61 Title 5 Upgrade Plan, Certificate of COmpliance, 2009 7020.map printed on 12/10/00 from"tee 72°4100"W NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7.■ Etzsta4D44.a.a.ars WGS84 72°40'00"W OS krn Plan to Upgrade SEPTIC SYSTEM for Linda Merriam Located at 61 North Farms Road in Northampton, MA 01060 Plan Number 523 Design Date: 12/18/09 Updated: Contents Site Plan: Perc Test Forms: Specification Requirements: System Calculations: Pump Details: Plan Drawing: Separate Application for Construction Permit: Local Upgrade Approval Permit: Septic System Designer: Thomas S Leue R.S. Homestead Inc. 1664 Cape St. Williamsburg, MA 01096 (located in Ashfield) 413 628-4533 800 285-4533 fax: 413 628-3973 email: Tilapia @AOL.com 1 page 5 pages 3 pages 1 page 2 pages 1 page 3 pages 6 pages Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton k t. M Commonwealth of Massachusetts r City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Site Address: 61 North Farms Road, Northampton DEP has provided this form for use by on-site professionals and local Boards of Health. Other forms may be used, but the information must be substantially the same as provided here. Before using this form, check with your local Board of Health to determine the form they use. A. Facility Information 1. Facility Information Linda Merriam Owner Name 61 North Farms Road Street Address Mapiot Northampton MA 01060 B. Site Information 1. (Check one) New Construction Upgrade . Repair 9 2. Published Soil Survey available? X Yes _ No If yes: 1980 15840 13 Year Published Publication Scale Soil Map Unit HcB, Hinckley Loamy Sand Severe limitations: poor filter Soil Name Soil limitations Comment: • 3. Superficial Geological Report available? X Yes _ No If yes: 1980 _1 : 190 ,080_ Year Published Publication Scale Map Unit kame terrace outwash _upland_ Geologic Material Landform 4. Flood Rate Insurance Map: Above the 500 year flood boundary? X Yes _ No Within the 100 year flood boundary? _ Yes X No Wthin the 500 year flood boundary? _ Yes X No Within a Velocity Zone? _Yes X No 5. Wetland Area: National Wetland Inventory Map Map Unit Name Wetlands Conservancy Program Map Map Una Name 6. Current Water Resource Conditions (USGS) Range: Above Normal Normal X Below Normal Month/Year 7. Other references reviewed: DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 1 of 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts City/Town of Northampton Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal Site Address: 61 North Farms Road, Northampton D. Determination of High Groundwater Elevation 1. Method used: _ Depth observed standing water in observation hole A. inches B. inches Depth weeping from side of observation hole A. inches B. inches X Depth to soil redoximorphic features (mottles) A. 28 inches B. 32 inches Groundwater adjustment (USGS methodology) A. inches B. _inches 2. Index Well Number Reading Date Index Well Level Adjustment Factor Adjusted Groundwater Level E. Depth of Pervious Material 1. Depth of Naturally Occurring Pervious Material a. Does at least four feet of naturally occurring pervious material exist in all areas observed throughout the area proposed for the soil absorption system? Yes b. If yes, at what depth was it observed? Upper boundary: 6 Min. inches Lower boundary: 98 Max. inches F. Certification I certify that I am currently approved by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to 310 CMR 15.017 to conduct soil evaluations and that the above analysis has been performed by me consistent with the required training, expertise and experience described in 310 CMR 15.017. I further certify that the results of my soil evaluation. as indicated in the attached Soil Evaluation Form, are accurate and in accordance with 310 CMR 15.100 through 15.107. 10/19/09 Signature,r o((ii evaluator Date Thomas S. Leue SE 1368 June 1995 Typed or Printed Name of Soil Evaluator/License Numbe Date of Soil Evaluator Exam Aimee Petrosky Town of Northampton Name of Board of Health Witness Board of Health Note: In accordance with 310 CMR 15.018(2) this form must be submitted to the approving authority within 60 days of the date of field testing, and to the designer and the property owner with Percolation Test Form 12. DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal• Page 4 of 4 V Commonwealth of Massachusetts - :Z\- City/Town of Northampton it_; Form 11 - Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal '=I Site Address: 61 North Farms Road, Northampton 4 C. On-Site Review (minimum of two holes required at every proposed primary and reserved disposal area) 1 Deep Observation Hole Number Z 10/19/09 9:00 AM Clear Perc date Time Weather 2 Land Use: lawn 15% (e.g. woodland, agricultural field, vacant lot, etc.) Surface Stones Slope (%) '., Vegetation crass Landform hillside • Latitude: • Longitude: Position on landscape (attach sketch) 3 Distances from: Open Water Body 150 Drainage Way 150 Possible Wet Area 100 Property Line 25 Drinking Water Well 15S Other: feet feet feet 4 Parent Material: Glacial outwash Unsuitable Materials Present: 414 If Yes: Disturbed Soil Impervious Layer(s) Weathered/Fractured Rock Bedrock 5 Groundwater Observed: no If Yes: Depth Weeping from Pit o inches Depth Standing Water in Hole Q inches Estimated Depth to High Groundwater: 28 inches _ (I .) Soil Soil Matrix Redoximorphic(mottles)Features fine sandy Fragment Soil Soil Other (In.) Horizon Color-Moist mottles Cobbles Structure Consistency / Layer Munsell Depth ( Color Percent (USDA) Gravel , & Stones (Moist) A Depth p of exture Coarse 0 - 6 10YR 4/4 loam none 6 28 Bw L10YR 5/4 i loamy sand blocky friable many roots 2 _-_C I - 10YR 6/4 8 78 I �10YR 6/3 28 10 YR 6/1 >5% , silty sand blocky compact many contrasty mottles i I DEP Form 11 Soil Suitability Assessment for On-Site Sewage Disposal•Page 3 of 4 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 61 North Farms Road. Northampton Title 5 Septic System Plan Number 523 1. General a. No work on this system construction shall take place until a permit for the approved system plan has been received from the local Board of Health. A copy of the Disposal Works Construction Permit should be on site for inspection during the time of construction. Additional specifications may be included elsewhere in this design. b. Loading requirements are specified for the septic tank on the system calculations page. Loading requirements for any other component are on the drawing.Normal loading systems are designated H-10. If H-20 rating is specified on the drawing and/or on the page for system calculations, the tank or leaching facility shall be custom built to meet the increased loading requirements using additional rebar, greater wall thickness and/or other approved methods. Follow the manufacturer's rating system and installation procedures. c. Alternatives to these specifications should be discussed with the System Designer in advance at 800 285-4533. 2. Septic Tank a. The septic tank selected by the contractor shall conform with 310 CMR 15 223 The septic tank shall be a minimum effective liquid capacity of 1,500 gallons below the outlet invert, rectangular, and with a minimum length to width ration of 1.5:1. Liquid depth to be 48". Compartmentalized tank is to be used. b. Septic tank shall be installed on a minimum of 6"of crushed stone, leveled to grade and thoroughly compacted. Septic tanks shall have a minimum cover of 9".No structures shall be located directly upon or above the septic tank access locations which interfere with performance, access, inspection, pumping, or repair. c. All three access covers to the septic tank shall have risers at least 20"diameter, if round,tightly fitted to the tank to resist water infiltration,and terminated with a tight fitting cover no more than 6"below ground surface. If, with the agreement of the Owner, one or more of the risers are terminated flush with ground, these shall be secured against unauthorized entry with stainless steel hardware. d. Inlet and outlet tees shall be of Schedule 40 PVC and shall extend a minimum of 6"above the flow line of the septic tank and be on the center line of the septic tank located directly under the clean-out manhole. All fittings to be glued and secured against any movement due to horizontal or vertical impacts. Cross-sectional flow baffles shall not be used as substitutes for inlet or outlet tees. The inlet pipe elevation shall be no less than 2" nor more than 3" above the invert elevation of the outlet pipe. Inlet tee minimum of 10" length below water surface. The outlet shall be provided with a tee extending below the flow line 14"to 18"and be equipped with a gas baffle. There shall be an air space of at least 3"between the tops of the tees and the inside of the tank cover. Inlet tees may be modified or a 6"riser on inlet cover may achieve this spacing. The tops of the tees shall be left open to provide ventilation or separate ventilation shall be provided. e. The effluent tee shall be fitted with a removable plastic outlet filter, as manufactured by Polylok Inc., model PL-120, Zebco, or approved equal. Provide manufacturer's maintenance data,as boxed with the filter, to the homeowner or the System Designer. f. Septic tank should be inspected by the Owner or his representative for solids accumulation annually. When the sum of the sludge and scum layer approach 1/4 the net working volume of the tank(net of 12" Homestead Inc. Page 1 12/18/09 FORM 12- PERCOLATION TEST Location Address or Lot No. 61 North Farms Road Northampton Homestead Inc. #: 523 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Northampton, Massachusetts Percolation Test* Dater 10/79/09 Time:. 12:40 PM _ Observation Hole #1 1 2 3 4 __ Depth of Perc: (in.) 55 {J ('(inches) (Start Pre-soak: 12:40 PM, End Pre-soak: 12:55 PMI 12:55 PM. Time at 92 1:02 PM Time at 6": 1:11 PMT, - ---- ICI Time (9" - 6") -_ 0:09:ooi, Rate - Min./Inch: 1 0:03:00 * Minimum of 1 percolation test must be performed in both the primary area AND reserve area. Site Passes /Site Fails: Passes Performed By: Thomas S. Leue. Homestead Inc. Witnessed By: Aimee Petrosky, Northampton Comments: efila 0 F P DEP APPROVED FORM - 12/07/95 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 61 North Farms Road. Northampton preferred brand of infiltration chamber. If any other brand of chamber is to be used, consult with the System Designer for the size differences between ADS Arc-36, Biodiffuser and Infiltrator Brands. c. All fill materials used on this project within five feet horizontally of chambers to be certified Title 5 sand, including any fill materials under chambers,between chambers and to the level of the top of the chambers. d. Breakout barrier, where required, to be minimum 40 mil thick continuous sheet. Install barrier vertically from bottom of excavation to height of top of leaching system. Seams of membrane material to be overlapped a minimum of 12 inches and glued with sealant as recommended by manufacturer. Material to be hypolon, low density polyethylene, bona-N rubber, EPDM, or approved equal. Backfill in lifts of no more than 6"to assure minimal deformation of membrane. If material is wider than the vertical distance to be covered as shown on the drawing, fold excess material over at the bottom of the trench, or trim with upper edge level at appropriate elevation. 7. Inspection a The contractor shall notify the System Designer, Tom Leue, at 800 285-4533 for System Inspections. Under current code, inspections are required after(1) initial excavation,but before Title 5 sand is added, and (2) after construction of the system, but before final backfill and topsoil are put in place. No installed system component shall be buried greater than I" depth at the time of final inspection. Please give a minimum of 48 hours advance notice for inspections. The system shall be essentially complete at the time of the final inspection,including all components in place,risers and covers installed, electrical components functional, etc. The System Designer shall verify the system was installed as designed and authorize the final !fig b. If the System Designer finds the system is not ready for inspection after being called, or if serious deficiencies are discovered, the System Designer must be notified to return to the job site when it is complete. There will be a charge to the Installer of$50 for each return trip, payable directly to the System Designer at the time of the reinspection. c. Inspection and project closeout forms are usually generated within 24 hours of final inspection by the System Designer, when all other requirements are met. Signed Certificate of Compliance forms and As-built Drawings are sent to the Installer for a signature and date. One set of forms are then returned to the System Designer for final processing. The second set of forms are for the Contractor to keep as his project record. 8. Final Gradine a. At conclusion of work, loam and seed all disturbed areas to perennial grass mixture. Added loam may be required for adequate grass growth. Mulch slopes with hay, burlap or netting to minimize erosion. b. Surface over leaching facility shall be pitched so as to shed rainwater. Also pitch surface over all tanks to shed rainwater from any exposed covers. Do not allow surface water to puddle over any tank or component. c. Systems built late in the year, where the grass cover does not have a chance to establish itself, requires the contractor is to return after spring thaw and resurface final grades and add grass seed cover as required to equalize and stabilize all disturbed areas. Homestead Inc. Page 3 12/18/09 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 61 North Farms Road Northampton total thickness), as measured at the center of the tank, the tank is due for pumping. Septic tanks shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with 310 CMR 15.300 and applicable local requirements. 3. Pump System a. Pump chamber to be 1000 gallon concrete pump chamber. Include one manhole access 24" diameter that terminates at or above ground surface with a steel manhole cover that can be secured. b. Pump to be used is specified in the pump calculation worksheet. c. Alarm system to be installed inside of dwelling unit in an accessible location. Alarm unit to have an audible and visible indicator of water level above the pump on level. Include a shut off or silence mode. Use Tank-Alert or similar level alarm system with both audible and visable high water level warning systems,or approved equal. d. Pump circuit and control circuit to be on separate and dedicated circuit breakers installed by a licensed electrician. 4. Distribution Box a. The distribution box selected by the contractor shall conform with 310 CMR 15.232. Material of construction shall be concrete or plastic lined concrete. A 6" sump is required in the d-box. b. The distribution box shall be placed on thoroughly tamped and compacted sand or peastone a minimum of 6"thickness, and shall be leveled utilizing a water flow test. c. For inlet pipe slopes of 5%or greater, or where there is a pumped flow, the distribution box shall have an internal cast baffle or solvent welded pipe tee to reduce the velocity of the influent flow. An internal pipe "Y"or an elbow are not acceptable. d. The first 2 feet of pipe out of the distribution box to be set dead level. Use a fernco connector to join to pitched pipes beyond first two feet. 5. Piping a. Piping to the septic tank(the building sewer) and the piping from the septic tank to the pump chamber shall be 4"diameter, PVC Schedule 40 or better. Slope new pipe installations at 1/4" per foot length. b. Pressure piping to be 1.5"diameter, 160 psi black poly pipe or 2"diameter PVC Schedule 40 pipe,as called for in the page titled Pump Calculations. Slope pressure pipe back down to the pump chamber at a continuous pitch to facilitate complete drainage after pump shut-off. c. Place magnetic detectable warning tape pre-printed"Sewer Pipe Below"or similar wording approximately 12"above all new piping and other components installed on this project, other than leaching chambers. 6. Leaching Facilities a. General: All leaching facilities to be of the size and location shown on the drawings. All aggregate used in leaching facilities to be of double washed stone. Where the name brand Infiltrator is called for in this specification, other brands of the same dimensions may be substituted for the specified units. b. Leach fields(Infiltration chambers): Arrange infiltration chambers on levelled ground. Parallel rows should be placed a minimum of 6" apart. Add end plates as per manufacturer's assembly directions. Fill spaces between rows with Title 5 sand to the level of the top of the chambers. See Calculation sheet for the Homestead Inc. Page 2 12/18/09 61 North Farms Road, Northampton Pump Selection: from pump curve: Meyers Pumps Approval of equivalent pump requires submittal Orrifice Flow Loss: Net Flow Rate: Run Time: WW-50, 1/2 hp of Manufacturer's pump curve in advance of installation. 5 gallons per minute 8 5 gallons per minute 1.4 minutes Pump Tank Dimensions: 1000 gallon pump Width Height Length Height of Outlet Invert: Gross Working Volume Gross Displacement Volume: Alarm Volume: Pump Elevations: GroundSurface: Tank Surface Below grade: Pump Inlet Invert: Inside Tank Bottom: Alarm Setpoint: Pump On Level: Pump Off Level: Seasonal High Groundwater: Reserve Capacity: Pump Chamber Bouyancy Pump Tank Weight: Surface Area of Tank: Soil Bury Depth: Depth of Tank in Groundwater: Volume Displaced: Weight Displaced: Net Bouncy Calculation: Weight of Concrete: Volume of Counterweight: Thickness of Counterweight: 56 inches 60 inches 90 inches 48 inches 1,052 gallons 1,752 gallons 694 gallons 1 2 inches chamber Minimum Requirements inside measurements inside measurements inside measurements inside measurements 36 inches above bottom 31 inches above bottom 10 inches above bottom 1 6 inches below grade 2.1 days Calculations: 8,765 pounds 39 square feet 12 inches 56 inches 1,367 gallons 11,211 pounds 2,446 pounds lift 150 pound per cubic foot 16.3 cubic feet concrete = 5.0 inches average Elevations 89.0 88.5 87.6 83.6 86.6 86.2 84.4 87.7 16 bags dry redi-mix stacked 1 bags high max. s Homestead Inc. 12/18/09, 61 North Farms Road, Northampton Volume, Alarm and Flotation Calculations Septic Tank Calculations Septic Tank Dimensions: Minimum Requirements Width: 72 inches inside measurements Height: 68 inches inside measurements Length: 144 inches inside measurements Height of Outlet Invert: 46 inches inside measurements Gross Working Volume: 3,052 gallons Gross Displacement Volume: 3,227 gallons Net Working Volume: 2,065 gallons Septic Tank Bouyancy Calculations: Elevations GroundSurface: 8 9.0 Septic Tank Inlet Invert: 88.0 Seasonal High Groundwater: 1 6 inches below grade 87.7 Septic Tank Weight: 22,000 pounds Surface Area of Tank: 78 square feet Soil Bury Depth: 8 inches Depth of Tank in Groundwater: 52 inches Volume Displaced: 2,532 gallons Weight Displaced: 20,761 pounds Net Bouncy Calculation: -1,239 pounds lift Weight of Concrete: 150 pound per cubic foot Volume of Counterweight: 0.0 cubic feet concrete = 0 bags dry redi-mix stacked Thickness of Counterweight: 0.0 inches average 0 bags high max. Pumo Tank Calculations Head Calculations: Force Main Dia: 3 inch dia. Dosing Rate: 4 cycle(s) per day Calculated Design Flow: 330 gallons per day Dosage: 82 gallons per cycle Pipe volume: 39 gallons per cycle Total Pumped Volume: 121 gallons per cycle Fitting Number Head Resistance Fitting Number Head Resistance 90° bends: 2 18 feet unions: 1 2 feet 45° bends: 2 8 feet check valves: 1 15 feet tees: 1 11 feet pressure pipe length: 1 0 5 105 feet Total Head Resistance Length: 159 feet Friction Head (/100'): 3.1 5 feet Static Head: rise: 1 0 feet Total Head: 15 feet Homestead Inc. 12/18/09, SEPTIC TANK ASSEMBLY 3 access covers required. Install sealed risers to within 6" of surface on all 3 covers. r: 1 500 gallon tank;', 10'-6" Tank Requirements: Gas baffle on section outlet. Removable filter on tank outlet. Install on minimum of 6" compacted crushed stone base 5000 psi concrete @ 28 days. Septic Tank to be H-10 loading rated. PUMP TANK ASSEMBLY PVC conduits to building interior alarm panel and separate power circuit. All outside wires in conduit. Moisture resistant junction box & plugs, located outside of risef t to minimize corrosion. '1 Rir v kf ---- Locate junction box on pressure treated wooden 4"x4" post or on adjacent building exterior. Inlet Inlet Invert Elevation: 87.6 Alarm Float Elevation: Pump ON Float Elevation: Pump OFF Float Elevation: Pump chamber to be H-10 loading rated. Secured manhole cover at surface. Elevation: 89.4 24" min. dia riser to 6" above surface Union Water-tight Seal Drill 3/16" bleed hole in pipe Check valve Drill 3/16" bleed hole in pipe ump: see calculation page 4 for size and capacity. 4" Block support. Install on minimum of 6" compacted crushed stone base Outlet Note: Elevations are for a 1000 gallon concrete tank with dimensions of 87" x 72" x 67". Tank dimensions may vary. Profile of Septic System Tank Assemblies Scale: 1/4" : r Owner: Linda Merriam 61 North Farms Road Florence, MA 01062 Thomas S. Leue, R.S. HOMESTEAD INC. Williamsburg, MA 01096 14131 628-4533 / r- , � ' «,,,z \ arNrEU 5� 61 North Farms Road Leaching Chamber tyoe L Structure: S Flow Design Criteria: Calc. Design Flow: Garbage Grinder: Total Design Flow: Percolation Rate: Percolation Rate: Loading Rate: DESIGN CALCULATIONS Northampton each Bed System ingle Family House Not Allowed Measured Design Rate Class II Soil Area required for infiltration: Field Size Reduction for Compost Toilet. Net Field Size: Bed Configuration: Arc 36 made b Model Used: Effective Leaching Area: Length per chamber: Width per chamber: Invert height: Overall height: Leaching area/chamber: # Chambers required: # Chambers provided: # rows wide: space between rows: Total Field Width: # Chambers long: Total Field Length: Total Field Area: Effective Leaching Area: Net Calculated Capacity: Loading: ADS Cor Arc 36 4.8 60 34.5 7.13 13 24.0 18.6 20 2 6 6.25 10 50.00 312.5 480.0 355 H-1 0 Plan Number 523 3 bedrooms 710 gallons per bedroom per day 330 gallons per day 1.0 factor 330 gallons per day 3.0 min. per inch 5 min. per inch 0.74 gallons/sq.ft./day 446 sq. ft. 0% 446 sq. ft. Info Source Owner's information 310 CMR 15.203 multiply above 310 CMR 15.240 multiply above from oerc test 310 CMR 15.105 319 CMR 15 247 divide flow by loading rate 310 CMR 1 5.267(11(a) multiply above sq ft/In ft inches inches inches inches sq. ft. inches feet feet sq. ft. sq. ft. gals/day Homestead Inc. s Manuf. Trade Name DEP technology ratings Manufacturer's size Manufacturer's size Manufacturer's size Manufacturer's size length x leaching area field size divided by leaching area m nt average chambers + spacing m n length of assembly length X width # chambers X rating area X loading rate iudgement 12/18/09 CONSTRICTION NOTES 1 Board of Health approval required be fore licensed contractor installs system.Obtain Disposal Works Permit. 2. Notify engineer at least 24 hours in advance of completion of excavation and before addition of sand to certify site preparation. Z FND Z 3. Notify engineer at least 24 hours in advance of completion of system construction and poor to backfill for final inspection. .3 N y 4. All construction to be in accordance with Title 5 of the State Environmental Code. -I 5. At conclusion of work,loam and seed all disturbed areas to perennial grass mixture.Added loam may be required for adequate grass growth. D n D 6. Contractor responsible for verifying all dimensions,elevations and condit ions.Contact engineer immediately if discrepancies are found. g 2 --7; Property Ines are approximate,based on best available'iformation. 8. Any required tree cutting is the responsibility of the Contractor. -4 a 9. See attached Specifications for additional requirements. m 0 10. System not designed for a garbage grinder.Do not connect one to the system. 11 All drain pipes from gre nNater and backwater sources are to be connected to the building sewer in the basement if possible. im y CO 12. All wells within 150'of system are shown on the drawing. n n -- - 9 gmti °surface SYSTEM PROFILE to rover membrane CO p \ \ 51 side slope 0 d IG Not to Scale v' _- \--_._--._ L O u -- _ i. 'Infiltration Chambers= - � y 5 _= Pump Tide s sand under. sEPI1C TANK _- 6°washed stone under tanks Fbla length - - Inv &EIey: -n-n s r- moo) (an)) u U u Bldg.out 88.4 Septic in 88.0 Septic out 87J Pump in 87] DBox In: 97.9 Out; 97.6 Inlet Inv. 97.5 Excavate 93.7 Field Base 96] Surface 98.5 SHGW Sep. 3 ft. Gndwater 93.7 Contour 96.4 Field lenq h(ft.): 60.D Breakout Membrane: Top: 98.3 Base: 96.7 SHGWD 32 In. Sewer [House to Septic Tank: 28 ft. Septic Tan to Pump: 5 fC[Pump to I let: 92 ft. Infiltration Chamber Leachfield Design based on Arc 36 Brand c amber by ADS Corp.Contact System Designer for field sizing i other brand s to be used for his project.Use Toe 5 sand for all fill requirements under units, minimum of 6"between rows of units,and within 5 feet surrounding units. LEGEND 71 Pere Test location&p =b Deep Hole locabnn&it Original contour - Revised contour indicates per pipe indicates solid ppe 8 Well Iocabon PL=Property tine C.mldlllalbr. IOW galon concrete pump chamber m6inu 1).System Designer mpS traSi f}Mwnithq That the sewage disposal system wee installed In accordance with the approved plans and Title S. 2).If this is•system ,p6 Title 3 AS the System m�con'- duct a � inspection of the excavated areapior to theplalcmeat io o a of Me fill I -7 3).No changes can be made during amtruetloo by to Installer without prior approval by both the System Designer and the Board ofMsm W¢a sae and 4).Other rwditians: abandon in place. New 1500 gallon Title 5 septic tank.Compartmentalized. Arc-36:10 x 2 units.60.0 ft long x 6.25 ft.wide. Variances Applied For: 3 foot separation to groundwater. 310 CMR 15.405(h) w W 91 / j / l j / / j / j I / 1 / / / j j / / / / / Cut and patch blacktop to original surface: • Y ss 96 Garage I / schedule 4U pressure piper Slope NCk b tank. / Remove stumps V 7 7 ,-I i 4 / 190 /9S I T6M'nab tie EW ie Va Wch tree.: M0 . I1 qb I 1'On I I I I ■ • I n 1 101 Inspection Pomsae oeteu_ 1 I r M.1 r NORTH Area:2.0 acres Inspection Port Detail `^ e surface. g `�� rryyArar terminate t t surface. I lz bury depth 4 bar! inserted to eSe a with h chambers->r screw. 3 House Outline porch 40 ma poly weak° Town water in a. Driveway Pro p.Boundary 239 n. f Plan to Repair Septic System ---- - Scale:1.20 Except as Noted D te: 12/16/08 - - -- - Revision Date: von m9 /0 Owner: Linda Merriam 61 North Farms Ro Florence, MA 01062 i. v w HOMESTEAD INC Thomas S.Late R.S. 1664 Cape S. w6 Lamsb s MA 01056 14/31628453 . . .. -. F Rae Revision 1:benchmark added.Re ision 2:d-box eleva ons. NORTH stumps. It Area 2.0 acres • I Arc-36: 10 x 2 units. 60.0 ft long x 6.25 ft. wide. Schedule 40 pressure pipe. frP— . —...F— 1-- Slope back to tank. 1000 gallon concrete pump chamber. Garage L I ocate alarm panel in basement. I A H I i 198 TDM: nail on I I 16" birch tree. _. E. G I I I 2 Elevation:0000' / �_ II I98 , j( __ ._ ' I • 1k New 1500 gallon The 5 septic _ - - - �0 0 0 g8 i I 8P tank. Compartmentalized. _ D --Ci 5 ' I 3 bedroom House Outline I ou A.. B.. "G" „, III 0 "C” 16 1/2 ft. 29 1/2 ft. I I I °1 "D" 201/2 ft. _ 371/2 ft. i I I I I• -`bob "E" 1 2 3/4 ft. 32 3/4 ft. I 16 1 4' o "F" 33 ft. 63 3/4 ft. porch - cc , I ■._ _ I 40 mil poly breakout barrier, 3 sides.___ ll o I a 10' --f Driveway j Town water in Inspection Port: see Detail. Closeout Notes: 1. Septic tank is equipped with an outlet filter. This is a maintenance item. Filter must be cleaned whenever septic tank is pumped, or every 3 years, whichever is sooner. Failure to maintain filter may lead to system failure. 2. Recommend pumping septic tank on a 3 to 5 year scheduler-depending on house occupancy. 3. A copy of this document attached in the basement/utility area will keep this information available in future years for maintenance. Date: Owner: ��� yo\ HOMESTEAD INC. As-Built Drawing 12./18/09 Linda Merriam ( > nloanss o Thomas S. Leue R.S. Existing Septic System l9a LEUE 61 North Farms RD. a nz A 1664 Cape M. Scale: 1 : 20' Revision Date: r' -a Williamsburg, MA 0109e 4/6/2010 Florence, MA 01062 4 Fftro li0' [4131628- 33 ` Except as Noted FORM 3A - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE No. Fee COlvt'IvtO?efWnA.Lq-7-00F 4btASSAC7-C'Jsl 'f'r' Board of Health, Northampton, MA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Description of Work: ( X ) Complete System ( ) Individual Components The undersigned hereby certify that the Sewage Disposal System: upgrade by: Riverdrive Excavating at: 61 North Farms Road, Northampton Homestead Inc. Project #: 523 has been installed in accordance with the provisions of 310 CMR 15.00 (Title 5) and the approved design plans/as built plans relating to application No. dated 12/18/09 Approved Design Flow 330 (gpd). Date of sub-grade inspection: 1/27/09 Installer Riverdrive T. Excavating t1t` Date: y - 6 Designer: ': 6• � - 7.> �;. Date: 4/6/10 Thomas Inspector: Local A.. .vi . Authority Northampton :oard of Health Date: V1/4://yei This certification represents no warranty, expressed or implied as to the functioning or longevity of the onsite subsurface disposal system. Rather, the plan and installation are in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations in effect at the time of plan submittal. cc: Linda Merriam, 61 N. Farms Rd., Florence, MA 01062 DEP APPROVED FORM 5/96