenches 4 t I Existing Septic Tank 0 lik AN, i 4Ito Distribution box ,, f 4" pvc solid pipe `� �,/4S . .kt# A5-BUILT DIMENSIONS r Distribution box ' ' to '6' = MG' / Distribution bo 'DD' to 'H' = 69' IP found J/ As-built plan 'E' to 'G' = 28' >4 3 Infiltrator Trenches 'E' to 'H' = 37' 7 Infiltrators / trench 'F' to '0' = 33' IP found Lot # 6 — North Farms Road 'F' to 'H = 315' Florence, Massachusetts • eett oillevracuporcw, W augeh Beet¢ 212 Nan Street 72onel , 71244 01060 lee. 413-587-1214 lax 413-587-1221 Title V Certification of Compliance TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE SYSTEM INSTALLER INSTALLER SIGN-OFF Thhiisi to certify thh(a�t the o ite wage dispos syste that I installed on � — LI— O l -•�1 L (s2 /� !(Date) r at the above-referenced address has been constructed in compliance with 310 CMR 15.00,and with the approved plan and all local requirements. .SAP+ 132w---■ ;,1qq 52 ra OR "' l:b Ivocinfh„o h.. (Pent Installer's name) J (Address) a:>dc Iz -a- O (Date) NOTE: This certification represents no warranty,expressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity of the on-site subsurface disposal system Rather,the plan and installation are in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations as are in effect at the time of plan submittal.