4 Title 5 Soil Survey 1994 FORM n-rrnmtwngs-cur Location Address or Lot No. - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts �1- -- Percolation Test' Date: _. . ;dal Obit:o Lion Hot.r L' _ Depth of Parc .17 ; Stan Pre-soak EM Pre-soak _ lime at 12' line at 9' lime at 6- T 19'-5.1 Rat.Min.McIi (Mini um of 1 peicolation tat mast b pes/armee in both the awe area mMury ens AND See Passed ❑ Mu Failed ❑ Festooned er • Witnessed BY: Comments: Dan anyone nem.awn., • ad- 5 On-Site Review Location Address or Lot# f '7 /l ' r0 -- - f� / Deep Hole Number I •w� I Dated 5/.7r7/47 I Time_I cjj , r _I Wester I /9y& ein_1 Cl,ttx Location(identify on site plan) Land Use I Slope(%I] I Surface Stones Vegetation Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders.Consistency.%Gramq Landform ,� Position on landscape(sketch on the back) Distances from: Open Water Body feet Drinking Water Well feet Propery tine feet Possible Wet Area feet Drainage Way feet Other feet u cy, DEEP OBSERVAT ON HOLE LOG* Deep Hole#: •I d� 'NIRNUN OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth ham Surface(Ind ) Sol Horizon Soil Tense (USDA) Se Cob (MUSd) Sol Mottling Other (Structure,Stones.Boulders.Consistency.%Gramq 0 f1 2Ll--/5 Lj ,� 5 � 5 it ,,„9/U - Parent&tt W(9rabBb) I I Depth to Bedrock Depth b gmuMAalx.Stang Water it Die Hob v . . I Weeping from PD Face I ..." , i' afmabs Seasonal High Ground Water DEEP OBSERVATION HOLE LOG' Leap Hole#: 'NWIMUM OF TWO HOLES REQUIRED AT EVERY PROPOSED DISPOSAL AREA Depth from rotate(Inches) Sol Mabee Sod Texture (USDA) Sod Cob (beneath Sod warm Otlw+ Manage.Stones.Ballets.Cemetery.%Gravel) Parent Mattel(geab ic) Depth b ground/ales Slanting Water In the Hole Depth BedIO I Weems from Pd Face Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water